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by Beth Kelleher

I wns recently idly glancing al the magazine racks while standing in the check out line al that great mecca of merchandise and immense symbol of North American con• sumerism, Wal-marl, when a Reader's Digest special publication caught my eye. The title, "Arc Lhi: End Time~ Near? Biblical Prophecies You Can't Ignore!'' seemed It> leap off the page al me, inspiring rne, 10 not only to buy a cupy, but in the .~pirit nf curiosity und predictions (as we all lend to indulge in as the New Year approaches as well as in light of recent global catastrophes,) to examine the question fur myself'.


Why bother? You might ask. Many would agree with you. Evidently, we live in the "carpc diem" era where spirituality formerly al the core of societal existence is now shoved aside to eagerly pursue advancement and great gain. It i • the 'here and now' that seems Lo matter in our era, however I would suggest that the "here and now" is so fleeting, thnl it can never be fully appreciated as anything other that past or future.

Even our modern society's desire for advancernem seems to point towards questions and thoughts of the future. A candid look around confirms the suspicion lhal, in general, humnn beings arc fnr more concerned with the horrifying and declining condition or our world than most would cure to adrnil. 111fact, even Hollywood has clcvclopcd a fascination with end times theory as evidenced by countless movics, TV programmes, books, and video games eluding to eschatological such as "Deep Impact," and "Armageddon" as well as the popular "Len Behind" novel series, by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye But how rclcvanl are these theories today? Is there really something to them?

I found that theories of eschatology (the long, theological word for 'end-times theories') are foundational to Judeo-Christian beliefs. The Bible is full of prophecy, which both "tells forth" and "forc-tclls" God. According to many theologians, the End Times are not even really the end of time, but rather the end of lime as we know it. John, a disciple of Jesus Christ, wrote the Book of Revelation, from which much of Christian Eschatology originates, refers lu the End Times as the final Hcting out of redemption between humans and God.

Revelation presents the prospect for earth and humanity in the end times. Jt also speaks of Armageddon, the opening of heaven, defeat of Satan, the Rapture of the Church, a Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ for final judgement, wrath, redemption and a reign of peace.

Central to the Book of Revelation in lhi: number seven. The first three ch<1pIcrscontain letters of advice, warning and encouragement lo seven churches, each of which has a problem or issue that have been variously interpreted to correspond to the seven ages of the modern church. Revelation also mentions the seven ages of the earth, from its creation to end, of which we're said to be nearing the end of the sixth age,just prior to the prophesied Great Seven-year Tribulation preceding a millennium of peace. The sixth Chapter of Revelation describes seven seals opened by God, describing the unfolding of the final events on earth.

Much of Scriptural prophecy points to the end times arid much controversy surrounds the various eschatological views. Reading through the book myself, however, I distilcd a list of fore-telling prophecy mentioned:

Christ will return from heaven to judge the good and the wicked. No one will escape his judgement. (Revelation I :7)

God will unlock the gates of hell and death (I: 14-18)

Christ will break open Seven Seals and unleash the tribulation that marks the beginning of the end. (5: 1-5)

First Six Sealsare opened releasing the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Torment of the Tribulation and the beginning of Ar'mageddon. ( 1-17)

One hundred and forty four from lhe 12 tribes of Israel will be converted and named upon the saints. Eternal bliss and peace is promised to the faithful after the Tribulation (7:1-17)

The opening of the seventh seals will mark the beginning of the second half of the Great Tribulation and Great Catastrophes are prophesied. (8: 1-12)

A fifth trumpet sounds and the demons from hell will be released tu lonnent those whose l'ailh did not provide them with an escape frorn tribulation horrors. (9: 1-6)

Angels of death will cause havoc among the faithless. (9: 13-20)

The 7lh trumpet will sound, signifying the end of the earth. I 0:5-7)

Two witnesses will testify regarding the terrors that will befall unredeemed humanity.

An earthquake will accompany the final battle of /\rrnageddon ( 11;3-13)

Satan's power will overwhelm the world, but the righteous remain faithful and arc rewarded with eternal life. (12:7-12).

Empowered by Satan, the Antichrist will lure people into his loyalty by performing wondrous clei.:ds.Those who have rejected God submit wilfully to him. ( 13:1-8)

The Antichrist's follower will where the 666 as a sign of their loyalty to their side. (13:11-18)

Christ will lead an army to vanquish the forces darkness once and for all. Satan and his followers will be banished to hell to remain for at least a thousand years during Christ's reign of peace. ( 19:7-21 and 20: I· 3)

The dead in Christ shall raise first and the rest of believers will be united with Christ

(this is the idea of the "Rapture'' of Christians from earth. The Rapture is the basis of the Ldt Behind Series). (20:26) Though, few doubt of it's impending occurrence, there is much uncer• lainty as to its timing)

Satan, the Antichrist, and the faithless will be eternally condemned to hell, portrayed ns a fiery lake forever. (20:7-10)

God will conduct final judgement from a magnificent white throne in Heaven from which He's welcome believers into heaven and condemn the faithless to Hell. (20: 1115)

Sin and suffering will be obliterated in God's new heaven and new earth. (21: 1-4)

God will give paradise, the new heaven and new earth, to believers. (21 :5-9)

God will restore the availability of eternity, and thus the potential of a right relationship between God and humanity, to mankind.

(22: 1-5)

Obviously, most of what I've said is based on an underlying acceptance of the Bible as the True inspired word of God. If that is what you believe, you may have already known much of whal l written. However, if it is not. may I suggest to you an open· minded consideration of these Biblical prophecies that even Reader's Digest has recently deemetl to in ignorable.. I encourage you. whether you are a believer or not, to look around you carefully; the Signs or the Coming End" arc likely closer that you think.

Signs of the Times: What is our World Coming to?

I. The Political Sign: More people killed in wars thi century than in all prior centuries combined.

2. The Natural Sign: famine, plagues, etc.

3. The Social Sign: the need for social programs.

4. The Religious Sign: global missions increased I0-fold

5. The Geological Sign: The frequency of earthquakes

6. The Intellectual Sign: internet

7. The Demonic Sign: Harry Pouer turns the occult into children's entertainment!

8. Thi.: Economic Sign: Bill G<1tcsand other billillnaircs

9. The Unity or lsruel Sign: 1948

10. The Evangeli. tic Sign: global mission to the' I0X40 window

And so: a week, much thought, and 1361 words after I originally picked up the Reader\ Digest in Walmarl, I realize I have merely presentedone of a thousand answers to the ''What is our world coming 10?'' qucs• tion that ha~ been ut the forefront of minds around the world and from ev~ry walk for life. However, I was not attempting lo write a religious over-view on the subject, nor was I attempting to give you an answer, but purely trying lo stimlllate you to think abo111 it for yourself, while sllggesting a possible future for the "here and now'' generation. Obviously, there are dozens of different interpretations of end limes prophecy even within Christianity alone, and there are many other religions and world views with cschatological perspectives. 1 challenge you, as 1 challenged myself, to discover for yourself "what your world is coming to?

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