August 2014 the aem preview

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Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number


3 Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


Astrology & Management



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Your Nakshatra Pada-2 My Husband


Dr. B. V. Raman - As I have Known Him



Jyothisha, Yoga & Vedanta

Ramayana & Management


PANCHANGA for August 2014

The astrological emagazine


Planets & Management Gurus

August 2014 for You

32 August 2014


Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi p³eesefle<e ef®evlee efveefOe Yajnavalkya Thalakkulathur Govinda Bhattathiri The Astrological Genius of Kerala


erala is considered to be the cradle of astrological science as it has given birth and nurtured many illustrious astrological savants in the past. We had an occasion to know about one of them - Machattu Elayath, - in the july issue of our magzine. Our effort will not be complete without knowing another astrological giant and genius “Sriman Talakkulathur Govinda Bhattathiri” who was himself a legend with his extraordinary skills in accurate predictions. This narration is based on the details of this famous astrologer of Kerala contained in the famous Iythihamala of Kottarathil Sankunni, a famous biographer of Kerala who lived in the last century. Other heresy legends popular with the village-folks have also been relied upon to reconstruct some of the great events that had happened in the life of this great sage. Sceptical critics may agree to differ as to the authenticity of some of these anecdotes. These episodes have to be viewed and understood with some faith and religious fervour that were not only abundant in those days but were also the way of life of our ancients. Miracles defying scientific explanation are not uncommon even now. Complete rationality in mystic details can be as abhorrent as complete irrationality in science.

De¢ädJee ³ees oMeeO³ee³eeR HeÀueceeosägefce®íefle ~ F®íl³esJe mecegêm³e lejCe me HueJeb efJevee ~~32~~ adøúûv yo daúádhyáyèí phalamádeúûumicchati | icchatyeva samudrasya taraïaí sa plavaí viná ||32|| One who attempts to predict without studying Dasaadyaayee would be like a man trying to cross an ocean without a boat. - Prasna Marga Visit: The astrological emagazine

This is what the author of Prasna Marga, who was popularly known as Panakkaattu Namboodiri, has to say about Dasaadyaayee, the immortal work of Talakkulathur Govinda Bhattathiri of whom, many outside Kerala, may not have heard or known much. It has been the opinion of many scholars that Govinda Bhattathiri has very intelligently tried to read some secret or hidden meanings into the writings of Varaahamihira, that others have failed to note. It has to be noted that the expositions of Bhattathiri are so important and relevant than the general observations that the other annotators would ordinarily seem to have seen. Thalakkulam is a small village, of the erstwhile North Malabar. It is two miles to the south of Tirur, which is a small town in Calicut District. The 'illam' or house of the Namboodiri Brahmins is generally known, where Bhattathiri was born is not in existence now. It is believed that his mother belonged to Pazhoor, a village located in Trissur district. It is difficult to fix the period, precisely, as has been the case in the case of many others, when this illustrious astrologer lived. Some opine that he lived in the 17th century while others take it as the 13th century. The famous chronicler, Ulloor Parameshwara Iyer, author of Kerala Saahitya Charitram, based on the kalidinavakyasamkya, concludes that his years of birth and death as 1237 and 1295 A.D., respectively. A Genius As a genius in astrology, Talakkulathur Bhattathiri will be remembered for ever, not only by the lovers and savants of astrology but also by the average common man, who has an iota of religious fervour, in Kerala. There are some monuments that testify the greatness of this astrologer. Pazhoor Padippura (Padippura means the main gate) and Champathinmoottil Nada (Nada means gate) of Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple in Trivandrum are some of them, which are also closely connected with the life of this great man. August 2014


Astrology & Management Dr. B. V. Raman


he word 'management' needs no definition as in common parlance, it brings into one's mind an idea of the managerial functions. But, according to Urwrick, management is the overall task of directing any human system of co-operation regardless of its purpose or its form of ownership. However, it is unlikely that the word management will ever be defined to everybody's satisfaction. Management cannot be dis-associated from people. A person in control of the work of another is, in a sense, a manager. Human relations must form a large part of management studies because management involves coordinating and controlling the efforts of individuals. Today science and industry have advanced so much that in the organisational structure of any big industrial concern, the centres of control and authority vest in a number of people though ultimately all are answerable to the General Manager or a Managing Director. Leadership Qualities Irrespective of whether one is a Genera! Manager or a Production Manager, one must have the qualities of leadership, viz., foresight and an ability to take the decision and carrying it out apart from the technical qualification. This inevitably poses the question: What human qualities does management require? Are these necessary qualities, viz., understanding people, their points of view, their feelings and attitudes inborn or can they be in whole or in part be acquired by training? Is the ability to manage characterised by definite kinds of motive and behaviour? The next question that comes uppermost to our mind would be are leaders born or made? It is indeed a paradoxical question. By training everyone to be managers, there will be no one to be managed. And when 'there is none to be managed, the managers as such cannot remain managers. All managers and no one to be managed perhaps could be more disastrous than no manager at all. Importence of Austrology Here comes the importance of Astrology as a diagnostic science. The astrological emagazine

Men are made differently and no two persons can be said to be identical in thinking, in aptitudes, in physical or mental constitution, in habits and in virtues and vices. There are instances where the Managing Director deliberately sets up a manager against another and this is by no means unusual. The autocratic attitude of the First Henry Ford towards his manager is a case in point. Astrologically the close interaction of the birth-chart, say of a Managing Director with the General Manager, is necessary before there can be established any kind of meaningful relationship between the two people. Saturn, Rahu & Mars Saturn represents a person's deepest fears and also the individual's psychological stability and endurance. Intuitive patterns, introspective habits and the ego complex are the behaviour indicators. On the sublime side, contemptative methods and self-control come under: Considerable inner stubbornness against corrective suggestions is also a saturnine trait. When Saturn is afflicted by Rahu, irrespective of the houses involved the native feels incapable of facing responsibility. A careful examination of a horoscope reveals a comprehensive picture of one's psychological set-up. Mars is generally enthusiastic, energetic and aggressive. The native may indulge in self-dramatisation. There is also a tendency to let things slide. Obstinacy, rudeness, hastiness, jealousy, but keenness, determination, taking risk, pride and contempt come under Mars. If, for instance, Mars is dominant and afflicted by Saturn or Rahu, you can invariably recognise an autocrat, a man of aggressive spirit, who as Manager brings those whom he manages to suffering and unhappiness. After a certain age, the best of training given to him may not modify his mental mechanism unless by certain yogic disciplines, the thought-patterns are directed in creative channels. Mercury & Jupiter Similarly one born under the dominance of sterile Mercury, will be unfit for management because of his wavering and indecisive nature and lack judgement power. Those who have certain creative planetary patterns in their horoscopes, no matter even if they are of a mild type, can August 2014


Vastu &

Your Nakshatra Pada - 2*

W nakshatra.

e reproduce below the first few paragraphs of our earlier article to give new readers an insight on how one’s nakshatrapada is as important as one’s rasi and one’s

Vastu Shastra has always been identified with construction based on directions, on orientation and identification of the different rooms in structure in relation to the Panchabhootas or Primary elements – Water, Fire, Space, Air and Earth. One thing that most of us tend to ignore is the relation JyotishaShastra has with VastuShastra. Both these subjects owe their origin to the Vedas, the knowledge books of India. When the source is the same, how can one segregate the importance of one subject from the other. Both of these relate to each other. While Jyotisha is said to be a Vedanga – limb of the Vedas, Vastu is said to be a minor Veda – Upaveda. While Jyotisha speaks of 9 (7+2) planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, Vastu speaks of 9 (8+1) directions – Eashanya, Poorva, Agneya, Dakshina, Nairutya, Paschima, Vayuvya, Uttara and Brahma.While Jyotisha cautions you that it is likely to rain, Vastu will give you an umbrella and instills confidence in you. Now knowing that both these sciences work in harmony and not in isolation, let us know the different rasis, nakshatras, the padas and the directions they indicate. Bangalore Niranjan Babu

• Your JanmaRasi will have the lordship of a planet and the relevant direction is indicated. • Your JanmaNakshatra will have a lordship of a planet and the relevant direction is indicated. • Your nakshatrapada will have the lordship of a planet and the direction is indicated. -

This means for each of you three directions become important and many a time two of the rulerships can be the same which means that relevant direction and the primary element has to be strengthened.

• We also give the relevant colors that are compatible to you. Part I covering the first six zodiacal signs has appeared in the May 2014 issue of The AeM The astrological emagazine

August 2014


My Husband Dr. B. V. Raman

- As I have Known Him* Mrs. Rajeswari Raman


WISH to make it clear that I am not qualified to write anything about my husband's attainments in astrology or his scholarship in other branches of knowledge.

We had to face much criticism, hardship and financial distress in order to establish, on a sound base, our family and our office.

Nevertheless I wish to say a few words about the days I spent and have been spending with him, ever since we got married - I was 12 then and 15 when I joined my husband. I have noticed that since I entered my husband's house fifty years ago his studies and his varied activities have been going on continuously from morning to midnight.

Dr. Raman's respect for astrology, his firm conviction that astrology could be useful to mankind; our ambition that without being exposed to the perils of adversity which we suffered, our children should be properly educated and made patriotic citizens, all these were possible because of his determination, hard and sustained work and his firm decision never to seek anybody's help. It was of course God's grace that helped us achieve what we have done.

We have 8 children, 6 sons and 2 daughters. Our eldest son B. Surya Prakash, highly talented in astrology, passed away when he was 28 and when his star was rising rapidly. We bore this calamity with great equanimity.

Our dream of making our children educated and stand on their own legs and become good citizens has been fulfilled.

I am happy to write a few words on my respected husband and mentor Dr. B. V. Raman, He was an ideal father to his children giving them the best of both eastern tradition (at home) and western education (at school). His simplicity, dignified bearing, dedication to the cause of Astrology, encyclopedic knowledge of various aspects of Indian Culture, respect for parents and elders and above all his great humility are the guiding lights not only to his family members but also to the innumerable students and admirers of him across the globe. I am indeed privileged and blessed to have been his life partner for 68 long years, right from my 12th year. I have travelled with him all over the world countless times where he has delivered lectures on Astrology and allied subjects and educated the people on the Importance of Astrology and Indian Culture. He was instrumental in my deep study and application of Yoga (for the last five decades), the knowledge of which I could share with people in India and different parts of the world through my writings, lectures and demonstrations. DR. RAMAN is my God. Rajeswari Raman It will not be an exaggeration to say that employees in our office have always been loyal and sincere and even affectionate considering us, not as employers, but like their own parents. I became the life-partner of Dr. Raman when I was very young and when I knew nothing of worldly matters. *The Man and His Mission The astrological emagazine

Dr. Raman has been my protector, mentor. Guru and well-wisher and friend. In the sea of our life there have been no doubt some ripples and differences of opinion in regard to family and other matters. But there has always been a limit beyond which neither of us has ever gone. The Surya Prakash Institute of Yoga for Women which I have been conducting would not have been successful in its objective of helping ladies of all castes, creeds August 2014


Ramayana & Management Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara

Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara has been involved in the study of the application of Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharatha and Vedic Astrology in modern life. His lectures and writings on these subjects have been well received. He is the author of the recently released book Ramayana - Values, Then and Now. He was the principal speaker on Vedic Astrology at The Second Parliament of the World's Religions held in Chicago in August-September 1993. Professor Sureshwara has taught “Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita And Management” and ”Indian Heritage and Management” Courses for MBA students. He has been a distinguished contributor to The Astrological Magazine. The illustrious Dr. B. V. Raman was its Editor from 1936 to 1998. Dr. Sureshwara obtained Master’s and Doctorate in Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, USA. He has taught basic and advanced Engineering courses at various universities. His varied and extensive industry experiences cover disciplines of Civil, Fire Protection, Mechanical, Structural and Aerospace Engineering.


ppropriate management of people, whether they are colleagues, employees or customers is an essential and a significant ingredient for the success of any modern business or organization. Historical and heritage treatises such as Ramayana and Mahabharata contain incidents, events and information that convey how individuals successfully or otherwise managed people and events under various and often difficult circumstances. By and large, human behavior, actions and reactions over thousands of years have remained practically the same. The techniques and technology of various equipments may have changed today. Although the modern term “management” was not explicitly used or found in the historical stories, there is adequate and sufficient information that clearly conveys an implicit form of management that has been going on for thousands of years from time immemorial.

Ramayana is not only a faith-based but is also a historybased eternal-book. Throughout this study the emphasis is on the D-words. The D-words imply that all Discussion, Debate and Differences are based on Decency and Dignity. And pursued with Devotion to Sri Rama. Management: What is it? What exactly is management? The simplest definition of management is the way to deal or handle people, events The astrological emagazine

and responsibilities to accomplish a specific objective. The term management has become a commonly used term in modern business, as applied primarily to financial and other material gains. However, today management of people is a significant and a vital feature for the proper functioning of society, nation and the world. In the earlier periods, moral and ethical considerations were the fundamental basis for the proper management of people and events. The term “ethics” commonly relates to the principles of conduct or behavior that governs an individual or a group of individuals. The term “morals” imply modes of individual conduct. It is not surprising that the terms “ethics” and “morals” are often interchangeably used. Because the two words may have similar meaning in certain usage, they may sometimes cause confusion or improper understanding to some people, However, most people understand what exactly they mean when they use the term “ethics” or/and “morals”. They are generically and collectively identified as “values”. The term “values”, as used here, refers more to human based or related values, rather than based on mere financial or monetary considerations. In our discussion, for the ease of use and understanding, we will consider “values” as a singular and a pronoun word. One can express values in a mathematical-equation form as follows: Values = Ethics + Morals August 2014


Krishna, (Alan Wiuker)is adirect disciple of Swami Vishnu-Devananda, fonder of the Sivananda centers in the west. He teaches Yoga, Vedanta and other branches of vedic knowledge at the international Sivananda Ashrams since 1986. He is a Jyotish tutor, certified by the ACVA in the U.s.a.levels 1 and 2, and also by CVA with the titles “Jyotish Visharada” and “Jyotish Kovid”.


edic astrology or Jyothisha is an important branch or vedic knowledge. It is the science of understanding time and fruition of karma. But, how does Jyothisha work? To really understand Jyothisha, we need to understand first the vedic teachings about the relation between the material universe, the mind, karma, god and the grahas, as explained in vedanta philosophy and the Vedic and yogic classical scriptures. One of the problems of trying to explain astrology in modern scientific terms is that when we observe the sky, the planets and the stars, we normally consider and perceive them as objects that are external to us, separated from us, and very far away. But according to the teaching of the vedas, the yogis and rishis, the truth is that there is no such a separation or duality between the external universe and the mind or internal universe. The universe is the mind. "The universe is but a delusion (or creation) of the mind and is therefore not different from it. Though the universe appears perhaps as outside of the mind, still it is unreal." - Mandala Brahmana Upanishad, Suka Yajur-Veda

Such an affirmation is not just born out of a mental or philosophical speculation, but it comes from the direct experience of the rishis, a knowledge obtained by accessing a higher state of consciousness known as samadhi or super-conscious state. In that state of samprajnata samadhi the universe is perceived “as it really is” in its own intrinsic nature, instead of being deformed, veiled, confused or stained by the individual mind as in the ordinary waking state of consciousness. Those Rishis explain that in fact there is no such a separation between one’s mind and the objects that we perceive as external and that such a separation is only an illusion, a projection of our own mind. It is the mind that creates the external forms, and places them within time and space parameters.

The astrological emagazine

& Krishna Darshan (Alan Wiuker) It is the mind who creates the concept of time and space. These two do not exist independently from the mind. They are functions of the mind. If you remove time and space, you cannot think, the mind cannot work. And if you stop the mind, when the mind remains totally quiet, without vrittis, time and space disappear, cease to exist. This cannot be fully understood with the mind/intellect itself because that intellect can only work within time and space parameters and cannot grasp something out of those. This is why only in the state called Samadhi or perfect meditation you can know the true nature of things as they are and not as the mind believes them to be. Even the knowledge of the mind itself can only be understood in the Samadhi or deep meditation state. In a similar way as when you wake up from a dream, you understand that the objects that you perceived in the dream where nothing but creations or projections of the mind from past impressions. This happens too, when you “wake up” from the so called waking state into the higher state of Samadhi. Then, the objects that were perceived as real in the waking state are now understood to be just creations of the mind, just like a dream. “Whatever you see, hear or touch , Know that you cannot know it For what it is. Know that whatever your mind makes of it is like a mirage that will fade away. My dear Uddhava, the material universe that you perceive through your mind, speech, eyes, ears and other senses is an illusory creation that one imagines to be real due to the influence of maya” - Sri Krishna to Uddhava, Srimad Bhagavatam For the yogis, both worlds, the one perceived in the waking state and the one perceived in the dream state are unreal and dependent on the mind’s content and past impressions. To understand this, analogies are used: You walk in the darkness and three is a rope in the floor that someone had

August 2014


& Jayasree Saranathan


anagement is a word having application in several fields today. In olden days it had relevance in political or rather monarchical set up. The king was the CEO and his ministers and administrators at different levels of administration were actually carrying out a political function in managing the country and several kinds of works. In that sense the Raja yogas were found applicable in conferring administrative responsibilities and also political power. But today management is largely applicable to corporate sector, trade and commerce. Management as a subject is supposed to be needed in running business and firms. In the light of changing relevance we have to see how far the Raja yogas that are about power and mostly political power are applicable in today’s changed scenario. The most important yoga for leading a group or a country is Gaja Kesari Yoga. In that sense this is supposed to be the much needed yoga to head a company or manage men and material. As Gaja (elephant) is the mightiest among the herbivores and Kesari, the mightiest among the carnivores, it is said the one who has the combination of these two will be invincible and powerful wherever he / she is, and is capable of ruling a kingdom. When Jupiter is in a quadrant to Moon, this yoga occurs. Though this yoga (while not suffering any obstruction) is found to favour the native with power, the fact is that not all leaders and managers and administrators are found to have this yoga. It is therefore necessary to look for yogas and combinations that make one successful in managing business or work. With this intention, this writer checked the horoscopes of 8 prominent CEOs and deduced the basic astrological factors from them. There was a limitation to this study as the time of birth of most of the celebrity CEOs are not known or not authentic. Therefore this writer took up the Jaimini rules on powerful positions as enumerated from the Atmakaraka. Atmakaraka is the planet that has travelled maximum in a sign compared to other planets. The Atmakaraka except in the case of Moon would not vary for a given day. With this in mind, 8 popular successful celebrity horoscopes were analysed. Further

24 August 2014

With a Masters degree in astrology, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched her perception of astrology.

on, this writer took up the horoscopes of 15 people who have done MBA in prestigious institutions and have been working in leading position in industry as Managers or CEOs. The deduced results from the celebrity horoscopes were applied to these horoscopes. The result of this study is discussed in this article. Astrological Rules The following are the verses from Jaimini Sutras related to powerful and managerial position in work. 1. “When the 2nd, 4th and the 5th signs from Atmakaraka are benefics (or benefics are there), one acquires supreme power or position.” (Jaimini Sutras 1-3-30) 2. “If the 3rd and 6th houses from the Atmakaraka have 2 malefic planets or if they both are owned by malefics, Raja yoga is formed”. (Jaimini Sutras. 1-3-31) [Note: 3rd and 6th are upachaya houses. Malefics in upachayas confer Raja yoga. Here the upachaya houses are counted from Atmakaraka]. 3. “If from the lords of the 1st and 7th houses from the Atmakaraka, the 5th house has Guru, Shukra and Chandra, the native has political or Governmental power or authority”. (Jaimini Sutras. 1-3-35) [Note: This can also be checked for 5th and 11th houses from Atmakaraka. The first house stands for self and the 7th house stands for employees. These two must be in good stead for one to be a successful Manager. The 5th house from each of them signifies the purvapunya respectively for them. When it is good as signified by the presence of benefics like Jupiter, Venus and Moon, the manager – subordinate relationship will be smooth and mutually fruitful.] 4. “If Shukra, Kuja and Ketu are placed with the Atmakaraka or in the 2nd and 4th from it, the native becomes a king or ruler”.(Jaimini Sutras. 3-1-7) [Note: Conjunction of Venus or Mars or Ketu with Atmakaraka is indicated here. If they are in 2nd or 4th, a person gains power and acceptance from subordinates.] The astrological emagazine

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