August 2015 preview

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Dr. B. V. Raman Jayanti Issue ` 50.00

Chief Editor: Bangalore Niranjan Babu

August 2015

Vedic Encryption Secrets R e v e al e d

Nadi Jyotisha The Challenges Panchanga for the Month

This Month for You

Yoga Vasishta - 9a

Understand and cultivate the qualities of a Bhakta Srimad Bhagavad Gita that carries the essence of the Upanishads, was graced upon us all by the Bhagavan Sri Krishna using Arjuna as an instrument. That is why it is said:

meJeexHeefve<eoes ieeJees oesiOee ieesHeeuevevove: ~ HeeLeex Jelme: megOeerYeexÊeÀe ogiOeb ieerleece=leb cenled ~~ Here, Arjuna is compared to a calf that drinks the milk of the Gita from the cow of the Upanishads, with Bhagavan Sri Krishna being the milker. Arjuna is called the calf because the calf is the first to get milk from its mother. Subsequently, the cow gives milk to everyone else. Similarly, every Astika is capable of savouring the milk that is nectar of the Gita. We must all try to understand the message of the Gita and try our best to adhere to its instructions. The essential teaching of Srimad Bhagavad Gita that everyone must understand and imbibe are the qualities of a true Bhakta. In the 12th Adhyaya (Bhakti Yoga) of the Gita, Bhagavan Sri Krishna describes these qualities beginning with the following verse -

DeÜsäe meJe&Yetleeveeb cew$e: keÀ©Ce SJe ®e~ efvece&cees efvejn*keÀej: meceog:KemegKe: #eceer~~ A true Bhakta would be full of empathy as he would always have in mind the injunction - Deelceve: ÒeefleketÀueeefve Hejs<eeb ve mecee®ejsled – Never do unto others what you would not want to be done to you. He would always maintain a friendly association with people, as such a quality brings a lot of joy and peace to the mind. The Yoga Shastras state this relation between the obtainment of peace of mind & the qualities of friendliness and empathy, as: cew$eerkeÀ©CeecegefoleesHes#eeCeeb megKeog:KeHegC³eeHegC³eefJe<e³eeCeeb YeeJeveele: ef®eÊeÒemeeoveced. Similarly, a true Bhakta will be devoid of Demet³ee, which is defined as HejeslkeÀe<e& Demeefn<CeglJeb – intolerance when others prosper or advance in life. The Bhakta would engage in charity out of compassion, be free of ego and pride, and will be equanimous in happiness and sorrow. May everyone understand the true nature of a Bhakta and strive towards becoming one.

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number




Ashtakavarga & Its Application


Words of Wisdom

e ov


13 19




t rS

Utility of Vargas Prediction


Challenge of Nadi-Literature

Significance of Trikonas


27 Yoga

The Union - 2


for August 2015 The astrological emagazine


This Month for You

32 August 2015


Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers.

HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~ Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?


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P. S. Iyer

All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated.

Vedic Encryption Secrets Revealed

The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher

Ashtakavarga & Its Application


Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji


Datta VijayanandaTeertha Swamiji Yoga Vashishta - 9a


Yajnavalkya 9

S. Krishna Iyengar Utility of Vargas Prediction


Prof. V. S. Kalyanraman Dr. B. V. Raman


Dr. R. NAGA RAJA SARMA, M.A., Ph.D. Challenge of Nadi-Literature


Niranjan Babu Bangalore 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

Prof. Jyotish Chandra Ghatak, M. A. (triple), f.r.h.s.

Yoga - The Union


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for August 2015


Significance of Trikonas


D. K. Hari & D. K. Hema Hari


2 August 2015

This Month for You August 2015


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for August 2015


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka


The astrological emagazine

& P. S. Iyer


STROLOGY is said to be the science of sciences. Its coordinates are the space and time. It is not eulogy or Arthavaada; for Arthavaada is, usually, based on three factors, viz., exaggeration of existing facts, and qualities, praising non-existent but possibie or plausible qualities, and, containing statements of nonexistent and impossible nature contradictory to all valid criteria. Astrology had always been placed above all these three criteria. It is an accurate science by all tests and proofs. It is praised by the Vedas, Vedanta and Vedangas in deserving terms, like Vedasya Chakshu Jyotisham, Jyotisham Jagataiah Chakthu and so on. A Flawless Mirror A horoscope is a beautiful and flawless mirror. It reflects fully and wholly the native, his or her qualities, idiosyncracies, prowess, weaknesses and limitations, his or her past deeds and the accumulation of the results and reactions therefrom, and his/her future course of life or attainment.

oMeÒeYesosve efJeef®evle³esled Oe={ced Oe={slejb lJeäkeÀ ®eie& iees®ejw: ~~ Oe={eOe={b ³eesieJeMesve ef®evle³esled ~~ Astrology dives deep into the native's Drudha Karma, Adrudha Karma and Dridhadrudha karma. The tools it uses for understanding these three karma results are, respectively, Dasa, Antardasa, Ashtakavarga, Gochara and effects of yogas. In this article we propose to deal with the Adridha (nonpermanent) Karma for measuring which the tool is the popularly known as Ashtakavarga or eight types of analysis. Varga indicates generally class or incidence. Ashta, in Sanskrit, means eight, Ashtakavarga is thus the eightThe astrological emagazine

pronged analysis of Bhinna Bindu (pearl). The eight versions of analysis are (a) Samudaya, (b) Trikona, (c) Ekaadhi-patya, (d) Guna Samooha, (e) Rasi Gunaakaara, (f) Graha Gunaakaara, (g) Shuddha Pinda and (A) Eka Samooha. In certain works, the term Ashtakavarga is enunciated as "the analysis of bindus (pearls) of the seven planets and the ascendant". I give below certain special types of analysis which, when done carefully, help determine the strength of a horoscope and its various constituent factors : This is the horoscope of a politician who has now reached the position of the Governor of a State. He began his political career as a trade unionist and, by and large, he became a leading personality. He was born on 27-1 -1918 at 42gh. 6 pal. after sunrise at 77 E 12/28 N 41, Kaiyugaadi day being 18,33,155. Ayanamsa is 22.57721°, Mercury Dasa balance : 10 years, 9 months and 4 days. Planetry positions : The Sun 284.46, the Moon: 111.56, Mars: 160.07, Mercury: 259.99, Jupiter: 38.92, Venus (retrograde): 304.44, Saturn (retrograde): 108.85, Rahu: 247.03, Mandi: 162.84, Lagna : 185.08 and the 10th house : 95.86. Jupiter





Moon Saturn





Sun Mercury Rahu



Mars Mandi

Saturn Ketu

Venus Ascdt.


In the Bhava chart, the Moon occupies the 11th.

August 2015


Ashtakavarga Prasthara indicates as follows : (i) Dwadasa Rasi Samudaya Bindus, i.e., the corrective bindus in case of the 12 signs are, respectively: 34, 29. 30, 21, 25, 34, 27, 32, 20, 29, 28 and 28. (ii) Antarbhava Samudaya Bindus 156 (1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th) ; Bahirbhava Samudaya Bindus : 181 (others): BandhuSamudaya Bindus: 79 (1st, 5th and 9th); Sevaka Samudaya Bindus: 92 (2nd, 6th and 10th); Poshaka Samudaya Bindus 85 (3rd, 7th .and 11th); and Ghataka Samudaya Bindus: 81 (4th, 8th and 12th). (iii) Jeeva Khanda Bindus are, respectively, 114, 118 and 105. (iv) Yoga Bindus are (out of 180) : Ayur Vardhana 118, DaivaBhukti 168, Dhanam 89, Raaja Neeti 87, Gnaana Vriddhi 142, Rinam 63, Putra Soukhya 38, Paraanukoolam 138 and Mukti 121. With these as basic analysis we shall now consider the dicta. If Bhinnaashtakavarga bindus of each planet, in any horoscope, are respectively 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0, the results will be, too generally, as follows:

$euesMeesLe& neefveJ³e&meveb mecelJeb MJemLemmegKeb efvel³eOeveeieeceb ®e ~ mebHelÒeJe=ef×efJeHegueeçceue#ceerjs keÀeefo³esKeesÊe HeÀueb efJeef®evl³eb ~~ We will explain the inner meaning (bhashya) of this sloka, as spelt out in Therambil Sankunni Menon's book on Ashtakavarga, as follows: When a planet transits by Gochara a Rasi in which it had attained 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0 bindus respectively (in its own Bhinnaashtakavarga), it gives generally the following results: This is very general and may have to be blended with ruling directional forces and also valid yogas at any given time. The Sun (i) Royal and political favours ; (ii) acquisition of rare collections; (iii) brightness in expression and thought; (iv) increase of courage, prowess and boldness ; (v) huge income and profit ; (vi) mixed results of good and bad; (vii) exhaustion and tedious journeys; (viii) getting engaged in sinful acts and (ix) ill-health and sudden illnesses, critical health or danger to life. 4 August 2015

The Moon (i) Enjoyment of life, happiness and good company; (ii) purchasing or getting clothes, perfumes and eatables ; (iii) divine grace and blessings of manes and preceptors; (iv) happiness and success through the exercise of vigil and diligence; (v) stalemate; (vi) trouble by or from relatives; (vii) quarrel with wife and business or other partners: (viii) unexpected dangers and (ix) fear, grief and lack of interest. Mars (i) Defeat of enemies and gain of land ; (ii) good luck to coborns and help from them; (iii) coming closer to politicians, ministers, and governors; (iv) clear thinking and acting with firmness ; (v) danger to properties but otherwise no problems ; (vi) separation from family and quarrel with ladies, cousins and inlaws ; (vii) litigation on account of properties or streedhana and quarrel with wife; (viii) danger from lethal weapons, poison, and fire and also fevers and diseases; (ix) unconsciounsess, eye trouble, pain in private parts and danger to life. Mercury (i) Recognition by royalty and bureaucracy; (ii) increase of one's ability, acumen, intelligence and knowledge; (iii) success in every attempt with little efforts; (iv) increase of new circle of friends and relatives; (v) remaining disinterested and unattached or living detached life; (vi) building castles in the air and getting disillusioned and disappointed; (vii) increase of billious, phlegmatic and windy complaints; (viii) incarceration or deep involvement in fight, quarrels or litigations, and ; (ix) losing everything and suffering therefrom. Jupiter (i) Gain of political positions, high offices and wealth; (ii) increase in trade, business and professional activities ; (iii) acquisition of vehicles, wealth and luxury articles and gems; (iv) defeat of enemies and getting promotion or new jobs; (v) freedom from machinations of debts, diseases and enemies: (vi) loss of vitality and eyesight; (vii) becoming victim of royal or government displeasure ; (viii) damage to investments and properties and personal relations; and (ix) loss of presence of mind and also danger to children. Venus (i) Marriage, family happiness and good luck; (ii) buying jewellery and articles of comfortable living ; (iii) fulfilment of ambitions and base desires and enjoyment of happiness through wife ; (iv) coming in of relatives or reunion of family; (v) neutral position and contentment; (vi) trouble with co-tenants annd officials; (vii) change of or threat to position and illnesses of kindered kinds ; (viii) The astrological emagazine

danger to life from position, water or phlegmatic diseases and (ixj always afraid of meeting others. Saturn (i) Leadership and political gains or favours ; (ii) acquiring new servants, vehicles, cattle, machinery and tools ; (iii) being worshipped or helped by lowclass men ; (iv) increase of grains, food stuffs and comforts ; (v) moderate life and diciplined living ; (vi) all types of dangers and death of servants or pets; (vii) incarceration or suffering royal punishment; (viii) wishful thoughts and carrying of malice and (ix) all types of danger and huge losses. Interpretation We will now consider a selected few of the important interpretations of Ashtakavarga rules. These are mostly based on Devakeraleeyam, Varaahi Hora and other horas. Multiply the Samudaya bindus of the 9th Rasi from the Sun by the number of pearls (bindus) obtained by the Sun in Suryashtakavarga and divide it by 27. The remainder indicates the Nakshatra, Gochara Saturn passing over which causes the death of the father of the native. When Saturn passes over the 10th or the 19th Nakshatra therefrom there will be family calamity or death of a paternal relative or grandfather. Similarly the possible death of mother, mother's mother or mother's grandmother can be calculated by multiplying the Samudaya bindus of the 4th Rasi from that of the Moon, by the number of pearls obtained by the Moon in Chandrashtakavarga and dividing the same by 27. If the Sun occupies Lagna which is his debilitation sign or which is Capricorn or Taurus and the Sun gets only four or less pearls in Bhinnavarga the native will suffer from cardiac problems or heart diseases during the Sun Antardasa in the Dasa of the lord of the house occupied by him or of the Navamsa lord of the Sun or the planet occupying the Sun Navamsa or Lagna Navamsa whichever is stronger and which planet is malefic for the said nativity. But if the Sun occupies one of the kendra or trikona houses which happens to be Capricorn, Libra or Taurus, if the Sun gets 5, 6, 7 or 8 bindus and if he is conjoined or aspected by Rahu or Mars either in Rasi or in Navamsa, the native or his father is likely to die by fire accident or due to fall from a hill or height or become victim of Smashaanaabhichaara (black magic performed in bathing ghat or burial ground). When a child is born in the last quarter of Aslesha or the first quarter of Moola and the Sun occupies the 5th house from the ascendant and also gets two or one Ashtakavarga bindus, the child will not enjoy the protection or affection The astrological emagazine

of the father. But if the child is born in the 2nd or the 3rd quarter of Revati or Aswini or the last quarter of Aslesha or Jyeshta and the Sun is so placed as above, the child may not recognise his father's face ever, i.e., the child may not meet his father in the normal way. Mars gives excellent results even if he gets only four bindus, occupying the ascendant, which happens to be Sagittarius, Leo, Cancer or Capricorn. It makes the native a highly placed person if Mars gets 7 or 8 bindus in such posttions. But if Mars owns the 8th house from the ascendant—other than Aries—and occupies the ascendant, the Moon sign, the 10th or the 9th house and shares such a house with a debilitated planet or Saturn, the native becomes an adopted child. This applies to both gents and ladies. A man marries many wives if Jupiter, free of conjunction with a combust or a debilitated planet, occupies a quadrant or a trine other than those owned by Mercury or Venus, and if Jupiter obtains 7 or 8 bindus in his own Ashtakavarga chart. The native will be blessed with innumerable children ! But when Jupiter occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house and attains more than 6 bindus as in the above-mentioned horoscope, the native becomes a king or equal to that and lives long. But if the Moon occupies the 6th, the 8th or the 12th Rasi from Jupiter, he Is weak and obtains 3 or less bindus in Chandraashtakavarga, the native becomes a victim of machinations, debts, diseases and enemy acts. When Venus gets 3 or more bindus, gets exalted Navamsa and is aspected by Mars, the native runs after damsels even in his old age, But it the 7th lord is debilitated or is combust. Venus occupies one of the trika houses and obtains 3 or less bindus, the native has sex with low-class and characterless women or commits rape or unnatural offences. If many benefic Swakshetri or exalted planets occupy the first Jeevakhanda Rasis, the native will be happy during the first l/3rd part of his life even if the total Jeevakhanda Samudaya is less than 101. This rule applies mutatis mutandis to other Jeevakhanda positions as well. When the ascendant, the 4th, the 7th or the 10th house occupied by its own lord or a benefic planet gets a samudaya bindu of 30 or more, the native becomes immensely rich after his 30th year of age. But if the 9th, the 10th or the 11th gets 40 or above bindus and the house is occupied by its own lord or exalted planet or the ascendant lord or yogakaraka, the native and his spouse will earn huge wealth in foreign land and bring it continued on 38 August 2015


Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

6 August 2015

The astrological emagazine

Yoga Vashishta - 9a*

³eesie Jeeefmeÿ Datta VijayanandaTeertha Swamiji

(Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji, the junior pontiff of Datta Peetham, referred as Bala Swamiji by Datta devotees is born in a traditional Brahmin family on 14th January, 1977 in Mysore. The boy named Harsha Vardhana Sharma had his Vedic education in Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda Veda Patashala. He entered the Mysore Ashram in the year 1985 and studied the Sastras and the Vedas. While serving Guru, he acquired the M.A. degree in Sanskrit. In 1999 he received mantra initiation from His Holiness Sadguru Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji. In 2004 he received the orders to become an ascetic (Sanyasa Deeksha) and was announced as the spiritual successor of Avadoota Datta Peetham on 30th May, 2004. With collosal knowledge of the shastras Sri Swamiji has been interpreting Vedas in simple language to influence many lives. He observes Chaturmasya Deeksha every year. He is also keenly interesed in service to society. In Vijayawada, he has arranged for a shelter for the protection of cows. In Machilipatnam, he has arranged for the free feeding of school children once a month. In Nuzvidu, he has arranged for free food distribution once a week at the Devadeva Datta Kshetra to the children of the orphanage run by Sneha rights. Swamiji has also arranged for these children to be taught bhajans and prayers. In the Chennai Ashram, he has arranged for free food distribution once a week to deaf and mute children. In Eluru, he has arranged for a free meal every week for the elderly who live in Homes for the Aged. In Warangal, he has arranged for free food for youngsters who are HIV positive. At the government school in Gowrishankar Nagar in Mysore, he has arranged for the supply of nutritious food once a week. He has organized for the donation of clothing, school fees, and school supplies for needy children. At the Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashram in Rishikesh, he has arranged for serving free food for 20 ascetics daily. In addition to the above, Sri DattaVijayananda Teertha Swamiji conducts various other social and spiritual activities. In the year 2014 during the sacred period of Chaturmasya Deeksha Sri Bala Swamiji discoursed on the Yoga Vashista. These discourses are brought to you, as a series of articles. Due credit is given to Smt. Hira Duvvuri and Miss Madhu Gopi, both sincere and dedicated devotees of Datta Peetham, for translating and editing the discourses from telugu to english. Yoga Vasishta is one of the greater spiritual texts and is said to be the conversation between Lord Sri Rama and Sage Vasishta. This text goes into much details of the subtle intricacies of the mind and is said to answer all questions that arise in one’s mind.)

...Discourse 9 delivered on July 22, 2014 Jaya Guru Datta Sri Ganesaya Namaha, Sri Saraswatyai Namaha/ Sripada Vallabha Narasimha Saraswati, Sri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha/ Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Sadgurubhyo Namaha// Asato ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya/ Mrityor ma AmrtamGamaya, Om Santissantissantihi// Ego is the fertilizer that promotes their growth. What kind of a crop gets harvested there? Nothing other than repeated births filled with grief. Only the acquisition of Jnana will destroy the bad tendencies. *continued from the June 2015 issue of The AeM The astrological emagazine

If we wish to grow a useful crop, we must first clean the land. We must first remove all the harmful weeds which give bad odor, are harmful, serve absolutely no useful purpose, consume all the nutrients from the soil and prevent the growth of any good crop. This idea is most important in Vedanta. Before getting highly ambitious about what is going to be planted, we should first and foremost remove all poisonous and harmful weeds from the land. We must get rid of all the bad tendencies. Punarjanma… Suppose the entire crop is burned to ashes. What happens then? All the seeds in the ground also get burned. They will not sprout again. Even if you carefully collect the seeds and sow them, they simply will not sprout. They are like seeds that are fried and have lost their life force. The good vasanas or tendencies are like such burned seeds. They will not cause rebirth. What will be the state of such a person August 2015


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