Be a Sattvika Karta The Shastras say : ef®eÊem³e Meg׳es keÀce& It means that one should perform one's karma (duty) to attain chittashuddhi (purity of mind). Karma is classified as Sattvika, Rajasika, and Tamasika. Only the doer of the Sattvika Karma i.e. the SattvikaKarta, is sure to attain ChittaShuddhi. How should a SattvikaKarta be? He should not have any desire for the fruit of the karmas and should not be haughty that he is the doer (of the karma). At the same time, he should have the courage and the enthusiasm to perform it. Courage means the ability to complete the karma without getting disheartened, whatever the obstacle. Enthusiasm is that mental attitude which gives the doer determination to finish the task at any cost. There is another important point. Whatever the result of the karma, one should not have any like or dislike for it. That is, one should have the feeling that it is one's duty to perform that karma and it has been done. Whatever fruit God assigns to it must be accepted. Karma performed with such an attitude will not cause any bondage, but will create Chitta Shuddhi and pave the way for jnana (knowledge). Therefore, everyone must strive to be a SattvikaKarta.
cegÊeÀme*dieesçvenbJeeoer Oe=l³eg lmeenmeceeqvJele: ~ efmeodO³eefmeodO³eesefve&efJe&keÀej: keÀlee& meeefÊJekeÀ G®³eles ~~
Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number
A Guide to Selecting Highly Potent Muhurthas
r ve
6 Gem Astrology
y or
Words of Wisdom
13 Astrological Insights on the Future of India & other Nations
17 Viewpoint on Guru Chandala Yoga
Kerala Astrologers & Astrological Wisdom
PANCHANGA for April 2016
The astrological emagazine
18 25 29
This Month for You
32 April 2016
Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu Senior Editor Raman Suprajarama The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher Niranjan Babu Bangalore 201 D, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864
HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~ Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?
Contents Yagnavalkya A Guide to Selecting Highly Potent Muhurthas – 16
H. R. Shankar, b.a. Gem Astrology
R. S. Maniam Mars - Saturn Conjunction in 2016 & its Effect
Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji Words of Wisdom
Dr. E. S. Neelakantan Astrological Insights on the Future of India & other Nations
Mark Kincaid Viewpoint on Guru Chandala Yoga
K. Balakrishna Panicker, b.a.,b.l. Kerala Astrologers & Astrological Wisdom
Gopal Krishan Sharma, b.a., b.m. Role of Saturn in Vedic Astrology & its Effects
Datta VijayanandaTeertha Swamiji Yoga Vashishta - 16
The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for April 2016
2 April 2016
This Month for You April 2016
Sunrise and Sunset Timings for April 2016
Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka
The astrological emagazine
Astrological Wisdom by Yagnavalkya The Essentials of Muhoortha 7 OTHER YOGAS
here are various special yogas constituted by permutations and combinations, the Vara, Nakshatra and Tithi. This can generate too many groupings, good and bad. We have the (1) Tithi-Vara Yogas are the combination of those with Tithi and weekdays. (2) Vara-Tara-Yogas with the combination of weekdays and nakshatras. (3) Tithi-Vara-Tara Yogas are those with the combinations of all the three.
Let us try to examine these one by one. The combination of specific Tithi on a specific weekday is called the Tithi-Vara Yoga. As explained earlier, under the topic of Tithi, Dwadasi on a Sunday, Ekadasi on Monday, Dasami on Tuesday, Navami on Wednesday, Ashtami on Thursday, Saptami on Friday and Shasti on Saturday create Krakachadosha. This can be spotted out easily. It will be present when the sum of the Tithi and the weekday add up to 13. It must be remembered that we have to reckon the weekday by its name, only from one sunrise to the next. Krakachadosha yoga is generally not recommended for auspicious events. Tithis Trayodasi, Chaturdasi, Pournami, Amavasya and Prathama to Panchami cannot create this Dosha. Krakacha means a saw and so it is capable of cutting the beneficial effects of the time selected. There are divergent views in the constitution of some of the Tithi-Vara Yogas according to different authorities. We shall confine only to those, mostly accepted. Madhaveeya lists the following as Adhamayogas that are inauspicious caused by the combinations of Tithi and Vara.
Sunday with Chaturthi, Shasti, Saptami or Dwadasi. (4/6/7/12) Monday with Shasti, Saptami or Ekadasi. (6/7/11)
*continued from the March 2016 issue of The AeM The astrological emagazine
Tuesday with Panchami, Saptami, Ashtami or Dasami. (5/7/8/10) Wednesday with Prathama, Dwiteeya, Ashtami or Navami. (1/2/8/9) Thursday with Shasti, Ashtami, Navami or Dwadasi. (6/8/9/12) Friday with Dwiteeya, Triteeya, Ashtami, Navami, Dasami or Ekadasi. (2/3/8/9/10) Saturday with Saptami, Navami, Ekadasi or Trayodasi. (7/9/11/13) However, some authorities take a select group of the above and term them as Visha or poisonous Yogas as follows. Sunday with Chaturthi; Monday-Shasti; TuesdaySaptami; Wednesday-Dwiteeya; Thursday-Ashtami; Friday-Navami and Saturday-Saptami. Muhurtha Chintamani qualifies Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Prathama and Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Saptami as Samvartaka. Also, select groups from some of these go under different nomenclatures like Dagdha and Hutashana. Opinions differ with regard to Amirtha and Mrithyu.
Siddhayoga, (Tithi-Vara) which is auspicious is formed on Tuesday with Jaya Tithis (3/8/13), Wednesday with Bhadra (2/7/12), Thursday with Poorna (5/10/15), Friday with Nanda (1/6/11), Saturday with Rikta (4/9/14). Sunday and Monday are out of this list. Here a contradiction could be noticed. Wednesday with Dwiteeya is Visha, malefic and simultaneously Siddha that is benefic. However, Muhurtha Chintamani makes it clear that whenever a benefic yoga exits simultaneously with a malefic yoga, by such combinations, only the results of benefic yoga would prevail. Bhadra Tithis on Mondays and Fridays, Jaya on Wednesdays, Poorna on Thursdays and Rikta on Saturdays produce auspicious Varayogas. Coming to Vara Tara Yogas or combination of weekdays with Nakshatras, Madhaveeya holds the following as inauspicious. Sunday - Makha, Bharani, Dhanishta, aPRIL 2016
can be used to effectively manipulate the working of destiny to one's advantage is unfounded and the concept itself is alien to basic doctrine of astrology. Gem therapy being curative in character does not fall within the scope of astrological discipline and like ther therapies such as acupuncture this also would be safer and more effective in the hands of medical men acquainted with astrological diagnosis.
Gem-astrologers did not appear to have any authoritative guideline for purposes of prescription of gems. When a planet is weak, the gem is prescribed as a protection and in respect of a horoscope wherein a planet is well placed, it is said to augment its results. Rahu and Mars are the worst malefics and hence wider prescription of these gems as an insurance is the opinion expressed by some of the gem-astrologers.
Directing our study to the actual users of gems, it is observed that the fascination for wearing gems mounted on rings is more evident in Eastern part of the country than in other areas. Coral (pravala) easily outnumbers any other gem with gomedha closely following with Cat's eye and moonstone lagging far behind. It is intriguing that other gems are rarely used although they represent powerful planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, the Sun and Mercury. The only plausible explanation could be that these gems are comparatively more expensive and a few may afford them even if they were to be prescribed. When questioned about their experience as to the efficacy of the gems, none could be specific. They went in for these gems because the astrologer they consulted prescribed it and they invested in gems as an insurance against risk, and have no regrets.
It is to to the credit of some leading dealers in precious and semi-precious stones that they have taken initiative to project the image of astrology by sponsoring astrological consultations and organising seminars periodically and have contributed in a big way in awakening interest in astrology and aiding the profession of astrology to a considerable extent. Perhaps this could account, in a way, to wider usage of gems and flourishing practice of Gem Astrology. Since customer gets his money's worth of precious stone and even an improper application is practically harmless to the user, the highbrows among men of astrological discipline need not get worked up even though the practice is against canons of astrology in its strict sense. (FOR)
¨É¯É gÀÆ. 135/-
8 aPRIL 2016
¨É¯É gÀÆ. 150/-
¨É¯É gÀÆ. 85/-
¨É¯É gÀÆ. 50/-
The astrological emagazine
2016 R. S. Maniam
With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficieny in astrology, Mr. Maniam is a Medical Officer by profession. He has been honoured by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba and been the winner of the Nostradamus Award in 2010. He has had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai District, South India, Mr. Maniam, with an experience of over 25 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Ramanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s books, later having studied under Mr. Muthuratina Bharathi.
The astrological emagazine
Mundane Implications ars has moved into the sign of Scorpio on 20th February 2016. Mars gets together with Saturn, his enemy. This is very indicative of mundane repercussions. Mars will move into Sagittarius on 18th September 2016.
M Ketu Sun
Natal Chart Rasi
Venus Mercury Saturn Mars
Moon Ascdt. Rahu (Jupiter)
Mars enter Scorpio, February 20, 2016, 15:40:05 (5:30 East of GMT, 77 E 13'oo'', 28 N 40'00'' (Delhi, India) Lunarday: Manmatha Magha Sukla Traydasi (24.98%left), Nakashatra Pushyami (48.92% left), Saturday, Soudbhagya Yoga, Taitula Karana, Juppiter Hora.
Mars transit in Scorpio will have two major phases. Mars-Saturn association will be upto 25th March 2016. On this date, Saturn will retrograde in the constellation of Jyesta 2nd pada at 22019â&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Scorpio while as per Jaimini Jyothisha Saturn becomes Atmakaraka giving him more maleficstrength in Scorpio. Between 28th March 2016 and 30th March 2016 Mars, Saturn and Moon will be in Scorpio. Mutual Squaring of Superior Planets There is squaring between Jupiter and Rahu in Leo, Saturn and Mars in Scorpio and Moon, Ketu, Venus and Sun in Aqaurius.Sun being associated with Ketu and 7th aspect of Jupiter and violent Mars - 4th aspect being in 8th place from Moon as Mars ingresses in to Scorpio is quite indicative of political instability, bombing, shooting and natural catastrophes. As Sun will be in association with Ketu, monasteries and places of worship must increase their security
9 April 2016