1 minute read


And Gettingmoreso Everyissue

by Andrew Clurk


This week's pen review is on a brass colorcd pen with an ulluchcd pcnh11lder.The penholder is a11achcdttl the pcn wi1h steel wire rope, which is supposed Ill prevent tl,e thel't ol' this pen. However, when l came across this pen it wus nut uttuclwd t11anything but it:.l'lf. I personally believe th:n if you take the time tu think of how you cun prevent pen theft and your going 10 buy a pen like this, you should think ubout these things. Try sticking it to a desk with the adhesive pad on the base ol' the st.1nd,ull lhesc pens come wilh one, it is a key fcuturc in the design of the pen.

ly: a lot of the scenes from the book have been cut out or changed from what they used 10 be. It's understandable that must of the scenes that L'rn talking about had to be chopped out tu cul down the time that the rnovie takes (2 hours, 50 minutes per view• ing). But some of the scenes important to the book anti future plotlines are gone (the Christmas scene with the Wcaslcy's, the train scene, Dumbledore explaining to Harry why Snape wanted to save Harry's life). Some adults at the theater complained that the movie was slightly too long for their tastes, yet I heard no complaints from any kids. Something that can keep kids and adults alike silent and motionless for roughly three hours cnn't be all bad.

The Bizarre: f-or some reason two minor characters were axed from the movie: Piers Ponkiss and Peeves the Poltergeist. Piers was no great Joss but Peeves, though annoying, was a hu()t. Perhaps they were trying to avoid a character that many might perceive as the next JarJar Binks. Also Harry's owl Hedwig was not named in the entire movie, and Fang, Ht1grid's dog (no, no, not the giant three headed one) wasn't named until Malfoy (Tom Felton) suid he wanted him in the movie.

In all, it isn't a substitute for the book, but il's still a good movie and for parents, a guaranteed way for your kids to sit still and silently for three hours. This Cascade reporter gives it 4 slurs out of 5.

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