The Podium - Spring 1980

Page 16

(Editor's Note: The following article and letter appeared in the December 1949 PODIUM. Throughout the history of Tau Beta Sigma, National Officers have relied upon membership feedback. As an active member in today' s organization, you have this same privilege to communicate with National Officers.)

The Third National Convention of Tau Beta Sigma will long be remembered by every delegate present as the most outstanding meeting, so far, in the history of the sorority . .The Gamma Chapter of the University of Colorado, the host chapter, had made every preparation possible to give the delegates a hearty welcome when the convention opened on Friday, August

19, 1949.


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The first meeting of Tau Beta Sigma was held as a joint meeting with Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity in the ballroom of the Student Union Building. Each delegate had been furnished with her chapter's name on a large card with a handle, which made it possible to hold the card high. Grand President Mitchell of Kappa Kappa Psi, introduced Miss Suzanne Wetmore, National Officers and Delegates. The business sessions started Saturday, and were directed by the National President, Miss Wetmore (Gamma) . The following national officers were present: Dorothy Allen Nichols (Delta ), National First Vice-President; Frances E. Martin (Alpha), National Second Vice-President; Frances Brockman (Epsilon), National Treasurer. Out of the sixteen active chapters of Tau Beta Sigma, eleven had one or more delegates attending the convention.

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