Avoid Ego
Sri Adi Shankaracharya has emphasized that one has to keep one’s ego – or Ahankara – in check. It is said that:
Òeele³e& SJe peieleerleue®e¬eÀJeleea mee³eb me SJe efJeefHeves peefìuemleHemJeer - He who was the emperor of the land, only in the morning, becomes an ascetic in the forest by evening.
This is used to illustrate that one who has great power and wealth can become a mendicant in no time. We too have seen with our own eyes many wealthy and haughty people becoming ordinary citizens. Such is the temporal nature of possessions and power. One must never let ego run amok in the mind. Similarly, scholarship does not entitle one to special benefits if you commit a mistake. That is why everyone must remember what the great Acharya said – njefle efveces<eeled keÀeue: meJe&ced – that all these can be snatched away in an instant by time. At another place, Sri Shankaracharya says – keÀeceb ¬eÀesOeb ueesYeb ceesn l³ekeÌlJee Deelceeve YeeJe³e keÀesçnced – Give up lust, anger, greed, delusion and strive to know the Self. Thus the Acharya did not stop with penning His Bhashyas on the abstruse aspects of Vedanta. He provided a number of instructions in His other works that are applicable to all of mankind. Indeed, this is why He is revered as a Jagadguru – one who has shown the path of welfare to the entire world. If anyone turns his back on these instructions, it is their choice. Who can stop one who digs a pit and plots his own downfall? Hence it is left to each one of us to grasp the teachings of the Jagadguru and better our lives. May each one strive along this direction and attain Shreyas.
HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~ www.astrologicalmagazine.com
Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?
Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu ceo@astrologicalmagazine.com Senior Editor Raman Suprajarama The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/ material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu 201 D, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864 info@astrologicalmagazine.com www.astrologicalmagazine.com
Contents Mark Kincaid The Perfection of Jyotisha or Vedic Astrology in Modern Times
Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi The Importance of Kaaleeya Mardanam Lord Krishna's Fight with the Poisonous Serpent
Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji
Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao Solar Physics and Biology in the Vedas
Raman Suprajarama Practical Clues to Check Vastu Compatibility
Bangalore Niranjan Babu Positive and Negative Effects of Veedhi Shoola or Street Spears
Barry Rosen We have more than One Birth Chart in our Life
Alan Annand Kala Sarpa Yoga - An in-depth Guide for Astrologers
Gary Gomes How to Interpret and Time Yogas in Vedic Astrology
Dr. Senay Yangel A Brief Introduction to Spiritual or Esoteric Astrology
The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for March 2017 29 Varahamihira
MARCH 2017
This Month (March 2017) for You
Sunrise and Sunset Timings for March 2017
For Your Guidance
The Perfection of Jyotisha or Vedic Astrology in Modern Times | Mark Kincaid
felt that you, the readers of The Astrological eMagazine who are great students of Jyotisha – might be particularly interested in just how much more improved and perfect, this ancient eastern subject is becoming, today. #1- Even traditionally, ancient Jyotisha has for hundreds and hundreds of years, been used to help all the individuals, especially in India and the basic ‘premise’ of such an astrology has long been that one’s personal, astrology chart – does in fact, most profoundly FIT one, in this life! Those of you who are already learning more about your eastern chart, are in fact, learning exactly how accurately and profoundly, your own, chart does fit you. However, even this most refined and profound eastern astrology has had “2” such internal problems which kept it from being that most extraordinary of Vedic tools, it was always supposed to be. #2 – For a very long time, a very distinct and pervasive, “Fatalism” existed within most of this traditional eastern astrology system – which conveyed the idea that one’s chart is “written in stone” and is therefore incapable of being either changed or improved in one’s life. Today, for the very first time, millions of eastern astrology enthusiasts are beginning to learn that such an even traditional eastern astrology – can be better understood in terms of such a new, non-fatalistic way and discover that such an astrology – is really meant to be more progressive, positive and even more success oriented.
“Teacher of the Transcendental Meditation – Technique since 1973. Student of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – Guru since 1973. Founder of the new Nature’s Astrology system – uniting the west and east
(I have been invited to come to India and deliver a paper on Jyotisha for an up-coming Vedic science conference in Assam, from March 16-20th. This paper has the same title as this article.)
There have in fact, been “7” greatest astrological breakthroughs that have been going on within the entire field of astrology today, (last month we had one such article here – that describes “5” of these). #3 – The greatest of these is how we can now utilize our same, individual, astrology charts, to most powerfully and profoundly, self-improve and self-develop ourselves. In the traditional Jyotisha system – it has long been known that every single human being, born on this earth, will be born with both positive and negative planets. What this means, is that where we are born with such positive planets – these will represent the unique ways in which we’ll be able to more easily fulfill our very desires and then, create such greater success for ourselves, in our lives. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
MARCH 2017
Words of Wisdom
MARCH 2017
Solar Physics and Biology in the Vedas | Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao
Prof B. Suryanarain Rao, the founder of The Astrological Magazine in 1895 is the grandfather of Dr. B. V. Raman (who edited The Astrological Magazine for over sixty years). He was the first to pioneer astrological journalism in the country. Prof. Rao has authored many books on Astrology like Astrological Primer, Astrological Mirror, Royal Horoscopes and many more. He has translated many classical works into English that include Varahamihira’s magnum opus Sarwartha Chintamani and more. Prof. Suryanarain Rao had a rich clentele that incuded the then Viceroys, Maharajas and Governors. It is pertinent to not here that he wrote a master piece on Vijayanagar titled The Never to Forgotten Empire as a challenge to Robert Sewell’s Forgotten Empire
et us take a comparative view of the knowledge of solar physics and biology among the modern scientists, among the ancient civilised nations, and among the early Sanskrit writers. So far as we have studied and referred to European books and authorities, classical and civilised are the two words which are invariably referred to by them to denote the ancient Greek and Roman literatures and occasionally to Chaldean, Ethiopean, Egyptian and Persian civilisations. The accounts relating to Hindus have been studiously left out. While there are many reasons for this grand omission, one seems to strike us strongly and that is no light one either. Christian missionaries and political causes, led the early prejudiced writers to overlook the existence of the vast stores of the Vedic sciences and the high degree of civilisation its followers had attained to at the very outset of the world’s evolution. Even today the Western writers and religionists are quite unwilling to accept any grand truths from the ancient Hindus. The orientalists are happy in their own fields of investigation and whether their inferences are justifiable or not they have the supreme satisfaction of supporting each other, copying from each other and crying down the native talents. When they do not suit their own whims and fancies, most of them are cowards behind the walls, for the generality never come forward, from their covers, meet the learned native pundits of India and argue with them in an open and fair-minded manner and the erroneous views of Sanskrit literature which they learn in Sanskrit under the name of oriental scholarship. When challenged to hold their own grounds, they decline to meet the talent indigenous, and content themselves with the success their books have wrought among the European public who are thoroughly ignorant of India, and the vast intellectual treasures it contains. The intellectual fight has therefore to be maintained between writers who decline to meet personally and who are incompetent to explain one simple stanza without referring to their note books, abstracts and quotations and the Hindu pundits who have the best of Sanskrit information at their fingers’ ends and who could simply crush their adversaries by their superior knowledge, critical study and the wonderful memory for which the Eastern adepts are noted all over the world. The English knowing graduates and others who dabble in Sanskrit are themselves afraid to meet the true scholars of India. Under these circumstances we need not be surprised to see that India is omitted altogether from the list of civilised countries and its
MARCH 2017