Purdue University West Lafayette, IN
by Bob Pownall and Kathy Greer
Weekend At
A weekend is a weekend is a weekend - right) Wrong! Not when that weekend happens to be October 12 through 14, 1979. Well, at least not for the brothers of Gamma Pi and the sisters of Beta Sigma. Why was that weekend so special? Because our chapters decided to tackle two major band activities during that time! The first event was Band Parent's Day. Even though this function has almost become a tradition with our chapters, it still required a lot of preparation. The brothers were kept busy making a sheet sign to welcome the visiting Illinois band and (with the help of some of the sisters) making drill numbers for the band parents to wear (signifying their son or daughter's place in the marching block) . Both chapters contributed in arranging for displays from the various band offices, as well as chapter displays. We also had a slide show of the history of the band and films of old half-time shows for the parents to watch. When the parents arrived, they were registered, given their drill numbers, entertained, fed lunch and
given the chance to purchase Purdue Band buttons or souvenir pictures of themselves with Purdue's Big Bass Drum. Saturday then ended with a mixer with the Illinois band. Sunday morning started bright and early as the brothers and sisters ambitiously undertook stadium clean-up our major money making project. After finishing that chore, we all went home to gather our forces for an event we were all looking forward to - Oktoberfest! For this all band activity, the combined chapters grilled hot dogs and bratwurst, mixed up German potato salad, and served up pretzels, sauerkraut, and apple cider. Various brothers and sisters took up their horns and provided entertainment in the form of a German brass band. In the midst of all the polkas appeared our assistant band director Bill Kisinger and after a few dances with his wife, Sharon - he picked up a baritone and joined the band! And so the weekend finally came to a close as the brothers and sisters walked home, patting themselves on the back for a job well done.