Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number
3 Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi
Devotee, Diplomat and General
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Vastu Weight Loss, Body Sculpting and Health
Fitness Centers 13
Taurus Ascendant Vrishabha Lagna
Astronomical Mysticism of the
22 Affliction of Moon PANCHANGA for July 2014 The astrological emagazine
Unknown Birth Times July 2014 for You
32 July 2014
Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi pÂłeesefle<e efÂŽevlee efveefOe Yajnavalkya Machatt Narayanan Elayath The Astrological Wizard of Kerala
o take a break from our usual discussion of serious topics under this column, which at times demanded a somewhat sober technical background on the part of the reader, this scribe felt that, for a change, one of some anecdotal value can be of much interest to all and especially to the students, who can be delighted to know about the glory of some of the reputed astrologers of the past, this country had produced and be proud of. Of the many great astrological savants Kerala has given birth, one is Sri Machatt Narayanan Elayath. He is well known as one among the many descendants of Edakkad Namboodiri, author of the famous Prasna Marga. Narayanan Elayath was born at Machattu, a small village some 12 miles from Trichur in 1765 AC. He lived up to 77 years and died in 1842. There are some interesting anecdotes about him and his adventures. He finished his studies by his twentieth year of age. By then it was seen and acknowledged in the village that he was very proficient in astrology. Curiosity can kill the cat. Narayanan Elayath was no exception. He cast his own horoscope. He analyzed it thoroughly and found that he was destined to live a long life. He could have contended with this and stopped his further experiments. Curiously enough, he wanted to test the validity and reliability of the astrological indications found in his horoscope. He wanted to put to test whether his Ayurdaya calculations, which indicated a long life for him, would be correct or not. For this he embarked upon a novel and risky venture. He proceeded to the royal palace at Thrippunithura, where the famous Shakthan Thampuran, the king, was living. Thampuran, who lived between 1781 and 1805, was actually the ruler of Cochin, at that time. Surreptitiously Elayath managed to gain entry into the palace strongchamber. The valuables, ornaments and other precious and costly items were stored and kept in that chamber. Elayath picked up a pot of gold and was trying to get The astrological emagazine
out of the palace, stealthily. Unfortunately, some palace guards spotted him sneaking out. They caught him redhanded with the booty and produced him before the king. Becoming furious, Shakthan Thampuran straightaway sentenced him to be killed, the next day, by chopping off his head. The way destiny works is inscrutable indeed! The next day when Elayath was being led to the execution ground, some Brahmin scholars, who were well known to him, happened to see him hand-cuffed and going with the palace guards. Shocked at the sight of the poor man, they questioned him to find out what crime he had committed to deserve such an extreme punishment. Elayath was quick to narrate his venture and told them that though astrologically he was destined to live a long life, it appeared as if he would not do so. They immediately rushed to Shakthan Thampuran and narrated in detail, how the astrologer, though foolishly, had embarked upon a venture, to put astrology under test. Thampuran, a scholar himself, exonerated Elayath and ordered his immediate release. Thampuran was however angry with Elayath. Thampuran told Elayath that he being a student of the divine science must not have tried to test the power of heavenly planets and that too by adopting such hazardous and stupid methods. However, Elayath, as was his nature, argued that he did not take any chance, as he was too sure that he would not die. He explained how the major events in anyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life were predestined and unalterable, as per astrological tenets. The proof was his own case, where even an attempt to invite death failed, as he was destined to live a full life astrologically. As an astrologer par excellence, it was not difficult for Elayath to narrate some more events of his life and of others whom he knew, to convince the king about the correctness of his astrological conclusions. This event paved way for the astrologer to establish a lasting camaraderie with the Thampuran. As years rolled over Thampuran became much convinced with the extraordinary astrological skills of Elayath. In due course, Elayath became a member of the retinue of Thampuran. Whenever July 2014
Jee³egHeg$e Devotee, Diplomat and General Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara has been involved in the study of the application of Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and Vedic Astrology in modern life. His lectures and writings on these subjects have been well received. He is the author of the recently released book Ramayana - Values, Then and Now. He was the principal speaker on Vedic Astrology at The Second Parliament of the World's Religions held in Chicago in August-September 1993. He has been a distinguished contributor to THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE. The illustrious Dr. B. V. Raman was its Editor from 1932 to 1998. Professor Sureshwara has taught “Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and Management” Courses for MBA students. Dr. Sureshwara obtained Master’s and Doctorate in Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, USA. He has taught Engineering at various universities. His varied and extensive industry experiences cover many disciplines of Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering.
ri Rama’s temples are now in many countries around the world. It is very common and normal to see in the temples the divine icons (murthis) of Sri Rama, Sita Devi, Lakshmana and Hanuman (Anjaneya). Hanuman has a unique place in Ramayana. Loyalty, strength and character are synonymous with Hanuman. We are looking in this article at a few events that depict Hanuman’s unique and extraordinary role as a devotee of Sri Rama, diplomat and a general (warrior).
The disappearance of Sita Devi was the catalyst that triggered the various events needed to uproot Sri Rama from the peaceful forest life and move Him into Lanka to initiate the divine plan to get rid of Ravana. While Sri Rama and Lakshmana were wandering in the forests in search of Sita, they arrived at the beautiful Pampa Lake located near Rasyamukha hill. Sugriva who lived in the hills saw the two royal brothers and immediately suspected that his brother Vali had sent them. As panic and fear sets in Sugriva, he sent Hanuman to find out about the people. Hanuman had extraordinary intuition and other abilities. By carefully watching the facial expressions and body languages of Sri Rama and Lakshmana, he came to a quick and comfortable conclusion that they were not sent by Vali. The meeting of Sri Rama and Lakshmana with Hanuman The astrological emagazine
is the final episode of Aranya-Kanda. Fearing that his vanara appearance may not be appropriate, he approaches the royal brothers as a mendicant. The gentle and pleasant words from Hanuman to Sri Rama and Lakshmana provide valuable guidance in the area of diplomacy. Sri Rama said to Lakshmana that Hanuman’s facial and eye expressions and words indeed confirmed that he was the emissary of Surgriva. Hanuman is a diplomat par-excellence and a pious person of humility. Sugriva had momentarily forgotten the promise made to Sri Rama to help in locating Sita Devi. When Hanuman reminded Sugriva about the promise made to Sri Rama, he quickly recognized his responsibility and duty. Sri Rama intuitively felt that Hanuman would locate Sita and handed over a ring to him to show it to her when she is located. Hanuman, Angada and others were unable to locate Sita Devi for a long time. They expressed their anguish and disappointment in not finding Sita Devi. The despondency turned into joy when Sampati, the divine vulture, told Hanuman, Angada and Jambavan the approximate whereabouts of Sita. Along with great abilities, we find Hanuman had an unusual characteristic trait resulting from a rishi’s curse. He would remember or realize that he had extraordinary strength at critical times only when he was specifically reminded about it. July 2014
Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji "If there is something you like about Swamiji, take it, use it. Don't worry about the rest, let it be Swamiji's concern."
"Concentrate with silence on the magnificence of the creator. Fill the hearts with friendliness rather than with enmity. Develop love of international brotherhood and establish world peace."
US Senate honors Senior Pontiff of Datta Peetham, Mysore
The astrological emagazine
July 2014
& Fitness Centers Weight Loss, Body Sculpting and Health
he importance of the science of Vastu has grown over a number of years. The 32 mandalas or the plans that the texts of Vastu have spoken about can be applied to every aspect of human life beginning from single square mandala of the simple mat that the common man sits on and the elders use for their prayers (sakala) and the fire altar (agni kund) to the four (2 x 2) squares mandala ofgarbha gudi of the lord (pechaka) to the nine (3 x 3) squares mandala of identifying the bhootas (primary elements) and the cardinal directions (peeta) to the 64 (8 x 8) and 100 (10 x 10) squares mandala used for temples (manduka and asana) to the 81 (9 x 9) squares mandala used for human habitations - independent homes, flats, row houses, villas, business places (paramasayika). 144 (12 x 12)squares mandala (Desiya) to 361 (19 x 19)squares mandala (Ganitha) are used for temple complexes and villages while 400 (20x20) squares mandala (Surya Visalakha) to 1024 (32 x 32) square mandala (Indrakanta) are used for towns and cities. The Desiya to Indrakanta mandalas can be used for todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s urban layouts. It is to be noted that the odd number modules have a central module â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the nabhi â&#x20AC;&#x201C; around which is he brahma (creative) space.
Bangalore Niranjan Babu
The astrological emagazine
This article primarily concentrates on the Vastu needs of the modern fitness centers. The earlier generations used to go for walking, climbed the stairs, sat on the floors and got up and down many times during the day. The women of the home spent much time in the kitchen and the home doing all the household chores including taking care of the baby/ies. They used the grinding stone (pounding stone, mortar and pestle) with their hands to prepare various mixes including the kitchen masalas. They would be constantly working their hands and legs doing the various chores and generally be healthy. All that was needed for these people was a single family doctor who would administer a minimum dosage for any ill health. Most of the time these folk remained healthy. July 2014
Vrishabha Lagna K. P. Ganapathy
son or daughter of this lagna is generally long-lived by virtue of Guru the life giver owning the eighth house and Sani the Ayushkaraka owning the 9th and 10th houses thus becoming a Yogakaraka. The life of a person born under this lagna can be more or less distinctly divided into three parts: viz., first one-third, middle one-third and the last third portion.
college his teachers or professors generally entertain a low opinion of him and few will dare to prophesy a promising future for nim. In short usually during this period he leads an animal and unintellectual existence. By the time he emerges out of this period of dirt and mire he completely gets accustomed to that sort of life and develops a bull-like tenacity of purpose.
First Part The first one-third of his life may be truly said to be one of sweat, toil and tears. With lagnadhipathi Sukra owning the sixth house where he has his moolathrikona, and tenth house ownership going to Saturn, essentially a labour planet, cold to the extreme and slow with the least Nisargika bala, his-early life is an unceasing battle against odds. Enemies deliberately thwarting his purposes for which he has worked laboriously days on end, in comparatively little time to the accompaniment of utter desperation and frustration on account of his inability to pay back in the same coins is a unique experience tor a son or daughter of this lagna. Very rarely one gets peace of mind or happiness. His only solace is in work, work and continued work. Education, let alone higher education, he manages to have with great difficulty. The major bodily ailments he has in his first part. Generally during this trying period his mind is in a lethargic state, intellectual perception dimmed and mental vision blurred. In school or
Second Part During the second part he begins to meet with bare justice for his efforts. Life becomes a bit easy and friendship develops. Intellectual perception becomes keener and mental vision clearer. During (his time he derives immense pleasure from hard work. And while advancing towards the middle of the second part he develops an interest in astrology, palmistry etc., which interest continues unabated throughout his life. Some of the best astrologers and people with broad vision are born in Vrishabha lagna. During the latter part of the second third of his lite he clearly passes the borderline into the plains. The art of conversation, diplomacy, intrigue, publicity, flattery etc., etc. which have brought his more fortunate brethren hitherto material successes open their everwidening vistas of opportunities before him. Soon he becomes a master of these arts. Thinking on psychology becomes his favourite past-time and not a day passes without his finding confirmation of psychological principles in practical
The astrological emagazine
illustration. He gradually realizes how absurdly ignorant he was in his early days regarding life and its purposes. And he rightly ascribes his early and current life to the working of that planetary influence. Last Part The last part of his life may be said to be exactly the opposite of the first. Comfortable work, plenty of leisure time, vigorous constructive mental activity, domestic peace, family happiness, well disposed relations and honour, fame and material successes and rewards seeking him unsolicited make his life an enviable one. However much one may envy him or one may flatter him he is unmoved for he has the experience of having lived through fire in his early days. This uninterruptedly comfortable life reaches a climax as he advances towards the end. He spends much of his surplus income in religious causes, social welfare activities and in helping the needy and hard pressed. Thus his death leaves behind the greatest number of mourners and generally he is ever remembered as a great and noble soul. The foregoing happen in the case of a person born in Vrishabha lagna with well disposed planets forming rajayogas. Even in a horoscope with very bad combinations these three broad divisions are clearly discernible but at a relatively lower level A son or daughter of this lagna is well built, stout and of a fair color. He or she July 2014