August 2013 preview

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101st Raman Jayanti Issue

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Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated.

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?

Contents Yajnavalkya Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi Srigauthama Rare Conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in Libra


Jyotisha Pitamaha Dr. B. V. Raman Never Before Never Again


R. S. Maniam / Dr. T. S. Vasan / Prof. N. S. Murthy The Royal Baby Future King of Britain

The Glory of Vedas – 3 Jayasree Saranathan


D. K. Hari and D. K. Hema Hari


Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji

The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Niranjan Babu Bangalore 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864



Saturn – Rahu Conjunction & The Indian Scenario


Bharadwaja Mrityunjaya Homa


Uttarakhand Floods Himalayan Tsunami


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for August 2013


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for August 2013


Varahamihira This Month for You August 2013


Lagna Table for August 2013


Timings for Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka

2 August 2013


The astrological emagazine

101st Raman Jayanti Issue

Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi p³eesefle<e ef®evlee efveefOe Yajnavalkya

Celestial Shows Mock Suns, Comets, Sunspots & Astrology


o you believe this? It is a scientific fact. Therefore you cannot but believe this fact as it is a technical truth. By the time you complete reading this sentence, more than two hundred million energy particles would have passed through your body. That is the wonder of the Cosmos, of which we are an integral part.

Sundogs may appear as a colored patch of light to the left or right of the sun, 22° distant and at the same distance above the horizon as the sun, and in ice halos. They can be seen anywhere in the world during any season, but they are not always obvious or bright. Sundogs are best seen and are most conspicuous when the sun is low.

Though many cosmic events happen, even without our knowing or feeling many of them, their impact can lie shrouded till they become translucent to make us wonder how, why and what-for, such things happen. Mock Suns appear now and then.

In his immortal work Brihat Samhita, Varahamihira has not only taken note of this apparent phenomenon, calling it pratisoorya, but also gives the results that are bound to happen on the occurrence of this natural observable event.

Meteorologically termed parhelion, a mock Sun is a bright spot, sometimes appearing on either side of the Sun often on a luminous ring or halo. Technically, ‘Mock Suns’ are caused by the refraction of the Sun’s light by tiny particles of ice suspended high in the atmosphere. Spurious images of the Sun are caused by this refraction. They are placed at distances of 90º around a faint circle of light which has the Sun at the centre. Mock Sun is also known also as ‘Sun Dog’

efoJemeke=Àle: Òeleermet³eex peueke=Àogoioeq#ejCes efmLeleesçefveueke=Àle~ GYe³emLe: meefueueYe³eb ve=HecegHeefj efvenvl³eOees pevene ~~ divasakrita: pratisooryo jalkridudagdakshirane sthitho anilakrita | ubhayastha: ssalilabhayam nrupamupari nihandhyadho janahaa || “If the mock-sun is situated to the north of the Sun, it is an indication for good rains; if to the south, strong winds or storm; if on both sides, danger from water (like floods); if over the Sun, death to the ruler; and if beneath the Sun the destruction of the people of the country.” Brihat Samhita says that a mock-sun is auspicious, if it is glossy and has the appropriate colour of the Sun for that particular season. (Brihat Samhita gives details the seasonal colours of the Sun in chapter 3.) If it is similar to beryl in lustre and is clean and white, it indicates happiness and plenty. A mock-sun that is yellow produce diseases, one of red clash of arms and a row of mock-suns causes danger from robbers, diseases and assassination of rulers. Kasyapa and Paraasara have also taken note of this phenomenon.

Very bright sundogs in Fargo, North Dakota. Note the halo arcs passing through each sundog. The astrological emagazine

The next are the appearances of Comets. They appear occasionally and display an awe-inspiring celestial show. Some of them appear and reappear periodically. They are August 2013


101st Raman Jayanti Issue

Rare Conjunction of

Saturn and Rahu in Libra Significant event on September 17, 2013 Srigauthama


he birth horoscope gives the fixed longitudes of the planets at the precise moment of the birth. Planets continue to move or transit (Gochara) and take varying periods of time for moving from one sign to another sign. The sign in which the birth Moon is located is called Janma Rasi or Moon-Sign. Among the slow moving planets, Saturn is the slowest moving planet and takes nearly two-and-half years to move from one sign or Rasi to another sign. Thus, it takes Saturn about thirty years to complete one cycle of passing through twelve-signs. Jupiter and Rahu take about one and one-and-half year, respectively, to pass through one sign. All planets play a role in the evaluation of a horoscope. However, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Jupiter have significant influence when it comes to deciphering important events. Three of the four planets indicated above are considered “natural” inauspicious planets. On the other hand, Jupiter is considered a “natural” auspicious planet. Mars, Rahu and Saturn are considered as planets that tend to excite or inflame emotions or passions. Transits, the Trigger Catalysts The transits or movements are also considered as major catalysts that can trigger the Dasa and Bhukthi indications, whether they are favorable or not. The transit of Saturn through the 12th, 1st and 2nd signs from the Moon-Sign is identified as “sade-sathi” or the seven-and-half-year period of Saturn. People born in Scorpio, Libra and Virgo signs are currently under the “ seven-and-half-year” transit influence of Saturn. All the twelve signs are influenced to varying degrees by the transits. Vedic Astrology indicates, specifically based on an individual’s birth horoscope that during the seven-and-half years transit of Saturn, one may experience above average emotional, mental and/or physical challenges. The rare conjunction of Saturn and Rahu occurs in Libra (Tula) Rasi on September 17, 2013. Rahu is

6 August 2013

considered to give similar, not necessarily identical, effects as Saturn. The influence of the conjunction extends for a period of about three months before and three months after the exact conjunction.Thus, when the two “incendiary” planets get together, one may expect that their combined effect can be quite challenging. However, there is a silver lining. Libra, the sign or location where the conjunction takes place, is the exaltation or the most-favorable or desired house for Saturn. In addition, transit Jupiter is in Gemini and has positive aspect on transit Saturn and Rahu. These encouraging geometrical locations and relationships imply any adverse influence is likely to be less than what is normally attributed to a much-concerned conventional RahuSaturn conjunction. Therefore, it is likely that any challenging effects can be converted through human effort into positive opportunities. Saturn and Winds of Democracy Since early period, astrological scholars have considered that Rahu represents foreign nations that includes middle-east region . The conflicts in and around the region has a chance of heating up, but the conjunction taking place in Libra along with the positive aspect of Jupiter on the conjunction planets also provides opportunities for the national and international leaders to act as statesmen and stabilize the situation. Further, since Saturn, the major planet of influence, reflects the principles of democracy, the winds-of-democracy may gradually flow into the region. In the end, it is likely that this conjunction may be “blessing-in-disguise” for the region. As, the Saturn-Rahu conjunction is a significant event, the divine blessings is sought by prayers and worship of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and other planets. They guide the individual to act through free-will or individual-effort to handle any challenging situations. The astrological emagazine

101st Raman Jayanti Issue

Jyotisha Pitamaha

Dr. B. V. Raman

Never Before Never Again


orn in 1912 in the small village of Hunasamaranahalli, and going through the grinding mill of village life and responsibilities, Dr. Raman grew under the guidance of his grandfather Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao. Dr. Raman’s life was wholly in the study of relations between cosmic and terrestrial phenomena. He was able to demonstrate by his writings and predictions made through THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE, his lectures, research papers and other media that astrology was a science of cosmic influences affecting human life. Dr. Raman influenced the well-read public and made them astrology cognisant. His special fields of research were Hindu astronomy, astro-psychology, weather and political forecasts, disease diagnosis, natural calamities, management and other areas in relation to celestial phenomena. Dr. Raman restarted The Astrological Magazine in 1936 and was its editor for over 62 years. This unique case of one single individual editing a monthly uninterruptedly for over six decades merits a place in the Guinness’ Book of World Records. Dr. Raman travelled round the world a number of times representing India at the Astrological Congress held at Cambridge, England and the International Astrology Conference at New York. He delivered lectures in Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Canada, Japan and the United States of America, addressing universities, medical associations and educational and cultural institutions on different aspects of astrology, Hindu astronomy, philosophy and Indian culture. Dr. Raman was the first to deliver a lecture Relevance of Astrology in Modern Times in 1970 at the United Nations, New York, which evoked much interest in diplomatic circles. Dr. Raman founded an all India body, the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.) in 1984 to regulate the study and practise of astrology in the country with Chapters in Bangalore, Madras, Delhi, Kanpur, Trivandrum, Patna and other cities. He inspired and motivated the intelligentsia to take up the study of astrology as a serious pursuit. In 1992, The astrological emagazine

Dr. Raman, on a vist to the United States of America to deliver the keynote address of the First International Symposium on Vedic Astrology held at San Rafael, California, mooted the idea of a national and the American Council of Vedic Astrology was founded under Dr. Raman’s blessings by a group of Americans. Countless people in that country have taken to the study of Vedic astrology. In 1993, Dr. Raman founded Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation to promote the cause of Asrology, Yoga, Vastu, Ayurveda, Vedanta, and other aspects of eastern culture. Niranjan Babu, his son, is now the Chairman of the Foundation. Dr. Raman presided over several important conferences at both national and international levels. He delivered the keynote address at the First International Symposium on Vedic Astrology in October 1994 at San Rafael, California, U.S.A. when he was honoured with the Life-time Achievement Award for his services to the cause of astrology. He was conferred the Man of the Year 1995 award by the Centenarian Trust, Madras, formed in the memory of the Kanchi Paramacharya, in February 1996. He was the inaugural speaker and chief guest at the National Conference on Disaster and Technology held at Manipal on 25-9-1998. He was assisted in his activities by his devoted wife Mrs. Rajeswari Raman who took keen interest in the study of Yoga, especially in its application to women. She visited Europe and America several times and delivered demonstration-talks on Yoga. Dr. Raman’s recreations included lawn tennis and gardening. A teetotaller of the strictest order, he was a classic example of the ideal of the Rishi of ancient India in modern world, with his exemplary life of simple living and high thinking. It would not be an exaggeration to say ‘Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyati’ - Never before, never again - There will not be another like him. Niranjan Babu, Dr. Raman’s son continuing the great work of his father is publishing T he A strological e M a g a z i n e , both as a print and online edition. August 2013


101st Raman Jayanti Issue

The Royal Baby Future King of Britain ... R. S. Maniam Ketu





Saturn Rahu

Jupiter Mars Mercury

Mercury Rahu




Mars Jupiter Saturturn






Sun-GK 5 Cn 56’05.70” Push 1 Moon-DK 4Cp14’43.69” USha 3 Mars-AmK 12Ge04’43.49”Ardr 2 Mercury-AK 19Ge28’39.81”Ardr 4 Jupiter-BK 11Ge55’46.44”Ardr 2 Venus-PK 6Le05’47.08”Magh 2 Saturn-MK 10Li56’24.74”Swat 2 Rahu-PiK 19Li36’37.98”Swat 4 Ketu 19Ar36’37.98”Bhar 2

he royal child of Britain was born on 22nd July 2913 at 16:24 in London. The child made its entry into this world when Guru Pournima was being observed across the globe. We can, here, recall that prince Siddhartha who later became the great Buddha was born on a full moon day.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................. page 10

... Dr. T. S. Vasan


he royal child is born in Vrishchika lagna (Scorpio ascendant) and Moon in Makara (Capricorn) in the constellation of Uttarashada. This scribe follows his own ayanamsa calculations (near to Fagan). Though ascendant lord Mars is in the 8th house, in navamsa he is exalted. There are no planets in the 8th house from Saturn giving rise to Vishkumbha Yoga which protects the child and gives him longevity and success in life. As lord of the 3rd and 4th houses, Saturn in the 12th house is indicative of good education and success overseas. Ascendant lord Mars, placement of Sun and Moon are controlled by yoga lord Saturn and this signifies excellent life, position and power in the later years of the child’s life.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................. page 11

... Prof. N. S. Murthy


rince George, the future king of Britain was born on 22nd July 2013 at 16:24 in London in a fixed ascendant. The natural benefic planet Venus is also in fixed sign. One born with Musala yoga is said to be proud, learned and healthy, liked by rulers, famous, of stable nature and will be blessed with several sons. The future king will be trust worthy and with stability and though able to take quick decisions, might have difficulty in adapting to changes. 2. The nine planets are distributed in five houses in the horoscope and goes by the name of Sankhya Pasha Yoga. He will have a large family and will be skillful in earning wealth and will be fond of dwelling in landscaped areas.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................. page 12 The astrological emagazine

August 2013


101st Raman Jayanti Issue

Saturn – Rahu Conjunction

& The Indian Scenario

Jayasree Saranathan


RARE CONJUNCTION of Saturn and Rahu is taking place in Libra on 25th September 2013. It is rare because the previous conjunction in Libra occurred more than 140 years ago, on August 3rd in the year 1865. Though these two planets meet once in 11 years, the implication of their meeting differs from sign to sign and also depends on the ascendant and the Moon sign of the native. Libra being the sign of Justice where Saturn exalts, the outcome will be more towards victory for people’s power in the case of Nation’s chart. But then the bhava significance of Libra and the effect of other planets on this meeting in Libra would modify the effect. Following are some of basics to check while deducing their effect in a particular sign.

Planets have been divided as Poura, Yaayi and Akranda. Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are Poura planets. Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are Yaayi planets while the Sun and the Moon are Akranda planets, but Sun in the East (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) is a Poura planet and in the West (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) is considered as a Yaayi planet. The permutation of these 3 types of planets in a sign is variously interpreted to deduce the effect. Such permutations are of 6 types. 1. When 4 or 5 planets from both Yaayi and Poura group meet together in a sign, it is called Samvarta. This combination ensures neither much prosperity nor much adversity. 2. If Rahu or Ketu joins this group of Samvarta, then it is known as Sammoha. In other words one of the planets in Samvarta can either be Rahu or Ketu – both being Yayi planets. If Sammoha combination occurs, that foretells disaster and suffering for the people. 3. In only Yaayi planets meet in a sign or if only Poura planets meet in a sign, then such a combination is known as Samaaja. The effect is equal degree of prosperity and equal degree of adversity. 4. If Saturn and Jupiter meet together in a sign and joined by other planets, then it is known as Kosa. The effect is disastrous. The astrological emagazine

With a Masters degree in astrology, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched her perception of astrology.

5. If a planet that reappears in the West (after sunset) conjuncts a planet that reappears in the east (before sunrise) in the same sign, then it is known as Sannipaata. These planets would be combust on either side of the Sun, due to close proximity with the Sun. When they continue to be together in the same sign Sannipaata occurs which would result in war with one another. 6. If in the above types of conjunctions, the planets appear bright and of large size, such a combination is known as Samaagama. The effect is prosperity to the land. R Having said these, let us examine the conjunction of Saturn and Rahu on September 25, 2013. Saturn is a Poura planet and Rahu is a Yaayi planet. They would be crossing each other after conjunction. In planetary conjunctions, the defeated planet would indicate the negative effect caused to the people or factors that the defeated planet signifies. In the case of all planets except the nodes, the defeat would be judged from the distance of one degree between the planets. Kedarnath Flash Floods To cite an example, the flash floods that devastated Kedarnath and caused immense havoc to life and property occurred at a time when Venus and Mercury were crossing each other. On the day of flash floods (June 17, 2013) Venus was trailing behind Mercury within 2 degrees. If Venus suffers a defeat in conjunction with Mercury, then the people in mountainous regions would suffer. (Brihad Samhita 17-23). But then, by 22nd June Venus had crossed Mercury and Mercury suffered a planetary defeat. When Mercury is defeated in planetary conjunction with Venus, it results in fear of injury from fire, crops and clouds and the travellers would suffer (Brihad samhita 17- 17). Since the first defeat impacted the people in mountain regions, the second defeat that followed fitted with sufferings to travellers. The two planets transiting Punarvasu at the August 2013


101st Raman Jayanti Issue

Uttarakhand Floods

Himalayan Tsunami D. K. Hari and D. K. Hema Hari Founders, Bharath Gyan


une 2013 has been a month that will be etched in the minds and hills of the Himalaya for the large scale devastation wrought about in the valleys of Kedarnath. The Himalayas are known to be earthquake prone. But this devastation was not due to an earthquake but floods due to a cloudburst.

This was not the landscape that was home to the humans, flora and fauna that have been living there since millennia. The number of Hydel projects in these hilly areas of Uttaranchal have infact prompted these regions to be derisively nicknamed as Urjachal - Urja for power, achala meaning mountains.

The pilgrim towns in the Himalayas that have been devastated by floods this year have been where they are for so many millennia. Would they have come up there if it were so flood prone? Have these hills not witnessed cloudbursts before, in all these years? What is so different this time around then? In the last few years, have we been doing something different in these hills? Something that our predecessors did not?

Aren’t these numbers overpowering? Is this not a sign of overpowering greed? Could this sudden surge of power plants be the reason for the recently witnessed disaster in this belt?

An Overpowering Situation The journey upstream along the major rivers Alakananda and Mandakini reveals the answer. Dotted with more hydel plants than green plants is a barren mountainscape that greets our eyes as we go up along these rivers to the upper reaches of the Himalaya. We see a plethora of Hydel power projects being built on the main river itself at close proximity. With 42 hydel power plants operational and 203 more in various stages of approval, planning and development, it boils down to one hydel power plant every 5 to 7 kms of the river flow downstream.

Contract With the Hills Most certainly, for the amount of funds and effort being invested in the erection of each power plant, sufficient attention may have been given to test the soil conditions. The ability of the terrain there to withstand the drilling, blasting and damming needed for the power plant would also no doubt have been analyzed and necessary approvals procured. But hills being hills and a fragile ecosystem and terrain at that, the effects of such heavy duty construction cannot be expected to stay localized to the ground on which that power plant is being constructed alone. The vibrations would ripple across the hills and valleys causing the rocks and soil to loosen and crack at the slightest cause. It is like a pack of cards stacked up like domino. It is hard to say which card will cause the pile to cave in. Who then can guarantee that scooping out of portions of one hill will not cause damage elsewhere? Do the few government bodies really have the wherewithal to ascertain and rule out such implications? Imagine the strain on the hills when it is being blown up and drilled every 5 kms. Little wonder then that a heavy downpour due to a cloudburst can literally pull the ground away from under one’s feet causing breeches, landfalls and flashfloods.

Power Plants being constructed on the slopes The astrological emagazine

Media had been highlighting this issue for a while, villagers too. Warnings were there for the traditional stake holders of the land to see physically and raise August 2013


101st Raman Jayanti Issue

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga (2013 - 2014)

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28 August 2013

The astrological emagazine

Jyestha: Problems of health cause concern. Unfavourable currents disturb you. You gain in disputes.

Dhanus (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada and Uttarashada 1 Mercury, Jupiter, Venus in the early half, Saturn and Rahu are favourable. Other are not. In general there is an upward trend. Your official career is good, but for some pinpricks. You get your dues and your assistants help you. But there are some problems created by your antagonists, which slightly disturb you. You enjoy normal health, but those who have chronic illness should be careful. You do the work carefully and win the approbation of others. Your children and wife are quite helpful and you feel proud of the achievements of your children. There are some situations particularly in delaying with your kinsmen, when you are sidelined. But in general you enjoy honour and wield influence. Proposals for marriage click and settlement is made with mutual harmony. Newlyweds are quite happy. But they may not be able to act according to their desire because of the obstacles created by their kinsmen. There is flow of income but some investments belie your hopes. The fact is that you are misled in this respect. Though you exercise caution and see that things are normal there may be some instance of disappointment. Some injuries are likely. But they are not serious. On the whole, a good period. Moola: You gain from investment and enjoy the support of seniors. You face setbacks in disputes. Many favourable currents cheer you up. Poorvashadha: Problems of health cause concern. There will be success in disputes. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Uttarashadha 1: You enjoy the favour of senior kinsmen. There may be setbacks in disputes. Unfavourable currents disturb you.

Makara (Capricorn) Uttarashada 2, 3 4, Sravana and Dhanistha 1, 2 Venus and Rahu favour you. Others do not. The meagre supply of results disturbs you. You feel disappointed and the life is dull in general. Lull prevails The astrological emagazine

101st Raman Jayanti Issue

everywhere and you feel lethargic and become quite indifferent to everything. In the official career you, though naturally very efficient, do not take care to execute your work meticulously. Consequently you incur the displeasure of the higher-ups and feel isolated at times. You have original ideas and you try to introduce them in the work, but you find that you neither find sympathisers, nor admirers. You have to wait for better times to get things done. Marriage proposals end in a fiasco. The fact is that it is difficult to reach a compromise at times though attempts succeed. But when it comes to marriage, you face opposition that obstructs your plans. Academicians find that they do the work well, but do not receive proper attention. Some lapses on your part cause impediments in official and social life. There is some gain through investments. Newlyweds with all these difficulties enjoy themselves. Recite Navagraha Stotra. Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4: You gain from the investments. There may be injuries. Favourable currents make you happy. Sravana: Problems of health cause concern. You vanquish the enemies. Unfavourable currents subvert your plans. Dhanistha 1, 2: You gain from investments. Favours of seniors are also likely. There may be setbacks in disputes. Favourable currents fetch wealth.

Kumbha (Aquarius) Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, and Poorvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3 The Sun in the first half, Mars in the second half, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus in the latter half and Ketu favour you. Others do not. This is indeed a good picture of planets. There will be gains of various kinds. Financial position improves. If there are property disputes, they will be settled by the latter half. In some cases even conciliatory measures would suffice to finalize the disputes going on for a long time. In the official career you feel happy and some unexpected turns change the pattern of life. There will be position, honour and wealth in office and those who are connected with social organizations find that the opposition they have been facing for quite some time now vanishes and they get position of importance. Long-cherished desires are fulfilled in some cases. Marriage proposals easily become fruitful and in most of the cases the choice of the consort will be to their liking. In some cases, wife brings you fortune. Birth of children and August 2013


101st Raman Jayanti Issue


Dr. B.v. Raman Rs.Ps: US $ A Catechism of Astrology......................................................................... 65.00.................................. 6.50 A Manual of Hindu Astrology................................................................... 70.00.................................. 7.00 Ashtakavarga System of Prediction ......................................................... 70.00.................................. 7.00 Astrology for Beginners (PB)................................................................... 35.00.................................. 3.50 Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes.......................................................................... 40.00.................................. 4.00 Bhavartha Ratnakara................................................................................. 70.00.................................. 7.00 Graha and Bhava Balas............................................................................. 50.00.................................. 5.00 Hindu Predictive Astrology....................................................................... 80.00.................................. 8.00 Hindu Astrology and the West.................................................................. 75.00.................................. 7.50 How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. I (Paperback)........................................ 95.00.................................. 9.50 How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. II (Paperback)..................................... 150.00................................ 15.50 Muhurtha or Electional Astrology........................................................... 65.00.................................. 6.50 My Experiences in Astrology.................................................................... 95.00.................................. 9.50 Notable Horoscopes (Paperback)............................................................ 150.00................................ 15.00 Notable Horoscopes (Hardbound).......................................................... 295.00................................ 25.00 Planetary Influences on Human Affairs.................................................... 65.00.................................. 6.50 Planets and the Next World War............................................................... 60.00.................................. 6.00 Prasna Marga Vol I(Paperback).............................................................. 325.00................................ 32.00 Prana Marga Vol II (Paperback).............................................................. 295.00................................ 29.00 PrasnaTantra.............................................................................................. 65.00.................................. 6.50 Studies in Jamini Astrology...................................................................... 65.00.................................. 6.50 Three Hundred Important Combinations (Paperback).............................. 95.00.................................. 9.50 Three Hundred Important Combinations (Hardbound).......................... 195.00................................ 19.50 Varshaphal................................................................................................. 65.00.................................. 6.50 Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao

Brihat Jataka (Hardbound)...................................................................... 395.00................................ 39.00 Brihat Jataka (Paperback)....................................................................... 250.00................................ 25.00 Jaimini Sutras (Adhyayas 1&2).............................................................. 125.00................................ 12.50 Stri Jataka or Female Horoscopy.............................................................. 45.00.................................. 4.50

Mrs. Rajeswari Raman

Hatha Yoga for All.................................................................................... 65.00.................................. 6.50

Niranjan Babu Bangalore

Handbook of Vastu.................................................................................. 175.00................................ 18.00 Vastu Relevance to Modern Times......................................................... 195.00................................ 20.00 Vastu FAQs Answered............................................................................ 175.00................................ 18.00 Vastu Directional Influences on Human Affairs..................................... 195.00................................ 20.00

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Available with all leading booksellers Edited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at 101 C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003 and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008. Ph: 25556015.The astrological emagazine Email:

40 August 2013

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