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-By Shannon Loewen

ll's finally corne. After all the hype, all lhe preJi<.:tions,all lhe untieiputinn hy millions ol' cugcr funs, Hurry Pottt.:run<.lhis umigos huve llown in, und it appears they're going lo swy awhile. So thi~ Casc,1Jewriter has forayed into the heart nf Potter Madness, and endured hoards nf screaming kids (and parents) to bring you this ilCC()Unt.So with• nut further ado herc's the i;ooJ, the bud, untl the bizarre of Harry Pottcr.


The (iootJ:

When I saw the visual effects of this movie, I was thinking, "t-foly crup! What were these artists smoking. and where can I get some?!" ll is simply that astounding. Live m:tion anu computer wi:1,,irc.Jrywas blended together in such u way that the visual effects didn't hccon1e the llick itself. yet enhuncetl thc swryline beyond what other fllmrnakers have tried to <Jo - into pure art. Some scenes not Lo miss are the Ouidditch fllatch, the journey ucross the lake to Hog warts, the Dark Forrest unJ when we finally tinJ out what's under Professor Quirrell's turban (I've decided nut lo spoil it for those who haven't seen the movie or read the book)

.Other ways the rnnvic shines are its usLounding musical .~core.how it stuyk true to the book despite some tfeletion., and its ENTIRELY British cast (which is absolutely phenomenal). Ve1ernnm;tors Richard Harris. Alan Rickman ,rnd Mui;gie Smith give stirring performances as Dumbl~dore uncJ Professors Snape umJ McGonagall. But the real stars of the show are Dunid Radcliff, Emma Watson, und Rupert Grint as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronultf Weasley. respectively. Grint in particular pullctf off his character well with the right touch of gusto and energy and delivered his quips with such bluse, one at least cun't help chuckling. Emma gave that bossy yet insecure manner to her character like Hermione in the books. Daniel. though, truly shines the most, especially in the Mirror of l\rised scene,

The Bad; Anybody who's read the book will notice this immediate-

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