Some Thoughts on Time Travel

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SOME THOUGHTS ON TIME TRAVEL Stuart advises you on handling time travel at the gaming table


hether it’s through high magic, high technology or some arcane combination of the two, Time Travel is something that can be encountered in many game settings. This article will consider some of the possible risks - and benefits - that can occur when featuring Time Travel in a role-playing campaign. If you are a GM considering the inclusion of Time Travel in your campaign, I recommend you make some basic decisions first, such as:

Why are you including Time Travel in your campaign?

• Is it to allow the party to achieve a particular goal or fulfill a plot point? • Is it to give the players an expanded understanding of the setting/back-story? • Is it to deepen or add drama to character motivations and interactions? • Is it because a player tells you the rulebook says they can? • Is it just for fun?

What is the Time Travel model operating in your setting?

• An immutable timeline any attempt to alter history,

• • • •

instead fulfils it? A single, mutable timeline, history and the future can be changed? A fixed, singular past, but multiple futures, branching out? Time Travel actually involves moving into parallel universes? Forward Time Travel only, the PCs skipping through time?

What is the means by which Time Travel is possible in your campaign? • Is it a power usable by one or more PCs? • Is it a limited use spell or device, such as a scroll or portal? • Is it a natural or magical phenomenon, such a rift in time? • Are the party sent or brought by another, who can Time Travel? • Is it a freak, once off incident?

How does Time Travel work in play?

• What limitations, drawbacks or hazards, if any, are there to the use of Time Travel? • How often/freely can the PCs access the ability? • Who has access to Time THE GAZEBO 12 days of Christmas

Stuart Keaney Stuart has been role-playing since the mid 1980s, when he still had some hair. In that time he has been Games Master and Player, across a wide variety of systems and genres, both published and home-made. He will always have more campaigns planned than he will have the chance to run…

Travel (the PCs only, certain NPCs, everyone?)

How will Time Travel Paradoxes be dealt with?

• Does the past change, and only the party remembers the original timeline?

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