1 minute read
By Desiree Mayhew
With both the men's unc..lwomen's basketball teams boasting the best records in the province. it come), as no surprise that the Cascade men anc..lwomen :.it in first place in their league. Whal is shocking is the plucc111<:ntof' the teams in nu1ionul rnnkings: Both the men and the women are in scco11c..l place. In the whole orCanad.i. (here is nnly one team better .than each of our teams. That's impressive fora li11lc school in a big country. Now, with league play over until January, the Cascades have a chance to sit back. take a look at what they've accon,plished. and sel goals for the second hnll' of the season. How will they do? We're hoping that both teams go ull the way to the Nationals and bring back mcc..lals. Why do we say this'! Because UCFV has hand• picked some of the best players 10come out of' BC high school's anc..lcombined together with awarc..lwinning waches to put together the strongest teams that the province has seen in years. Way tcl go Cascuc..les!
Well. with the semester over, it's make or hreuk for the athletes. '.l'he rule is, if you dnn't puss 9 credits. you don't play. And it's happened in the past that some of the players were unable to play thc sccond half of the scason due to marks, so w1='II have to wait anc..lsec what harpens to the roster in the new year. What can be tolc..lis two new additions to the team: National MVP and
Tournument All-Star Wayne Jones will be returning to the Cascades when.: he will rejoin with forn1er teamrnates Aaron Wells, Mike McLavcrty, anc..lAnthony Toth. As well. Mike Lee will be returning tO the roster uftcr sitting for half a year due to grades. Welcome bal:k boys!
Women: November 16th @ Kwantlcn 6655 Win
17th@ Douglas 91-38 Win
November 23rd vs. UC Cariboo 84-76 Win
24th vs. UNBC 80-40 Win
Women's Record: 6-1 with 11 games remaining
Men: November 16th@ Kwantlen 91-81 Win
17th @ Douglas 88- 76 Win
November 23rd vs. U '
Cari boo 84- 76 Win
24th vs. UNBC 95-68 Win
Men's Record: 7-0 with 11 games remaining