US Presidential Elections

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Will Donald Trump be the Next US President ?

Vastu cum Vedic Astrology Analysis | Bangalore Niranjan Babu


onald John Trump the Republican US Presidential candidate for 2016 elections. He is a businessman, television personality, author and politician He is the chairman of The Trump Organization, which is the principal holding company for his real estate ventures and other business interests. With a bachelor's degree in economics from the famous Wharton School of Pennsylvania Univerisity, Trump worked in his father's real estate and construction company. Trump is credited with building skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, golf courses and more across USA, South America, Europe and Asia. He is listed as the world's wealthiest 500 billionaires by Forbes. His presidential campaign has received extensive media coverage and international attention.

In the absence of Hillary Clinton's accurate birth details, we will analyze Donald Trump’s horoscope from a simple Vastu related analysis and see if he can ascend the US Presidential Chair. Donald Trump was born on 14th June 1946 at 10.54 am at Jamaica, New York. His lagna (ascendant) is The astrological emagazine

Simha (Leo) with the lagnadipathi (ascendant lord) Sun in the 10th house in Taurus with Rahu. His Janma Rasi (Moon sign) is Vrschika (Scorpio). This means Moon is in debilitation while the nodes Rahu and Ketu are in exaltation. His 5th lord Jupiter is placed in the 2nd with retrograde strength. Looking at the gochara (transits), Rahu is in the 10th from his Scorpio Moon while Jupiter is in the 11th. Jupiter's transit is favorable and receives strength as the 5th lord from lagna. Janma Rasi Scorpio relates to the directions North and East - Intelligence (wealth) and Royalty. The togetherness of these two directions is Northeast ruled by Jupiter. His lagna is Simha and relates to North October 2016


and West - Intelligence and hard work. The togetherness of these two directions is northwest or Moon. He is running Jupiter Maha Dasa (major period) and Jupiter bhukti (minor period). This denotes the importance of northeast - wealth, wisdom and the public - and northwest - thinking and planning - during the election time. Northeast known as Eashanya (space of god) and North (Kubera, god of wealth) become important on the day of election November 8th. Transit Jupiter also becomes important and relevant since he will be in the 11th house from Moon. In the Navamsa transit Jupiter will be in 7th from the Moon stationed in Pisces sign. The three planets Jupiter, Rahu (and Ketu) and Sun become important and consequently the three directions northeast, southwest and east become his strengths at the time of elections. Let us consider the shape of his birth place Jamaica, New York. Southwest (Rahu) and Northwest are

strong while the northeast (Jupiter) has grown. The shape is Vastu appropriate and he therefore gets winning strength because of his birth place. Let us now consider the Vastu strength in relation to the Presidential seat he is trying to ascend. Washington is in the of northeast of America. This too is indicative of compatibility with his friendly directions. Summing up, Donald Trump's intelligent, aggressive (sometimes hurtful) but well thought of planned campaign is likely to give him the edge. Mercury, the sign dispositor of the dasa/ bhukti lord Jupiter gives him the necessary oratorial skills to make him a winner. Vastu cum Vedic astrology analysis indicates Donald Trump to be the next US President. Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu /

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Vastu Directional Influences on

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16 October 2016

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