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Clarity above Discrepancy
Stemmed from unrealistic beauty standards is mankind’s subjective perception that cemented the beholder’s prejudicial verdict. Whilst, it is not anymore, an open secret that people who are perceived conventionally attractive are given a different kind of liberty and acceptance --- Still, denying its existence is a form of tolerance that unconsciously promotes systemic bias.
Compostela National High School has a long list of rules and regulations to follow that aims to create a conducive learning environment. Accompanied by the posted signages, we are conditioned to abide by the same clothing styles and patterns. This includes not bailing out the Dress Code. Though, this has been the subject of controversy for it infringes the students’ freedom of expression, it is generally created as a blueprint for us to withstand.
In addition, complaints resurfaced as there have been countless incidents of accusation of violated Dress
Code. Students express their sentiments in a public social media post as they find it unjust and one-sided, for they have noticed a major discrepancy in terms of the rule’s enforcement.
According to the thread, goodlooking and popular students are granted a gate-pass to enter the vicinity without sweat --- just by using their charm and connections. Students have long been bothered by this treatment because of its repetitive application, inducing them to squeeze out their frustrations online.
The lived experiences of students from different batches who also shared their unpleasant encounters are the intangible proof that this has been going on for years. That particular online interaction served as the whistle-blower to reveal the incorrect use of authority.

Putting the school guards on the brink of losing their conviction. Though it has been the device to reveal the rotting system, the misappropriate usage of online worst cases, it will dissipate resulting to a considerable catalyst to the overall aspects. ntegration of both subjects can result in alteration and changes especially in AP. Without it, the conceptual framework of AP such as educating community functions, social works and integrity will be altered and in worst cases, it will defunct. It cannot penetrate to wholesome individuals.
It is notable that AP is an essential subject since it serves as one of the foundations of ethics and integrity. Through its paces, AP can educate the students regarding social works on society, discipline, human connections and community functions which represents a decorum on humanity. On the other hand, MAPEH is also an integral part of education wherein can emphasize and enhance skills, abilities and life practices of a student. It is undeniable that MAPEH can make the education lively, fun and interesting which appropriately attributes to the needs and interests of a student.
However, AP and MAPEH have different stereotypes of education, they are not similar in terms of objectives and have different logical footsteps. Integrating them may only cause confusions particularly in the mindset of young learners. They cannot justify yet have the difficulty to adopt in large frequencies.

EXTRA ction: Road to Academic Success

platforms should also be condoned. Public feedback will only add fuel to the fire, as their involvements contribute to the aftermath of the deliberation. This will only stain the image of the school and the complainant.

Instead of addressing the issues online, carelessly calling out the people involved, this concern should be directed to the school. CNHS provides a safe space to let the voices of the students be hteard. Through asking the Supreme Student Government’s assistance to directly file a formal protest, this matter would have not been made as an appetizer for less concerned individuals.

Apart from this, there are no excuses for those who have become abusive of their power. If it has been substantiated that the school guards should take responsibility, then disciplinary actions
Bite of Fright
should be imposed. Though the influence of physical attributes create an impact as to how people view a certain person --It should not be a sole determinator in making informed decisions, and that everyone should be given equal opportunities regardless of their external appearance. Above all, the unofficial mantra of every learning institution is clarity above discrepancy.
Terror of the Wheels
Screams and shouts were silently heard when the issue of missing persons being kidnapped and killed howls loudly that vibrates fear to the people. No place is safe when danger occupies it. Various crimes are everywhere with different unknown suspects.
Kidnapping is now a major issue and prominent in roads and highways. I strongly believe that roads and highways are now a dangerous zone especially to the young ones despite that the crimes are rapidly increasing. Numerous cases of kidnapping and crimes arise than before just like what happened recently at Brgy. Maparat. Last April 23 around 9:40 PM, the two anonymous teenagers were blocked along the desolate road by the white van as they were walking home. They elaborated that the van consists of eight men and thus they devoured and attempted to kidnap the two teenagers, however, they went to safety without any harm.
Victims may speak, but fear was silent. If this continues to appear, these cases will prolong the kidnappings on the streets and the terrors on the physical and mental status of the individuals.
Strengthening the security will so much be helpful in lessening the kidnapping incidents as well as the responsibility of individuals to get awareness and not being alone at road and highways during night.
Extracurricular activities have been part of the history of the educational system in the Philippines since then and it has been showcasing their talents through engaging these skillful and learnful activities such as sports, festival of talents, and press conferences. Banning extracurricular activities is being issued due to the reduction of class hours, teachers working beyond teachers work overtime, and the unnecessary increase of pressure for students.
Vice President and Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Sara Duterte announced that traditional school activities would not push through this school year, telling teachers to focus on academics instead. I firmly believe that this decision would be very effective on the aim of lessening the hardship of both teachers and students. In fact, extracurricular activities can do nothing about a student's grades in school
According to the DepEd Order no. 034, series of 2022 that suggests that the conduction of extracurricular activities is strictly prohibited. This represents to teachers and other teaching personnel to avoid impedance of the performance of their work and teaching responsibilities.

Consequently, the two-year break is the indication of stepping-up the curriculum and investing in academics, rather than to extracurricular practices as it just does nothing, but adds superfluous pressure to both teachers and students.
Ensuring their academic recovery is vital for the students' learning capabilities and teachers' teaching proficiencies. Through the extraction of the extracurricular activities, the road will be clear for the academic success of both students and teachers.
Opportunity Over Possibility
As an old adage says "A wellrounded education is a must."
However, professionals has distance they need to take as they have the opportunity waiting for them abroad hence the time goes by, teachers became the channel of resiliency and compassion. Teachers with unending patience can make a significant difference in their students' lives. I believe that teachers are the foundation of learning and development, they serve as guiding lights and influence.
Controversy uncovered the realities when some teachers in CNHS decided to work abroad due to the low wages. Hence, the Philippine Statistics Authority recorded 2.2 million overseas workers, nine percent or an estimated 207,000 are Filipino professionals. Teaching abroad helps teachers to immerse themselves in another culture and observe the globe. Also, it is the beginning of a worldwide trip unlike any other in terms of travel, cultural exchange, and personal enrichment.