The Astrological eMagazine July 2019

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Editor’s Note


Female Olympic Medalists and Planets EVIL Saturn – The MISTAKEN understanding

Secrets of the 7th House: Compromise, Patience and Love

r Cove s Storie

15 19

Twilight in the Rig - Veda

18 Words of Wisdom


3 Important Parameters in Horoscope Matching

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for July 2019 This Month (July 2019) for You The astrological emagazine



Notre-Dame de Paris fire - Astrological Synthesis

26 29

The Astrological eMagazine Ephemeris for July 2019

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Editor’s Note

Niranjan Babu & Suprajarama Raman In times of uncertainty, almost all of mankind – intellectuals, millennials, rationalists and believers – are turning to Vedic Astrology. I am seeing that the growing accuracy of predictions and understanding of patterns and positions of planets has now pushed Vedic Astrology in to a new phase. This phase is characterized by reverence and deep belief in the Vedic Astrology, and a wanting desire by people to use this great science for advancement of personal and professional lives. We thank our subscribers and contributors for your support. Your editorial team


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is very passionate about this great science of Vedic Astrology, and the possibilities it is leading us to. One of the greatest symbols of France suffered terrible fire damage. Watching the frightening incident of certain iconic parts of Notre Dame cathedral being engulfed by fire felt like the very personality of Paris was getting lost. The cathedral was an embodiment of art, spirituality and history. It stood as one of the greatest buildings in Paris. This iconic Parisian building was made famous in the novel Hunchback

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of Notre Dame and seeing it burn like an inferno arouses emotional pain in hearts all around the world. We hope that the people of France not let this incident affect their city, their culture and confidence, and that in a very short time, the cathedral will rise again. It won’t be easy. R S Maniam, a very senior astrological scholar and regular contributor to The Astrological eMagazine analyses this incident, and also forewarns the religious institutions to be vigilant and take adequate security measures. The Tokyo 2020 Olympics is another year to go but the excitement has already begun. From hastags to mascots to controversies to preparation, the world has started doing it all. To prepare for an Olympics game, the athletes have to beyond discipline, practice and fitness. They need to be able to figure out their weak spots or blind spots, and manager to overcome them. In this article, Smt Lalitha Donatella Riback, shares exclusive insights on the key planets which influence female Olympic athletes and how they can perform certain Vedic remedies to gain strength and overcome their weak spots. Parashara refers to the 7th house as Yuvati Bhava. Yuvati translates to a young lady. In this chapter he gives various combinations where a man can look in to his horoscope and ascertain the type of wife he’ll get, qualities of the wife, time of marriage, more than one wife and so on. An untrained student might only see this with a patriarchal view. However, Parashara and other scholars after him have cleverly encrypted a deeper meaning that gets revealed only to those who do an in-depth study of the text. The seventh house in these modern times of Tinder represents the concept of a committed and understanding relationship. In this article, Barry Rossen, an intellectual and scholar, throws

The astrological emagazine

light on the seventh house, what it means to the modern Tinder generation and how one can use this house to his or her advantage. The Vedic system of securitizing the horoscopes for compatibility is one of the greatest to mankind. Unlike how other parts of the world approach marriage, in India, Marriage is a very sacred act and a responsibility of a bride and groom to make their lives worth living. A proper assessment and matching of horoscope will do wonders for the couple. A “matched” couple will be able to easily led there life with dignity, comfort and harmony. Issues like separation, quarrels, no progeny, cheating, money, jealousy and others can be avoided if the horoscopes are matched in advance and appropriate remedial measures are performed. In this article, Astrologer Subhash Sharma, writes about the three important marriage parameters that need to be verified. The Astrological eMagazine is a platform to promote original research in the field of astrology, in an unbiased manner. We are giving opportunities to bold and budding astrological scholars to showcase their talent and research in the field of astrology. Kartheek Darbha shares some notes on The Myths of Saturn and why Saturn shouldn’t always be considered as evil. We encourage and promote new and original research in Vedic Astrology and take a neutral standard with regard to endorsing these techniques. We leave it to the enlightened audience to try and judge the quality of research.

Raman Suprajarama Senior Editor, The Astrological eMagazine

july 2019



july 2019

The astrological emagazine

Female Olympic Medalists and Planets |Lalitha Donatella Riback

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics is another year to go but the excitement has already begun. From hastags to mascots to controversies to preparation, the world has started doing it all. To prepare for an Olympics game, the athletes have to beyond discipline, practice and fitness. They need to be able to figure out their weak spots or blind spots, and manager to overcome them. In this article, Smt Lalitha Donatella Riback, shares exclusive insights on the key planets which influence female Olympic athletes and how they can perform certain Vedic remedies to gain strength and overcome their weak spots.

You’ve seen them on TV and read their bios in the online sports page. They’re buff, confident and accomplished. They’re female winners. Whether you envy or ignore their lifestyle, gym bags ever shuffling through airports, moist towels wiping their brows, smiling at photographers and interviewers, their names and medals will be written in sports stats. Some will even make history.

Lalitha Donatella Riback lives in New York, USA. She’s a professional Vedic astrologer, licensed life coach, spiritual advisor, and author of “Bliss Lab: How the Ancient Yogis Acquired Supernormal Powers and How You Can Too.” Since 1993, Lalitha has been studying Indian spirituality with great spiritual masters. She holds certifications as a yoga teacher, Reiki master, and a BA in Vedic astrology.

According to Vedic astrology, planets make our consciousness But did you know that the horoscopes of female athletes have many common traits that go well beyond their culture, sports discipline and physical attributes?

The Planets of Victory and Competition According to Vedic astrology, planets make our consciousness. They can point to our hidden weakness or immeasurable strength, deep fears or great courage. Generally, the planets that lead a male or female athlete to victory are

The astrological emagazine

july 2019


EVIL Saturn – The MISTAKEN understanding |Kartheek Darbha

The Astrological eMagazine is a platform to promote original research in the field of astrology, in an unbiased manner. We giving opportunities to bold and budding astrological scholars to showcase their talent and research in the field of astrology. In this paper, Kartheek Darbha shares some notes on The Myths of Saturn and why Saturn shouldn’t always be considered as evil. We encourage and promote new and original research in Vedic Astrology and take a neutral standard with regard to endorsing these techniques. We leave it to the enlightened audience to try and judge the quality of research.

Introduction Saturn is largely considered an evil planet by many. The planet is said to trouble mankind regularly and hence concepts Ashtama Shani, Ardha Ashtama Shani etc., from the Gochara perspective have pickedup up heat. I will try and illustrate that Saturn can also a benefic planet for certain ascendants. Kartheek Darbha is a practitioner with over 8 years of experience in various fields of Vedic Astrology. He has good practical and handson experience in analysing horoscopes using Math (imapct analysis of each planet based on its degree of location in each and its effect in other Bhava) as said in Vedic Astrology by renowned Parasara Maharshi. His expertise is in dealing specially with Marriage prediction, various health situations in Female horoscopes related to Giving Birth to a Child, Vamsa Vrudhi, Onsite Travel, Occupation and Business predictions, Star Lord Dasha system analysis.

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Technicalities: In practice, I’ve seen Saturn being a lord for Bhavas 1, 5, 9 definitely gives good results. Similarly, being in the ascendant as lord of Bhavas 3, 7, 11 in a horoscope will be a bad placement. The following two scenarios depicted below explores the analogy and demonstrates Saturn playing a vital good and a malefic role in horoscopes. In Chart 1, Libra is rising. Saturn is the lord of fourth and fifth Bhavas. Each Bahva extends to 30 Degrees. Since Saturn owns two Bhavas next to each other, the effect gets doubled. 60- Degrees ownership as per Parashara/ Vere Kondappa gives the tendency of giving good results with his view on 10 and 12 Bhavas.

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the results of Saturn. Since, Sun is in Saturn’s Star(Pushyami). The Above statement is as per STAR LORD Dasha System as per Parashara and interpreted by MR Vere Kondappa. Though the wedding happens through some other means like 7 Bhava gets Shudhi by fewer good planets of this horoscope such as Mars/Jupiter/ Sun, definitely one is going to struggle in Marital life going further. Since, Dasha results are referencing Saturn. The kind of state the horoscope leads to is Widow Yoga, for both Men and Women cases. Just like Mangala Dosha, in this case Saturn’s Malefic results also powerful. Since, the name itself denotes Shanaischara, meaning “Shanaihi Shanaihi Charaha”. Coverts to a slow-motion based planet

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who sticks to each Raasi for 2 years at least. Once the gochara suits, the predictions start lasting long. That’s why, people struggle more compared to the other malefic planet periods. But, don’t forget he is enemy for everybody. He is also a hero for a number of horoscopes.

Conclusion Every planet can have both positive and malefic effects and this effect varies based on many factors in a horoscope - Ascendant, planetary placement in various houses, Friendship/Enmity etc. Saturn is not always evil, and can in fact be a boon for many horoscope.

july 2019


Secrets of the 7th House: Compromise, Patience and Love |Barry Rossen

Parashara refers to the 7th house as Yuvati Bhava. Yuvati translates to a young lady. In this chapter he gives various combinations where a man can look in to his horoscope and ascertain the type of wife he’ll get, qualities of the wife, time of marriage, more than one wife and so on. An untrained student might only see this with a patriarchal view. However, Parashara and other scholars after him have cleverly encrypted a deeper meaning that gets revealed only to those who do an in-depth study of the text. The seventh house in these modern times of Tinder represents the concept of a committed and understanding relationship. In this article, Barry Rossen, an intellectual and scholar, throws light on the seventh house, what it means to the modern Tinder generation and how one can use this house to his or her advantage.

The 7th house represents the concept of committed relationships. It is not always about marriage and even includes the considerations of business partnerships as well as committed long term romantic involvements. When the love is deep enough marriage often moves to the 12th house of sacrifice where we give up our personal needs through deep love to create a family.

Barry Rosen has been practicing Vedic astrology since 1987. He has visited and studied in India on 4 occasions and has spoken numerous times at the American Council of Vedic Astrology Conferences in Sedona, AZ since 1999 and also the British Association of Vedic Astrologers in London since 2006. He has been involved in Vedic culture since 1973 and is a longtime meditation and yoga teacher and a published poet. Professionally, he has applied Vedic astrology to predicting financial markets since 1987 and has published numerous articles in leading journals including the NCGR journal and Trader’s World and the Trader’s Astrological Almanac and specializes in blocks to finance in ones chart. Recently, he has been pioneering research in other areas of Vedic astrology including Vedic astro-locality, the effects your current physical location have on your chart, connecting astrology to hatha yoga for therapeutic purposes and developing transformational healing work to move through karma. He is a neo-Vedic astrologer and uses the outer planets. He is particularly interested in Jaimni astrology and the soul’s journey through the physical world and its karma and purpose and has taken live seminars in London with Sanjay Rath.

The astrological emagazine

The 7th house represents the concept of committed relationships The 7th house is about learning compromise wherein two people come together to create something better than each has on offer individually: the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts. A dear friend often noted that a good business partnership is when 2 + 2 not just add up to 4 but create a 7. It’s like sine wave amplification where two small waves create july 2019


Twilight in the Rig-Veda | Prof. R. Krjshnamurthy, M. A.

TWILIGHT is a natural phenomenon which is observable at all places on all parts of the earth. Fora considerable time after the Sun has set, there exists a diffused kind of light illuminating the earth, which is termed twilight. This is due to the atmosphere surrounding the earth. It is explained that much dust and water-vapour are suspended in the atmosphere and the rays of light from the Sun which pass through the upper layer of the atmosphere, even after the Sun goes below the horizon, are reflected and scattered by the dust and water-vapour above; hence the diffused light called twilight. Further this scattered light is transmitted to other particles further away from the Sun and they reflect the rays a second time and thus further lengthen the duration of the twilight. The twilight is said to end when this diffused light has entirely disappeared or. at least has become imperceptible. From numerous observations of the western scientists, it has been found that the twilight ends at any place when the Sun is at a vertical depth of about 18 degrees below the horizon. A similar phenomenon occurs every day just before the Sun rises. Here too according to the western astronomers, the morning twilight starts when the Sun arrives just 18 degrees below the horizon. Thus we have both morning and evening twilights. The duration of the twilight is given to be the interval between the moments when the Sun goes below the 22

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horizon and when all the stars (including the seventh magnitude stars) of the celestial sphere become visible, or the interval between the moments when the seventh magnitude star begins to disappear and when the Sun comes to the horizon. This duration of twilight is the least for an equatorial observer on the equi-noctial clay and is maximum for the same observer on the solstitial day. Its length is different at different places on earth situated at different latitudes on different days of the year. There are certain places on the earth wherein the twilight continues throughout the night during certain parts of the year. There are also certain other/ places situated within the frigid zone, which enjoy perpetual day and perpetual night, where there are periods of perpetual twilight of varying lengths of days. For a north-pole observer, whose days and nights are six months each, twilight extends to about 48 days. In the Yedic literature, Ushas is the name usually given to the morning twilight and Sandhya for either of the two twilights. The deity presiding over this period is the usha devi. She receives great attention at the hands of the Rig- Vedic Rishis. They describe the Usha devi as a beautiful, highly ornamented, young damsel, always marching in advance of the Sun-god. When describing the evening twilight, they describe it as a modest young. girl following her husband’s footsteps. The Ushas or morning The astrological emagazine

3 Important Parameters in Horoscope Matching |Astrologer Subhash Sharma

The Vedic system of securitizing the horoscopes for compatibility is one of the greatest to mankind. Unlike how other parts of the world approach marriage, in India, Marriage is a very sacred act and a responsibility of a bride and groom to make their lives worth living. A proper assessment and matching of horoscope will do wonders for the couple. A “matched� couple will be able to easily led there life with dignity, comfort and harmony. Issues like separation, quarrels, no progeny, cheating, money, jealousy and others can be avoided if the horoscopes are matched in advance and appropriate remedial measures are performed. In this article, Astrologer Subhash Sharma, writes about the three important marriage parameters that need to be verified.

Subhash Sharma is a vedic astrologer from Chandigarh. He has completed Jyotish Bhushan course from ICAS. His experience spans solving issues related to profession and career, marriage and love, health and others.

It is important to check all factors and remove confusions before marriage in order to enjoy happy and harmonious married-life. To asses married life of bride and bridegroom, there is an elaborate system in Astrology called Nakshatra Melapak. Under this system, eight factors or kootas are taken into consideration to check the compatibility of the prospective bride and froom. These are factors are listed below along with the weightage given for the same – 26

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The astrological emagazine

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