1 minute read


by Nouh Arney

If you've read the hype about Harry poller, don't believe it. It's not the books made flesh. But, ii is good. Those of you who arc still children ot heart will love this movic, bunging on it's every word. 8ut if you arc expecting the best movie of all tirru.:, you will be disappointed.


My Jirsl impression on leaving the theatcr was "that was tllo short", I then looked at my watch und realized that the movie was over two-and-a-half-hours long. This may be because I was hoping for more from the book (the dragon growini; up, for exu,nplc) but I suppose that people wouldn't want to go to a movie that was four hours long.

The movie its sclr was wonderful. From Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) dropping off Harry al his aunt's house to Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) confronting his ern.:myat the end, it is .is thoroughtly emersing as the book was. The only problem I can see is the lack of the subtle humor that prevnils in the book. But this can be explained by the focts thnt humur like that is imposiblc to translate to the screen. All in all. n must sec

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