July 2013 aem preview

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Dharma necessary even for a Nastika Every one of us takes prides in the fact that our forefathers adhered to the path of Dharma. We must realize that we too must tread this path. We will not falter if we traverse the paths taken by our ancestors.

³esveem³e efHelejes ³eelee: ³esve ³eelee: efHeleecene:~ lesve ³ee³eelmeleeb Jelce& lesve ie®ívve og<³eefle ~~ However, some misinformed people feel that our forefathers were naive. These are people who are unsure of the existence of the next worlds and doubt the very notion of Dharma. The Shastras point out that even such people would do well to adhere to Dharma with an illustration. Two men walking along a path came across an anthill in the middle of the path. They immediately doubted whether a snake lives in it. Without much forethought, one man mustered courage to walk directly across the anthill. The other however avoided going near it completely and took the safe option of crossing it from a distance. It turned out that a snake did live in the anthill and it bit the first man who chose to walk beside it. The second man who took the precaution, escaped unhurt. The Shastras, in the same vein, addressing the Nastika say that if you do not adhere to Dharma and the next world does exist, you will be doomed. If the next world does not exist, then you lose nothing by adhering to Dharma now.

meefvoiOesçefHe Hejs ueeskesÀ keÀle&J³ees Oece& SJe efn~ veeefmle ®esvveeefmle vees neefve: Deefmle ®esvveeefmlekeÀes nle:~~ Hence follow Dharma even if you doubt the existence of the next world. If the next world does not exist, you don’t lose anything. But if the next world does exist, the Nastika is doomed. Hence no one must swerve from the path of Dharma under any circumstances. It is usually true that Dharma usually fetches fruit only in the next world or the next life. However, the Shastras say that if the Dharma or Adharma is very strong, then the rewards will occur in this very lifetime: Del³eglkeÀìw: HegC³eHeeHewefjnwJe HeÀueceMvegles. Hence adherence to Dharma will lead to your good in this world and the next, in this life and the next. May everyone adhere to Dharma and attain Shreyas.



3 9

Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi

Cover Story

Predicting with Sarvashtakavarga



& Marriage Finding the right Match

12 Combinations for Politicians


20 Prasna Jyotisha An Introspection



Cancer Disease An Astrological Study – III


JULY 2013



Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi p³eeself e<e ef®evlee efveefOe YAJNAVALKYA The Importance of Yogas HERE IS A COMMON IMPRESSION even amongst the lay people that one’s prosperity in life is purely because of the possible presence of some powerful yoga in his or her horoscope. When one is prosperous beyond his means, it is common knowledge that people used to say that he or she is running the Sukra dasa. Though both these impressions have some sort of logic in their assumptions, even under the usual astrological inferences, they need not be absolutely acceptable or indubitable. The presence of some good yoga in the horoscope can, at times, prove deceptive when the expected good results may be totally conspicuous by their absence. Likewise Sukra dasa need not be exemplary for all. The assessment of the effectiveness of any yoga or the running dasa, in any horoscope, may require not only a balanced judgment in its exploration but also keen investigation into the propensity of the concerned planets contributing to any special combination or compelled to rule any particular period in one’s life. For the present “Chinta” this scribe would like to confine himself into the topic of Yogas.


Our ancient astrological texts give a plethora of planetary combinations which go under a popular parlance called Yogas. Any particular planetary disposition or specific combinations of them that are capable of bringing forth explicit results can be broadly defined as Yoga. Prasna Marga defines it succinctly as: Grahaanaam Sthithibhedena Purusham Yojayanthihi Phalai: Karmasamudbhootai: Itiyoga: Prakeertitha: Though these Yogas are of sorts, a broad classification can bring them under, as formed by planets alone, between planets and houses, between planets and rasis or any combination of the above, wholly or severally. It is true, in a strict sense, that Yogas are combinations of planets. However, all such combinations of planets need not necessarily attain status of any identifiable Yoga. Such Yogas, specifically identified, can be beneficial or


malevolent, grading from most powerful or potent, to the mere feeble or fragile ones. The factors influencing any ‘Yoga’ are multifarious. They depend on the involved signs, the extra influences the planet or planets concerned derive, their potency and other allied factors. They can be classified under two major groups, one as beneficial or conferring luck or adrushta (De¢ä)and the other as inimical as bringing down misfortunes or sufferings or arishta (Deefjä). Among the lucky ones there can be Rajayogas conferring power or position, Dhanayogas conferring wealth and affluence and Jnanayogas making one blessed with higher knowledge, spirituality and the like. However, it must be borne in mind that the numerical strength of yogas found in any horoscope need not make any native praiseworthy. In many cases, it can so happen that, despite their technical presence in numbers, only few could practically operate. Therefore the interpretation of yogas found in any chart is itself a great task involving elaborate study and judicious appraisal. Yogas can have various dimensions. Their effects can differ depending on the ascendants of the different horoscopes, their weakness and strength. Benefics concentrating at pivotal places, in any horoscope, can generally bring in beneficial yogas. On the other hand, the malefics, in similar situations, can cause the opposite results. Benefics in the ascendant or the 2nd can be favourable. For different lagnas different planets can take a specific role as yogakaraka or otherwise. Their relative strength and weakness will only determine the efficacy of any particular yoga that they are responsible in constituting, as good or bad. The mere presence of an identified yoga in any chart need not necessarily bring forth the results attributed to it, unless the constituent planets do get fortified by association or aspect of other favourable planets or occupation in a house of benefic. A simple method to assess the strength of any yogakaraka planet will be, as follows, as suggested JULY 2013




& Marriage Finding the right Match BANGALORE NIRANJAN BABU


N THE EARLIER PART of our article we said that human life is divided into four parts. We discussed the first part relating to Brahmacharya and talked about balya (8 years) and yavana (17 years) of Brahmacharya. We will now try to understand another important stage of human life, viz., Grihastashrama in relation to marriage.

Institution of Marriage Once the youngster has finished his/her study and settled with a job, the next logical step is to get married. Marriage is an institution of a sacred bond between a male and a female that understands the equality of the spouse in respect of each other. Marriage is not meant to be for meager sense gratification but is a tradition of responsibility between two individuals. It is not a live-in relationship (civil contract) where the couple end the contract at each other’s will and fancy. Marriage aims to understand the sanctity of the relationship where the joys and sorrows of the family are shared equally to make the home a place of health, harmony and happiness. he householder phase of life is when one lives with spouse and children, fulfilling worldly interests and duties. This stage of becoming a householder and a home maker is a time of loving the spouse, sharing pains and pleasures of family life, regulating one’s life in the interests of the next generations and spending time for exercise, meditation and prayer too. Search for Alliance

The first step of the parents is to search for the bride/ groom based on aspects of physical and mental fitness, heredity, sexual compatibility, social, THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

economic and cultural equalities. Marriages between the same ‘gotra’ are not favoured and the reason could be the possible dysgenic influence on the future generations. Once the first step of selection is done, next comes the aspects of astrological matching. Three astro aspects have to be considered: 1. Ayu – Longevity 2. Strength of house 3. Compatibility The first step of selecting horoscopes for marriage is to look into the ayu – longevity of the would be spouse. The span of life (of 100 years) is divided into four divisions. The texts say that Balarishta is upto age 8, Alpayu upto 32 years, Madhyayu upto 75 years and over that Purnayu. However this scribe feels Madhyayu can be taken upto 60 years and Purnayu over that. The following combinations generally indicate Purnayu: 1. If ascendant lord aspects the ascendant, lord of 8th aspects 8th and Jupiter is in a quadrant (Kendra). 2. If the first six houses are occupied by benefics and the next six with malefic. 3. If Jupiter is in a quadrant from the ascendant lord and no malefics in the quadrants. 4. If Jupiter is in exaltation and the ascendant is Cancer and one or more planets are exalted. 5. If ascendant lord and the Sun are in the 10th house, Saturn in the ascendant and Jupiter in the 4th. 6. Jupiter is in the ascendant and Saturn and the Moon in the 10th. JULY 2013



Predicting with

Sarvashtakavarga DR. BANGALORE SURESHWARA Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara has been involved in the study of the application of Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and Vedic Astrology in modern life. His lectures and writings on Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism, Vedic Astrology, “Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and Management” have been well received. Dr. Sureshwara studied Vedic Astrology under his illustrious father Dr. B.V. Raman. He was the principal speaker on Vedic Astrology at The Second Parliament of the World’s Religions held in Chicago in August-September 1993. Dr. Sureshwara successfully predicted the victories in the USA Presidential Elections of President Bush (2000 and 2004) and President Obama (2008 and 2012). He has been a distinguished contributor to The Astrological Magazine, Asia’s leading Vedic Astrology journal. Dr. Sureshwara obtained Master’s and Doctorate in Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, USA. He has taught various subjects of Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at various universities in USA. His varied and extensive industry experiences cover Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Fire Protection and Aerospace Engineering.


EDIC ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS are indicative and not deterministic — indicative because the horoscope is a road map of the prarabdha or cumulative operative karma from the previous life (or lives) and primarily reflects the trends and tendencies in an individual’s life. The evaluation of a horoscope is the synthesis of ” art and science”. Intuition coupled with experience is the “art” that plays a significant role in an astrologer’s ability to make accurate predictions. The “science” is the many calculations covering the positions of the nine planets and the various geometrical or angular relationships between them. Vedic Astrology also can be considered to be made of two components, identified as “quality” and “quantity”. The “quality” of a horoscope is defined by the geometrical locations of the planets and their mutual relationships. The term “quantity” in a horoscope is defined by various numerical value charts. Both of the components are to be carefully considered and integrated when studying a horoscope. The divisional charts are used to do mostly quantitative evaluation. Divisional charts are applied to evaluate specific aspects in life, such as wealth, siblings, financial and economic assets, spiritualism, health, children, longevity, spouse and profession. . The Shadvarga Bala or six fold strength of planets are the more commonly known divisional charts that are used by the astrologers. They are Rasi (300), Hora(150), Drekkana (100), Navamsa (3-1/30), Dwadasamsa (2-1/20) and Trimsamsa (10).. The study of divisional charts is extensive and it is merely referenced here to remind us that they are valuable tools in any comprehensive evaluation of a horoscope. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Ashtakavarga Ashtakavarga is an effective tool, based on quantified methods, that is used in predictive astrology. Ashtakavarga methods are commonly used to study the influence of transit planets relative to the planetary positions in the birth chart. The benefic or positive values are known as “bindus” and are commonly referred to as “ points” here. The various Ashtavarga charts are Bhinnashtakavarga (individual Ashtakavarga), Sarvashtakavarga (total Ashtakavarga) and Prastharashtakavarga (spread-out Ashtakavarga). Among the three numerical based charts that are used in Ashtakavarga, Sarvashtakavarga plays a prominent role in predictive astrology. Sarvashtakavarga is a tool that can be used to do a preliminary or snapshot evaluation of a horoscope. The specific calculation steps for obtaining the various values (points) in Sarvashtakavarga chart are given in books or any of the well-known astrology-software can be used to easily generate the number of points in each sign. The total number of the points for a chart is 337. The specific numbers in each sign (rasi) or house (bhava) vary. The average for each sign is 337/12 = 28. The numerical information contained in the Sarvashtakavarga chart is to be carefully synthesized with the information available from Rasi, Navamsa and other divisional charts for a complete and appropriate horoscopic evaluation. However, below are just a few simple “Rules” that can be applied to the Sarvashtakavarga chart to do a preliminary evaluation of a horoscope. continued on 16 JULY 2013



The Power of

MEDITATION SWAMI HARSHANANDA Swami Harshananda is a senior monk of the well – known Ramakrishna Monastic Order, started by Swami Vivekananda. He joined the organization in 1954 and received his Sanyasa Diksha in the year 1962. Swami Harshananda joined Bangalore centre and then he served at various centres like Mangalore, Mysore, Allahabad, and Training Centre of Belur Math. He also served in a relief camp at Andhra Pradesh during cyclone. Since 1989, he is the President of the Ramakrishna Math, Bangalore. Swamiji is a good orator both in English and Kannada on topics of religion, philosophy and subjects of contemporary interest. Author of a number of books in Kannada, English and Sanskrit, his three volume Encyclopedia of Hinduism that was a labor of love for over thirty years was published in 2008. Swami Harshananda has a flair for Carnatic and Hindustani style bhajans and his audiotapes and compact discs are bestsellers.

Om Bhur Bhuvas-Suvah | Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi | Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracodayat ||


E MEDITATE UPON the divine effulgence of Savita (God, the creator of the three worlds, the earth, the heaven and the intervening space as indicated by the three vyahrtis) signified by the Pranava or Omkara (and existing in the orb of the Sun). May he impel our intellects in the right direction (i.e., towards himself)! The Hindu scriptures posit moksa or liberation from transmigratory existence as the real or the final goal of life. Since a human being wants complete cessation of all kinds of suffering and a continuous enjoyment of bliss, these scriptures proclaim that spiritual life is the sole means of attaining it. Spiritual life, in the primary sense, is the life rooted in the spirit, the Atman or God residing in one's own heart, who is also all-pervading and transcendent. That means, only a muktapurusa, a saint who has realised God, can lead such a life. However, in a secondary sense, a way of life that helps us to realise God, can also be termed as spiritual life.

The Absolute The God of Hinduism has three aspects. As Brahman the Absolute, he is 'Sat-Cit-Ananda' or 'ExistenceConsciousness-Bliss'. In this aspect he is Nirakara and Nirguna, without any particular form or attributes. In the second aspect, he is described as responsible for Srsti (creation), Sthiti (preservation) and Pralaya (dissolution) of this world. He is also the law-giver, the supreme ruler, who metes out punishment to the wicked and rewards the virtuous. In this aspect, the mythological works THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

conceive of him as three deities, the Hindu Trinity – Brahma (the Creator), Visnu (the Preserver) and Siva (the Destroyer). Further variations, emanations and associates of these three are also described, making the number of such divinities quite large! The various incarnations of God, in the human as also the non-human form, in response to the needs of the time, form the third aspect. In all these three aspects, the original God, the Absolute, is the same though the names and forms appear to be different. It is like the substance called water being one and the same, though it may appear in three different forms with three different names and uses, viz., steam, liquid water and ice. Istadevata Spiritual life that leads one to God-experience and hence gives moksa can be called 'yoga.' Out of the several yogas known, Bhaktiyoga or the path of devotion to God, as described by the ancient sages Sandilya and Narada, as also that unmatched work on devotion, the Bhagavata, has been specially recommended by Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna as ideally suited to this modern age. According to this Bhaktiyoga, upasana or meditation on any one of these various aspects of God such as Brahma, Visnu or Siva as also their several forms like the ten avataras including Rama, Krsna and Buddha, or the associate deities like Ganapati and Subrahmanya or the innumerable goddesses (female forms or Sakti-devatas), will also lead to the same God-experience or realisation, ultimately resulting in Moksa. That form or aspect of God, which one likes to meditate upon, is called 'Ista' or 'Istadevata' (chosen deity). This JULY 2013



Editor’s tour of UK, Europe and USA Mrs. Umarani and Mr. Niranjan Babu visited USA for a period of three months between October 2012 and January 2013 on a series of invitations from different parts of USA – Chicago, New Jersey, Detroit, Washington, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, San Jose and Dallas. He provided astro based Vastu consultations for groups and individuals. Mr. Babu conducted a seminar on Vastu under the auspices of the Venkateshwara Temple of Aurora, Chicago and the Telugu Association of Greater Chicago at the Temple Auditorium. At Dallas Mr. Niranjan Babu conducted a seminar on Vastu under the auspices of North America Telugu Society. They also took time to visit Mr. R. G. Krishnan, eminent scholar of Jyotisha, and present him with the DR. B. V. RAMAN Shatamanothsava Award. Mr. Niranjan Babu delivered two lectures and conducted an all day seminar at the 15th International Conference

of British Academy of Vedic Astrology held in London from 18th April 2013 to 22nd April 2013. They took off a day from their busy schedule to go on a water cruise and visit the Tower of London. Later they travelled to France, Belgium and USA on special invitations from Iskcon centers and others. At Paris, they took time to visit Eiffel Tower named after Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower in 1889. The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, and has three levels and the third level is accessible only by a lift. They also visited the Louvre—one of the world's largest museums located in Paris. The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace (originally a fortress). In the main courtyard of the Louvre Palace they also visited the beautiful Louvre Pyramid (Pyramide du Louvre) - a large glass and metal pyramid, surrounded by three smaller pyramids. The couple returned back to India in the first week of June 2013.

With Sri Jaya Krsna Dasa, New Vrndavan, West Virginia, USA THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

JULY 2013



Honoring Prof. R. G. Krishnan at Dallas, USA

With Prof. Chakrapani Ullal, Dr. Bill Levacy and Mrs. Peggy Levacy at Los Angeles, USA

With Mrs. Komilla Sutton and Dr. Andrew Foss

Conducting Seminar on Vaastu at BAVA Conference in London

With Hrdya Chaintanya Dasa Iskcon, Radhadesh, Belgium


With Padmanetra Dasa, Iskcon, New Mayapur, France

JULY 2013



The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga (2013 - 2014)

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JULY 2013



This Month for You

JULY 2013 VARAHAMIHIRA The Sun enters Cancer on 16th July. Mars enters Gemini on 4th July. Venus enters Leo on 18th July. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu stay in Gemini, Gemini, Libra, Libra and Aries respectively.

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1

VRISHABA (Taurus) Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and Mrigasira 1, 2

The Sun in the early half, Mars and Venus favour you. Others do not.

The Sun in the latter half, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu are favourable. Others are not.

This offers an average picture. In fact the period does not bestow good results except for some minor successes. It is true that you hold some influential position and despite this there is the acrimony of your antagonists. Your vantage position helps you. Whatever be the office you hold, you are the talk of the week within the sphere. You are capable of exerting influence and even help your associates. It is true that dislocation and the taciturn higher ups underrating you unceremoniously brush aside your claims. There is flow of income and even auspicious events like birth of a child or grandchild take place. But the dismay caused by ambience nevertheless disturbs you. Your friends keep you cheerful and the domestic happiness adds colour to your life. Occasional recalcitrance of children causes dissatisfaction. Your enemies hit below the belt and disturb you. Newlyweds enjoy themselves and undertake travel with pleasure. You meet friends and have the gregarious thrill of spending time with them. These happy occurrences do not in any way counterbalance the general dissatisfaction caused in various matters.

This offers a bright picture. In your career you make your mark and get elevation and perquisites as you desire. There is flow of income. Your skills in solving intricate problems help you. There is income from unexpected sources. Gains through learning, technical knowledge and success in missions are indicated. Normal health is likely. Problems relating to the house and properties get successfully completed. Job seekers easily get through the interviews and come to the top. It is true that the problems created by enemies and some kinsmen disturb you. But you solve them by might. Marriage proposals succeed and you get the girl/boy of your choice. Romances also succeed. Your attempt to get deputed to another place which showers on you position and wealth becomes successful. Newlyweds enjoy life and get the support of the kinsmen. There will be happy domestic life. Women get the clothes and ornaments of their liking. Repair or renovation of the house takes place without any difficulty. Life is smooth in general. In general an enjoyable period.

Aswini: There will be gain from investments. You face injuries. Favourable currents cheer you up. Bharani: Problems of health disturb you. Unfavourable currents trouble you. You win in dispute. Krittika 1: There will be favour from seniors. You lose in some disputes. But favourable currents help you. 32

JULY 2013

Krittika 2, 3, 4: Injuries are likely. Seniors favour you. Favourable currents cheer you up. Rohini: Success in disputes is likely. Problems of health disturb you. Unfavourable currents torment you. Mrigasira 1, 2: Injuries are likely. There will be gains from investments. Favourable currents cheer you up.


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