5 minute read


November 200 I

J joined the SUS on November 01. 2001. The first 8 • l 0 days were spent in the "ori• enlation" process, meeting both the Executive and full Student Council, reading volumes of background materials, meeting UCPV staff, and basically finding out who to see about various issues. This was coupled with many, many meetings. From there on to specifics: '


I. UCFV Affinity Card Program.

After discussions with SUS Council and Bob Warick, we have reached an agreement where the SUS will earn revenues based on the number of UCFV students who sign on for the program. Slated to begin in Feb./ 2002 the SUS will earn $35.00 for each approval provided Ihat thc account remains open for al least 90 days and there has been a purchase within that time period.

2. SUS News letter.

Brought forth the concept of a regular SUS newsletter to be distributed to the sIudent body. The purpose of the newsletter is for the dissemination of factual information, achievements and successesof the SUS, and information on current projects underway. The newsletter is a imple method of corn• rnunicating with the students whom Council represents without any political undercurrents as the Council was elected to take actions for the overall benefit of the students. H is my personal opinion that such a medium of information was extremely necessary given the current political climaie that Council faces regarding the "paid executive" issue in that students are asking for information <>nthe things Council docs and is working towards. Jose has done an excel• lent job on the first issue!

3. Student Activity Center

During the month of November, I attended a multitude of meetings regarJing the new SAC and the new Student Lounge. Topics covered included flooring, the fitness center, construction issues, decor, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, internet service, food kiosk operation, fax service, movie nights, live entertainment, sports, games, services, and programming, along with BUDGETS. In an attempt to obtain as much feedback as possible from students, a survey form has been circulated see~ing feedback on issues like type of food offerings and the possibility of a licensed pub on campus. Early indi• cations are thal students definiIely want to sec an on-campus pub, and food offerings related to a great sub sandwich and /or pizza offering. Given the size and budget restraints, every effort will bc made 10 "satisfy those crnvings".

4. ATM & Enterluinment Gaming.

1 have held several mecIings with various suppliers of ATM and gaming equipmenL

We are proposing an ATM for the new Student Lounge, one for the area next w the Roadrunner Cafc, and currently in discussions aboul replacing the ATM next to the cafeteria. What I am attempting to arrange is an agreement where the SUS will collect rcvenues from each ATM transaction while keeping the transaction price fair and affordable to both students and facult,y / staff. I have met with Bob Warick and Daryl Conner of UCFV and hope to bring forth to Council shortly a proposal that would be acceptable to Council, students, and the UCFV with funds nowing to the SUS enabling the SUS to expand services offered to students.

Regarding gaming, 1 am negotiating a rev• enue-sharing agreement when: the SUS would carn revenues generated from entertainment games but with no direct cost to the SUS.

5. Chilliwack Campus l have asked the UCFV to install a feminine hygiene dispenser in Ihe sludent lounge ladies washroom, which h.is since been ordered by "facilities".

There have been several issues to deal with at the East campu with the most notable being the loss of free parking on the gravel arearlcXt H) the campus. We have met with representativesof the r,ropcrty owners and l have prepared a proposal thut will hopefully satisfy their concerns. II would involve issuing s1ucJentparking passesprovided students agree to abide by the simple rules altaehed. Hopefully this will be accepted shortly. Regarding the Chilliwack ~tudent lounge, l hope to have a vending operator supply entertainment games [ pool, etc] by January, provided all sits well with the UCFV. In addition, 1 will ask Council for fu11dingto replace the broken furnishings in the lounge and add a much neededcomputer to the student office. Al Ihe same time, I will seek funds for adding a bit of "aunos• pherc" to the swdents lounge as It should be a place where they can relax and enjoy.

6. Mission Campus.

I wok an opportuni1y 10 visit the Mission campus and am currcntly working on the installation of a change machine in the vending area. No promises .just yel.

7. Zoom Media.

I met with a representative of Zoom Media to get an understanding of their program where they install advertising boards 011 campus and pay the SUS a foe for doing so.

I have spoken to Bob Warick at the UCFV to seek info / guidance in this mauer and have been told that the SUS should submit a request to the BOG. Ar.klitionally, I am cont.icting other universities for feedback with regards to having advertising boards on campus, both from a business aspect. and from a student prospective.

R.Rock.it Doy Entertainment.

I met with the owner to discuss posters on campus, future shows und events at the ncw SAC, and gaining "comp" tickets to be used us giveaways for sIude11ts.So far, so good.

9. Stuclcnt Discount.

We arc in the beginning stages of developing a data base for students where they are offcrcd student discounls for displaying their Student ID cards w local merchants. Duke ·s Pub has already come on board beginning in fonunry by offering a 1()% student discount on Tuesday and Sunday nights, ulong with other speciuls lo follow. T will add to our list and hopefully we can make info available IO students in our newsletters and on our website.

I 0. 9th Avenue Clothing.

T held an initial meeting with 9th Avenue Clothing regarding the possibility of un SUS line of funky clothing for students.

11. Accountability.

I have been involved in several meetings with members of the Executive with the intention of creating greater transparency and nccounIability to the student body. We have since implemented several ideas regarding hours worked and standard businesscontrols.

Dave Melenchuk General Manager UCFV Student Union Society 604-864-4613



Tansi Brothers and Sisters. First off I woultl like to thank everyone for me in the elections. lL is with great honour and respect that fill this position of Native Nations Commissioner for the UCFV campuses. I will try 10 keep the student body informed and up to date of as many native issues as possible. I hope you enjoy my publications and that they are a help to you nil. If there is anyone in the student body or etherise that has information that they think is helpful or informative then please contact me at The Aboriginal Resources Centre (ARC) DI 36 Chilliwack Campus or e-mail me nt home.

Sandy Tait staff memher nf the ARC wrote

The Aboriginal Resource Centre, named S'olh Shxwlcli (l-lak(emeylem for "Our Pluce"') wus opened on November 8. 2000. with a traditional Sto:lo ceremony, marking the first time this tratlition was witnessed on c.impu~. Leadership was validated with the blunketing of six individuals, four from the aboriginal communities and two from UCFY. Eight witnesses were called, whose responsibility is two-fold: to take messages about the opening and intention of S'olh Shxwleli tu their families and communilit·s, anti to pruvitlc support and guidance to those charged with the activities of the cenlre.


* * * hottomless coffee pot peer helpers tutoring cultural workshops cltler•i n-rcsidence reference library resource materials scholurship & bursary informotion


Montlay-Wcdnesday I 0am-2pm Thursday I 0am-5pm Friday l 0am-1 pm

For more information ab()ut the J\RC call Saridy Ttiit or Wendy Bunon. Or call 604 702 2615


The Sw:lo people have livetl here in the Frnser Valley. and have been datetl hack thousands of years. The language spoken

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