1 minute read
As the LGBTQ dominate, they made a change in community, but they are still experiencing discrimination – LGBTQ gradually burning out stigma and breaking school norms as to allow their rights.
Traditional school norms in CNHS did not allow any interchanging outfits following the prohibition of LGBTQ influences. I strongly oppose to the prohibition of interchanging outfits. I fully support the LGBTQ on breaking traditional school norms.
Moreover, the law states that LGBTQ rights are human rights - have the rights to explore normally, however, this quite contrary in CNHS since they strictly forbid following the rules mended by the school.
LGBTQ are influencing every corridor of the community, especially the school. Some schools like Ateneo, UP, and USEP are open in LGBTQ yet allowing them to settle with liberty, peace and love. In this case, CNHS should allow and embrace the LGBTQ to provoke exquisitely join the bandwagon
Devoid rainbow stain is what society should see the LGBTQ community. Full acceptance over toleration can make the colors of the very rainbow appear vibrantly and its opaqueness can be polished to transparent. Society and the community especially the schools should tolerate the stigma sticking from the fathom of black traditional norms and pave it with such prolific hue - interchanging dress outfit is not the hindrance of education.
Blind sight