The Astrological eMagazine December 2013 Preview

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Always remember God who protects you It has been our tradition since time immemorial to show our gratitude towards God and worship Him. We must never forget God under any circumstances. How can we ever forget Him, who protects us? Some immediately raise a question, “How can you verify that it is God indeed who protects us? I work, I earn my livelihood and eat out of my earnings. What role does God play here?”. There is a very insightful answer to this question in the Shastras -

³ees ces ieYe&ielem³eeefHe Je=eqÊeb keÀefuHeleJeeved ÒeYeg: ~ Mes<eJe=efÊeefJeOeeves leg megHle: eEkeÀ veg ce=leesçLeJee ~~ Who protected you when you were in the most helpless state of being in your mother’s womb? Who else but God protected you? When He protected you in such a state, do you think that He is not protecting you even now? If His Grace is not there, you will end up losing all that you have taken for granted. A fall from position and good health would be inevitable. Hence no one must think that we are surviving solely on our efforts. Haven’t we seen one farmer getting a good yield and another reaping losses although they both have put in similar efforts in an agricultural field under similar conditions? Have we not also seen instances of two students, one being successful and the other struggling, though they had both studied well? One had faith in God and was a recipient of His Grace, while the other did not. These very illustrations that make us realize the need for the Grace of God have been said in the Shastras as:

legu³eb keÀ<e&efvle He=efLeJeeR legu³eb MeeðeeC³eOeer³eles ~ Gvceppeefvle efveceppeefvle owJem³ewkeÀm³e ueerue³ee ~~ May everyone remember Bhagavan under all circumstances, be a recipient of His Grace and attain Shreyas.

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number



Know Your

Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi


Temple 9 The Sage's Horoscope Analysed

Cover Story

14 Astrology Food & Health



Taking To The Skies


Sriharikota Launch of

Precession of Equinoxes

Missile to Mars

37 The astrological emagazine

Lagna Table


17 Sun, Moon &


32 December 2013 for You December 2013


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~

Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers.

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?

Contents Yajnavalkya

Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi

All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated.

A Correspondent

The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given.

Ayanamsa Precession of Equinoxes


Sriharikota Launch of Missile to Mars

Niranjan Babu Bangalore 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

Sri Gautum


Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi Know Your Temple


Dr. B. V. Raman Ramana Maharshi - The Sage's Horoscope Analysed


Dr. E. S. Neelakantan Mars Mission Taking To The Skies


Astrology, Food & Health


Prof. S. S. Pothukuci 15

E. S. N. Moorthy Sun, Moon and Eye Disease - II


A Facebook Discussion 19

Dr. B.V. Raman 101st Jayanti Celebrations


Book review by Yajnavalkya RAMAYANA - Values, Then and Now


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for December 2013



2 December 2013

This Month for You December 2013


Lagna Table for December 2013


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for December 2013


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka


The astrological emagazine

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi is an academic of Indology, deeply interested in philosophy, music, literature and linguistics. He is associated with Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, a great spiritual leader of our times for the past 3 decades. He was awareded a doctorate in Sanskrit by the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad for his thesis “Philosophical and Pragmatic Critique on Rituals�

Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi

Know Your


The Structure 1. What is Praakaram? a. It is the compound. Starting from one, there can be uptosevenpraakaramsin a Temple. (Srirangam (Tamilnadu) has seven (sapta)praakaarams). 2. What is Gopuram? a. It is the Temple Tower. Raja Gopuram is the entrance Tower. 3. What is MahaaDwaaram? a. It is the main entrance of the Temple. 4. What is GarbhaGruham? a. It is the principal place of the deity. Hence, this is the most important place in the entire temple complex. Only authorised Archakas can get into the temple. Entry is restricted to maintain sanctity and security. b. If the Temple is deemed as an embodiment of the God, GarbhaGruha constitutes the head. 5. What is Antaraalayam or Antaraalikam? a. It is next to GarbhaGruham. This is the closest point, a devotee is allowed to. b. GarbhaGruha constitutes the neck. 6. What is Vimaanam? a. It is another word for Tower (Gopuram). Usually the Main Tower atop GarbhaGruham is called Vimaanam. 7. What is Shikharam? a. It is the topmost part of the Temple. It has a Kalasham (made of metal) adorning the top part of Vimaanam. 8. What are the symbols found atop the Sikharam in some temples? a. Vishnu Temple has Chakra (Sudarshana), Trishula (Trident) for Shiva Temple, connoting the main deity in the Temple. 9. What is Paakashaala? a. It means the place of cooking. b. Food Preparation should be done in sterile environment. This iron clad rule applies to home also. Hence, only authorised and trained persons are allowed operate here. c. To enforce this system, Madi or separation is used. d. The correct word to codify this purity is Shoucham (cleanliness). 10. What is DhwajaStambha? a. It is a Flag Pole. During every major festivity, hoisting the flag and lowering it signify the starting and conclusion. b. In case, the temple is very crowded, you can stand near DhwajaStambha to pray. Even during inauspicious periods, you can stand near DhwajaStambha and record attendance. c. Entry beyond is a sign to purity of body and mind. The astrological emagazine

December 2013


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Ramana Maharshi The Sage's Horoscope Analysed Dr. B. V. Raman

Special Features a) The Lagna is Thula, the sign of the balance and Vargottama. b) The Lagna gains considerable vitality because of the aspect of Jupiter on Lagna and the association of the lord of the Lagna with Mercury. c) The Maharshi was of medium height, fair complexioned and had a dignified appearance, not a little due to the combined influences of the three important planets. d) Mark the disposition of the Sun and the Moon in benefic signs and association with spiritual planets. His eyes were full of brightness emanating a spiritual lustre.

The Young Ramana

Born on :- 29/30 December 1879 at 1 a.m. (L.M.T) Lat. 9° 50' N. Long. 78° 15' E. Planetary positions:- The Sun 257° 4' ; the Moon 89° 53'; Mars 23° 26'; Mercury 234° 36'; Jupiter 317° 57'; Venus 211° 57'; Saturn 348° 32'; Rahu 265° 23'; Kethu 85° 23' Lagna 182°18'. Balance of Jupiter's Dasa : Years. 4-1-20. Saturn

Ketu Moon




Mercury Rasi

Rahu Sun


Mercury Venus


The astrological emagazine


Venus Navamsa


Rahu Mars



e) He had normal childhood. That he was inconspicuous in the school, and had meagre education, is revealed by the 4th lord being Saturn and the 4th house from the Moon aspected by Saturn. f) Though the third house is somewhat afflicted, the third lord is fairly well placed while the 8rd from the Moon receives the aspects of Jupiter. The third loid has gained six navamsas, and allowing margin for the intervening maldics, it can be said that the number of brothers and sisters including the subject was 4. g) The Vargottama disposition of the Moon in a benefic sign and Jupiter's powerful aspect denotes a fairly good longevity to the mother.

December 2013


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Mars Mission

Taking To The Skies Dr. E. S. Neelakantan

W Dr. Neelakantan is a Chartered Accountant and an Information Systems Auditor. As his interest in Astrology grew by going through the books of Dr. B. V. Raman, he formally learnt the nuances of the subject from Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a well known scholar of Astrology and Ayurveda. With a doctorate awarded by Sri Chandrasekharendra University, Kancheepuram for his thesis on Medical Astrology, he is a regular contributor to The Astrological Magazine and is proficient in Vedic chants too.

hen Mangalyan took to the skies on November 5,2013,a glorious chapter was written in Indian history. This event is truly path breaking and an important milestone in India’s space history. It was in November 1963 that ISRO launched its first rocket from the launching pad in the midst of coconut groves in Thumba, an idyllic village just South of Earth`s magnetic equator and close to Thiruvanathapuram, the capital of Kerala.Fifty years down the line ISRO has scaled up its goals and Mangalyaan is a tribute to the zeal of space scientists in India. The unmanned space craft took off at 2:38 P.M local time on November 5thfrom Sriharikota, a barrier island off India`s eastern coast. Inspite of the palpable excitement in India, ISRO had to defend itself from a fair number of critics who were questioning the wisdom in investing in a space mission at a time public health and socio economic issues are often seen to be stalled by paucityof funds. Before we venture into an astrological discussion, we will briefly touch upon the astronomical facts to be understood in inter planetary missions.Both Earth and Mars are following elliptical orbits around the Sun, like two cars travelling at different speeds on two different race tracks.So the Earth- Mars distance changes every moment. When Earth and Mars are closest to each other, Mars appears as a bright red star on the firmament. This is possible on July 27th,2018 but still on that date Mars will be about 57 million kilometers away from the Earth. The launch was in Aquarias ascendant, Anuradha constellation, Shukla Tritiya and the day was Tuesday ruled by Mars. With this data the Panchakamis worked out as given alongside.

Ascendant (Lagna) Star (Nakshatra) Lunar Day (Thithi) Day Total

11 17 3 3 34

Dividing this by 9, we get a quotient of 3 and a remainder of 7, which is favourable for Muhurtha. All the major factors to be looked into for an auspicious Muhurtha are quite in order. 12 December 2013

The astrological emagazine

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number


Precession of Equinoxes Prof. S. S. Pothukuci, M.A. (Triple) [Publication of this article does not mean that the views expressed by the writer are favoured by us. We shall show shortly what should be the correct ayanamsa and how the criticisms of most of the writers on the subject are based on an inadequate appreciation of the very basis of the theory.—Ed.. A.M.]


HE first point of Aries is the zero point from which the right ascensions of the planets and the stars are measured. The history of Astronomy is full with observations which tell us that the first point of Aries is not a fixed point in the sky. Aries moves backwards to meet the Sun and so does the first point of Libra. This makes the Equinoxes precede every year. This is known as the precession of the equinoxes.

Before proceeding further it is necessary to know something concrete about the equinoxes. Now in this diagram the circle BDAC is known as the "A y a n a n t a vritta ". AB represents the " Vishuvad Vritta" while

There is a controversy in the Indian Astronomical treatises regarding the movement of the equinoxes. This movement is so important for a proper understanding of the seasons and astronomical calculations, that a student of astronomy cannot afford to ignore it. A detailed and specific reference to this problem appears for the first time in Surya Siddhanta. In the Triprasnadhikara we read—

’ef$ebµelke=Àl³ees* ³egies Yeeveeb ÒeekedÀ Heefjuebyeles leÃgCeeo Yet efovewYe&ÊeÀeÐeieCeeÐeoJeeH³eles leÎeseqðeIveeoµeelHeebµees efJe%es³ee De³eveeefYeoe leled mebmke=Àleeod ûeneled ¬eÀeefvle®íe³ee ®ejoueeefokeÀced “(9-10) According to this work the Bhacakra oscillates like a pendulum for six hundred times in one Mahayuga. Jt does not have a complete revolution but goes on moving within a fixed arc. From the fixed point of Aries it moves forward to twenty-seven degrees, then comes back and again proceeds the same length into Pisces and comes back once again to the fixed point. As such each swing consists of four divisions amounting to 1,800 solar years each. * Some texts read Trimsat Kritva—meaning thirty times as different from Thrimiat Kritya—meaning thirty times twenty. The great Bhaskara says that as per Surya Siddhanta, the equinox revolves thirty times in a yoga. Therefore, it cannot be explicitly taken as authorised by Surya Siddhanta that the zodiac oscillates on either side of the fixed point.—Ed., A.M. The astrological emagazine

CD does the " Kranti vritta". This measures the angular distance of a heavenly body from the celestial equator. E stands B for the spring solstice or " Vasanta sampata " and F does the autumnal solstice or " Sarad sampata ". D is only the " Dakshinayana bindu " just as C is the " Uttarayana bindu ". According to Surya Siddhanta C is the beginning of Aswini and the "Vasanta sampata " moves like a pendulum covering only fifty four seconds per year. As opposed to this view we have the contention of Bhaskara who maintains that the equinoxes have complete rotation or "puma bhramana". He observes:

’¬eÀeeefvle Je=Êeb efJeOes³eb ie=ne¹b Ye´cel³e$e: Yeeveg½e YeeOexkegÀYee Yeevegle:“ December 2013


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

120 Price: `

This attractive book is published by Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation, Regd., Bangalore. You can also call 65991845 for copies of the book or visit 24 December 2013

The astrological emagazine

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Book review by Yajnavalkya


Values, Then and Now There can be practically none who is not aware of the story of Ramayana in India and mostly in other countries. With a surfeit of books on the topic adoring the bookshops, here is one, which is out of the ordinary, which deals with the subject, on a totally practical perspective, without repeating the story. It is remarkable that the author, an aerospace engineer, has developed keen interest and deep knowledge in the fields of epics, puranas and the related areas. Perhaps that could be due to the influence of his erudite and eminent father, late Dr. B V Raman. He is a successful professor in USA and India in the Management studies. The present book under review includes a collection of his earlier published articles, reedited wherever necessary, along with some additional topics that have been rendered with his inimitable style and in-depth knowledge and expertise of the science of Astrology as well. The author has not spared himself to stirrup the hornet’s nest by delving into discussion on the horoscope of Rama, thereby calling into the fore, the researchers like Dr P V Vartak and others, but has kept his indefatigable and intellectual efforts, to fathom out the Eternal Truth. Condensing his conclusions by an apt message that Rama is a reincarnation of God, the author has revealed his total surrender to Him and calls the epic, not a mythology but an ithihas or a narration of historical events that which has happened as only ordained to happen, that way alone. In 24 chapters, the book brings out the quintessence of the inner impact the epic has implanted in him, conditioned by his conscience over the varied and contentious discussions he had with many scholars. In a way, the book is a search into the unfathomable wisdom that the epic portrays with those many dramatic events that could have had different turns. Dr. Sureshwara’s effort is in his unique approach to the subject in detailed analysis of the values that are valid even in the twenty first century. The topics like Value or Valueless Lives, Caring Mother or Careless Queen, Ram Rajya, Monumental Truth and many others, can make the reader contemplate and continue the thread of discussion. The book is a thought-provoker for the avid readers, attuned to the study of Ramayana, emphasizing how those eternal values emulated then can be pursued and practiced now. The flowery and flowing style adopted by the author, the attractive colour plates and the fine layout and print ensured in the production can lure any booklover, to possess a copy, instantly. The book is very likely to become one of the best sellers. The attractive book is brought out by Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation, Regd., Bangalore and is priced at Rs. 120. Call 65991845 for copies of the book or visit

The astrological emagazine

December 2013


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

101st Jayanti Celebrations Sri Gautum


aman & Rajeswari Research Foundation in association with M.P.L Sastry Education Foundation’s Indological Research center conducted the 101st Raman Jayantiat the spacious modern auditorium MES Kishore Kendra in Bangalore. The Jayanti function included a seminar on Ramayana and the release of Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara’s book “Ramayana – Values, Then and Now”.

Mr. Niranjan Babu, Chairman of Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation gave an overview of the activities of Foundation. He recollected that the foundation was established in 1993 by his father Dr. B.V. Raman. Since then, the Foundation has extended financial and other support to manynationwideorganizations.The Foundation actively conducts and supports talks, seminars, workshops in Vedic Astrology, Vastu and related fields.

The eagerly awaited auspicious function started by receiving the dignitaries with Purnakumbham and Vedic Invocation by Vedic Pandits. Smt. R.A. Rama Mani, Bangalore’s very well-known melodyqueen of Carnatic Music, accompanied by her talented group of accompanists, conducted an enjoyable and much appreciated concert. Mr. B. Niranjan Babu welcomes the gathering

Music concert by Smt. R. A. Rama Mani and group

Mr. Raman Suprajarama, Master of Ceremonies, welcomed the dignitaries and the audience. He introduced thedignitaries Justice Venkatachaliah (former Chief Justice of Supreme Court), Dr. Shatavadhani Ganesh and Mr. D.N. Munikrishna, IPS.

Mr. Raman Suprajarama comperes the event The astrological emagazine

He recollected that under the Chairmanship and guidance of Dr. B. V. Raman and his leadership, the Foundation conducted the First All India Symposium on Vastu in 1995, an international conference that was attended by over thousand delegates. This conference was the catalyst that brought the science of Vastu to the active attention of not only architects and builders but more importantly reestablished and reaffirmed Vastu as an important and essential tool required in the building and construction world. The audience was treated to an eloquent Key Note address by the well-knownscholar Dr. Shatavadhani Ganesh. He said that Ramayana has an eternal presence in every part ofIndia. He emphasized that the sustainedRamayana traditions include culture, music, dance, and religion. The learned audience appreciated the comment that saint Thyagaraja is well known, primarily because of his devotion to Sri Rama and this exemplary devotion brought out some of the best ragas of Carnatic music. It is believed that saint Thygaraja composed nearly 24000 verses. Though many of the ragas have been “lost”, there are still December 2013


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

nearly seven hundred ragas. Dr. Ganesh’s comparative observation of the cultures of Europe and India held the attention of the audience.

Dr. Shatavadhani Ganesh delivers the Keynote address

He indicated that Valmiki Ramayana is available in every language of India and everyone can benefit from reading the epic story. The interesting talk ended with a magnificentapplause from the audience. Justice M. N. Venkatachaliah released the much awaited book “Ramayana-Values, Then and Now” to the simultaneous applause from the audience. Justice Venkatachaliah indicated that it was only Dr. B. V. Raman, who restored the dignity and trust in the science of Jyotisha or Vedic Astrology.

mentioned about the strengths and weaknesses of today’s society and emphasized the need of values in lives as covered in the story of Sri Rama. He called Dr. Sureshwara’s book as “Sureshwara Ramayana”. This is a blessing from a well-respected elder to a devotee of Sri Rama. Dr. Sureshwara expressed his gratitude to his parents for generating interest in Ramayana and other epics. He first heard from his mother Mrs. Rajeswari Rama the story of Ramayana at age five. His father Dr. B.V. Raman encouraged and provided guidance when he started writing a series of articles in 1989 on Ramayana in The Astrological Magazine. Since then, the articles, revised and rewritten, resulted in the birth of “RamayanaValues, Then and Now”. Dr. Sureshwara expressed his appreciation and immense pleasure for the significant guidance provided in the preparation of the book by his wife Mrs. Sumathi Sureshwara and to his brother Mr. Niranjan Babufor bringing the book to its magnificent life. He indicated thebook is not a “typical” book of Ramayana. The book relates to Values as reflected from looking at Ramayana, as a historical and faith-based story. Values that are valid even in the twenty first century.

Dr. Sureshwara speaks about his book Ramayana - Values, Then and Now

He observed that many people due to ignorance or indifference often add an inappropriate prefix word “mythical” when referring to epics such as Ramayana.

Justice M. N. Venkatachaliah releases Ramayana - Values, Then and Now

Justice Venkatachaliah narrated aninteresting event covering Astrology that is covered in a book authored by the eminent Journalist Durga Das. A well-known former senior minister, a doubtful-believer in astrology, was told by an astrologer that he would not see a certain date. The prediction was exactly fulfilled. Justice Venkatachaliah 22 December 2013

Mr. Raman Siddharatha at the book counter The astrological emagazine

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Children when they hear “mythical Ramayana” get the wrong impression that Ramayana is merely a fictional story. Parents have to take the initiative to properly inform and educate the children. Dr. Sureshwara said that the book is to be read by the grand parent, parent and the grown children in the family.

Mr. Suprajarama presented vote-of-thanks to the various astrological associations, staff and the authorities of MES Kishore Kendra for their support and participation. The presence of the Guests of honor,Mrs. Vimla Rangachari and Professor Seshadri Iyengar was recognized. It was widely appreciatedthatthe charming and pleasant Mr. Suprajarama admirably conducted the evening program to the delight of the large audience. Congratulations to Mr. Niranjan Babu for the extraordinary effort taken in ensuring that the 101st Raman Jayanti to be a successful and admired event, as well asmaking it an event to be remembered forever by all.

Mr. D. N. Munikrishna, IPS delivers the Presidential address

Mr. Munikrishna, IPS, a scholar in Vedic Astrology, Ramayana and other epics delivered the Presidential address. Although he is well versed in English and Kannada, his talk in chaste Kannada was well-appreciated and was a delight to listen. He elaborately presented many informative aspects from Ramayana. He reiterated that Sri Rama’s stay in the world was as a human, while Sri Krishna’s stay was a divine one. He recollected some of the events and special moments in his long association with Dr. B.V.Raman and Mrs. Rajeswari Raman.

Books by

Astrology for Beginners Rs. 35.00 US $ 3.50

National Anthem L-R; Dr. B. Sureshwara, Justice M. N. Venkatachaliah, Mr. D. N. Munikrishna, Mr. B. Niranjan Babu

The evening program came to the conclusion with the delightful singing of the National Anthem by all.

Dr. B. V. Raman

A Manual of Hindu Astrology Rs. 70.00 US $ 7.00

Hindu Predictive Astrology Rs. 80.00 US $ 8.00

How to Judge a Horoscope Vol I : Rs. 95.00 US $ 10.00 Vol II : Rs. 150.00 US $ 15.00

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Available with all leading booksellers The astrological emagazine

December 2013


Dr. B. V. Raman 101st Jayanti Celebrations 20th October 2013 at MES Kishore Kendra, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003

A Visual Glimpse of the Event

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