BJP's Win in 2019

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What we Predicted

Loka Sabha Elections 2019 Will BJP Win Again? |Bangalore Niranjan Babu

Editor in Chief analyses the April/May Election results differently based on Jyothisha and Vastu considerations and concludes that Mr. Modi will continue as the Prime Mininster of India.

To begin with, let’s us see the contents page and what we have been saying for more than twelve decades ever since our original magazine was started by our great grand father Prof. Suryanarain Rao.

If our country needs Modiji to continue for another term of 5 years as Prime Minister, it is necessary that the Bharatiya Janata Party (and its coalition) gets a minimum of 273 seats to form the Government.

फलानि ग्रहचारेण सूचयन्ति मनीषिणः।

Do the planets (and the relevant directions) favour this? We will consider both Jyothisha and Vastu review. Readers are requested to go through the Peeta Mandala diagaram of Bharat given below.

को वक्ता तारातमस्य तमेकं वेधसं विना।।

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in the Future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen? As Dr. Raman always said, Jyothisha is indicative and not determenistic. When the indications are favourable, it is necessary that effort is put to achieve the result. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita, Chapter II, Sloka 47 tells us: कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्माते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥

The Bharatiya Janata Party has to go from door to door among not just cities but all the big and small villages, infuse confidence in them that their future will be better by voting for BJP and having Mr. Modi as the Prime Minister for another term of five years. The 2019 elections for the 543 members of parliament will be conducted in April and May of this year in seven phases. Counting of votes will be done on 23rd May. The astrological emagazine

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The electorate should vote BJP if Mr. Modi is to continue as the Prime Minister of India. As we complete this article, it is noted that Mr. Modi will be contesting from Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. We humbly feel he has selected a Vastu appropriate place. Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) is to the North of Northeast of our country. He was born in Vadnagar, Gujarat. Vadanagar (Gujarat) is Central West of India. It is seen from Mr. Modi’s birth place the movement of his contested city is to the northeast (eashanya – space of God).

Mr. Modi’s Horoscope Mr. Modi was born on September 17th 1950 in Vadnagar Gujarat at 10.25 am. We are computing the chart based on father’s (Dr. B. V. Raman) ayanamsa.

His Janma Rasi is Vrischika (Scorpio). North and East become important and nakshatra is Anuradha, a maha nakshatra. The planetary ruler for Anuradha is Saturn (West), while the ruling deity is Mitra, the son of Sun (East). Therfore East also receives importance. Moon is debilitated but receives neechabhanga and Raja Yoga because the house lord Mars (South) is posited therein (in a kendra from the Moon). This means South too is a direction of importance. It is therefore very necessary that candidates here have to be selected carefully. Generally Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (and Telengana) and Kerala are areas which can imbalance the BJP strength. Converting the above astro analysis into Vastu code, Mr. Modi’s important birth directions are north, east, south and west and their permutations northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest too. Simply understood the ashtadiks – eight directions - become strengths (or weakness) for Mr. Modi. 10

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We will review the different phases of election taking the voting date and sunrise time (of New Delhi – Prime Minister’s seat) into consideration and see how the voting day’s planets vibe with Mr. Modi’s natal strength.

First Phase – 11th April 2019 The first phase of elections covers 91 seats covering the folllowing 20 states. Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Sikkim, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep.

We have Meena (Pisces) rising with Sun placed in it along with Mercury who just enters the sign but is away from his debilitation degree of 15 degrees. Since its dispositor Jupiter is placed in his own sign Dhanus and is in a Kendra (quadrant) from the Lagna, there is Neechabhanga causing Raja Yoga. This means the Sun (East) is in his friend Jupiter’s (northeast) house, who is just entering the 10th house having Saturn and Ketu at a distance at 28 and 29 degrees. The King in the Devaguru’s place is indicative of success. The transit of of Jupiter into the 2nd house of Mr. Modi (from Moon) also supports our earlier statement. The Navamsa indicates Vargottama Lagna (ascendant) with Sun placed in it. These Vargottama positions of the Wisdom lord and the King of planets further strengthens the chart indicating success. The astrological emagazine

Phase 1 of elections is in favour of BJP.

Second Phase – 18th April 2019 Let us look into Phase II being held on April 18th covering the following 97 seats covering 13 states.

Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Goa, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu

Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Manipur, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Puducherry

Here too we will take New Delhi for creating the chart. Looking at the chart we have Mesha (Aries) as the rising sign with exalted Sun placed on it. Jupiter is in the favourable 9th from Ascendant. Venus, in exaltation is with debilitated Mercury who has received Neechabhanga since his dispositor Jupiter is placed in a quadrant (kendra) from the Moon (in Virgo). Rakshasaguru (Southeast) in the house of Devaguru (Northeast) creates some incompatibility of the primary elements Fire and Water. Looking at the Navamsa, 8th (and 11th) lord retrograde Jupiter is in the house of loss, 12th. However Sun (East) and exalted Moon (Northwest) in the Lagna and second lord Mercury (North) in the 5th (masses) in exaltation minimize the losses. The day of election being the fourteenth lunar day (Sukla Chaturdasi) some unexpected cross voting is indicated. Phase II favours BJP.

The Lagna is Mesha (SE) and the fifth lord (masses) Sun is placed in the ascendant in exaltation. In the 12th house 2nd and 7th lord Venus (SE) is in exaltation with debilitated Mercury leading to Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. Jupiter (NE) is well placed in the 9th in his (W) own house with Saturn and Ketu. Saturn Jupiter combination is indicative of the winning streak. (In the natal horoscope of Mr. Obama, former President of USA, Saturn and Jupiter are said to have been in the first house. Mr. Barrack Obama was the President of USA for two consecutive terms - 8 years). Looking at the Navamsa, the Lagna is Mithuna .with the Lagna lord placed in the 6th, the house of obstacles. However 7th and 10th lord Jupiter is well placed in his friend Mars’ house in the 11th. Sun is placed in Lagna which is good. He, of course, is with Rahu but at a distance. The Rasi chart combined with the Navamsa with the relevant directional strengths and the Sarvashtakavarga (11th house) strength is good. The Lotus can perhaps bloom fairly well in the III Phase of voting.

Third Phase – 23rd April 2019 Fourth Phase – 29th April 2019 Phase III of elections is on 23rd April and covers 115 seats spanning the following 14 states.

The astrological emagazine

Phase IV of voting takes place on April 29th spread over 71 seats covering the following 9 states.

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Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal

Here too it is Mesha Lagna (SE) having Sun (East), friend of the Lagna lord, in exaltation. This is a positive feature. The 2nd lord and 7th lord Venus in exaltation with debilitated Mercury, creates Neecha bhanga Raja Yoga. Candidates if selected carefully by proper evaluation of their merits or otherwise can assist the success of the voting in favour of BJP. The Navamsa has Simha (northwest) Lagna with its lord Sun (East) in it with his friend Mars - 4th (investment) and 9th (dharmsthana) while Jupiter (northeast) - 9th lord in 9th - the Deva Guru is in the house of righteousness. Here too, Jupiter is with Saturn and Ketu and indicates permanence of good values. The Navamsa lagna happens to be Simha (Leo) with the lagna lord Sun placed in it with Mars. Strong Jupiter (R) - northeast - is in his friend Mars’ house in the 9th again in good strength. Further the 11th house strength of Sarvashtakavarga is also seen positive. Rahu in the 3rd rasi and the 11th Navamsa will tend to make women of one section of the society to support BJP.

The Rasi chart has Mesha Lagna with exalted Sun and Mercury having the Budha Aditya Yoga in the Lagna. However, Venus the 2nd lord and the 7th lord though in exaltation is in the 12th house indicative of some discomfort from the party’s own cadres and supporters. Jupiter, with Saturn and Ketu with it, comes to the support being in his own house, the 9th from Lagna. The Navamsa Lagna happens to be Thula (Libra) with the 11th lord Sun in the lagna and aspected by retrograde Jupiter stationed in his friend Mars’ house. Lagna lord Venus is well placed in the 5th but with Moon. This is indicative of some female opposition. The V Phase voting is also seen to be supportive of the Lotus Bloom. The 11th house Sarvashtakavarga strength is also good.

Sixth Phase – 12th May 2019 The 6th phase of voting will be held on 12th May 2019 covering 59 seats spread over the following 7 states. Bihar, Haryana, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi

The IV Phase voting is also seen to be supportive of the Lotus Bloom.

Fifth Phase – 6th May 2019 Phase V elections are on 6th May spread over 51 seats covering the following 7 states. Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal. 12

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The Rasi Mesha Lagna has exalted Sun placed with Mercury causing the favorable Budha Aditya Yoga The astrological emagazine

while 9th house has retrograde Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu indicative of stability of Dharmasthana. Moon - manaha karaka - is well placed in his own house with Lagna lord Mars and Rahu together in the 3rd house is indicative of much thought and discussion amongst the voters before they vote.

Jupiter is placed in the 7th house (with King Sun and Devaguru Jupiter aspecting each other), Jupiter’s strength is weakened because of debilated Moon with it. The minds of the voters can be influenced at the last moment. The Sarvashtakavarga 11th house strength can put back sense into the voter’s mind.

The Navmasa chart for the day indicates Dhanur Lagna at sunrise with Sun, Retrograde Saturn and Ketu in it. Lagna lord is well placed in the 5th house but with Rakshasa Guru Venus (SE). 7th and 10th lord Mercury (North) is well placed in the 10th house of exaltation.

The Lotus bloom may be moderately better.

The 6th phase favours BJP.

Seventh Phase – 19th May 2019 The last (7) phase of voting is on 19th May when 59 seats are voted for in the following 8 states. Bihar, Himachal, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh

Before we draw conclusions on the results of the elections, it is necessary that we also look into the transits of the major planets, the dasa bhukti and antara bhukti of Mr. Narendra Modi’s horoscope. We will study the transits of three major planets Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. As we write this article. Jupiter is in the 2nd house from the Moon sign Vrschika. Saturn (West) is also in the 2nd house indicative of the the third part of Sade Sati or 7 1/2 year Saturn period. Since Saturn is yogakaraka (friend) for him, he will assist him but success is possible with much smart effort. Also Rahu transiting the 8th is not supportive, but during the election dates Rahu will have moved into Gemini. Mr. Modi is now running Moon (North West) Maha Dasa and Venus (SE) Bhukti. Strong female candidates and voter support can make him a winner. Vastu based Jyothisha review indicates that Prime Minister Mr. Modi will continue to rule the country for another term of five years.

The Rasi Lagna is Vrshabha with Sun and Mercury in it creating the Budha Aditya Yoga. Though retrograde

All BJP supporters in all parts of India can conduct daily mass Mahalakshmi Ashtakam recital of 28 times by women and also daily Shiva Panchakshari (Om Namah Shivaya) 108 times by male supporters.

Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Namastestu Mahamaye Shree Pithe Sura Poojite / Shanka Chakra Gadha Haste Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Namastestu Garudarudhe Kolasura Bhayankari | arva Papa Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Sarvajne Sarva Varade Sarva Dushta Bhayankari | Sarva Duhkha Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi Bhukti Mukti Pradayini | Mantra Moorte Sada Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Adyanta Rahite Devi Adi Shakti Maheshwari | Yogagne Yoga Sambhute Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Sthula Sukshme Maha Raudre Maha Shakti Mahodari | Maha Papa Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Padmasana Sthithe Devi Parabrahma Swaroopini | Parameshi Jagan Mata Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Shwetambara Dhare Devi Nanalankara Bhooshite The astrological emagazine

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| Jagasthithe Jaganmata Maha Lakshmi Namostute || Maha Lakshmi Ashtaka Stotram Patheth Bhakti Man Narah | Sarva Siddhi Mavapnoti Rajyam Prapnoti Sarvada || Eka Kale Pathennityam Maha Papa Vinashanam | Dwikale Yah Pathennityam Dhana Dhanya Samanvitah | Trikale Pathennityam Maha Shatru Vinashanam | Maha Lakshmi Bhavennityam Prasanna Varada Shubham || Iti Indra Virachita Mahalakshmi Ashtaka Stotram Sampoornam || Let us all pray for the flag of Sanatana Dharma to continue flying high in Bharat (and across the world) for the next five and more years too. Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu / Vande Mataram /

Inauguration of New School Hymamshu Jyothi Kala Peetha (HJKP), Malleswaram opened their new school at Maravenahalli, Hampasandra, Gudibande Taluk, Chikkaballapur District on 30th March 2019. Sri Anirudh Sravan, IAS, Deputy Commisioner of the District inaugurated the school. Guests of Honour included Sri H. V. Manjunath, President Jilla Panchayat, Sri S. G. Nagesh, Deputy Director of Public Instruction and Sri K. M. Jayarama Reddy, Block Education Officer, Gudibande. Smt. Chitra A. Rao, Managing Director of HJKP, Dr. B. V. A Rao, President HJKP, Sri B. V. Vijayakumar, Director HKJP and Smt. R. Padmakshi, Principal, HJKP received the dignitaries and guests.

Review by Nirupama

Saffron - The Pushya Flower We review this attractively titled free booklet authored by Monica Lawrence. While the initial few pages of this book talk about the preparation, cultivation, treatment and use of the flower, the next few pages take us into the cycling of the flower and its relation with nakshatras, primarily with the Pushya Nakshatra. As we go through more pages the author relates the flower to Jupiter and Saturn. She says we correlate with nakshatras at the level of medicinal properties. Though the author is not too comfortable with English, she has a lot to say of the flower, colors, the chakras and more, including Lord Krishna and his cows. Read the complete book on this link.: m o n i c a . l a w r e n c e . p u s h y a / d o c s / s a ff r o n _ t h e _ p u s h y a _ flower_-_monica_?fbclid=IwAR2eKfZZgqqI9_ PZj3C2mPzWlxqlbOYgVyWaX8_IcfGzcRteSwCHUJ7bR10


aPRIL 2019

The astrological emagazine

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