January 2015 the aem preview edition

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Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number




Dr. B. V. Raman

Rambles in Astrological Thoughts



5 Yoga


Sanskrit, Vedic Education & Universities



Planetary Influences Global Stock Markets in

Vedic Rituals Terra Incognita Janma Rasi Predictions for



25 33

Deva Prasna & Places of Divinity


Science of 38 The Breath

Dhanurmasa Concept & Significance


for January 2015 The astrological emagazine

Sarvagna & Astrology


This Month for You

46 January 2015



Dr. B. V. Raman (1912-1998)

Founder Chairman : Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation, Regd Founder-Editor : The Astrological Magazine Founder-President : Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, Regd. Dr. Raman’s life was wholly in the study of relations between cosmic and terrestrial phenomena. He was able to demonstrate by his writings and predictions made through The Astrological Magazine, his lectures, research papers and other media that astrology was a science of cosmic influences affecting human life. Dr. Raman influenced the well-read public and made them astrology cognisant. His special fields of research were Hindu astronomy, astro-psychology, weather and political forecasts, disease diagnosis, natural calamities, management and other areas in relation to celestial phenomena. Dr. Raman restarted The Astrological Magazine in 1936 and was its editor for over 62 years. This unique case of one single individual editing a monthly uninterruptedly for over six decades merits a place in the Guinness’ Book of World Records. Dr. Raman travelled round the world a number of times representing India at the Astrological Congress held at Cambridge, England and the International Astrology Conference at New York. He delivered lectures in Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Canada, Japan and the United States of America, addressing universities, medical associations and educational and cultural institutions on different aspects of astrology, Hindu astronomy, philosophy and Indian culture. Dr. Raman was the first to deliver a lecture Relevance of Astrology in Modern Times in 1970 at theUnited Nations, New York, which evoked much interest in diplomatic circles. Dr. Raman founded an all India body, the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.) in 1984 to regulate the study and practise of astrology in the country with Chapters in Bangalore, Madras, Delhi, Kanpur, Trivandrum, Patna and other cities. He inspired and motivated the intelligentsia to take up the study of astrology as a serious pursuit. In 1992, Dr. Raman, on a vist to the United States of America to deliver the keynote address of the First International Symposium on Vedic Astrology held at San Rafael, California, mooted the idea of a national and the American Council of Vedic Astrology was founded under Dr. Raman's blessings by a group of Americans. Countless people in that country have taken to the study of Vedic astrology. In 1993, Dr. Raman founded Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation to promote the cause of Asrology, Yoga, Vastu, Ayurveda, Vedanta,and other aspects of eastern culture. Dr. Raman presided over several important conferences at both national and international levels. He delivered the keynote address at the First International Symposium on Vedic Astrology in October1994 at San Rafael, California, U.S.A. when he was honoured with the Life-time Achievement Award for his services to the cause of astrology. He was conferred the Man of the Year 1995 award by the Centenarian Trust, Madras, formed in the memory of the KanchiParamacharya, in February 1996. He was the inaugural speaker and chief guest at the National Conference on Disaster and Technology held at Manipal on 25-9-1998. He was assisted in his activities by his devoted wife Mrs. Rajeswari Raman who took keen interest in the study of Yoga, especially in its application to women. She visited Europe and America several times and delivered demonstration-talks on Yoga. Dr. Raman’s recreations included lawn tennis and gardening. A teetotaller of the strictest order, he was a classic example of the ideal of the Rishi of ancient India in modern world, with his exemplary life of simple living and high thinking. It would not be an exaggeration to say ‘Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyati’ - Never before, never again - There will not be another like him.

The astrological emagazine

January 2015



Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

4 January 2015

The astrological emagazine


Yoga Vashishta - 3

³eesie Jeeefmeÿ Datta VijayanandaTeertha Swamiji

(Sri Datta VijayanandaTeertha Swamiji, the junior pontiff of Datta Peetham, referred as Bala Swamiji by Datta devotees is born in a traditional Brahmin family on 14th January, 1977 in Mysore. The boy named Harsha Vardhana Sharma had his Vedic education in Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda Veda Patashala Sri Bala Swamiji has been under the spiritual observance, tutelage, and guidance of the senior pontiff of Datta Peetham Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji. Sri Bala Swamiji was announced as the spiritual successor of Avadoota Datta Peetham on 30th May, 2004. Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji, the junior pontiff of Datta Peetham, referred as Bala Swamiji by Datta devotees is born in a traditional Brahmin family on 14th January, 1977 in Mysore. The boy was named Sri HarshaVardhana Sharma had his Vedic education in Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda Veda Patashala Sri Bala Swamiji has been under the spiritual observance, tutelage, and guidance of the senior pontiff of Datta Peetham Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji. Sri Bala Swamiji was announced as the spiritual successor of Avadoota Datta Peetham on 30th May, 2004, With collosal knowledge of the shastras Sri Bala Swamiji has been interpreting Vedas in simple language to influence many lives. He observes Chaturmasya Deeksha every year. This year during this sacred period Sri Bala Swamiji discoursed on the Yoga Vashista. These discourses are brought to you, as a series of articles, beginning from this issue. Due credit is given to Smt. Hira Duvvuri and Smt. MadhuGopi, both sincere and dedicated devotees of Datta Peetham, for translating and editing the discourses from telugu to English. Yoga Vasishta is one of the greater spiritual texts and is said to be the conversation between Lord Sri Rama and Sage Vasishta. This text goes into much details of the subtle intricacies of the mind and is said to answer all questions that arise in one’s mind.)

Discourse 3 delivered on July 16, 2014 Sri GanesayaNamaha, Sri SaraswatyaiNamaha/ SripadaVallabhaNarasimhaSaraswati, Sri Guru DattatreyayaNamaha/ Sri Ganapati SachchidanandaSadgurubhyoNamaha // Asato ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya/ Mrityor ma AmrtamGamaya, Om Santissantissantihi //

In the second discourse we learnt the dhyanaslokas where the meaning of Sat, Chit, and Ananda were explained. We learnt how the story began. We will not skip any topics. Unless each detail is studied and explained, Vedanta cannot be understood. To those who have reached the peak of the Himalayan Mountain, the area around them is small. They can take it easy. To one who is still at the base camp, the area is very large. He has to cover every inch of the ground. Even in the study of the Upanishads, often many details are skipped. The reason that some people skip some stories is that most students who reach that stage in the study of *continued from the December 2014 issue of The AeM 6 January 2015

the subject already know the stories. But it is not wise to take short cuts. Some Gurus go into detail. Those who try to climb the Himalayan Mountain proceed slowly on foot and reach the dizzying heights. But the one who takes a helicopter will suffer from severe headache, indigestion, and fever once he gets to the top and will have to rest for days to recover from these conditions. His health will be ruined because he has not had the time to acclimatize to the conditions prevailing there. There is happiness and pleasure in taking the slow, natural route. Going one step at a time has many advantages. You enjoy the scenery. You do not get exhausted. We are now climbing the Meru Mountain called Yoga Vasishtha. Therefore, we will study all the details. We study as each petal in the flower unfolds. There are innumerable petals here. Sahasra does not mean one thousand. It simply means countless. The very last petal of Naga Pushpa flower must open. Then the Siva Linga in the flower becomes visible. Never say that you are bored, or this is repetitive, or it is unnecessary. By repetition, the subject is grasped and remembered. Let us proceed very slowly and study the subject thoroughly. The astrological emagazine


Books by

Astrology for Beginners Rs. 35.00 US $ 3.50

Handbook of Vastu Rs. 175.00 US $ 18.00

Dr. B. V. Raman & Niranjan Babu

A Manual of Hindu Astrology Rs. 70.00 US $ 7.00

Hindu Predictive Astrology Rs. 80.00 US $ 8.00

Vastu Relevance to Vastu FAQs Answered Modern Times Rs. 175.00 US $ 18.00 Rs. 195.00 US $ 20.00

How to Judge a Horoscope Vol I : Rs. 95.00 US $ 10.00 Vol II : Rs. 150.00 US $ 15.00

Vastu Directional Influences on Human Affairs Rs. 195.00 US $ 18.00

The Astrological eMagazine Web : www.astrologicalmagazine.com; Email : info@astrologicalmagazine.com

Available with all leading booksellers 10 January 2015

The astrological emagazine


Sanskrit, Vedic Education & Universities An Integrated HR approach in the era of Globalization Dr. J. Krishna Kishore

Dr. J. K. Kishore, with a doctorate from Department of Aerospace, Indian Institute of Science is a Senior scientist at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organsation), Bangalore. He is associated with its satellite programme and has tremendous interest in solar power and its policy level issues. [Abstract: During his recent visit to America, the honourable Prime Minister of India, Sri Narendra Modi highlighted the ancient Vedic Culture as India’s gift to the world echoing the words uttered by Swami Vivekananda more than a century ago in America. In the pre-global era, father’s profession was sustained by the children and hence it has survived so far. However, modernization and globalization has started deterring today’s children from the traditional Sanskrit and Vedic education since it is no longer financially viable as a profession and not attractive in the socioeconomic context (technical/medical/management etc., ). We need to create an eco-system for Sanskrit and Vedic education/professionals/faculty/students to have a minimum quality of lifesimilar to what is seen in other Professions. The Vedic University Act (which is the basis for the Sri Venkateswara Vedic University, Tirupathi) can be taken as the baseline for upgrading Sanskrit Universities of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan as Sanskrit and Vedic Universities. The Vedic Schools which are presently being run by different Mutts and Trusts can continue to operate as before in an autonomous manner but can receive support from Sanskrit and Vedic Universities (S and V Univ) so that they can produce Sanskrit and Vedicprofessionals (similar to technical professionals being produced by engineering institutions affiliated to VTU / JNTU / Anna University etc., A University based approach will also enable teaching of English and IT skills along with traditional Sanskrit and Vedic education. Such an approach can bring national and international support, as Sanskrit and Vedic Culture is being increasingly appreciated globally (from America to Australia). It is interesting to see the American perspective which integrates modernism with traditional education along with professional salaries. The urgency for modernization to meet the requirements of globalization is addressed in this article. 1. Introduction 2. Contribution of Mutts from the days of Jagadguru Sri Adi Sankaracharya for the past 1200 years 3. Sri Venkateswara Vedic University, Tirupati (A.P) 4. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan : A Significant Step by MHRD 5. Upgrading Sanskrit Universities of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan as Sanskrit and Vedic Universities : Modernization for Globalization 6. An Action Plan for Sanskrit and Vedic University / Education in view of Globalization 7. Mandir Staff Compensation – American Perspective 8. Conclusion]

The astrological emagazine

January 2015


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