The nature of a donor and a donee The Shastras recommend charity as an essential aspect of Dharma for those who can afford to donate. The Shastras describe the duties of the benefactor and the beneficiary in charity thus -
OeveJevleceoeleejb oefjêb ®eeleHeeqmJeveced ~ ÜeJecYeefme efveJesäJ³eew ieues yeodOJee Ð{eb efMeueeced ~~ A rich man has to engage in charity while a poor man who accepts charity has to engage in tapas and pray for the welfare of the rich man who has helped him. The Shloka states that a rich man who does not engage in charity and a poor man who does not engage in Tapas and prayer must be tied with a stone to their necks and dropped into the ocean. What is the meaning of this statement? It only means that such a rich man and a poor man are committing a blunder. A rich man must feel that, “The Lord has given me this wealth so I can help others. What is it that I had brought with me when I took birth? I came into this world alone and shall leave this world alone. If I engage in charity, I shall get Punyam and be benefitted. If I do not engage in charity and not help others even a little, what is the use of all this wealth?” Such must be the attitude of a rich man. A poor man once came to a rich man and said – “I have come here to give to wish you well.” – On being questioned, replied – “I had not performed any charity in my previous lifetime. Hence I have become a beggar in this lifetime. You on the other hand have done a lot of Dharmic activities in your previous lifetime and have been born rich. If you continue to engage in charity towards people like me, you will continue to live comfortably in your next lifetime also. Otherwise, in your next life, you will become as I am!” –
Üejb Üejceìved efYe#eg: efMe#el³esJeb ve ³ee®eles ~ DeolJee ceeÐMees cee Yet: olJee lJeb lJeeÐMees YeJe ~~ May everyone engage in charity accordingly and attain Shreyas.
Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number
Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi
Weather Forecasting & Astrometeorology er
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Jupiter’s Transit into his Exaltation Sign Cancer Is Wealth, Wisdom and Family Harmony in Store for You?
Ananda Taittiriya Meemamsa in Taittiriya Upanishad
Astrology Courses in Karnataka Samskrit University, Bangalore
PANCHANGA for June 2014 The astrological emagazine
June 2014 for You
32 June 2014
& S. R. Pulari, T. Unnikrishnan & C. Sunanda
hrissur, the cultural capital and the fourth largest city of the God’s own country lies between North Latitudes 10o 10’ 22” and 10o 46’ 54” and East Longitudes 75o 57’ 20” and 76o 54’ 23”. The District spans an area of about 3032 km² by sharing it’s boundary on the north by Malappuram , on the east by Palakkad and Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu, on the south by Ernakulam and on the west by the Arabian Sea around 54 km. The Kole Wetlands act as a natural drainage for the City where the water is carried out to river and to the Arabian Sea, thus keeping Thrissur City safe from flood waters which affect most of the other cities in Kerala. The climate of Thrissur is one of the chief components that define the geography of the district. Thrissur has a mixed climate, dry during summer days, humid during rainy seasons and pleasant during winter days. The district has a tropical humid climate with an oppressive hot season and plentiful of seasonal rainfall. The hot or summer season is from March to May which is followed by the South West Monsoon or simply monsoon season from June to September. The South-west monsoon generally starts during the last week of May. After July the rainfall decreases. On an average, there are 124 rainy days in a year. The winter or North East Monsoon season stops by the end of December and the rest of the period is generally dry. Thrissur receives a generous amount of the monsoonal rainfall and the annual rainfall is about 3000 mm. The average summer temperature records a maximum of 35 degree Celsius and a minimum of 22.5 degree Celsius and the winter temperature records a maximum of 32.3 degree Celsius and a minimum of 20 degree Celsius respectively. Accuracy of weather prediction can be improved by developing long range weather prediction models. Farmers can also decide very early which crops can be cultivated and when they have to be harvested to make good profit. Unnikrishnan (2009) developed various ‘Arima’ models, for predicting area, productivity, production and price of various crops in Kerala. Unnikrishnan and Ajitha (2009) The astrological emagazine
developed a time series model for forecasting the onset of monsoon in Kerala using the data from 1870 to 2009. This is the first time a model for the prediction of onset of monsoon of Kerala was developed. Unnikrishnan and Rao (2009) analysed the planetary effect on weather in Kerala especially on rainfall and drought and found that Mercury and Venus have influence on rainfall and Mars and Sun on drought. Unnikrishnan and Ajitha (2011 a) studied planetary influence on global warming and reported that the planet in Cancer sector has high influence in the northern hemisphere. Materials and Methods The present investigation was carried out in the Department of Statistics, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur during the period from 2011-2013. The study analysed the rainfall, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, relative humidity, evaporation, Sunshine, and wind speed trends for the district of Thrissur using planetary positions. Data pertaining to weather parameters for 28 years from 1984-2012 were collected from the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Kerala Agricultural University and the data related to the planetary positions were collected from the panchangas in Kerala. The study of weather in relation to planetary position will be an exposure to the whole meteorological community. As per the astronomical way of dividing the entire space into 12 different rasis, the rasis were coded as 0 for Mesha,1 for Vrshaba, 2 for Mithuna, 3 for Kataka, 4 for Simha, 5 for Kanya, 6 for Thula, 7 for Vrschika, 8 for Dhanu, 9 for Makara, 10 for Kumbha and 11 f or Meena Results The weather parameters were analysed by taking ‘rasis’ as treatments for the corresponding planetary variable. Analysis of variance method was used to test whether the rasis and planets have significant role in the weather parameters. To know whether the planetary position has significant effect on maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature, relative humidity at 7
June 2014
Jupiter’s Transit into his Exaltation Sign Cancer Is Wealth, Wisdom and Family Harmony in Store for You? Gargacharya
upiter enters Cancer on 19th June 2014 when Moon is in Purvabhadrapada, Aquarius. Jupiter assumes Swarna Murti for Aries, Virgo and Aquarius, Rajata Murti for Gemini, Libra and Capricorn, Tamra Murti for Taurus Leo and Sagittarius and Loha Murti for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Jupiterian transit is good for Gemini, Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio and Virgo. Virgo gets the best results with transit in the 11th and Svarna Murti. Cancer has the worst with transit in janma with Loha Murti. But exalted Jupiter is not very harmful.
Mesha (Aries) [Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1] Jupiter has slipped from the cursed third to the fourth. The fourth is also not good, but better than third, more so because Jupiter dons Svarna Murti. It is true that you have embroiled yourself in matters connected with the family and become a scapegoat. It may be like this. Out of human consideration you recommend the case of a relative to a position he is aspiring for. But things turn topsy-turvy and he finds the job not to his taste and you are blamed for the unwarranted interference. Still character assassination is not carried too much. The people concerned realize their mistake and drop the false allegations brought against you. In a similar way you try to expedite the marriage of girl for which it has undergone inordinate delay. Here too you bungle matters and finally get out of the situation safely. In all these you undergo agony, but it gets subsided. This is the nature of events that happen. In matters relating to office you are successful, yet you hardly get full satisfaction. There are two choices, a position which is lucrative and another with influence and power. You may get one of them, but not a combination of these. You may visit shrines if you are religious, but you find that the travel turns out to be a bit unsatisfactory. A student who gets scholarship travels enthusiastically to take up the new position only to find that the target falls short of his expectation. In all these, there is success which does not give you complete happiness or what may be called Pyrrhic victory. You may remodel the house, but your efforts to improve your office room become unsuccessful though the other things are up to your satisfaction. Investments fetch returns, but not the extant you expected. Marriage proposals succeed partially. Here again, the family members try to get things delayed. Your brothers-in-law may at times differ from you in family matters. With all these you always get success, though not in the way you desired. The period can be described as fairly good. Aswini : In the beginning there will be impediments. Afterwards, there will be success. In the end there will be progress. The astrological emagazine
June 2014
Ananda Taittiriya Meemamsa in
Taittiriya Upanishad lewef$ejer³e GHeefve<eefo Deevevoleejlec³e ceerceecmee ~ Dr. Mahalakshmi Introduction aittiriya Upanishad is a part of the krishna Yajur veda and forms a part of the seventh, eighth and ninth chapters of the Taittiriya Aranyaka. This Upanishad occupies a unique place in Indian Philosophy because it explains the Reality both in direct as well as indirect terms. Though comparatively short, the Taittiriya Upanishad is one of the important Upanishads and is recited in many parts of india with proper accent and dedication. This Upanishad, like most other Vedic chantings, has a particular accent, mode of recitation, (svara) which has come down from generation to generation by tradition. It is regarded as a source-book of the Vedanta philosophy.
Previous story An interesting legend is closely associated with the Taittiriya Upanishad. Once saint Vaisampayana got angry with one of his prominent disciples called Yajnavalkya. He demanded Yajnavalakya to give back all the knowledge which he has acquired from him. Being ordered in such a manner from the guru, Yajnavalkya vomited the entire knowledge.On such occasion the guru asked his other disciples to take the form of partridges (Taittiriya birds) and consume the leavings. It is said that for this particular reason this upanishad has been called the Taittiriya Upanishad. This story indicates us the Taittiri-birds or the partridges are small in size but they are very active and careful and the purport of the story is to instill into the students the spirit of the small birds so that the disciples are as careful, as vigilant and as active as the Taittri birds in the quest for knowledge. Taittiriya Upanishad consists of three Chapters viz., 1. Siksha valli 2. Brahmananda valli and 3. Bhrigu valli. Each chapter is called valli indicating a stage in the development of one's maturit or spiritual growth. These chapters are further divided into anuvakas or sections. Each section contains one or more mantras or verses dealing with different topics. Each anuvaka or section in each valli is a lesson meaning a step in one's progress in Vedic education.First chapter of this Upanishad which is called siksha valli, teaches to the students disciplines, 18 June 2014
rituals, meditations, values, code of conduct for daily life, etc.The second and the third chapters of the Upanishad, called Brahmananda valli and Bhrigu valli respectively, give the essence of the jnana kanda of the Veda, in terms of knowledge of jiva, jagat and jagadeesvara followed by the step-by-step process of contemplation on Brahman leading ultimately to moksha. Since this Upanishad deals with the entire Vedic education, it is considered to be a complete Upanishad, it indicates all the necessary tools available to every person for one's continued spiritual progress towards gaining total fulfillment in life. Probably for this reason, this Upanishad is the most often recited one on all auspicious occasions, bringing the benefit of Vedic knowledge within the reach of ordinary people in daily life.The entire Upanishad has 31 short anuvakas. Siksha valli presented in 12 Anuvakas the knowledge of Atman conditioned by upadhis and also meditation associated with rituals. But neither of these 12 Anuvakas can destroy ignorance which can be destroyed only by the light or knowledge of Brahman as discussed in the nine sections of this second chapter of this Upanishad. The 1st Anuvaka:
ye´nd met$eb DevegJ³eeK³eeveb ue#eCeeefokebÀ ®e ~ ye´ïeefJeoeHveeself e Hejced~ leos<eeY³egÊeÀe~ mel³eb %eeve cevleced ye´ïee~ ³ees Jeso efveefnleb iegne³eeb Hejces J³eesceved~ me: DeMvegles meJee&vkeÀeceevmen~ ye´ïeCeeefJeHeef½eleself e~ lemceeÜe Slemceeoelceve DeekeÀeMemmecYetle:~ DeekeÀeMeeÜe³eg:~ Jee³eesjeHe:~ DeûesjeHe:~ DeodY³e: He=eLf eJeer~ He=eLf eJ³eeDees<eOe³e:~ Dees<eOeerY³e: Dees<eOeerY³e: DeVeced~ DeVeelHeg©<e:~ me Jee Heg©<e: DeVejmece³e:~ lem³esocesJe efMej:~ De³eb oef#eCe He#e:~ De³ecegÊejHe#e: ~ De³eceelcee ~ Fob Heg®íced~ Òeefleÿe leoH³es<eMueeskeÀ: YeJeefle~ This Anuvaka of Brahmavalli speaks of Brahman as
satyam(Reality)jnanam(knowledge)and anantam Annamaya Kosa Vivarana:
DeVece³ekeÀesMe efJeJejCeced~ DeVeeÜw Òepee: Òepee³evles ~ ³ee: keÀe½e He=efLeJeeriegb efÞelee:~ DeLeesDeVesvewJe peerJeefvle~ DeLewveoefHe ³evl³evlele: ~ DeVeiegb efn Yetleeveeb p³esäced ~ lemceeled meJes&<eceg®³eles~ meJe¥ Jewles DeVeceDeHvegJeefvle~ ³es DeVeb ye´ïeesHeemeles ~ DeVeiegb efn Yetleeveeb efn Yetleeveeb p³esÿced~ lemceeled meJeez<eOeceg®e³eles~ DeVeeÓtleeefve pee³evles~ pee leeVeVesve JeOe&vles~ DeÐelesefÊe ®e Yetleeefve~ lemceeoVeb leodg®³ele Fefle~ lemceeÜe~ The astrological emagazine
Astrology Courses in Karnataka Samskrit University inaugurated See report on page 26