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LGU Peña logs spike in municipality’s inflation rate in October


month of October, citing an increase in the prices of basic commodities.

PNHS welcomes ISAP students, Guidance Counselor for AntiBullying Symposium; aims to reduce bullying cases in schools

Aiming to reduce bullying cases inside the school premises, Peñablanca National High School welcomed students and personnel of İnternational School of Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) as speakers during the Anti-Bullying Symposium held at the Senior High School building last February 3, 2023.


2,220 TOTAL

Number of enrollees continues to rise for S.Y. ‘22-’23

It was noticed that there was an increase in the number of enrollees for the school year 2022-2023 which has a total of 2,220 compared to that of last year’s which has a total of 2,163. After its decrease due to the menace of CoViD-19 in 2020-2021, PNHS experienced growth in its student population yet at the same time still prioritizing its clients’ safety.

The LGU added that there is a progression of inflation increase and that October’s hike is significantly higher than the 5.7% recorded last September.

October’s inflation rate has also been logged as the highest the municipality has recorded since August 2021.

Peñablanca is one of the municipalities highly affected by the inflation as Cagayan province has the highest inflation rate among all the five provinces with a 7.4% local increase in the region.

All barangays in the municipality have observed significant climbs in their local inflation rates from sari-sari stores to public marketplaces.



According to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), there is an increase in the rate to the continuous climb of food prices along with those of nonalcoholic beverages.

Other commodities that have also bloated in price are tobacco, alcoholic beverages, personal care services, health and recreation, sports and culture, furnishing, among others. A slower growth index has also been noted for water, electricity, gas, fuel, transport, footwear, housing and clothes.

Meanwhile, the LGU officials said that they are still thinking of ways to cope with the inflation. However, it will still be affected by the national’s inflation rate as it is expected to move higher and faster for the next months.

School conducts full face-to-face classes after 2 years of hiatus

To deliver a higher quality of education, Peñablanca National High School welcomed students for the first full face-to-face classes since the pandemic last November 2, 2022.

The PNHS had successfully conducted the traditional mode of education after more than 2 years of hiatus in accordance to DepEd Order No. 34, Series of 2022 which states all public and private schools in the country shall transition to five-day face-to-face classes by November 2, 2022.

The staff of PNHS, in coordination with the Local Government Unit of Peñablanca, the police officers, teachers and security guards guided students as they step back to the campus.

As the first day of full Faceto- face classes marks, more than 1500 students attended classes

and health protocols were strictly observed, amidst the rainy season.

From selected 20 students per batch, the school able to accommodate the maximum number of students per class with enough facilities and classes went smoothly all day long.

Same as that day, was the start of the 2nd Quarter and it shall be conducted till the last day of the school year.

This transition from

Peñablanca Police Station launches ‘Itatawid Kita Para Safe Ka’ project; ensures safety for Peñablancaños

Peñablanca Police Station launched the “ITATAWID KITA PARA SAFE KA” project on March 3, 2023, aiming to promote public safety and strengthen community relations. The initiative educates citizens on safety measures and provides necessary skills to protect themselves from road accidents and harm.

The program also aims to establish a closer relationship between law enforcement and the community by educating citizens on safety measures and providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect themselves from potential danger.

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Students perform Galaw Pilipinas choreography; encourages development of active, healthy lifestyle for PNHSians

To promote an active lifestyle for Filipinos especially to the students, Peñablanca National High School students danced Galaw Pilipinas held at PNHS quadrangle last December 14, 2022 following the DepEd Order No. 060 s. 2021.

PNHS Herald of verity and liberty... The Official Publication of Peñablanca National High School Volume 42. Issue 1 August 2022- March 2023 The
“ItatawId kIta,
BURDEN.Teresita Agbulug, 42, a resident of Cataggaman, Tuguegarao City, a vendor at the new public market of Peñablanca was affected by the high rate of inflation caused by the new change of location of the new public market. Photo by Lizelle Jhade Dumallag
S.Y. 2022-2023
Imagine yourself in a cage trying to suffocate you with the deafening silence of harmony it gives while having the serene feeling of the scenery you witness. This is what this town is exerting, a town caged by beautiful creations protecting it from harm. Rona Mae Bangayan Peñablanca Local Goverment Unit (LGU) bared that the inflation rate of the municipality has spiked to 7.2% in the
features ALLURING ENCLOSURE FOLLOW TO PAGE 17 continue to page 2...
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by Rona Mae Bangayan
by Francis Kyle Tamayao by Czarina Shane Tamon RESUMING AFTER A HALT. Vivian A. Tungpala, 13, of Nanguillattan and a Grade 7 student, is ready for the face-to-face classes for the school year 2022-2023. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon
hybrid learning to full face-to-face classes aims to cope with the learning gap brought by the pandemic.

The symposium was participated by 163 senior high school classroom officers and 4th year criminology students of ISAP, cooperating in order to disseminate information regarding bullying.

Mr. Ruben Dugao, guidance counselor of ISAP was invited to be the guest speaker of the program

Mr. Dugao started his lecture saying “Bullying is very common nowadays and some are unaware that they are already commiting bullying unto others” with intent to make students reflect on their actions.


PNP Peña spearheads symposium on the four common problems in the country


School conducts INSET ’23; aims to continue professional development, harmonious relationship among teachers

With its aim to continue professional development for teachers, Peñablanca National High School (PNHS) held its annual In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) last February 6-10, 2023.

The five-day training focused on developmental methods through varied topic discussions that will be used for the school year and accomplishment of activities.


Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay- Macarilay, school’s principal III lectured on the code of professional ethics and administrative discipline that outlines the ethical principles that govern decisions and behavior in an organization. She instilled how employees should behave, as well as specific guidance for handling issues like harassment, safety, and possible conflicts of interest in the campus.

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF) that provides a venue for agreement on standards of performance and behaviors which lead to professional and personal growth in the organization was also tackled by Mr. Davis M. Lagundi.

To train teachers on the use of positive and non-violent approaches to discipline and classroom management, Mr. Reynaldo Maggay also presented the Teacher protection and positive discipline.


To assess and review the K-12 Implementation, Mrs. Corazon Cocal and Mr. Ronald Pelagio showed qualitative information that helps faculty determine how they might improve courses and/or programs through changes in curriculum, teaching methodologies, course materials, and other areas.

Enhanced School Improvement Plan (SIP) which is a road map that

lays down specific interventions that a school will undertake within a period of school years, was presented by Ms. Arcelie B. Roxas and was finalized by Mrs. Nely Pelagio.

Other topics such as School Monitoring Evaluation and Adjustment (SMEA), strategic intervention materials to bridge the gap and problems of teachers and students in school and demonstration teachings of select teachers from each subject teachers were also done.


To eliminate the causes of mental health problems, Mrs. Ma. Katherine C. Nicol, school guidance counselor, talked on the importance of mental health and psychological support

“Since the outbreak of CoViD-19, many have gone stressed as to how they would manage to come back to school after the 2 years of being stuck inside their houses.”, averred Nicol during her lecture on Psychological support.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jorge Taguinod, Public Schools District Supervisor signified the importance of the conduct of INSET for the development of the teachers.

“We really need this In-service training for Teachers yearly because it serves as an avenue for teachers to be upskilled and further develop their passion and drive for teaching,” said Taguinod.

The administration believes that the topics discussed will be deemed necessary in the pursuit to a better teaching-learning environment and atmosphere for the teachers and students this coming next school year.

Upon the discussion, he discussed the different types of bullying and emphasizes cyber bullying as the main trend of today’s generation.

“Some tenagers nowadays are not sensitive on what they share and what they post and sometimes they use media as a platform to harm other,”

“Porket mas malaki sila o mas sikat sila ay nagbubully sila ng mas mahina sa kanila at nagbubunga ito ng low-self steem sa mga vicitims” he added.

He ended his lecture by encouraging the student leaders to be the role models in fighting bullying to keep the peace and security inside the school.

With the theme “Together, Let’s Stand up Against Bullying” the said symposium successfully accomplished its learning objectives and goals as at the end of the program the students were actively participating during the assessment and application is on the way.


26 cases

PNHS logs

26 cases of bullying this year.

5 cases

PNHS logs 5 cases of fraternity this year.


Peñablanca opens new Public Market; focuses to increase and promote economic activities in the municipality


a long haul, blessing and grand opening of the new Peñablanca public market was duly launched on Tuesday, June 3, through a eucharistic celebration officiated over by Rev. Fr. Antonio Sibayan and ribbon cutting to signify its formal opening, led by Mayor Washington M. Taguinod, Vice Mayor Marilyn J. Taguinod together with other LGU officials, SB members, Department Heads, Barangay Officials, PNP and the BFP.

The operation of the New Public Market will be daily from Monday to Sunday, which offers clean, organized and well-lighted stalls, safer pedestrian access and wide parking spaces, expected to pave way to an increase in revenue generation to promote more economic activities in the said municipality.

‘Project SPLASHH’ to purport equal access to functional toilets; endeavors to foster sanitation and hygiene to PNHSians

T o ensure sanitation and hygiene among its students, Penablanca National High School thought of a way to equalize the unbalanced ratio of students to its functional toilets, having a ratio of one (1) functional toilet bowl to one hundred three (103) students, above the advised ratio of the Department of Education (DepEd) of just 1:50.


Police Station launched a symposium about four common problems in the country: Insurgency, Teenage Pregnancy, crime and illegal drugs, spearheaded by PMAJ Harold P. Ocfemia, Officer-InCharge in Peñablanca National High School, November 23, 2022.

The symposium was attended by Pastor Danny Punay, Regional Coordinator, MBK-LC, PCPT Glenda Paragua, Pastor Romar Ologenio, MBK-LC, National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) 2 led by ARD Jack Espiritu, FTP Class SANDATAG led by PSMS Valentino Iñego, Field Training Officer, KKDAT Officers/Members led by Mr. Dominic Danao and Pat Pearl Amie T. Tungcul, Police in Barangay Camasi/MCAD PNCO.

The said activity was started by Pastor Romar Ologenio, MBKLC by introducing the Revitalized PNP CHURCH to the students of PNHS.

He emphasized the purpose of the activity to foster the relationship between police leaders, volunteers, community and the church, because he believes that a people with unity and concern will remain orderly and peaceful.

After sharing about the Revitalized PNP KASIMBAYANAN, Mr. Keneth Peralta, member of the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) gave lecture about the National Task-Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) and Community Anti-Terrorism Awareness (CATA) related to the government’s NTF ELCAC/EO 70 as part of the intensive campaign against Terrorism, EO no. 70 or the “whole of the nation approach to end local communists armed conflict” which aims to suppress insurgency in the country.

In addition, Mr. Peralta emphasized the importance of correct information and knowledge of the public on leftist groups so that they are not misled or recruited by them, especially the youth.

He also urged every citizen to intervene, cooperate, and show support to the government in order to completely suppress terrorism in our country. In this regard, a former NPA member shared his experience that will prove that everything Mr. Peralt taught the students was correct.

Following the lecture on insurgency, PMAJ Ocfemia also conducted a lecture against criminality and expressed his gratitude to the students for continuing to support the plans, programs and activities of the government towards a better and

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AID WITH A GOAL. Peñablanca National High School conducted its In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) last February 6-10, 2023 with the purpose of providing quality education for the students. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon
FROM PAGE 01 PNHS welcomes ISAP students... FLUSH
by Rona Mae Bangayan
by Rona Mae Bangayan
ANOTHER MILESTONE. Penablanca Municipal Mayor Hon. Washington M. Taguinod and Vice Mayor Marilyn Julia-Taguinod lead in the formal opening and ribbon cutting of the new public market, June 3, 2022. WORDS OF WISDOM. Students of PNHS attentively listen to the lecture on the four prevalent issues in our country, November 23, 2022. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon


PNHS pays tribute to alumni thru Grand Homecoming; ignites friendship, camaraderie among them

After2 years of batch reunion break due to the pandemic, PNHS conducted a Grand Alumi Homecoming for all of its graduates to reconnect with friends and batchmates held at PNHS gymnasium last December 29, 2022.

Different batches of alumni coming from the first ever batch of graduates: Batch 1976 to Batch 2018 were able to step back once again to their Alma Mater for a reunion that also served as a year-end party.

This year’s homecoming was participated by 167 alumi headed by Mr. Richard Agudo, the Alumni President and public officials including Hon. Washington Taguinod and Zenaida Leones served as guests.

The program started with a holy mass by the resident Priest of Peñablanca, Rev. Father Antonio Sibayan and talked about the importance of humility and generosity when having reunification with friends during his homily.

During the said activity, the alumni were able to introduce their respective batches through cheers and yells. Along with the fun and enjoyment, the school also conducted a mini pageant for its alumni, coming from different batches.

Mr. Gilbert Danga and Mrs. Nenita Cusipag Fagaban were crowned Alumni King and Queen respectively as being the candidate with the highest amount of money raised.

The Search for Alumni King and Queen was able to raise a fund of P40,916.60 in total which will be used for different projects to be started this school year.


P40,916 fund collected

Peñablanca Police Station launches ‘Itatawid Kita Para Safe Ka’...

To put the program into action, police officers and newly-trained Field Training Personnel (FTPs) were seen providing security and assistance to students in crossing the road at Peñablanca National High School in Barangay Camasi.

PSSg Rosal Pattaui, Senior WCPD PNCO, and PCpl Karen Mallillin, MCAD PNCO, together with FTPs Class SANDATAG, conducted the activity, which aimed to maintain peace and order in the school.

The “ITATAWID KITA PARA SAFE KA” program is part of the Peñablanca Police Station’s best practice to promote public safety and establish trust and confidence in law enforcement among the community.

The program focuses on educating citizens about safety measures and providing them with necessary skills to protect themselves in different situations.

Through the program, the Peñablanca Police Station aims to reduce crime rates in the community and establish a safer environment for everyone. The program’s success relies on the cooperation of the community and law enforcement, with both parties working together towards a common goal.

The “ITATAWID KITA PARA SAFE KA” program is just one of the many initiatives that the Peñablanca Police Station has launched to promote public safety and strengthen its relationship with the community.


Journos bag awards in DSPC ‘23; 5 to compete in RSPC

Five campus journalists brought pride and honour to the academe after bagging awards in the Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) held at Saint Joseph College of Baggao last January 19-22, 2023.

Francis Kyle D. Tamayao, a grade 11-STEM student placed 1st in Science and Technology Writing English; Heart Ashley Mariah T. Viloria, a Grade 11-HUMSS student placed 1st in Column Writing English; Crisha Alexa D. Ballad, a Grade 7-Science student placed 5th in Copyreading and Headline Writing English; Rovelyn Lasam, a Grade-10 Science student placed 6th in Feature Writing Filipino; Lizelle Jhade C. Dumallag, a Grade 11-STEM student placed 7th in Feature Writing English category beating other contestants from different schools.

The said students prepare to compete for the Regional School Press Conference (RSPC) to be held in Lal-lo National High School, Lal-lo Cagayan on May 12-15, 2023.

Other equally brilliant journalists who also bagged awards during DSPC were Czarina Shane B. Tamon, 8th place Photojournalism English; Sheiryliz Nicole Yadan, 8th place News Writing Filipino; Mariana Nicole D. Tamayao, 9th place Science and Technology Writing Filipino.

Meanwhile, the English Collaborative and Desktop Publishing bagged awards placing 3rd in Best Layout, 4th place in Best Sports Page, with the Filipino

Collaborative and Desktop Publishing placing 3rd in Best Sports Page, 5th in Best Layout, 5th in Best Overall Paper.

Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay-Macarilay expressed her congratulations and gratitude to these budding journalists for giving such an honourable feat to the school.

The scribes were coached by Mr. Mark Isidro Perpinian, Mrs. Gayle Karenina Sibal, Mrs. Resie Lopez, Mrs. Corazon Cocal, Mr. Davis Lagundi, Mrs. Melanie Talattad, and Ronald Pelagio.

perform Galaw Pilipinas’ choreography...


Galaw Pilipinas is actually the DepEd National Calisthenics Exercise program composed of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) prescribed daily for children 5-17 years old and it was mandated to all public and private schools across the country.

The said activity was participated by students of PNHS from Grade 7 to Grade 12 students and each year level will have their own performance with atleast 250 students.

Before the performance of students, MAPEH teachers of PNHS performed first the choreography of Galaw Pilipinas headed by Mrs. Caressa Jane P. Argonza, a Grade 8 teacher.

Right after the teacher’s performance, students of Grade 7 students performed first accompanied by two teachers. Grade 8 students came next followed by Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12.

During their performance, variations in formations, costumes, and in steps execution in each grade level were observed in order to show the fruit of their weeks of practice and preparation.

In the end, all of the students along with the teachers and staff of PNHS danced together to achieve the main aims of the activity which are to promote active lifestyle, improve over all health and health and skills related fitness, enhance can cultural awareness and inculcate nationalism snd unity setting aside the mindset of dancing for competition.


PNHS takes part in the National Synchronized Earthquake Drill; promotes disaster awareness and readiness

The PNHS Faculty, Staff and Personnel, as well as its students, participated in the 2nd Quarter National Synchronized Earthquake Drill (NSED) which was conducted on March 20, 2023.

The drill was led by Mr. Jaypee Cuarteros, School DRRM Coordinator, in coordination with the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO). Using all the necessary equipment involved in conducting the drill, the said activity was done smoothly and successfully.

The ringing of the bell and the siren of the mega phone served as a signal for everyone to proceed in a safe place and perform the basics of the drill which was duck, cover and hold technique.

Meanwhile, Cuarteros shared to everyone the importance of being aware about the different disasters especially earthquake.

“This year was quite different and it is nice because we came back to the face-toface drill unlike before where we do not only have to consider the possible effects of the

earthquake but also the following of the health protocols particularly distancing, masking and sanitizing,” Cuarteros averred.

Meanwhile, teachers assured that all their students participated in the said drill, practicing the duck, cover and hold technique.

The drill was also participated by some partners and stakeholders namely the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), along with the Philippine National Police (PNP), Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (MDRRMO) and Disaster Action Emergency Team (DAET).

The main aim of the annual NSED is to ensure awareness and preparedness among the learners and teachers on the possible effects of earthquake and other natural disasters.

Students by Crisha Alexa Ballad by Rona Mae Bangayan HAPPINESS OVERLOAD. Alumni of PNHS perform their cheers and yells onstage during the Grand Alumni Homecoming, December 29, 2022. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon FITNESS:MAKE IT A LIFESTYLE. Dustin James G. Macaraniag, a teacher of Grade 8 at Penablanca National High School was one of the lead instructor in the school-based performance of Galaw Pilipinas. FITNESS:MAKE IT A LIFESTYLE. Dustin James G. Macaraniag, a teacher of Grade 8 at Penablanca National High School was one of the lead instructor in the school-based performance of Galaw Pilipinas. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon

In fact, based on Water Sanitation and Hygiene in School (WinS) monitoring data for school year 2018-2019, only 55.5% are within the ratio of one (1) toilet bowl for every 50 students, meaning that only 55.5% of the recorded schools meet the adequate criteria.

These are the reasons behind Penablanca National High School’s Project Synergized and Provide Lavatory Access for Students Health and Hygiene (SPLASHH) which aims to provide enough comfort rooms for every student in PNHS using donations from stakeholders as funds.

With this project, a total of seven comfort rooms had already been structured in the Junior High School, each comfort room has one toilet bowl, one urinal and one lavatory. In addition to this, a two-door comfort room is to be constructed in the school gymnasium to provide easier lavatory access during events.

It is a developing project with the vision of providing a lavatory in every classroom and within the school’s vicinity in the scope of six years. Penablanca National High School is looking forward to fulfilling this vision with the utmost support from its statakeholders.

WRITING WONDERS WIN TPG Journos emerge victorious in Search for Cagayan’s Journo Idols 2023

With their victories in the “Search for Cagayan’s Journo Idols,” held on January 21, 2023 in Baggao, Cagayan, two campus journalists gave pride and honor to the school.

Heart Ashley Mariah T. Viloria, a Grade-11 HUMSS student and a Column Writer, and was crowned as the 1st runner-up, while John Ruise T. Bautista, a Grade-11 HUMSS student and a Layout Artist, achieved a spot in the top 10.

In a statement, Heart Ashley Mariah T. Viloria shared her thoughts on the value of education. “I believe this picture shows that education does not restrict ages, because anyone, at any age, from the youngest to the oldest, anyone can achieve their dreams through education.”


Peñablanca Fire Station leads in disinfection; ensures safety among PNHS teachers and staff

Despite the decrease risk of spreading the threat of CoViD-19, Peñablanca Fire Station, headed by its Fire Marshall, Mr. Jhan Maurice Bumatay, led in the disinfection of offices and classrooms in Peñablanca National High School.

The disinfection was done by the Fire Officers using personal protective equipment (PPE) and other necessary materials for disinfection.

Since the face-to-face classes have resumed, the school doubles the effort to guarantee safety for students, teachers and staff especially since the school is constantly holding events and housing delegates from different schools to also ensure safety of all the visitors.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay-Macarilay, Principal III, expressed her deep gratitude in the conduct of the said disinfection.

“We are always grateful to the usual support of our partners and stakeholders in whatever endeavour our school is venturing on.”, she stated in massive thanks.

She also said that the school is a safe working zone for the teachers and staff since disinfection and strict health protocols were always practiced.

Meanwhile, candidates from other municipalities who also bagged awards during the said event were Georyl Agliam, Mr. Cagayan Journo Idol 2023; Christy Marie Palomares, Ms. Cagayan Journo Idol; Kenneth Aeron Leones, 1st Runner-up; Jonathan Balderamos, 2nd Runnerup; Samantha Senal, 2nd Runner-up;

Kenth Andrei Balisi, 3rd Runner-up; Jaimyka Yumi Corpuz, 3rd Runnerup; Christian James Capule, 4th Runner-up; Jang Mee Lee, 4th Runner-up.

The school’s honorable achievement was acknowledged by Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay-Macarilay, who congratulated and thanked the aspiring journalists.

The said candidates were coached and assisted by Mr. Jaypee L. Cuarteros, Mr. Dustin James Macaraniag, and Mr. Boyet Torrenueva.


LGU takes action on raad safety with new ordinance; strictly implements sanctions to violators

As the municipality of Peñablanca journeys in achieving a zero case vehicular accident, the Sangguniang Bayan members of the Local Government Unit of Peñablanca created a Municipal Ordinance regarding the Traffic and Transportation Management Code last October 17,2022.

This ordinance was made possible by the Peñablanca PNP personnel spearheaded by PMaj Harold P. Ocfemia, it was strictly implemented with the corresponding penalties of 1st offense: P1,500; 2nd offense: P2,000; and 3rd and Subsequent Offences: P2,500.

According to the Peñablanca PNP, as of February 2023 an estimation of 1200 cases are mostly Driving without helmet, Driving without OR/CR, and Overloading Passengers were caught by the PNP personnels.

As this ordinance continues, the LGU and PNP of Peñablanca continuously reminds the citizens through the “Oplan Tambuli” of the PNP personnels, whereas they roam around the municipality in their patrol car regarding the Municipal Ordinance Number 119, Series of 2004 (Requiring Motorcycle Drivers/Rider to Wear Helmet and Providing Penalties Thereof).


more peaceful country.

Also, a significant lecture was shared by Pat Pearl Amie T Tungcul, Barangay Police about illegal drugs and their bad effects on people. He explained that the use of illegal drugs will never be a solution to solve any problem. He also reminded the students to value their studies more.

Meanwhile, Dominic Danao, KKDAT Vice President for Anti-Terrorism ended the symposium by sharing a lecture on Teenage Pregnancy that is prevalent in society today.

I believe this picture shows that education does not restrict ages, because anyone, at any age, from the youngest to the oldest, anyone can acheive their dreams through education.”
-Heart Ashley Mariah Viloria
Peña spearheads Symposium ...
news Project ‘SPLASHH’ to purport equal access to functional toilets...
by Crisha Alexa Ballad by Rona Mae Bangayan by Lizelle Jhade Dumallag
1200 cases
According to Peñablanca PNP, as of February 2023 an estimation of are mostly Driving without helmet, Driving without OR/CR, and Overloading Passengers were caught by the PNP personnels. John Ruise Bautista CAGAYAN’S JOURNO TOP 10 FINALIST This municipal ordinance aims to prevent vehicular accidents for the safety of each driver and passengers. DISEASE WARRIORS. Penablanca Fire Station Officers lead in the disinfection of classrooms at Penablanca National High School.

to partake in combatting the rampant misinformation and disinformation, the said workshop was organized.

A total of 65 students from both Junior and Senior high school department registered, competing different categories.

Moreover, It was composed of short lectures by the different Schoolpaper advisers and coaches, spearheaded by Mrs. Corazon B. Cocal, Journalism coordinator, followed


EsP Department leads Belen Making Contest; promotes environmental advocacy

Aspiring to inspire and encourage the students of Peñablanca National High School, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao(EsP) Department of PNHS took charge of leading the Belen Making Contest that was conducted last December 14, 2022 at the PNHS Gymnassium during the ESP Month Culmination.

The key plan of the said event was to foster and encourage community participation, promote the school’s environmental advocacy, and spread the spirit of PNHSians’ unity this Christmas season, and is being adapted for contested categories.

The contest consisted of six grade-level participants from Grade 7 to Grade 12.

The criteria for judging were: 40% for creativity, 20% for craftsmanship, 15% for symbolism, and 15% for being earth friendly, for a total of 100%.

The winners of the contest were: Grade 11, 1st



School-based Journ breeds potential campus journos

To discover, enhance and develop the journalistic skills of PNHSians, Peñablanca National High School (PNHS) conducted the School-based Journalympics eliminations last November 5 at PNHS Gymnasium.

With the objective of discovering potential writers, cartoonists and broadcasters to be part of the school publication, and to encourage students

by workshops in different events such as News Writing, Editorial Cartooning, Radio Broadcasting, Editorial and Column Writing, Photojournalism, Feature Writing, Sports Writing, and Sci-Tech Writing.

It also aims to select the best of the best students that will represent the school for the coming Congressional Distriict 3 (CD3) Journalymics Eliminations that will be held in Solana National High School, Solana, Cagayan on December 17, 2022.


Teachers, students join Brgy. Ecological Waste meeting; focuses on proper garbage disposal

Toprepare the school for the opening of classes on August 22, representatives from Peñablanca National High School joined the annual Barangay Ecological Solid Waste meeting last August 1, 2022.

Teachers, together with the Barangay Centro Officials, Sangguniang Kabataan and Centro Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT) talked about the proper waste disposal and segregation to resolve the waste problems in the said barangay including barangay Camasi.

Officials urged them to bring the wastes on the proper pick-up points assigned for each barangay zone properly, aligned to its schedule to be collected by the municipal garbage truck.

Local Government Unit(LGU), Barangay Officials and DENR also had an agreement regarding the strengthening of the implementation of the proper waste management in the said barangay by having new rules and regulations.

Meanwhile, they also participated on putting up informative tarpaulins for the information dissemination within the two barangays.

Peñablanca National High School honors teachers; highlights their roles in the institution, society


MDRRMO Peña wins Gawad KALASAG award ‘22

Municipality of Peñablanca received the Certificate of Recognition after being among the “Fully Compliant” in the 22nd Kalasag Seal for Excellence in DRRM and Humanitarian Assitance for the Local DRRM Councils and Offices category by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) and National Gawad KALASAG Committee on November-24.

The said meeting aims to support Republic Act No. 9003, an act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes.


Teachers are the founders of society; shaping the youth of the past, present and the future. Recognizing their vital role in the institution, the Supreme Student Government Organization of Peñablanca National High School conducted a one-day program in commemoration of the World Teachers’ Day last October 5, 2022.

Headed by the ever supportive SSG Adviser, Mr. Dustin James Macaraniag, this program served as a day of “freedom and comfort” for the teaching staff. The momentous event was opened through the display of nationalism conducted by Kirby Juvann Maramag, SSG Grade 8 representative and was followed by a heartfelt prayer offered by Crizen Joy Danguilan, SSG Public Information Officer.

The staff was then formally welcomed by Davis M. Lagundi, Head Teacher III and was further embraced through an inspirational message from Peñablanca National High School’s mother, Joycelle S. Tubay Macarilay Principal III, leaving the teachers with a striking message “The future of the youth is yours to shape, you hold the biggest key towards their dreams.” continue to page 9...

Two provinces in Region II were honored as “Fully Compliant” which includes Isabela and Cagayan where nine Municipal DRRMs in Cagayan along with their Local Chief Executives also received the same award. These include Lal-lo, Lasam, Allacapan, Solana, Camalaniugan, Sanchez Mira, Baggao, Rizal, and Peñablanca.

The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO ) Peñablanca received the award thru Mrs. Melizen L. Addun, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO) III, with the 135 Beyond Compliant & 436 Fully Compliant Local Government Units Awardees.

Meanwhile, Addun thanked the

With its focus to provide the students with “accessible, convenient and modernized” way of learning, Penablanca National High School initiated Project SILVER (Strengthening Instructional Learning through audio-Visual Enrichment Resources) for S.Y. ‘22-’23.

Project SILVER was proposed to the parents by class advisers during their Homeroom PTA meeting.

The parents contributed an estimated amount of 200-250 pesos per student to buy a smart television that can be used during discussions and other activities. However, the said project was not mandatory to continue to page

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Place; Grade 10, 2nd Place; Grade 8, 3rd Place; Grade 12, 4th Place; Grade 9, 5th Place; Grade 7, 6th Place. EsP Department Coordinator, Mrs. Elena Garunay and the ESP teachers expressed their profound gratitude and deep appreciation to everyone who joined and made their program possible.
MY TEACHER, MY HERO. In celebration of the Teachers’ Day, the teachers of Grade 12 enjoy as they join various games like Karaoke Singing Contest last October 5, 2022. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon MEMORY IN THE MANGER. The Grade 8 teachers with their Belen which bagged 3rd place during the Belen Making Contest last December 14, 2022. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon WRITE TO EXPRESS. Louise Diego, Grade 7 and Aidyl Cabiao, Grade 10, both contestants of Column Writing Filipino did a tie-breaker match during the School-based Journalism last November 5, 2022. Photo by Lizelle Jhade Dumallag
‘Project SILVER’ to foster accessible, convenient, modernized learning for students


MDRRMO officials equip students of PNHS with ‘Basic Life Support’ skills

With the purpose of preparing youth to unexpected events during crisis, skilled professionals of Peñablanca MDRRMO shared their knowledges to students of PNHS regarding Basic Life Support at PNHS gymnasium last February 3, 2023.

Volunteers from the MDRRMO Peñablanca headed by Mr. Fitzgerald Pagalilauan, Operation and Warning Chief of Peñablanca conducted a symposium with the consent of the school administration to lecture and demonstrate crucial knowledge about saving someone’s life.

The said activity was participated by classroom officers per class from Grade 7 to Grade 10, resident teachernurses namely Mrs. LV Faye Macarubbo and Mrs. Lorraine Rodriguez along with different subject teachers.

Mr. Pagalilauan lectured about the proper technique and procedure of conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR which was demonstrated by SFO1 Roderick Balungaya, a registered public health officer on stage. They also clearly differentiated the application of CPR


LGU Peña celebrates 126th founding anniversary

to male patients with the female patients.

Aside from that, various trivia questions were discussed and open forum was conducted to answer the queries of students and to avoid misconceptions.

Additionally, the students also tried to do the CPR themselves with the assistance of the volunteer public health officers during the assessment.

The symposium was indeed a great help to students as they learned crucial knowledge about first aid and basic life support that could be used for emergency purposes.

Volunteers also advised the school to conduct a bigger program for the demonstration of survival skills.

MDRRMO Peña bags Gawad KALASAG award ‘22...


whole Local Government Unit (LGU) familty headed by Hon. Mayor Washington M. Taguinod and Vice Mayor Marilyn Julia-Taguinod, together with the SB members, Department heads, LGU employees,Municipal Local Government Operations Office (MLGOO), Barangay officials, partner agencies, OCDRO2 and other stakeholders for ensuring safer, disaster-ready and resilieng community.

Gawad Kalasag is the government’s mechanism or method to have continuous support in disaster preparedness by recognizing the unique contributions of DRRMs in strengthening disaster-resilient communities. In this regard, Region 2 OCD Director thanked Ret. Gen. Leon Rafael to all the rescuers even the LCEs for their sacrifice and support to ensure the safety of every citizen especially during disasters or calamities.


With the theme, “Brigada Eskwela: Tugon sa Hamon ng Ligtas na Balik-Aral”, PNHS assured that the school is ready to deliver quality education to its clients for the opening of the new academic year starting on August 22, 2022 despite the threat of pandemic.

It also aims to prepare the school for the shifting of five days of face-to-face classes beginning November 2 after two years of having modular approach urged by new DepEd Secretary Sarah Duterte.

Hence, PNHS ensured the double involvement of its linkages and stakeholders in the maintenance of the school grounds through the said program.

They also prepared the classrooms and other facilities by putting signages and having complete medical kit by following COVID-19 protocols to maintain the health and safety of the students and teachers.

Facilities like WinS or Wash in Schools, which

‘Project A-10-SYON’ to promote clean, childfriendly environment

Aiming to maintain and improve the cleanliness of the school’s surroundings, Peñablanca National High School continued its ‘Project Aksyon sa 10-buwang Obligasyon’ (A-10-SYON) which was participated by parents, students and volunteers held monthly.

The main objective of this project is to maintainthe school’s cleanliness and to create a child-friendly and gender- sensitive environment.

To preserve or either continue this project, several organizations and volunteers work together to support the DepEd Core Value “MAKAKALIKASAN” as an action of awareness throughout the school.

With the help of parents, teachers, students, stakeholders and volunteers from different agencies, the project stayed true to its objective and focus.

Mr. Davis M. Lagundi, Head Teacher III and the focal person of Project A-10-syon, observed that the project evidently affects the way students learn in a positive manner.

He also added that better environment and ambiance for students are one of the necessities of academic achievement, so, through this initiative, he has high hopes of seeing improvements from the students.


volunteers from different agencies attend and participate in Obra Kumon every month.

PNHS steers ‘Brigada Eskwela’; strengthens partnerships with stakeholders

focuses on hand washing and comfort rooms were the priority of PNHS this year because through these facilities, safety, cleanliness and hygiene of everyone will be guaranteed especially during times like this.

“All of this will not be possible without the support and help from the stakeholders and partners. From the cleaning of the school grounds to the maintenance of the physical facilities, we are really grateful and blessed for the massive support extended by our partners.” Miss Arcelie Roxas, Head Teacher III expressed in deep gratitude.

Indeed, an institution cannot thrive alone. It needs people to prosper and succeed.

Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay-Macarilay, Principal III, also expressed her appreciation for the support of the stakeholders.

The Local Government Unit (LGU) of Peñablanca proudly celebrated its 126th Founding Anniversary of its Civil Government today through the able leadership of Hon. Mayor Washington M. Taguinod and Vice Mayor Marilyn JuliaTaguinod last November 28, 2022.

The LGU is honored to have Congressman Joseph “Jojo” Lasam Lara as its Guest of Honor together with his better-half Dr. Zara De Guzman Lara.

With the theme, “Nagkakakaisang Mamamayan para sa Mas Maunlad na Pamayanan,” a simple yet meaningful celebration showcased the momentous journey of the locality towards progress and development through all its stakeholders working together for one common goal - sustainable development with resilience.

Meanwhile, Mayor Taguinod thanked all the agencies, group sectors and all people who joined that made the simple event memorable.

“All these milestones are dedicated to every Peñablancaño who is selflessly giving his share to make this town more progressive and responsive to the needs of time,” he said.

Indeed, Peñablanca has gone far and will continue to move forward and farther to achieve greater heights.

WE-SHARE project extends helping hand to students’ dreams

IThe Philippine National Police Personnel, SB Member, FTP Class Sandatag, Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo officers, University of Cagayan Valley Interns, and other different stakeholders joins in the first ever ZUMBA for a Cause last March 11, 2023 at Peñablanca Town Hall.

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5182 total volunteers

PNHS Brigada Eskwela 2023 Volunteers


parent volunteers other volunteers


Peñablanca National High School teachers, personnel and administration together with the students, parents, LGU officials, volunteers and other stakeholders, joint efforts in the Brigada Eskwela (BE) Kick-off Program last August 8, 2022. by Rona Mae Bangayan by Rona Mae Bangayan by Lizelle Jhade Dumallag LIFE-SAVERS. Mr. Fitzgerald Pagalilauan, Operation and Warning Chief, leads the demonstration of basic life support to the PNHSians on February 3, 2023. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon HELPING HAND. Parents of Grade 10-Silver students actively joined the trimming of bushes during Obra Kumon to reduce Dengue ‘s possible threat. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon


MDRRMO inspects buildings after 6.7 magnitude earthquake

The Municipal Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Office of Peñablanca assessed school buildings of PNHS to ensure the safety of students and staffs after the 6.7 magnitude Earthquake last July 28, 2022.

Officials of the MDRRMO Peñablanca visited PNHS to inspect classrooms and facilities as part of the their inspection activity of all government properties around the municipality.

In the said activity, they roamed around the school premises to look for cracks and any signs of building instability to search for any damages caused by the said earthquake.

The inspectors had found out that 2 classrooms of the Grade 8 building have damages and most of the buildings have no evidence of wreckage and can be concluded as functional.

The said 2 classrooms were therefore put on hold to temporarily stop classes.

This inspection activity is one of the preparations of the school in coordination with the local government unit of Peñablanca to make sure the stability and functionality of classrooms and school facilities for the upcoming face-to-face classes in August 2022.

After the inspection, MDDRMO officials said that 2 classrooms with minor damages won’t be used unless renovation is completed to ensure everyone’s safety.


Grade 12 students take National Achievement Test (NAT)

Peñablanca, Cagayan- The Peñablanca National High School held a National Achievement Test (NAT) last January 30-31,2023.

The National Achievement Test was attended by the Grade 12 students of the said school. According to Ma’am Corazon Cocal the National Achievement Test (NAT)Coordinator, there were 330 registrants but only 325 students actually took the exam.

The duration of the test is 4 hours and 15 minutes per day and 11 rooms were utilized. It covers the subjects Social Science,English,Filipino,Mathematics, Media and Information Literature(MIL), Science, Philosophy and Humanities.

Teachers from International School of Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) and Dos Severino Pagalilauan National High School (DSPNHS) were the proctors of the said examination.

The purpose of having the National Achievement Test is to assest the students if the programs and curriculum of the Department of Education is effective to the learners.

Coaches lecture in District Journalism; emphasize accuracy, credibility

Five journalism coaches shared their expertise on campus journalism in the recently concluded Penablanca West District Schools Press Conference on December 10 at Peñablanca West Central School, Camasi, Peñablanca, Cagayan.

Dr. Corazon B. Cocal, Master Teacher II and Journalism Coordinator, imparted her knowledge on News Writing, Copyreading & Headline

Writing and Editorial Writing; Mrs. Gayle Karenina L. Sibal shared her knowledge on Photojournalism and Sports Writing; while Mr. Davis M. Lagundi conveyed his proficiency on Science and Technology Writing, Editorial Cartooning and Radio Broadcasting and Scriptwriting. Moreover, Mrs. Resie M. Lopez elucidated further on the two new categories namely Mobile Journalism and Journalism Vlogging and lastly, Mr. Mark Isidro S. Perpinian expounded techniques on Feature Writing, Column Writing and Collaborative and Desktop Publishing.

The five (5) speakers reiterated the importance of accurate, reliable and credible news—to state only what is true and correct.

In attendance were the different coaches, school paper advisers and journalism coordinator. Deep gratitude was all Mrs. Mila Camarao, Peñablanca District Journalism Coordinator for elementary, could express for all who participated especially the school heads, the teachers, the pupils as well as the speakers, facilitators and the trainers.

The said event also served as eliminations to select students who will reperesent their school in Congressional District 3 eliminations to be held in Solana, Cagayan on Decemember 16-17.


each section of the different year levels.

The main aim of this project is to give more accessible,readable and modernize way of teaching and learning to the students. It will also make the discussion more accurate and exciting.

In this project only a few classes were able to make the project. Thus, the other sections of the different year levels have their own projects like comfort rooms and electric fans.

out of

MSWDO, LYDO hold Children’s Congress; elect Kanlungan Organization officers

In line with celebration of the annual World Children’s Day, the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) and Local Youth Development Office (LYDO) conducted a Children’s Congress on this 22nd day of November 2022 which was held at Peñablanca Municipal Conference Hall.

Different ctivities such as Lecture on Children’s Rights and Responsibilities and many parlor games were undertaken during the said event.

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Grde 12 students actually took the 2023 National Achievement Test (NAT)


School welcomes CPAA 2023 delegates

After the successful hosting during the Cagayan Provincial Athletic Association (CPAA) 2022, Peñablanca National High School once again welcomes this year’s CPAA delegates from different municipalities of Congressional District one (CD1).

The delegates were welcomed with a program and were entertained by an opening salvo by the PNHS Grade 12 dancers and a performance by other select students.

Meanwhile, School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) Chief, Mr. Rommel L. Libang said that the purpose of the welcome program is for the visitors to express their gratitude to the host school and affirmation of having each other, not just about welcoming the visitors.

“The very purpose is for us to feel that we have each other ano pa man ang nangyare. This is also an affirmation to each of us that your presence tonight is a guarantee of how we value each other as we say good evening to each

other,” he said.

“We are given this opportunity to say thank you for the very reason that we have a safe place as manifested… PNHS has never run short of leaders who really needed respect and command and I am affirming that today because of the preparation of the rooms, the cleanliness and enjoyment,” he added.

Moreover, teachers, student leaders and other stakeholders of PNHS actively joined in facilitating and assigning the delegates to their respective rooms.

Other volunteers such as Peñablanca PNP and BFP also ensured the safety of the delegates and water supply of each room used.

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WAITING IN QUEUE. Delegates from Baggao, Cagayan wait patiently for the SSG and PCC Officers to guide and direct them to their respective quarters during the athletes’ arrival for the CPAA Meet, MArch 9. 2023. Photo by Lizelle Dumallag by Francis Kyle Tamayao by Mary Loise Mirja Mateo by Rona Mae Bangayan PNHS breaks the mold with “Project Silver” ... by Rona Mae Bangayan by Rona Mae Bangayan IMPARTING KNOWLEDGE. Mr. Mark Isidro Perpinian, an English teacher and a coach in journalism shares his expertise on Column and Feature Writing to the aspiring young journalists of Peñablanca West District during the District Schools Press Conference held last December 10, 2022. Photo by Lizelle Jhade Dumallag STAY FOCUSED. Carl Christian Catulin, Grade 12 Automotive took the NAT with focus on January 30-31, 2023. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon


KKDAT, LGU Peña join forces to promote gender equality

In line with the celebration of the Worldwide Women’s Month, the KKDAT Peñablanca, led by KKDAT Centro and KKDAT Camasi, Mr. Eric Bulan and Ms. ErlinGrace Rentino respectively, conducted a symposium at Cabbo National High School, March 31, 2023 with the theme, “We Gender Equality and Inclusive Society.”

Participants to the said activity were the female teachers and female students of Cabbo National High School. They actively engaged in the intermission number performed by students and the KKDAT officers offered some flyers with information about women empowerment and gender equality.

The Women’s Celebration Month has served as a clear manifestation that all the womwn are supported around the globe. As a show of support to this worldwide celebration, these youth initiated this event that aims to enlighten everyone about the roles, responsibilities and contributions women have in the society over the years.

Peñablanca’s WE-SHARE project extends helping hand to students’...


In relation to Peñablanca PS Project WE-SHARE “Willingness to Extend Support that will Help Ardent students in Reaching their Envisioned dreams”, this Project aims to help the students in the community to achieve their goals in life. In this case, collected funds will be utilized for the ardent students as a support in their education.

According to the PNP Peñablanca, “Community development has been one of outlets in extending God-given blessings to others. With this project, we aim to help the youth and hopeful children in the community in their dreams and aspirations through quality education”.

Enchanted Night

MSWDO and LYDO conducts Children’s...


Meanwhile, Lizelle Dumallag, PNHS SSGO President was elected as the new president of the “Kanlungan Organization” for Child Protection and Rights that aims to advocate and be a voice of the children.

Other select students also joined the said event representing their respective barangays namely: Kristoff Cuntapay(Grade 9-Science) from Dodan; Alyana Leones(Grade 10-Diamond) from Nanguilattan; Ashzeer Yadan(Grade 9-Gold) from Camasi; Dwayne Montemayor(Grade 10-Science) from Alimannao

With the theme, “Kalusugan, Kaisipan at Kapakanan ng Bawat Bata ating Tutukan,” the activity aims to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare.

Juniors, Seniors rekindle harmony, friendship in JS Prom ‘23

Peñablanca National High School (PNHS) students roared with joy as the Juniors-Seniors Promenade was brought back after a two-year hiatus.

With the theme “Enchanted Garden”, the event was held in Peñablanca Municipal Gymnasium on Friday, March 3.

Mr. Jorge C. Taguinod, Public Schools District Supervisor, said that the promenade aimed to let the students understand the importance of taking responsibility as students, aside from creating an avenue for the students to improve their way of socializing and bonding with each other.

“Itong JS prom ninyo ay hindi lamang about sa pag-eenjoy niyo with your friends and teachers; this event highlights the taking of responsibility by the juniors to their seniors and the chance to undergo transition to be ladies and gentlemen,” said Taguinod.

Meanwhile, the school principal, Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay Macarilay, expressed her gratitude to all the people who were involved in the preparation of the said event.

“This JS prom will not be possible without the teachers, special team of students, and all other committees that made this night possible and, of course, memorable to all of you,” Macarilay said.

She also mentioned the unending support of the parents just to make their children stunning all throughout the night.

“We are to realize that the JS prom is really expensive, but your parents were still able to provide all your needs just to make all of you beautiful, stunning, and presentable tonight...Napakaswerte ninyo,” she added.

Moreover, Hon. Pauline Tatiana C. Dela Cruz, who was the guest speaker of the event shared her experiences about attending prom way back her high school life on her inspirational talk.

The promenade was conducted with ceremonies like bequeathing of the key and mantle of responsibility, candle and flower ceremony, the presentation of the cotillon and rigodon de honor, and the song offering.

The night ended with the giving of the special awards. Best in Enchanted Attire were Lawrence Agudo and Ma. Faustina Talattad; Mr. & Ms. Juniors were Dion Espina and Marianne Jane Dumallag; Face of the Night was awarded

““This event highlights the taking of responsibility by the juniors to their seniors and the chance to undergo transition to be ladies and gentlemen.”
-Mr. Jorge C. Taguinod
to Jhonrein Dave Caronan and Ruffa Mae Suyu; Mr. & Ms. Seniors were Patrick Sibbaluca and Nyah Shane Leones. Mr. Darren Dulin of Grade 12 HUMMS A and Ms. Phoebe Grace Tumaliuan of Grade 12 STEM were crowned as the PNHS Enchanted King and Queen.

Supreme Student Goverment Organization S.Y. 2022-2023








Studes elect new set of SSG Officers for school year ‘22-’23

Mary Loise Mirja Mateo

Francis Kyle Tamayao

Heart Ashley Mariah Viloria

Crizen Joy Danguilan

Sherwin Allam

John Ruise Bautista

899 836



Peñablanca National High School elected new set of Supreme Government Student Officers through mixed way of voting after a school year of appointing to have new catalysts for reviving the core values of students last September 22, 2022.

Under the Department of Education memorandum, PNHS conducted a face-to-face campaign inside the school in order for candidates to introduce themselves and their advocacies.

Online campaign through social media platform was involved to reach students under meantime modular learning.

The two parties namely the SANDIGAN partylist (Student Allies with Notable Discipline, İntelligence, Generosity And Novelty) and ALPHA partylist (Alyansa ng mga Lideratong may Puso, Hangarin at Adhikain) raced against each other to capture the hearts of PNHSians.

During the election day last September 22, 2022, Grade 7-10 students from section Science to Pearl and all senior high school students voted through face-to-face voting while the rest of the students voted through Google form.

In the end, Lizelle Jhade C. Dumallag, a Grade 11-STEM student of SANDIGAN partylist won against Ruben Annang Jr. of Alpha partylist with 232 more

Peñablanca National High School honors teachers..


Furthermore, Supreme Student Government President Lizelle Jhade Dumallag, also gave her message as a representation of thanks and appreciation for the PNHS teaching staff, serving as a voice for the entire student body.

To then entertain the teachers, select SSG Officers of different grade levels showcased their talents and skills manifested through an intermission number. After which was the highlight of the program, the parlor games; with different activities solely for teachers enjoyment.

One of these is the trending Tiktok Videoke Challenge, wherein every department of each year level, from 7-12 will have 5 participants to simultaneously sing a song. In this game, the set if Grade 10 teachers prevailed over the others, earning an umbrella and a pack of coffee as prizes.

A game of charades was also played, the teams being the same departments.The most number of words guessed determines the winning team, however during the game there was a tie between the Grade 10 and 12, both being held as the winner and was granted with the same prizes.

The day did not end there as the event has a two way purpose, because shortly after the games, it was finally the awaited induction ceremony of all organization’s officers.


As we face the school year 20222023, a new set of officers will also take the seat in different organizational positions. So, to fully adapt to their responsibilities, the official induction rites took place. Wherein officers from four different organizations took

Parents Teachers Association (PTA)

PTA President, Hon. Raffy Lavadia introduced the new set of responsible PTA Officials of the school whilst Honorable Barangay Captain Zenaida Leones took the lead during the oath.

Supreme Student Government Organization (SSG-O)

Along with its adviser, Mr. Dustin James Macaraniag, the officers of the SSG were introduced from the major officers to the grade level representatives as they proudly took their place infront of the students and teachers in preparation for the oath taking.

Peer Counselors Club (PCC)

PCC Officers headed by its adviser Dr. Ma. Katherine Nicol also took their place on the stage as they were also introduced one by one for the general organization oath taking.

Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O)

Officers of the YES-O was led by Mrs. Vivian Salvador, its adviser and like the preceeding organizations, officers of this club were also introduced as they walked and taok place on the stage.

After the esteemed and well awaited induction rites, the Student Officers offered a serenade to the teachers as an official closing song to end the program.

Peñablanca National High School remains to be at its best in everything. With the help of its students, teachers, staffs and all other stakeholders, the institution stays thriving and prosperous.

votes for presidency while ALPHA’s bet Rona Mae Bangayan won the Vice presidential race.

Mary Loise Mirja P. Mateo and Francis Kyle D. Tamayao, the elected secretary and treasurer respectively, got the most number of votes with 916 and 900 counts that were both came from SANDIGAN partylist.

The new sets of SSG Officers had their oath taking ceremony last October 5, 2023 with Mrs. Joycelle S. Tubay Macarilay, Principal III as their inducting officer.

The new SSG President promised to make the vision of her platforms into actions which focused on cleanliness, orderliness, peer teaching and peace of the school through the help of the elected officers and she just has one thing to ask for the studentscooperation.

The new set of officers also looks forward to the betterment and improvement not just of the school’s physical aspect but also the students’ problems that could also affect their respective academic performance.


2 PNHSians take the lead in the Municipal SSG Federation

Secondary Public Schools of Peñablanca District successfully conducted the Municipal Federation Election of Supreme Student Government presided by Mr. Dante C. Adviento, Cabbo National High School Principal II at Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School, September 23, 2022.

Adviento presented the SSG presidents and subsequently gave them a chance to render a short speech to introduce themselves before finally conducting the election process.

Lizelle Jhade Dumallag, a Grade 11 -STEM student won as the Vice President and Rona Mae Bangayan, Grade 12-STEM student as the Protocol Officer.

The two elected officers are expected to lead the federation in carrying out its programs and activities all throughout the school year.

Meanwhile, Mr. Engelbert A. Maggay, Master Teacher of Cabbo National High School will be the teacher-adviser of the Municipal SSG Federation.

Contenders during the said elections were SSG officers from different public high schools of Peñablanca District.

The newly elected officers will be inducted on Octbober 4, 2022 and will represent the Municipality of Peñablanca in the Division Federation of SSG Virtual Elections via Google Meet on October 19.

The municipal federation is the highest governing body of SSG within the municipality; elections take place annualy and it aims to promote connection and collaboration between different school-based SSGO in the district.

Lizelle Jhade Dumallag Rona Mae Bangayan Grade 11- STEM Grade 12- STEM SANDIGAN Partylist
news Kicking Golden Fire Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way”. Be their motivation and let them be your inspiration... SPORTS FEATURE SCIE. TECH. Light Switch “ It’s me, Hi, I’m the Problem, it’s me!....” Perhaps ypu can relate to one of the most famous songs of Taylor Swift entitled , Anti-hero” which talks about depression. But be careful! OPINION WHAT’S MORE? Page-20 Page-23 THE PNHS GAZETTE 09 Page-12 PENA TALES What Lies Beneath We all know that students are not capable of providing their needs... their oath of responsibility. WORDS OF WISDOM.
Jhade C. Dumallag, the SSG President of Penablanca National High School was elected as the Municipal SSG Federation Vice President supported by Mr. Dante C. Adviento and Mrs.
Celestina Maggay.
Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon



As a certain population grows, the variation of qualities within the individuals is proportionally connected with it. Some will continue to live with values and the rest will be lost along the way, resulting to the birth of laws.

These laws and policies have been part of the system of various institutions in order to maintain the ethics and keep the peace inside its premises just like in the sector of education.

This order actually came from the Central Office of the department and mandated every school and university across the nation. However, some students and staff of the school can’t cope with the said rules and policies for they are generalized resulting to different opinions, though personally I’m in favor of it.

As a student of PNHS which is considered as a mega school with approximately 2000 in population, I can see the importance of implementing the school rules and regulations in setting boundaries of the behavior of every member of the school institution.

The concerns regarding the origin of a certain student or teacher including what they are facing and their overall state as an individual are not enough reasons to question the effectivity of the school rules.

If we keep on considering the environment of every individual, we will never not come up with a defined set of rules because every student has a unique story.

Moreover, if this is the concern of students, we should take a glance of the consideration that the school is trying to give them. For example, the exemptions that LGBTQIA+ has in terms of hairstyle and wearing of uniform, which is an evidence of how school goes with the evolution of the society.

We should also remember that these rules are beneficial in preventing accidents, impoliteness and addiction to substances of students most especially that students weren’t able to go to school for more than 2 years. Their behavior might had changes along time.

In fact, from the start of the school year, there are already cases of bullying, cases of rambling and cases of fraternity. In addition, there are also cases of teenage pregnancy last school year and in this year we must be able to solve these.

With these numbers, the need of strictly implementing the school rules and regulations is really timely most especially that there is a gap that this pandemic brought to everyone. Effectiveness of these rules has always been there, just try to think if there are no rules inside the school premises if you’re still wondering why.

An imbalance in the scale - the increasing prices twinned with the weakened value of peso; inevitably the fall of one is the rise of the other.

The spiking inflation rate in the Philippines had seemingly been unceasing as it remains as one of the biggest social issues. In fact, the average inflation rate of the Philippines during 2022 stood at 5.8%, 1.9% higher than 2021’s 3.9%, thus ending the year with a whopping 8.1%, a huge setback for the entire country’s economy.

It is undeniable that Penablanca is one of the municipalities in the country that deals with the effects of this economic setback, since it is a part of Cagayan Province which tops Region II with a 7.4% local increase, the highest among all five provinces.

According to Penablanca’s Local Government Unit (LGU), its inflation rate soared during the month of October in 2022, reaching up to 7.2%, being logged as the highest in the municipality since August 2021, until today.

This phenomenon cited a continuous increase in the prices of basic commodities all throughout the community leaving Filipinos with the notion, “Barya na lang talaga ang bente”. Truly, because during these trying times, what can you purchase from a mere 20-peso bill? It won’t even be enough to pay for a decent carinderia meal nor a single piece of fried chicken, what more to provide for the daily needs of a family, how expensive could it be?

Our daily life is a never-ending struggle, especially those who are less fortunate. Each count of peso earned resonates the voice of the sweats and hardships they went through to take hold of their daily salary that in reality is way below the minimum wage, not even

The problem regarding the ballooning inflation rate is not only the increased prices alone, but also the way it affects every aspect of human life. The consequences of this circumstance are not only limited to the sectors of trading and market industries, rather nationwide: producers, traders, vendors, and most specially the consumers.

Due to this, people often say that “business owners” be it big or small, are overpricing, however the plight of these traders state otherwise, because if they don’t increase their selling price, they won’t earn a single peso leaving them with no choice. After all that’s how business works, and just like everyone else, they have a


Birds wear FEATHERS

If a bird decides to have fur instead of feathers and join other birds, will it still be a bird? Yes, of course. However, you can’t say it straight because it doesn’t have the most important feature of a bird which is having feathers.

On July 18, 2022, Vice President Sara Duterte announced that uniforms for public school students under the Department of Education (DepEd) would not be required for the incoming school year 2022-2023, meaning students can wear whatever they want upon stepping on the school ground.

Majority of the students is feeling grateful for that order because they can now be able to wear new trends that are aesthetically pleasing to them, used as freedom of expression

and coping mechanism for the difficulties they face when going to school. But the question here is, isn’t it anti poor?

In fact, the main reason the current VP and DepEd Secretary is implementing this policy is for students and parents alike to adjust to the “inflationary pressures” the country is facing. However, it will still lead on the same problem.

Parents will have to buy more clothes for their children, whereas washing and wearing the same uniforms saves money and laundry costs. This will also greatly affect micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that make uniforms for students.

Other than that, students will be distracted by how they look, thinking how will they “fit in” among their peers, waking up early because choosing clothes takes time. The peer pressure of stylish dressing with the “best” brands are alleviated, especially when students may not wear any uniform pieces from name brand companies.


PNHSians say they prefer wearing uniform at school

Teachers don’t have to worry about losing sight of students around the campus. With that, the plausibility of students committing bad and deviant behavior and those who break school rules can be lessened. Wearing uniform will give the student and school an identity where they can be distinguished in just a blink of an eye that he/she is studying in a certain school.

Uniform indeed contributes positively on lots of factors, it develops an affinity with learning. Once students put it on, their purpose is to work hard at their studies. A sense of professionalism develops within each student, leading to more focus in the classroom.

Just like the bird who used fur, once it put back its feathers, the sense of being a bird develops to it as it spread its wings and soars high. There’s no bird who does have fur after all, ‘cause to be a bird, you are supposed to wear feathers.

“As the weight of the scale’s plate gets heavier, more and more pressure will be applied upon our shoulders, so in order for us not to break, we must go against the pressure.”
opinion 10
‘‘Effectiveness of these rules has always been there, just try to think if there are no rules inside the school premises if you’re still wondering why.’’
“The peer pressure of stylish dressing with the “best” brands are alleviated, especially when students may not wear any uniform pieces from name brand companies.”




The present life in our locality is different from the life we have before pandemic. The cost of foods, spices and fuels are more expensive compare to the past years. And this inflation affects our lifestyles, especially with the everyday survival of students. So the question is, is this price height another addition to the problems of the students? For me, yes it is.

We all know that students are not capable of providing their needs, and they only depend on the allowance that their parents give them. The inflation in our country affects the prices of products in the market that makes everything expensive. The price of foods in the school canteen is not suited to the allowance of every student. The bottled waters, biscuits, and even the hot dishes like porridge which are known to be the “pantawid gutom” foods that are budget-friendly before, are now unaffordable and the ingredients don’t give justice to its price for most of the students.

Other than that, most of the students have their lunch in carinderias because they came from far barangays from the school. Actually before, you can have a meal for only 30 pesos. A cup of rice that costs 10 pesos and a side dish either vegetable or meat that costs 20 pesos is enough for a student to have his/her lunch meal. But now, the serving in the carinderia is not that much as it is before. The 30 pesos of the students will only be enough for their side dish, and they still need to buy rice to pair it with. Even the fried chicken in side walks are unaffordable now, from 15 pesos before you will have a piece of fried chicken but now you need to pay 25 pesos to have one.

earn money instead. We cannot blame them however, because we all have our own personal needs and not every family has the means to provide them.

Most causes of inflation are not under the control of people, as it is deeply rooted in the demand and supply of goods and services, however one thing is for sure; the government is responsible in solving this situation because they also took part in increasing the inflation rate of the country however in entirety, it is not their fault.

This economic problem is indeed not the fault of anyone, however it is a problem that can be prevented with the help of everyone, so we must help in every way possible to lessen the

consequences of the growing inflation rate of the country and there are a lot of ways to do so. The effects of inflation can be curbed through saving, budgeting and other money earning techniques, it may not be an immediate solution but a small progress goes a long way.

As the weight of the scale’s plate get heavier, more and more pressure will be applied upon our shoulders, so in order for us not to break, we must go against the pressure, slowly but surely; until finally the scale remains the way it should be, balanced.

75% students believe that using personal devices in the classroom has improved their ability to learn and retain information



Of course the learners can’t come to school without travelling through tricycle/jeepney. The fare also rose up because of oil price hike. Yes, it is understandable because of the oil that makes a vehicle function, yet some of the drivers take advantage of the students and ask for higher payment from them. The government already indicated the real fare price for the students and that makes the oil’s price not enough reason for the drivers to cheat on the real fare price that their passengers are students.

Most of the allowance of the students stays the same as what it is before. And the cost of the snacks in the canteen, the foods in the carinderia and the fare are not affordable for them and it is because of the inflation caused by the pandemic.

From those experiences and changes that the students are facing right now, it concludes that the inflation happening in our society gives another problem to the them and also to their parents who are having a hard time to budget their allowance.

These happening needs action from the government unit, because after all, students are still students who are not capable of providing their own needs.

use them to access a digital textbook

use them to Google answers to in class questions

58% of respondents use their phones to take pictures of lecture slides

Present generation can be described as technological. The fact that we engage ourselves so much on technology can’t be denied and can be proven by the use of many gadgets among students worldwide. This greatly affects our lifestyle and has something to do with our studies. Now, the question is, does technology make students dumber? Well, I don’t think so.

Yes, it’s true that gadgets became the so called essential of each students, inside and outside the school. Students use cell phones and laptaps when searching assignments and doing online activities. Specially now that we just went out in the era of the strict protocols of the pandemic that even in our learning sessions technology is an essential to student’s learning experience.

Whopping 58 percent of Filipino students in a survey used their cell phones in distance learning amid the pandemic. Conducted from Nov. 21 to 25 among household heads, the survey found that 58 percent of enrolled Filipinos aged 5 to 20 years used devices for distance learning while 42 percent did not.

The survey found that a large number of

students-75 percent-believe using personal devices in the classroom has improved their ability to learn and retain information. Fifty eight percent of respondents use their phones to take pictures of lecture slides; 41 percent use them to Google answers to in class questions; and 39 percent use them to access a digital textbook. On the other hand, 54 percent also use cell phones to text friends and 52 percent use them to browse social media during class.

Going back to the question, does technology really make students dumber? Then why are there many benefits students get from technology which were all proven by the studies presented?

Besides, technology can help us become wide readers and better learners in the process because


Friend or Foe?

through surfing the internet we are able to get information we wanted and we have our time to assess things, and as students, it’s part of our learning and improvement to become a critical reader and thinker which could help us become knowledgeable in every way we could.

In this way, technology is regarded as a friend. What pains the entire human race is the irresponsibility of learners in using these gadgets.They spend more time accessing social media than reading their lessons, that is a big difficulty in terms of academic performance of the students, that they should use the technology in a great manner for their benefit rather than using it in their leisure time.

Learners just need to be disciplined enough in terms of using this technology, in that way we will not have a big problem in regards to the time management the use, and we can assess that technology is a friend and not a foe to the students, unless they use it well and responsibly.

11 opinion
“Students are still students who are not capable of providing for their needs. Therefore the government should take action for it.”
“The fact that we engage ourselves so much on technology can’t be denied and can be proven by the use of many gadgets among students worldwide.”



W “

Lack of Discipline

An institution cannot function without the cooperation and discipline from its constituents, thus playing a vital role in the success of the organization. Every PNHSian is uniquely different, however these differences often result to major changes that affect their behaviors. According to the students

themselves, many lack discipline and interest in going to school which is why cutting classes and series of absences became rampant. What are the reasons behind these acts?

• Laziness

• Financial Constraint

Influence from Peers

• Family Upbringing

• Technological Addiction

Lack of Lavatory Access

A vital part of every establishment is an access to basic facilities and equipment however, because we are in

a public school more than 2000 students to cater to, the ratio of students to the facilities is extremely unbalanced, specially in terms of lavatory access. PNHS has less than 20 functional bathrooms and most of these are unmaintained in terms of cleanliness because of several factors namely:

• Inconsistent Water Supply

Unavailability of Cleaning Supplies

• Discipline of the Students

Reasons behind the lack of Comfort Rooms:

It was not only the students who noticed this problem but the teachers as well, which is why Project Synergized and Promote Lavatory Access for Students Health and Hygiene (SPLASHH) was initiated. This Project aims to provide enough comfort rooms to cater the entire population of the school and lower the ballooning ratio of 1:103 in terms of toilet to students.

Lack of Technological Paraphernalia

Most students of this generation are extremely techy, thus having interest in subjects that involve technology such as ICT and, in this way, they can improve their skills that is in line with their interest. Though the main obstacle in achieving this is the

lack of technological paraphernalia such as functional computers that can cater all the students in a class, this situation is caused by:

• Lack of financial means

• The discipline of its users

Lack of space to store the computers

Despite these, there are still some functioning computers that are being utilized by students where they take turns in using so that it could cater all of them for the meantime.



reality the vision upon how we perceive the school, because behind our strong and perfect like school, lies behind flaws to address, but still; it is all normal.

These problems are inevitable in an institution, however as long as we are doing our utmost capability and ourselves towards the desire to achieve our goals, then we will be able to get close to the thought of nearing perfection.

We many not be flawless, but that’s what pushes us to do better and be better; these problems will serve as our stepping stones towards the milestone we all wanted. Our school’s timeless, despite everything it goes through, our school remained intact with the support of its students, staff, parents, stakeholders and such.

The beauty and success of our school not only depend on its physical appearance, but also the past behind; upon how it became the way it is now, the collective efforts of everyone Penablanca National High School remains classical whilst providing and sustaining the needs of its clienteles.

Indeed, there are flaws that take away the feathers upon our school, affecting our of soaring higher but the administration and the whole institution are working together
“We may not be flawless, but that’s what pushes us to do better and be better; these problems will serve as our stepping stones towards the milestone we all wanted.”




eyes of its clienteles there is more to the institute than the façade ought for everyone to be seen.

Truly, because despite being on top, we remain flawed. I’ve always believed that perfection is a delusion which leads people to think that they can achieve something that they cannot no matter how hard they try; since in the first place it’s already unattainable. Seeing this situation with a silver lining however, is how it pushes them to do more and be better, surpassing all their limitations.


Being a student at this school for more than 4 years, I witnessed all ups and downs that we faced in the span of those years. Super typhoons, earthquakes and the global pandemic are only a few of the adversities our school had experienced; still we remained resilient and steadfast, maintaining its timeless beauty.

Our joint efforts throughout those years might have paid off, but the 2-year long pandemic still took a toll on the overall capacity of the school buildings and facilities resulting to shortcomings and weaknesses that the institution still needs to improve. So, for students to use their voices, the PNHS Gazette Editorial Staff conducted an online survey to the students regarding their thoughts concerning the Achilles’ heel of our beloved Penablanca National High School with the purpose of addressing these issues to those in authority.

Rampant Bullying

This had been the main problem of our institution for years, especially in during this time where students were rested because of being locked down, yet it remains rampant because of the following:

Peer Pressure

Superiority Complex

Being Egoistic

Lack of Discipline

• Abuse of Power

• Attention Seeking

However, as assured by the Guidance Office, any form of bullying will not be tolerated. It is also emphasized by the school that PNHS firmly stands its ground on its No to Bullying Policy and there are supporting rules and regulations to ensure everyone’s safety.

Inconsistent Water Supply

Water is the most crucial fragment in everyone’s lives for without it, one cannot live; and with its insufficiency, one cannot live fully. Just like in our school, the absence and insufficiency of water leads to a domino effect, a problem causing more problems. Our water supply may not be absent; however, its supply remains inconsistent because of the following:

• The number of recipients it caters.

• The distance between classrooms.

Still, on the bright side, the water in our school is potable which is why in every faucet, the water is safe to drink.

The library isn’t being utilized by Students

Even before the internet became the main source of information, a library was a student’s best friend but now

that the era of technology became widespread, the library stopped being utilized. Our school has a library, but it isn’t being used the way it must be, despite the fact that it is still functional and it still has books to offer to willing students, but behind this there are reasons upon why it isn’t being used.

•The internet is an easier access to information

•The students fear the idea of going into the library

•The books in the library are inaccessible to many

•Not all sources of information can be found in the library

•Students lack interest in reading

capability together to bring to

The way we perceive our school might not be the same as how others perceive it, some may address it as beautiful and some might oppose, but what matters most is what, when, where and how can we contribute to this beauty? The hurdles of limitation are nothing compared to a collective effort from hearts with burning desire to push through.

The battle of going against all these flaws and making them our strength is a battle for everyone to take part in, for our treasured school. Indeed, its sons and daughters will forever love it dearly, truly, honestly and for the end of time and eternity.

all know that students are not capable of providing their needs, and they only depend on the allowance that their parents give them. Penablanca National High School is undeniably one of the best schools in the region, once hailed Champion in the Regional Brigada Eskwela Best Implementer Mega Category. Yet, in the
school’s beauty is everyone to make sure that
a series of pushing


Uncertain Roads

Change is the spark that ignites the flame of innovation. Embrace it, and let your mind blaze a path towards progress. Adaptability and innovation are crucial components of true progress, as it requires not only moving forward but also leaving behind what no longer serves us.

For years, the jeepney has been a popular and affordable mode of transportation in the Philippines, especially in the provinces. Yet, the government’s intention to gradually phase out outdated jeepneys has sparked debate and caused alarm among both commuters and drivers.

“Embrace change, open your mind, and pave the way for innovation to shine.” Embracing change and being receptive to fresh viewpoints and methods paves the path for improvement and evolution, which in turn fosters innovation and advancement. While some claim the phase-out is required, others claim it will negatively impact the lives of jeepney drivers and the accessibility of transportation for many Filipinos.

A crucial step in modernizing and enhancing public transportation in the Philippines is the phase-out of jeepneys. Although being widely used and reasonably priced, jeepneys frequently lack adequate maintenance and safety features.

High quantities of pollution are also produced by the engines used in jeepneys, which adds to the country’s air pollution issues. Also, the sheer volume of jeepneys on the road increases traffic congestion in urban areas, lengthening commutes for workers.

In the Philippines, 27% of all deaths are attributed to air pollution, according to a research by the World Health Organization (WHO). The paper emphasizes how jeepney emissions, in particular, have a substantial negative influence on the environment and general health. The Philippine Statistical Authority (PSA) also stated that there were 59,641 traffic accidents in 2019 that resulted in 12,905 injuries and 9,315 fatalities.

The jeepney phase-out is opposed on the grounds that it will negatively impact the livelihoods of operators and drivers of jeepneys. Several jeepney operators and drivers have been in the industry for many years; therefore, the phase-out would leave them without a source of income. Many Filipinos who depend on jeepneys for their daily commute contend that the phase-out will make transportation less accessible and affordable.

Although there are legitimate worries regarding jeepney drivers’ livelihoods and accessibility of transportation, it’s crucial to take the long-term advantages of updating public transportation in the Philippines into account. With support and assistance to help impacted drivers and operators shift to other forms of transportation, jeepneys can be gradually phased out.

Moreover, modernizing public transportation can lead to the creation of new job opportunities in the manufacturing and maintenance of newer, safer, and more environmentally friendly vehicles.

Modernizing jeepneys can also contribute to the Philippines’ image as a tourism destination. The absence of dependable and secure transportation is frequently cited by visitors as a serious problem in the nation. By improving public transportation, travelers will have easier access to see the entire nation, potentially generating more money for the travel and tourism sector.

It is important to mention that the idea of discontinuing jeepneys is not a recent development and has been a topic of discussion for many years. Nevertheless, due to the absence of government intervention and cooperation, the implementation has been postponed. Given the recent effort to modernize, it is crucial to utilize this chance to upgrade public transportation once and for all.

The nation as a whole will profit in the long run by improving public transportation, notwithstanding any short-term difficulties that may arise during the transition phase. To guarantee a seamless transition and reduce any negative effects on their livelihoods, the government must collaborate with jeepney drivers and operators. By doing this, the Philippines can develop a more efficient and sustainable transportation system that will benefit all of its residents.

In conclusion, even though jeepneys are a popular and affordable mode of transportation in the Philippines, it is critical to put public health, safety, and the environment first. A crucial step in modernizing public transportation and lowering air pollution and traffic congestion in the nation is the phase-out of jeepneys.

Yet, in order to facilitate a seamless transition to alternate modes of transportation, it is crucial for the government to offer support and help to impacted jeepney drivers and operators. In the end, updating public transportation can result in a more effective and long-lasting system that is advantageous to both the general population and the environment.

“Please, keep your phones, mga anak.” We usually hear this statement from our teachers stating their disapproval of the use of mobile phones inside the classroom.

In fact, according to a survey conducted by a researcher-blogger in Gitnux, 55% students are using their mobile phones to surf the internet while classes are going on.


While it is true that students use their phones to surf online, there are also students who use phones to record videos, capture photos and post unnecessary

“We must always remember, though, that the use of mobile phones goes well with the power of responsibility and accountability of every user.”



POWER OF Responsibility

Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act, is a law that seeks to protect all forms of information, be it private, personal, or sensitive. It is meant to cover both natural and juridical persons involved in the processing of personal information.

Students tend to make fun of others while in class by capturing unconsented photos of their classmates while they are on their unguarded moments. They also record videos if them and post them online.

In fact, this is not only true to the learners themselves. Teachers, even while teaching are victims of these activities. Students hide their phones and capture “teacher moments” and record videos of them while in class.


If students and teachers are put on the pedestal of shame due to these rampant use of mobile phones inside the classroom, they will experience first-hand effects especially on their emotional stability. There were instances that students could not focus on their studies because of being mocked online, be it in a social media post or in a group chat.

Teachers, as well, are no exception to these. There are students who post online regarding their rants and angst on certain teachers that these posts discourage teachers to do better in their expertise.


Some important things are being neglected especially when it comes to the use of cellphones. Now that social media has been a great means of resources in school, its effects are undeniable. Students tend to copy & paste their outputs while quizzes are going on. There are teachers who are not “technologically inclined” enough to distinguish outputs lifted for the internet. So, students are being graded not based on their knowledge but based on their ability to gather data from the internet.


Since it is quite rampant in schools to have students use their phone while classes are going on, they tend to develop a strong dependability on these gadgets and cannot think critically while performing tasks given by the teacher.

Moreover, these students who perform numerically better than others because of being graded in getting information from the internet, while students who don’t use these resources and get low scores in their performances logs behind the performing scheme of students.

We have been in a quite rapidly changing world where mobile phones have become our go-to friend in every emergency we have.

We must always remember, though, that the use of mobile phones goes well with the power of responsibility and accountability of every user.

The Official Publication of Peñablanca National High School

Herald of verity and liberty...

150,000250,000 cost of traditional jeepney


The PNHS Gazette


Rona Mae Bangayan


Francis Kyle Tamayao


Heart Ashley Mariah VIloria


Rona Mae Bangayan

Crisha Alexa Ballad

Heart Ashley Mariah Viloria

Lizelle Jhade Dumallag

Francis Kyle Tamayao

Mc Xyrene Diego

Mary Loise Mirja Mateo

Czarina Shane Tamon


Lizelle Jhade Dumallag


Heart Ashley Mariah Viloria

Crisha Alexa Ballad

Rona Mae Bangayan

Lizelle Jhade Dumallag

Francis Kyle Tamayao

Czarina Shane Tamon

Mary Loise Mirja Mateo


Mary Loise Mirja Mateo

Mc Xyrene Diego


Francis Kyle Tamayao


Lizelle Jhade Dumallag

Czarina Shane Tamon


Harold Derepite

Zurich Judd Andron Tubay


Rona Mae Bangayan

John Ruise Bautista

Ryan James Tanguilan


A modern e-jeepney would force drivers and operators to cough up as much as P2. 8 million, a 1,766.7% increase in cost while things online.

Mark Isidro S. Perpinian

Gayle Karenina L. Sibal


Corazon B. Cocal

Joycelle S. Tubay-Macarilay

For more updates, visit The PNHS Gazette’s facbook page: PNHS Gazette or scan the QR code above

Dear Editor,

Through your inspiring and intriguing editorial write-ups, I am aware of the most doings of the government in relation to issues and other grounds. I respect every statement and opinion of yours. I hope I may have the very opportunity to meet the interesting person behind the writing pieces.

God speed and Kudos!

“Embrace change, open your mind, and pave the way for innovation to shine.”
-Anonymous THE PNHS GAZETTE 14 opinion

Stair of Progression

Climbing up a stair, your only focus is to finish its series of steps and finally breathing the air of exhaustion and smiling with victory. This is what our life represents, a stair of progression, but how can we smile with victory if the focus you’ve been aiming, lose track of the goal you’ve been dreaming because of temporary happiness?

Teens, especially girls are prone to the rapid increase percentage per year where 183,000 cases of teenage pregnancy have been recorded, causing teenagers to lose track of their right path and having been forced to take the responsibility of feeding and making their child live than to reach their lifeyearning dreams.

As the cases of teenage pregnancy records a 504 cases per day, ages ranging from 10 to 14 years old, accumulating a 100,000-183,000 of tragic cases per year. There are indicated services based on the Republic Act by Sen. Riza Hontiveros, Prevention of Adolescence Pregnancy, S. No. 161:

(1) Mental Health Services. There are some instances that cause the young mothers to have a mental breakdown like Postpartum disease, which is a common damage to every mother, and this is more vulnerable to young mothers as they will experience trauma from taking care and the duties a mother could provide for her child. According to Dr. Cely Magpantay, a psychologist, teen moms are new to motherhood environment, because at a young age they have been tasked and forced to provide the best living experience to their child. That is why they should also be the best fit mother and that includes their mental health stability. To be responsible emotionally and mentally for their child to have a best living experience.

(2) Pre-Natal Services. We all know that teen mothers don’t have the capability to provide for the basic, like basic necessities a baby should use once he cries and be heard by doctors and health workers. A service diaper, milk that the government wish to to provide to teen mothers for their natal. And as prenatal, the monthly check-ups that are free to each barangays, monitored by barangay midwives. This is a good government service for teen mothers to monitor their health as well as their child inside their womb. They also give free vitamins for them to take and proper dietary plan for hormonce balance.

These effects have caused families to lose saving money, as giving birth has been hard, it will also effect the financial capability of the family. Twenty-seven to 47 billion per year on the family incomen, and 1/3 of their savings have been lost due to the teenage pregnancy, according to Juan Antonio Perez III, POPCOM spokesperson.

It’s a tragic news to everybody, and making things worse than you thought is like making your life at stake of poverty. A 16-year old girl with a confidential name “Nene”, whose child is a 10-month old boy has proven that it’s hard to experience early pregnancy, especially while studying.

In life, it is a stair of progression, but when you decided to try and be eaten by temptations, that progression will crumble and the stair will lose its next step on

Feature Stories

blow of


nflate a balloon with helium and it will rise but be careful, hold it tight, because you might lose your grip it will go far away and you’ll lose your sight. Currently, this balloon might be the inflation of our country.

In fact, the Philippine inflation rate rose up to 7.7%, the highest recorded rate nearly 14 years that is likely to rise further according to Philippine Statistics Authority. A quite shocking information to the consumers that is most likely driven by the current situation where every goods, services, and basic necessities for living are bought at a higher fee. Through the years, we suffered from numerous circumstances that leads to consumers trapped in poverty that even if they earn more the chance to raise from

famine is low. Some affected aspects by inflation in our life include: HIGH FOOD PRICES. Food is one of the basic necessities a humankind needs to survive and people spend a high proportion of their income on food. When prices rise, food becomes unaffordable and inaccessible to people who are already struggling and pushing them more on poverty. Food inflation in the Philippines averaged 4.79 % from 1995 until 2023, reaching an all-time high of 17.30% in July of 2008 and a record low of -0.90 percent in September of 2019. Increase of food cost pose a serious risk to global economic recovery, which will less to everyone unable to raise from the major economic problem, the poverty. EXPENSIVE IMPORTED ENERGY. Inflation of transport costs creates economic tensions with serious consequences and pushes companies to find alternative solutions. Here in the Philippines, the energy generating is from foreign which causes the high price hike of vehicular fuels. As the fuel gas cost high the transport fee will also increase affecting the commuters specifically the students will suffer more.

Inflation has different effects on different sectors of the economy, but one sector that is particularly affected by inflation is the insurance industry. Due to the high rate of every goods and basic necessities. In some cases, consumers may be forced to drop their coverage altogether due to the increased cost. No one knows how exactly how much prices will rise in the future or how those price increases will affect their ability to pay

Inflation is all about paying more to the necessities and services that you used to afford at a lower cost. And most of the time it’s hard to find a way to cope with the rapid increase of inflation that is inevitable. Inflation is one of the significant

And for us to not rely on the inflation that is a global problem, we can seek for an alternative way for us to regime in this inflation. Seek for ways that can help us to overcome little by little in this big impact. We should be innovative in

a way that will give us the means to make a living out of simple ways.

This inflation should not hinder us from living a great life, we should be more responsible and discipline in terms of budgeting our incomes. Live a good life and less worry.

The PNHS Gazette FOR THE FUTURE. Nene, a 16 year-old student of Peñablanca National High School still pursues her studies amidst the burden of having a 10-month old child. Photo by Lizelle Jhade Dumallag


There are many tourist spots in the Peñablanca that tourists would always go back. These has been a legacy of this town that there are various of tourist spots that satisfy the expectations of every visitor. With every experience they gain from their itinerary and learnings they acquire from the historical remarks it gives, this known tourist spots of Peñablanca are:

•Callao Caves

The most common tourist spot in Peñablanca, the Callao Cave is the premier attraction in the Peñablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape. It is the most accessible of all the caves, its entrance is reached by climbing 184 concrete steps. The Callao Cave system is composed of seven chambers, each with natural crevices above that let streams of light to get into the cave, serving as illumination for the otherwise dark areas of the place. The main attraction is its cathedral-like room has been turned into a chapel by the local people. A rock formation serves as the altar of the chapel lit by a stream of light coming from a rooftop opening. This is located at Brgy. Quibal, Penablanca, this is the endpoint of the town.

Sierra Cave•

Located also at Brgy. Quibal, Penablanca, the Sierra Cave is a living cave found in Cagayan Valley. The Sierra Cave is classified as a karst cave, which means that it is a limestone cave that was formed through the dissolution of the limestone by water with carbon dioxide. The exit at the end of the cave is an extremely narrow tunnel which can only be traversed by crawling. But the main challenge in exploring the cave is getting through the extremely tight passageway known as “Celica’s Passage”, which is only about 2 feet in diameter.

•Gabur-Gabur Falls

Gabur-Gabur Falls is one of the famous natural wonders that no one should not miss. Located at Brgy. Naguilattan, Penablanca, you can experience here the refreshing feeling of nature with it’s cold and sheer water.

“Gabur-Gabur” is an Ilocano term which means engulf or covered, because to get there you will have to trail in the vast corn fields. And the falls is covered with old big trees.


“Allahiban” comes from the root word “lahib”, which means to glance. With its horse-shoe like structure, the captivating view from the peak of the mountains will surely make tourists want to stay long and enjoy the scenery, they will not just glance but stare. Located at Sitio Bagabba, Agugaddan, Penablanca, Cagayan. This was then a way of native Penablancanos for them to reach the other barangays of Penablanca, which leads to Lapi Falls.

•Lapi Falls

If you want a breathtaking view this, falls is one good spot for you. This is one of the famous waterfallsin Penablanca, Lapi Falls is located at Brgy. Lapi, Penablanca. The water that flows along the falls came from the mountains, so surely it will be delightful to experience to swim in the cold water.

Bossor Falls•

This is a silent tourist spot in Peñablanca, and during summer season, a lot of people go there to have fun and it is free to all, you dont have to pay an entrance fee just the transportation fee. Located at Bugatay, southern part of the town. This is a continuous falls with 12 level of falls, an amazing creation that everyone should visit.

•Basaw Lake

This next tourist spot is a place for serenity and enjoyment. According to the people living there, they usually go fishing in the lake because the fishes are big and they also enjoy having picnic because of the scenery where you can witness the tall elongated trees that engulfs the whole are of the lake.

Indeed, Penablanca has set a standard to every tourist. These beautiful, astonishing places in Penablanca displays a pleasing attraction to everyone and is being known for it. There are many more to discover and develop as time goes by to meet the expectations and likes of everyone who would want to experience it.



Imagine yourself in a cage trying to suffocate you with the deafening silence of harmony it gives while having the serene feeling of the scenery you witness. This is what this town is exerting, a town caged by beautiful creations protecting it from harm.

Penablanca, officially the Municipality of Penablanca, is a first-class municipality in the province of Cagayan. This town is considered to be the Cave Capital of the Philippines because of its numerous limestone formations found within its 300 cave systems, the most popular of which are Callao Cave and Sierra Cave. With its various caves as to which this town is popular of, it also has other tourist spots that really captivates the heart of every tourists.


These gems of this town do not only give you a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing sceneries to experience, but you will surely want to taste the foods

Penablanca is known for.


A local food in Penablanca is birut, many recipes can be made through this type of fish like fried, sardine type and many more that anyone would want. You can get fishes along Pinacanauan river.

•Pancit Batil Patung

We consider this as well-known food in Penablanca, many “Panciterias” are established around the town for everyone’s convenience. This food is composed of the main ingredients, “miki”-noodle flour, sautéd vegetables, ground liver. This type of food is one comfort food of people that they consider eating whenever they could have the chance. Anywhere, anytime!

Surely, a town cannot stand out in the minds of people without its local food, and Penablanca has proven that it does not only provide local tourist spots but also serve you the tastiest foods it could offer.

One significant event in Penablanca which everyone should not miss is the celebration of a certain festival which signifies the local bird found in Penablanca, the “Kilingkingan” bird. This festival is called the “Kilingkingan Festival” celebrated every November of the month. The festival highlights the streetdancing competition, beauty contest and other contested events.

The festival also tells the story of the bountiful harvests of the people of Penablanca, who worship San Jose or Saint Joseph because of these massive harvests.

Penablanca is naturally blessed with every tourist spot and scenery with pristine and beautiful place, tasty local food and event that signifies the living proof of uniqueness this town has, these things should be preserved and loved even the time flies.

Truly, this town is engulfed with many tourist spots that everyone can go and make memories, enjoy the natural wonders this town has and find peace through the aesthetically pleasing scene.

Explore Peñablanca!


“Ikaw na maghiwa ng sibuyas, naluluha na ako”..... people tend to cry when they are slicing onions due to the gas they release known as Propanethiol-S-oxide. However today, people cry out not because of this property but instead of the gold-like price of this spice in the country.

Technology Science

In fact, according to Department of Agriculture, the Philippines' onion is most expensive on Earth reaching a retail price ofP550.00 to P700.00 per kilo in marke this January 2023.

A massive impact was felt to consumers most especially that onion is one of the most important spices in Filipino cuisine and it brings a lot of nutritional benefits. So, much loss did our country had due to the price hike of onions?


Onion (Allium cepa) is a vegetable cultivated around the world and used as a food item that can be served as raw, part of a savory dish and even in making desserts. And as the rising, not just lost in economy is what Filipinos but also the nutritional benefits that follow:

Rich in Nutrients. Onion is clinically proven to contain various nutrients and minerals including Vitamin B-6, Manganese, Potassium and Vitamin C. The nutrients it contains Vitamin C, provides at least 13.11% of an adult recommended daily intake which helps the body to produce collagen to maintain our skin and hair healthy.

Rich in Anti-oxidant Properties. Onions were also found out to be rich in anti-oxidants properties. This vitamin helps to counter the formation linking to cancer. In 2019 research study of Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, they found out that regular eating of onions reduces 79%.

Rich in Anti-inflammatory Properties. Onions were also known to contain anti-inflammatory properties that are very beneficial inflammation, decrease fats and cholesterols. It also helps in reducing or regulating blood sugar as studies show that eating 100

leads to reduction of blood sugar level and can even help in battling type 2 diabetes.

Rich in Bone Minerals. Onions are also rich in bone minerals like calcium and protein that helps in maintaining bone strength. that consuming 100 grams of onions daily can prevent loss of bone density and osteoporosis at the age of 50.

Rich in Quercetin. Quercetin and Flavonoids are antibacterial and antiviral minerals that were also found in onions. According were also proven to be vital in reducing the risks of Alzheimer’s Disease.

These benefits of onions show how vital an onion in an individual’s diet and health. As the main concern, prices of onions are daily meal decreases making us less capable of experiencing its benefits.

So in order to solve this issue, let us help our farmers and our economy in regulating the supplies and demands around açour gardening and wise consuming. Through this we could also consume the right amount of onions, make it seasonal at anytime of onions anymore.


That onions in the Philippines cost up tO P700.00/kilo last January, 2023 making than a kilo of beef?



“Alis dyaan, amoy usok ka na mamayaaa”.... - a common scenario along the sidewalk of streets where snacks where grilled foods were dipped on sauces, a habit that we never get rid of even we smells like smoke

However behind the delicious tastes of these grilled foods like barbeque, isaw and dugo are coals that take an important role in cooking these foods. These coals came from chopped underwent to burning process resulting to emission of carbon dioxide.

Due to this, 3 students of Peñablanca National High School namely April Mie Marie Taccad, Aidyl Jobhana Cabiao and Honey Rose Quilang conducted a research study about for coals. But what makes it different from common coals and what are its benefits?

Hooking Proposal

The scented briquette research project of Taccad, Cabiao and Quilang is proposed to be an alternative source of coal that can be use for cooking. It is made of used papers and extracts of lemon grass or citronelle and here are its possible benefits :

Reduce Waste Volume

According to the researchers, the said scented briquette product uses only used paper, cut into tiny pieces. This project has the potential to reduce the paper waste volume and will have a great impact on the environment.

Reduce Air Pollution

In terms of grilled foods, smokes are unpreventable for it’s part of the process though through the use of these scented briquette we can lessen the emission because burning is not included in the process of making these briquettes and the only emission is when cooking.

These possible benefits of this briquette can bring conviniece to the community and as well to the environment though it’s still under the process of research. In their recent survey,In their recent survey, 95% of their respondents chose their briquette and have a rating of 9.2 in terms of its smell concluding a good result.So let us support this kind of innovation that mainly aims to propose a solution towards current problems of the society in order for the successful projection of the project when proven safe.



“Naramdaman mo yun… anlakas no…. akala ko nga nahihilo

- last July 27, 2022 the whole Luzon island was banged by a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 where its epicenter is in the northwest of Tayum, Abra with a depth of 17km. This historic earthquake was even felt on southern Luzon and it caused casualties in different parts of the island.

Disaster like earthquakes are really unexpected for they don’t give warnings nor signs to when or where will they occur, not allowing the residents to prepare for its coming. Though, the Philippines is located inside the Pacific Ring of Fire (the region where volcanic and earthquake activities usually occur), most of its countrymen has not always been ready for its coming that’s why more casualties are being recorded.

Regarding with the said earthquake, here are some facts to know about it.

the price of it keeps on contains especially healthy. formation of free radical compounds reduces the risk of cancer by to our health. It fights 100 grams of raw onion per day

strength. In various studies, they all show

According to studies, intake of these minerals are increasing while its presence in our açour country through practicing home anytime and we won’t cry out for the prices

making it more expensive


chopped branches of trees, which making a up

• Casualties. According to National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (NDRRMC), 448,990 individuals or 119,730families from three regions were affected and a total also of 30,285 houses were destroyed by the said earthquake. Th Due to this incident, the province of Abra declared a state of calamity since July 28, 2022.

• Landslide. Since the epicenter of the earthquake is located near the mountain provinces of Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), numerous landslides not lower than 20 were recorded after the earthquake. This resulted to slower mobilization and transportation of people and good between cities and provinces causing increase prices of local products and slower government approach to the affected areas.

After the major earthquake, the authorities warned the public that aftershocks are very expected that could last for months and it will peak during the 2nd to 3rd after the earthquake. Since July 27, there are at least 2,655 aftershocks where 840 were plotted and recorded while 59 were felt with a magnitude ranging 1.4 to 5.1 according to PHIVOLCS.

• Deaths. Due to immense earthquake and aftershocks, various landslide, there are recorded injuries and deaths on Ilocos Region and CAR by the authorities. As time passes by, the recorded number or injuries rose to 410 while death toll reached to 11 and 10 of it were on CAR.

These effects of the recent earthquake in Abra are very devastating as it destroyed infrastructures, historic heritages and killed lives. It also affected the mobility and transportation of people and goods to different areas.

It is undeniable that some of its effects are unpreventable but we can lessen it through the following safety precautions: Choose a place that is not vulnerable during earthquakes when planning to build a home.

Evacuate when necessary and stay away from mountainous areas.

These safety precautions seemed to be very redundant in our lives for it was been taught many times but through these ways we can be able to prevent casualties, death and save our loved ones.

Prepare an emergency kit and save contacts of local authorities.

Keep being updated from news and instructions of the Local Government Unit (LGU).

whenever and wherever we are to keep ourselves and our families safe from any risks or disasters. If you’re not sure if earthquake is really happening just stop for a moment, observe your surroundings then react calmly. Remember, “Ligtas ang may alam, kaya dapat Red

where Filipinos loves to have smoke right after it.
alternative coals
lang ako…”
after 19
BRIQUETTE Practice the earthquake drill and be familiarized with the Duck-Cover-Hold technique


It’s me, Hi, I’m the Problem, it’s me!....”

This situation has been more likely to happen amidst the pandemic as we were quarantined for more than 2 years and the youth are most vulnerable. In fact, according to National Statistics Office (NSO), 3.6 million Filipinos are facing mental issues and rank as the third most common comorbidity in the country.

Additionally, in the recent assessment of Department of Health (DOH), mental disorders have a prevalence of 16% to children but what are these disorders?


A mental disorder is defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behavior which is usually associated with distress or impairment in important areas of functioning. And these are different types of mental disorder:

Anxiety Depression

Depression is a disorder that makes people feel extremely sad, worried, and empty for a long period of time. People with depression are at an increased risk of suicide. In 2019, 280 million people worldwide are affected by this disorder.

Bipolar Disorder

This disorder affected 40 million people globally. People with this disorder experience alternating depressive episode with periods or manic symptoms that includes Euphoria, irritability, increased energy and impulsive reckless behavior.

Eating Disorder

Eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa is an disorder characterized by abnormal eating due to stress. This results to different nutrition disorder and body issues. Eating disorder has affected 14 milion people in 2019 worldwide.


Anxiety is caused by excessive fear and worry and related behavioral disturbances that affects 301 million people worldwide. Anxiety has several kinds including : generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder.

This mental disorder is characterized by significant changes in perceptions and behaviour. Symptoms of Schizophrenia may include persistent delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and extreme agitation. Schizophrenia affected approximately 24 million globally and people with this condition have a life expectancy of 10-20 years below the general population.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

This mental health disorder is characterized by extreme scariness caused by traumatic and horrific experiences of the patient. According to statistics, the leading cause of this disease is sexual relationship violence that accounts approximately 33% of the cases of PTSD.

These disorders are really dangerous/harmful to our health as they bring various psychological and physical diseases to our body that may lead to death. Though, these are preventable through undergoing to these procedures:


This first important thing to do when suffering from any of these diseases is to open up with other people especially to our family. Sharing our problems will allow us to lessen our burden and reduce the suffocating feeling brought by these disorders. We will also gain much support from them.

Healthy Lifestyle

20% According to the World Health Organization (WHO) about 20% of the world’s children and adolescent have mental disorders or for problems and half of these begin before the age of 14.


The lifestyle of an individual reflects on his well-being as what he does affects his physical, social and mental health. So healthy practices including regular exercises, balanced diet and recreational activities are beneficial during the trying times of mental disorders for they releases happy hormones like endorphins and serotin.

The best thing to do when suffering to mental disorder is to consult to health professionals such as to psychiatrists so they could undergo to assessment and diagnosis. Doctors will also give them medicined like antidepressants and pills and recommend them to have a continuous therapy.

These treatment procedures are the best options to cope up with the different mental disorders though the patient’s willingness is the most needed factor because opening up with others is one of the most difficult thing to do. Moreover, we should not rely much on these procedures because prevention will always be better than cure and there are cases in which patients underwent to these treatment however still committed suicide.

So when we feel blue or alone, never be used of isolating yourself instead let us balance personal space and socialization and always turn the light switch on to overcome the trap of mental disorders.

Perhaps you can relate to one of the most famous songs of Taylor Swift entitled “Anti-hero” which talks about depression. But be careful! ‘cause you might already be in a dark locked room and mental disorders are ahead of you.

Bicycle isn’t just a mode of transportation rather a hobby that gives us fun most especially when having rides with friends. And during the pandemic, the hype of people towards it grew higher as it became a trend and the number of cycling household rose to 7.3 million last April 2022 according to Social Weather Station (SWS). This biking fever most especially to teenagers opened a pathway for the government to allot special lanes for bikers and for them to build a community. Aside from that what are the benefits of biking in our health that makes people more into it?

•Improves Skeletal and Muscular Fitness. Biking requires physical effort in order to run bikes manually and the pedalling activity eventually strengthens the muscles, joints, and bones of the legs. It also allows us to build more muscle to shape body and prevents us from suffering to arthritis.

•Improves Cardiovascular Fitness. Biking is an exercise that requires stamina and endurance and during this activity it enhances our cardiovascular fitness and endurance resulting for better heart health and blood circulation. In 2017, researchers at the University of Glasgow concluded a five-year study involving over a quarter of a million people and found out that biking lessens the risk of having a heart disease by 45%.

•Maintains your Weight. Bicycle is a good exercise to burn calories essential for maintaining body weight. It raises our metabolic rate and burns fats. According to Health Line, Steady, moderate cycling burns about 300 calories in 60 minutes, but you can burn more than that if you increase the intensity.

•Improves your Mental Health. Biking was not just for physical health but it is also scientifically proven to affect our mental health significantly. While biking, our heart pumps blood around our body at a greater rate which allows faster spread of happy hormones such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. In fact, according to a survey of Cycleplan, 75% of cyclist noticed an improvement in their mental health.

These benefits of biking are vital in the human health as biking does not only affect the physical fitness but also the mental fitness of an individual.

Moreover, biking is also an eco-friendly vehicle that helps humanity to reduce carbon emissions in the field of transportation. It

runs without being fueled by combustible fuels and does emit any pollutants. So let us try to grasp or clutch the opportunities of biking either as a mode of transportation, a recreational activity or as a sports event to attain not just the fun but also the benefits it can give to us. Together, we can change its

effects in our wellness and its impact in our environment to practice a sustainable and healthy living.


to Search

Wealth“Huwag ka ngang magsayang ng kanin, maraming bata ang palaboylaboy at hindi nakakakain”..... We usually hear this from our parents because they want us to value every grain of rice in our table as it is not cheap and it is our main staple food in the country.

In fact, we, Filipinos eat rice at least thrice a day and sometimes we even ask for more. However, as malnutrition and Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) is a trend in the country affecting about 29% of Filipinos according to World Health Organization (WHO), rice is not enough to sustain the minerals and vitamins our body need.

Here’s a good news! Multiple agencies including the Philippine Rice Research İnstitute (PhilRice) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) are creating the so-called “Golden Rice” which aims to solve malnutrition. But what is this Golden Rice?

Golden Rice (Oryza sativa) is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) which contain Beta-carotene, an important substance found in fruits and vegetables. This project was started way back 1990’s Syngenta Company and now paving its way for proposal consumption. And here are the benefits of Golden Rice : Good for the Eyes.According to World Health Organization, 350,000 children go blind as a result of VAD and since Golden Rice is rich with Beta-carotene which is eventually converted to Vitamin A, a nutrient vital for the eyesight, it will protect us from eye diseases such as astigmatism, near-sightedness and far-sightedness.

Rich in Beta-carotene. Golden Rice is engineered to be rich in Betacarotene, a food supplement usually found in green leafy vegetable. Once this food supplement has been taken into body it will be converted into Vitamin A when needed. This is essential for solving Vitamin A Deficiency in the country.

Good for the Skin. Vitamin A has also been proven as a good supplement for the skin. This Golden Rice which is high in this micronutrient, it will be a good source of protection against skin diseases and helps in repairing infected skin tissues.

These benefits of Golden Rice can be really helpful to fight against health concerns especially Vitamin A Deficiency, of our nation and the world. However, not all scientist and farmers are in favor for this research project but why?

The ‘Golden Rice’ is an ambitious project that aims to solve a major health concern to children though not everyone is into it as most of them are afraid for the aftermath that may happen and here are some of it :

Lack of Evidence. Even though this project began way back in the 90’s, evidences still seemed to be insufficient. Scientists ask for more evidences regarding the safety of planting and consumption of Golden Rice because they’re concluding that consequences might be unpredictable. Possible Contamination. Same is true with Filipino farmers, they are also unconvinced by the benefits of this Golden Rice because rice field and food contamination is their main concern. Due to this, they’re not yet open to plant this rice variety and some even protested that some even destroy the Golden Rice field in Nueva Ecija last August 2023.

Food Security. Since ‘Golden Rice’ is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) product, some don’t consider it safe to consume. Dr. Alfred Sommer of Johns Hopkins University said that “It’s better to eat natural foods or the organic ones” while some experts recommended to eat alternative foods like squash as a source of Vitamin A to prevent health risks.

These concerns and contrary side of the other members of the society are valid and needed to be considered ‘cause deeper clinical and laboratory studies are required to provide factual evidences to prove the efficacy of Golden Rice.

So, let us just be open for innovations like ‘Golden Rice’ because it might be the solution for the existing concerns and issues of our community like Malnutrition and Vitamin A Deficiency. But along that, we must be analytics and objective regarding these studies to ensure our sake especially the youth, the legitimate golden treasure.

Along the edges of the endless-like roads and highways, is the battle of speed and acceleration among an array of wheels which are meant for convenience. Though within the outermost lane, series of engineless vehicles were pedalled, the sole ride with distinct feels.
by Francis Kyle Tamayao by Francis Kyle Tamayao


Support to PLAY SPORT

Games are everywhere around us. They can be played inside your house, beside the road or in the field even outside the country.

Athletes from different countries are proudly representing their own nation in the field of sports. It’s in our tradition to support our athletes in their contested event. But how can we still do the same tradition if everything is now expensive?

As of January 2023, the inflation in the Philippines rose to 8.7%. As a local citizen of Peñablanca, the inflation in our country is alarming and has big impact to our municipality; especially most of the athletes that are being sent to compete in the higher meets are students.

Student-athletes are still students. They don’t have the ability to provide for their needs in the competition. Nowadays some of the expenses in competing to other places to represent the school or town are being shouldered by the players.

Not only the expenses of the athletes are not budget-friendly, even the ticket price and the gas used on the vehicles of the athletes went up. And these things are far different way back 2019.

For me, this inflation changed everything in the field of sports, although games are still continuing amidst of the changes caused by the inflation. And as a citizen and also a former athlete, the government should give assistance to the athletes especially if they are competing in the higher levels.

SPIKE OF VICTORY PNHS Men’s Volleyball Team reigns in Municipal Volleyball Meet

PNHS Men’s Volleyball Team dominated during the 2023 Municipal Meet held at Penablanca National High School last January 7, 2023.

The team defeated Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School (DSPNHS) and Cabbo National High School (CNHS) to capture the championship title. During their match with DSPNHS, team PNHS gave it their all. They found ways for them to score.

Both teams are really competitive to take the title.

In their match, both teams started with service errors. Jeffry Tica, spiker of PNHS, made a service ace after the opposite hit of Jerome Puyaon of DSPNHS team. Jarrenz Calicco is playing smart for Don Severino during the match. He always drops the ball to deceive the frontline players of PNHS.

Rovin Guinusay and James Lebron Sibbaluca contributed to the PNHS team as they unleashed drop balls and backrow attacks.

The game ended after 3 sets with a

score of 27-25, 20-25 and 15-13 in favor of PNHS.

For the second game, team PNHS faced Cabbo National High School to secure their position.

Joshua Talosig, the team captain of CNHS released balloon spikes to catch up with the big gap in the score. Jeff Andrei Taguibao, middle blocker, blocked the attacks of CNHS.

The match ended after 2 sets with a score of 25-15 and 25-17 in favor of PNHS.

The team will represent the municipality in the Pre-Provincial Meet at Solana, Cagayan.

Aside from them, the PNHS Volleyball Girls Team also qualified to the next level of the meet beating veteran volleyball teams from the municipality.

A-Mae-zingly ex-zel-lent

“Life is like a wheel, sooner or later, it always comes around to where you started again.” Living in this extraordinary world isn’t easy. Life will throw you painful things and happenings that will surely be permanent in your memory.

Studying while working and having a training as an athlete at the same time is hard to manage. But for Maezel Caday Suyu, 17 years of age and currently a Grade 11-Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) student, this situation is a normal cycle of her life since then. She was born on May 18, 2006, at Sisim, Penablanca, Cagayan. The 2nd child among the 4 siblings and the daughter of Mrs. Marilyn Suyu a housewife and Mr. Alejo Suyu who works as a construction


At her young age, she is like a wheel rolling across the world experiencing how life spins. She already explores the bottom of her journey. She thought her life was like a flat tire, not until the throws sport was introduced to her when she was in Grade 5. She tried playing this not because she was influenced by her peers, but it is because she wants to experience and explore the world of throws.

Maezel is well known for her unique humor and impact to others. A friendly, approachable, loud and jolly - that is Maezel in front of others. But behind her tough personality is the pain she’s suffering from, both financially and, in her family, slowly crushed her.

The three games under her chosen sport which are Javelin throw, shotput and discus throw were like the 3 things where her life is spinning. Going to school to study for her future while selling hamburgers, turon and butchi during recess time and going to training after class is the normal cycle of her everyday life. She sells these foods to her schoolmates to have additional money to provide for her needs.

As a tire of her own vehicle, she wanted to drive to her destination which is to wear a police uniform and serve her country. But before having that dream destination, she already has some achievements in the field of throws. When she was in elementary she was a throws Provincial Qualifier and now that she’s on her secondary level, she was once again a Provincial Qualifier. Aside from playing throws she also plays basketball as a hobby.

“Patuloy akong lalaban para sa aking mga pangarap” is a motivational statement from Maezel that keeps her athlete and student life balanced. The rough roads she’s going through in her life made her more tough to face more battles as she continues her journey to achieve her dreams in life.

She’s still halfway to that breathtaking and relaxing destination of her trip. No matter what happens, she will be wheeled by her own experience to the end of her journey. And these problems that stop her from moving forward will never be a hindrance.

“Just like what I’ve said, athletes are still students who are not capable of providing all their needs that’s why they deserve support from the local government unit.”
SMASH FOR GOLD. Jasper Dave Dalumay, a Grade 10 student of Peñablanca National High School takes on a powerful spike to score for his team during the Municipal Meet last January 7, 2023. Photo by Czarina Shane Tamon

LARO NG LAHI Meats of Streets

Along the busy street in an afternoon setting, while the sunshine touches everyone’s skin with bearable feels, the melody and harmony of the sound of laughter and yells echoes throughout the whole neighborhood. This noise comes from the children who play the traditional Filipino game known as Larong Pinoy.

With no doubt, Larong Pinoy are truly fun and exciting, from the various games that you can play along with your friends, it gives you that chance to bond with them and expose yourself in a competitive world.

In fact, larong pinoy aren’t just a childish thing because it comprises of different games that requires skills and mentality for individual and team sports and here are some of the Larong Pinoy :

•Tumbang Preso. The game tumbang preso is considered as a combination of individual and team sports. In this game, players will use ‘lata’ or tin can as their target and ‘tsinelas’ or slippers as their ‘pamato’. One will serve as a guard of the can and others will be responsible for aiming to hit the can. The guard shall tag the other players once they failed to hit the can and attempted to run towards the base and he will be replaced by anyone being caught.

•Patintero. Patintero is a team sports composed of 2 teams with atleast 3 players in each team. In this game, the offensive side will aim to pass through different lines without being tag by the defensive side, who serves as guards along the lines until they can be able to return to their base. If the defensive side, tagged one of the members of the offensive side, they will switch roles.

•Luksong Tinik and Baka. Luksong Tinik and Luksong baka are different games but with similar mechanics. They’re both individual sports and aim to jump over the hand or body of the ‘taya’ or it without getting your feet touch the it’s body. Whoever will fail to do this, will be the next ‘it’.

•Piko. The game Piko is considered as an individual sports. It requires a stone as your ‘pamato’ and to draw boxes and a bounded curve on top of it that will serve as the playing site. The main aim of this game is to throw your ‘pamato’ in a particular box without being placed outside or an inch close to the lines of the boxes. After that, the player shall jump towards the boxes without stepping on the line or on the areas an inch closer to it. The player shall skip the box where his ‘pamato’ is and he’s going to pick it up when heading back to the base. Lastly, players will take turns in playing.

• Tagu-taguan. The game Tagu-taguan is the Filipino version of hide and seek. The game is comprised of several players and one will serve as taya or it. The it will count up to the desired number of seconds and other players must hide and after that the ‘it’ will seek for the other players. The first one found by the it shall be the next it unless others will tag the base first against the it.

These mentioned Larong Pinoy are only few of the sereval games, others are named ‘Langit Lupa’, ‘Habul-habulan’, ‘Touchingball’ and many more. They are only simple games that require only our physical presence and simple apparatuses however it promotes our culture and traditions as well as trains our skills and sportsmanship through the simplest way. Surely, it will make you sweat and it will somehow make you untidy however the experience will serve as testimony that it’s worth it at all. Cherish every moment playing these games because a day will come that you’ll be missing it as you watch the noisy young ones having a meet along the street.



“Sa lahat ng kapwa kong pulis maging magandang ehemplo sa kabataan at sa ating kababayan” this was a profitable statement from a good and inspiring police athlete PSSg. Eva Claire Capelo Santiago, a police officer from Cagayan won 4 medals in the 2022 World Police and Fire Games at Rotterdam, Netherlands last August 5,2022.

She proved herself again in playing Taekwondo Poomsae and Kyorugi event, both individual and team category as she brings home 4 medals again from her international competition.

Santiago is one of the Philippine National Police (PNP) athletes who represented the country in the 2022 World Police and Fire Games (WPFG) in Netherlands.

She was chosen to represent the country in the said event not just because she is a member of the Police but also she is a member of Taekwondo Team since 2015 and also a member of Kyorugi Fin Weight and Poomsae.

Santiago was a native from Centro, Penablanca, Cagayan , who was the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Rhoel Fernandez Santiago and Rosalie Capelo Santiago among the four siblings.

The great athlete is a alumna of Penablanca National High School and later finished her Criminology Degree at University of Cagayan Valley.

This another achievement of PSSg. Santiago did not only make Penablanca National High School, her Alma Mater proud of her as a former student of the institution, but also gave her hometown, province, region and beloved country an honor.


PNHS reigns in the 2023 PreProvincial Meet

Athletes of Peñablanca National High School ruled the 2023 Pre-Provincial Meet last February 1719, 2023 at Solana Cagayan.

The PNHS athletes represented the municipality of Peñablanca in the field of basketball and volleyball. They competed with the different municipalities in the Congressional District 3 of Cagayan.

The Women’s Volleyball team placed 1st runner-up after having 6 games. Amulung defeated them in their first game with a score of 2-1, but the girls bounced back after defeating Solana after 2 sets. Their win streak continued until they defeated Enrile for their 3rd game that allowed them to enter the semis.

They started their semis match with a win after beating Amulung after 3 intense sets. Their next game was against Iguig who are twice to beat. They won the first game against Iguig but they lost in their 2nd game that placed them in the 1st runner-up. According to their coach, the girls were already tired and most of them are injured.

Aside from the Volleyball girls, the PNHS Huskies Basketball Team will also proceed to the

continue to page 24...

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way”. Be their motivation and let them be your inspiration.

SportS SportS


PNHS’ bets to compete in the Wushu Sanda CAVRAA Meet


Cagayan Provincial Athletic Association (CPAA)

16 Silver medals

15 Bronze medals

29 Gold medals


Determined to the next level of sports meet and to snatch their first elimination win in the Provincial Level, the pioneer athletes propelled actions early in their first match and got on board after elimanating their first opponents.

Tungcul and Binwan who are first timers, got pressured on their opponents after those strong attacks given to them. They nearly lost their poise but they moved as they should and won their matches.

According to them, they are nervous because they are first timers in this field. But even if they only have a short period of time to prepare and train, they still managed



2 Gold

2 Silver medals medals

The two strong young fighters faced Allacapan and Solana in the final round. It was a good start and a great achievement for them to qualify in the CAVRAA Meet in their pioneer year.

Aside from the two, Prince Michael Medrano won silver in the 52-kg. Men’s category and Hershey A. Regalado also bagged a silver medal in the 42kg. Women’s category.

Sidmarc Vic E. Tungcul, gold medalist of the 42-kg. Men’s category and Mark Andrei T. Binwag, also a gold medalist in the 48-kg. Men’s category, will represent the province to the Wushu Sanda for the CAVRAA Meet. They will continue to train under the management of their coach Mrs. Caressa Jane Argonza.


owadays, communities do not only suffer in many major problems like CoViD-19, but also in the controversial inflation and its alternative form. In fact, Peñablanca’s Local Goverment Unit (LGU) stated that the inflation rate of the municipality has climed upto 7.2% last

a proof that inflation has affected sports negatively in terms of purchasing sports equipment, expenses in transportation and food, adding burden to athletes in making them clinch medals.

Sports committees not just across Cagayan but in the whole country, are injured in funding delegates that’s why more expenses are carried by the athletes themselves resulting to some withdrawals of attempt to be champions.

Peñablanca emerges overall 5th Place in the 2023 CPAA Meet

Peñablanca,CagayanPeñablanca athletes dominate during the 2023 Cagayan Provincial Athletic Association Meet held at Cagayan’s Sports Complex last March 9-12,2023.

The elementary ruled the meet as the overall champion in the Elementary Division, while in the Secondary Division they ranked 10th place overall. They collected a total of 60 medals consisting of 29 gold, 15 silver and 16 bronze.

After how many years of pandemic, the Peñablancaños once again proved themselves to the crowd in the field of sports. Their trainings and dedication on sports result for them to reign the provincial meet.

March 9-12, 2023 , most

Through the years, a lot of great athletes with potentials to be world champions quit to represent our country. Instead, they went to other countries like USA and Japan to seek for better funding and sponsorship to continue their career like what happened to Yuka Saso, a US Golf Open Champion and Wesley So, a chess grandmaster.

Their training and hardworks had paid off. Kuddos to the young student-athletes and to their supportive and dedicated coaches who help them all through out their journey.

pagtaas ng presyo

Here in Peñablanca, the municipality has won the most gold medals in elementary level and was hailed as the 5th overall champion in the recent Provincial Meet, truly making it a home of emerging champions in the upcoming higher meets just like Eva Santiago, a both national champion and internationally decorated taekwondo player.

The gold medalist athletes will proceed to the next level which is the 2023 Cagayan Valley Regional Athletic Association Meet (CAVRAA) that will happen on April 24-28, 2023 at Ilagan City, Isabela.

This testimony serves as

These athletes deserve more financial aid and sponsorship to keep them on track for in return, it’s worth it to invest as the prize of pride is heavier that the price. Skills with great quality of training and generous support is the shortest way to bring home the bacon.


Wushu is a sport that is originated from traditional Chinese martial arts. It was created in China after 1949. It was created to nationalize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts. Most of the competitions had influences of martial arts.

PUNCH OF PASSION. Sidmarc Vic Tungcul blows a left jab to secure a gold medal in the Wushu Sanda Competition during the recently concluded Provincial Meet last March 8-12, 2023. Photo by Lizelle Dumallag PNHS reighns in Pre-Provincial’... Provincial Meet after winning as Champions in the Basketball Event. Their game was a draw because of the heavy rain that wet the floor of the court. The student-athletes of the athletic team will also represent the municipality of Peñablanca after reigning on the different fields events on the said sports meet. Meanwhile, the PNHS Men’s Volleyball Team also brag 3rd runner up and the Peñablanca Badminton team represent the secondary level in the said Meet. from page 23... After routing 3 opponents during the 2023 Provincial Meet last March 8-12, 2023 at Mamba Gym Tuguegarao City, Sidmarc Vic E. Tungcul and Mark Andrei T. Binwag successfully advanced to Cagayan Valley Regional Athletic Association (CAVRAA) Meet. SPORTS EDITORIAL by Mary Loise Mirja Mateo

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Articles inside


page 23

LARO NG LAHI Meats of Streets

page 23

A-Mae-zingly ex-zel-lent

page 22

SPIKE OF VICTORY PNHS Men’s Volleyball Team reigns in Municipal Volleyball Meet

page 22


pages 21-22


pages 20-21

making it more expensive Project

page 19


page 19


page 18

Technology Science

page 18

•Pancit Batil Patung

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page 17


pages 16-17


page 15

Stair of Progression

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pages 13-14


page 12

W “

page 12


pages 11-12


pages 9-10

Enchanted Night

page 8


page 8


page 7


page 7


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SCRIBES SMACKDOWN School-based Journ breeds potential campus journos

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WRITING WONDERS WIN TPG Journos emerge victorious in Search for Cagayan’s Journo Idols 2023

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Peñablanca Police Station launches ‘Itatawid Kita Para Safe Ka’...

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