3 minute read
naCURE : Therapeutic for everyone
By: Fevie Gwen Cadayona
As of being a living human to this z , layers of difficulties in our minds stuck in our head. Some may have a solution, some are not. But, nature and good environment can help us heal anything.
CNHS students have an unusual relationship between nature due to its campus of the school that is surrounded by plants and trees. It has a big ethical impact to them especially to their wellbeing for mentality as a student. It is salient for them to use as positive outturn when it comes to the use of their knowledge. Good environment is equals to good mentality!
Research divulged that nature and good environment really had a good impact of our wellbeing especially to our mental health and body. Good environment can increase or reduce any kinds of stress which can help us recover from any forms of complications. Being in nature decreases the common stressors that it is in your mental health. It lessen your fear, anger and unfortunate depressions.
Everything you are seeing, hearing and experiencing any moment alternating not just in our mood but how your endocrine, nervous and immune system are working. Exhibition to nature and good environment not only makes you better emotionally, it can also contribute to your physical wellbeing, muscle tension, heart rate, production of stress hormones and reducing blood pressure. It may also reduce mortality, that is according to scientists, public health researchers Stamatakis and Mitchell.
Unpleasant environment can turn or can cause you to feel anxious, helpless and sad. This can elevate your blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate and suppresses your immune system. A pleasing environment and nature can alternate that.
Time in nature or viewing nature scenarios increases our ability to pay attention because human find essentially interesting. We can fundamentally focus on what we are dealing with our environment as well as our nature. This was also come up with a respite for our overactive minds and refreshing us for new beginnings and tasks.
Rooted from an unconscious thought to end the hassle, Sir Jonah Manatad thought of putting the use of papers to extinction as it delays the channel of information distribution --- such as filing a request to go out of the school. What used to be his past time paved way for another refinement, an Online Pass Slip System that directly notifies the teaching personnel.
Sir Jonah could not sleep that particular evening when an idea came across his mind. Instead of resting, he found himself contemplating how time consuming it is to ask permission to go out of the school premises --- carefully stating your reason to have the adviser and Grade Level Head sign the slip is draining.
Manatad authored the said app in Google AppSheet --- a cloudbased spreadsheet and data platform that allows its users to create an enterprise-level application. This is easy to use since it is u8ser friendly especially to those who do not have background and experiences in coding.
The application had gone through several beta tests to observe its performance. This is also to solve bugs and errors before its general release to ensure the quality and accuracy of the application. Before it was disclosed to the masses, beta testing is the ultimate step to assess whether it is ready to be used or it says otherwise.

In accordance with the author’s primary purpose. It features a “Fill-Out Online Pass Slip Form” tab that enables the students to express their reasons as to why they are needed to go out --- this includes missing spaces that need to be filled up to grant your request such as; student’s information, date, intention, destination, and email.
Though a dashboard is made public to everyone who wishes to access, the application was finished with utmost security to protect the information and data posted in the app. In addition, the school guards and teachers are given ingress to check if a certain request is denied or approved --- making the process more swift and convenient for everyone.
After the actual test, a verdict follows. Manatad saw right before his eyes how fast the transaction is if integrated with innovation. Contrary to the usual style of notes, technology does the walk and the talk.
However, after a week of utilizing the app, Google notified Manatad to pay 30,000 pesos in dollars to continue the usage. As of now, it is currently on hold as it has not yet been paid. Yet, Manatad plans to pursue the application --- even if it will cost him dollars.
Since it has been substantiated how convenient it is for everyone --he vowed to carry on what he started. “When I find resources, I will definitely pay my obligations to keep the app from working”, he said. Turns out that AppSheet is only free when used personally. If shared to wider users, fee will automatically come after.