May 2013

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Gratitude towards Sri Adi Shankaracharya Lord Parameshwara incarnated as Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada to expound the tenets of Sanatana Dharma and the philosophy of Advaita. As with the other Avataras, Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s was to protect Dharma. The uniqueness of Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s Avatara is that there was no vanquishing of evil forces. The essential achievement of the Avatara is known by one of the names in His Ashtottara Shatanamavali – efÜmeHleeflecelees®ísÊee – one who uprooted 72 different schools of thoughts. The opposing schools would quote some Vedic verse and state that even their school of philosophy was accepted by the Vedas. They would argue that the Vedas also propounded divergent views, including dualism. Proponents of such schools even went on to state that by lending to multiple interpretations, the greatness and uniqueness of the Vedas gets highlighted. However, by this argument, the Vedas can be said to accept even atheistic ideas. For instance, there is a statement in the Vedas – Demeod Jee Foceûe Deemeerled – that can be literally understood as, “In the beginning was non-existence, and from non-existence, everything came into existence” – This idea of Asad-vaada is essentially atheistic, postulating all existence as springing from non-existence. Sri Adi Shankaracharya in His commentaries gave the right interpretations to statements such as the above. He uses a term in His Bhashya – Jeeke̳eeYeeme³egkeÌl³eeYeemeeJeäcYee: – to describe such schools that hold on to improper interpretations of a few verses of the Vedas and propound their own theories. He also made it clear that no statement in the Vedas can be said to be false – ve efn JesoJeeke̳es<eg keÀm³eef®eled ÒeeceeC³eb keÀm³eef®eled DeÒeeceeC³eefceefle mebYeJeefle ÒeceeCelJeeefJeMes<eeled – for if even one statement were to be called false, the Vedas would no more be valid means to knowledge. Hence every statement in the Vedas has to be true – meJeexefHe Jeso: ÒeceeCecesJe. One Vedic statement cannot contradict another. Hence the Acharya expounded the Upanishadic philosophy of Advaita without Purva Apara Virodha – without contradictions between Vedic statements. To ensure the continued instruction of Dharma to the masses, Sri Adi Shankaracharya established the four Amnaya Peethams at Sringeri, Dwaraka, Puri and Badri. May everyone realize the immensity of the contribution of Sri Adi Shankaracharya towards the sustenance and propagation of Sanatana Dharma, and observe Sri Shankara Jayanti (falling on 15th May 2013) with a deep sense of reverence and gratitude.




Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi

The Glory of Vedas – I

7 Sanskrit through Ramayana - 7

9 Successful Conception & 11 Healthy Children

Cover Story

20 17 Pope Francis – An Astrological Introspection

Remedial Measures in General


21 Sri Rama & Rama Mantra


MAY 2013


HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveere<f eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~

Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers.

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?


Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


Honorary Doctorate for Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji




DR. VAMSHI KRISHNA GHANAPATHI Sanskrit through Ramayana - 7


JAYASREE SARANATHAN All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated.

Successful Conception & Healthy Children


V. R. GOWRISHANKAR Mahaswamiji of Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham

The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher Niranjan Babu Bangalore 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864


R.S.MANIAM Pope Francis – An Astrological Introspection


PROF. N. S. MURTHY Remedial Measures in General


GOVINDAN Sri Rama & Rama Mantra REPORT BY YAJNAVALKYA Relevance of Bhagavad Gita to the New Generation


Book Review


Lagna Table for May 2013


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for May 2013




MAY 2013

This Month for You May 2013


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for May 2013


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka



Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi p³eeself e<e ef®evlee efveefOe YAJNAVALKYA Ancient Indian Wisdom and Modern Scientific Revelations


HERE HAVE BEEN SOME efforts by many scholars and scientists, especially during the last few decades, to delve into the vast wealth of scientific information contained in our Vedic literature and other scriptural works of yore and bring them to the notice of all. It may be that for the simple minded and uninitiated, especially the layman, most of our ancient works carried only stories of gods and demons. The sad fact is that, no serious efforts or pains to study or understand their mystical significance was undertaken. However, we have to thank our ancestors for having preserved those stories and carefully carried them from generation to generation mostly by word of mouth over the past thousands of years. For anyone who has a trained scientific or mathematical thinking brain, these works may have a lot of hidden knowledge of scientific facts. They will be, for them, great repository of knowledge – both spiritual and scientific. They can find in many of them, goldmines of pure astronomical information also. Of course, the key to all of those hidden knowledge will lie only in an extensive study of mathematics and related various disciplines. Many would not have forgotten what one acerbically observed that the independence that India gained at midnight is yet to see the dawn. It is because that those in power have never cared to educate the future generation about the great heritage of this land. Even today our children at schools are told that our ancients believed that two celestial dragons, Rahu and Ketu, only caused eclipses, when they gulped down the Sun and the Moon. It must be understood that such descriptions found in mythology are only the imaginative interpretations of an event. Such types of legends were prevalent in different parts of the world, as well. The ancient Chinese also thought that eclipses were caused when the Sun was swallowed by a huge dragon. On such occasions the whole population joined and made as much noise as THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

possible by beating drums. Their intentions were to scare away the dragon. Within some minutes they found that the finally succeeded in their attempt! Was not Aristotle branded as the misfortune of mankind for his false medical notions? It is pity that India alone is singled out and ridiculed for such superstitious beliefs. Such superstitions are not quite uncommon throughout the world. Points of Intersection And what are these unseen planets Rahu and Ketu? They are the points of intersection of the path of the Moon with the ecliptic. Our ancients christened them as Rahu and Ketu for easy reference. For astrological purposes these nodes were considered and counted as planets and were called as Chaayaagrahas or shadowy planets. It must be remembered that these nodes, as the points of intersection of the path of the Moon with the ecliptic have a great astronomical and calculative role in determining the eclipses. What is then wrong in telling that these points of intersection, namely Rahu and Ketu are responsible for the occurrence of eclipses to facilitate a layman to understand easily the more complicated mathematical significance employed and inherent in the system? We must not forget the fact that our ancients, who were ahead of the other civilizations in the world, had formulated precise theories about the planetary motions centuries ahead of others. If our ancients were not fully conversant with the astronomical implications for the accurate computations of the eclipses and the causes for such other celestial phenomena, how could they have formulated such infallible rules for their computations? Do not the various Siddhantas of our land stand testimony to this? What makes one sad is the fact that those in charge of framing the educational policy of our independent India are quite oblivious to such valid facts mentioned in the famous Brihat Samhita of the renowned astronomer and astrologer Varaahamihira. The distinguished and most famous Tamil poet and patriot Subramanya Bharati, disgusted over such state of affairs of Indian education during the imperial regime, sang thus: MAY 2013


“Of the fact that there lived a man called Kamban And of Kalidasa who composed poems, Or of the might of Bhaskara, who met and measured the planets and stars of those lofty skies,........ Ignorant of such antecedents and the ancient glory of the land..... Rushing to the dens of Anglican tutelage ...... ” His sagacious observation and lament is valid even for today, since the freedom gained from the imperial rule has not changed the slavery mindset of our rulers. It is sad that the rulers of our independent India have neither the time nor any intention to reconstruct the true history of our ancient Bharat, to help our younger generation to understand and appreciate the great heritage of this mighty land and the multifarious achievements of our ancients. Will not such an effort at least help to dispel some of those myths, current even today, created by the colonial rule? Even in spite of numerous reports appearing in the media, day in and day out, about the scientific background found in some ancient thoughts, neither the scientific community nor the clergy have time to collate and publicize them to resolve many of the prevalent misconceptions. The Story of Trisanku Let me take a simple story, that many of us know - the story of Trisanku. This king wished to reach Swarga or heaven with his body, in flesh and blood. Despite the advice and curse of his family Guru, Vasishta, he persisted in his effort. Finally he found his saviour in sage Viswamitra. Viswamitra found his great Yajna of no avail to help him. Then, he with his tapobala or spiritual power sent the king to swarga. With the sage Vashista’s curse already over his head, the king was hurled back; head downwards, to earth, much before he could reach the swarga, denying his entry to the heavens. Midway, down his trail, he appealed to sage Viswamitra for help. Then the sage, with his great spiritual power, held him to stay in the mid-space- halfway between the earth and heavens! He created for the king, a heaven there - a Trisanku Swarga - an in-between Swarga, in the middle of the space between the earth and the real Swarga. The Story of Astronomy Though the story is appealing and alluring to the devout, a student of astronomy can see something far beyond, more of an astronomical importance, shrouded in it. We must 4

MAY 2013

know that the nearest star to our solar system is Proxima Centauri a member of the Alpha Centauri system. The two bright components of Alpha Centauri are only slightly farther away, all of them about 4.3 light years from us. The nearest bright star to our Solar System is Sirius which is about 8.7 light-years away. In a way the real heavens can be deemed to commence, in the space, from the star Sirius because the space between our solar system and Sirius is almost void and empty but for a few stars. It must be noted that in-between our solar system and the star Sirius, we do not have any prominent star, save Barnard’s star at 5.8 light years, and Wolf 359 and Lalande 21185 which are more near Sirius. In such a case is it not that Trisanku or Alpha Centaurus is just half way to the real heavens that is deemed to commence from star Sirius? Is this not sufficient to explain the astronomical fact about what Trisanku is? Is it not a fact that this story of Trisanku is not any simple imagined obsession of our ancients but a true astronomical awareness couched in a fascinating anecdote? Agasthyacharya All of us know the story of Agasthya curbing the arrogance of the Vindhyas. However, how many can be aware a subtle the astronomical fact lying embedded in that story? Perhaps was it an observational fact for those living in the North of the land who noticed the rising of the star Canopus over those mountains range? Likewise cannot the story Agasthya of drinking the oceans in one gulp suggest an event of larger areas of the heavens becoming visible for those living in the Northern regions? Can it then be the period of occurrence of visibility of more stars of the Southern Hemisphere to those in the north? Can there be some astronomical clues to the precession of equinoxes camouflaged in such mythical fables and Brihat Samhita’s Agasthyacharya? (to be continued)

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Honorary Doctorate for

Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji, Senior Pontiff, Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore has been awarded an honorary doctorate for His research in Music Therapy by Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Hampi, India. The Hampi University has indeed honored itself by awarding the doctorate to Sri Swamiji. Sri Swamiji was born at Mekedatu in southern India on May 26, 1942. Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji sees healing with music as a yogic practice. Yoga teaches that the astral body has 72000 nervelets and 14 major nadis or nerves. Each nadi vibrates at its own frequency. Music soothes the nadis and helps them to vibrate at the proper rate. Music becomes a therapy, He says, when the healer, musicians and listeners all deeply concentrate on the sound. Sri Swamiji stresses on concentration or Ekagrata on the part of the healer musician and the listener. Listening is a special technique where sense control or Indriya Nigraha is required. "Physical health results from a healthy mind," Sri Swamiji says. "Music of the right type helps in achieving relaxation by soothing the nerves and through that, comes peace and stillness of the mind." Sri Swamiji says that "ragas are the unspoiled sounds of eternal nature, the soul of man and Paramatman. In the hands of the perfect technician, they are great forces." Sri Swamiji uses a synthesizer because this instrument can reproduce singly or in combination the sounds of more than 1,100 instruments. This allows Sri Swamiji a greater range for healing through music. Music therapy requires more than just intense meditation on sound. This Great Master understands the varying vibrational qualities of the different ragas and knows which raga can help a particular disease. Certain ragas can only be played at selected times to be effective. The renowned Indian musician, Maharajapuram Santhanam says, "Each one of the ragas has curative powers. Sri Swamiji has done a lot of research on this and I have heard first person accounts of cures through His music therapy. There is a divinity in His music and bhajans which makes it essentially different from others." Sri Swamiji has been conducting spiritual music concerts for meditation and healing (nada chikitsa) in India and many other countries in Europe, America and Caribbean Islands. Listening to His healing and meditation music in person, or to His many recordings, is the medicine prescribed by Sri Swamiji for all ailments and conditions ranging from coma to cancer and migraine to mental depression. Sri Swamiji's therapy lays stress on Ekagratha or concentration on the part of the Healer-Musician and listener.


MAY 2013


Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji is the Junior Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore. With early education at the Datta Peetham Veda Patashala, Swamiji has a Master’s degree in Sanskrit. Author of a number of books such as Guru Stuti, Ganesha Sahasranama and bhasyams on Sundarakanda, Lalitha Sahasranama, Bhagavad Gita, etc. Sri Swamiji has travelled extensively in India and abroad (USA, West Indies and other countries), propagating Sanatana Dharma and Samskruthi through His brilliant discourses.


n this continuation series on the Glory of Vedas, let us learn about the mantra of peace, ‘Tacchamyô rá vø ïèmahä’. Tacchamyô rá vø ïèmahä| gátum yajnáya| gátum yajnapatayä | daivè svasti rastu naç || Svastirmánu Úäbhyaç| ürdhvam jigátu bhäúajam| ùamnô astu dvipadä| ùam catuúpadä || Ôm ùántiùùántiùùántiç

We frequently keep hearing this mantra. This occurs in the Áraïyaka section. For the third segment of the Yajurväda Áraïyaka, this has been prescribed as the Shanti Patha or peace mantra. In the third segment, Puruúa Süktam that begins with ‘Sahasra ùirùá puruúaç’ forms the twelfth chapter. It has necessarily became a tradition to chant Shanti Patha prior to chanting the Puruúa Süktam.

Apauruúäya While Väda is called ‘apauruúäya’ (not man made), poetry composed by humans is called ‘pauruúäya’ (man made). Since Väda has not been authored by anyone, it has earned this title. The question may arise as to how the great Väda came into being if no one wrote it? At the beginning of Creation, Ômkara (the primordial syllable Ôm) from out of Paramátman, the Supreme Soul, and out of the Omkara, the Vädas sprang forth. With the help of the Vädas the four-faced Brahma engaged in the four types of Creation. The sages, by the power of their penance perceived the mantras that had revealed themselves to Brahma at that time inside His intellect. The sages worshiped and passed on those mantras to their disciples. The mantras of the Vädas have thus been successively initiated through the lineage of gurus to disciples. The sages never claimed ownership of the mantras that they had intuited. They moreover declared that it was only through the inner stimulation by the Supreme Soul that they had obtained these. 6

MAY 2013

Jaya Guru Datta


Through this mantra, Väda teaches us as to how man should live and pray. According to the Vädas, shastras, puranas, and itihasas (epics), this mantra is said to have existed even before Creation came into being. According to modern theory it came into existence ten thousand years ago; before man became completely civilized. Let us now analyze the meaning of this mantra. The Supreme Soul, who is of the form of Yajna called Arunaketuka should be worshiped thus, with the prayer ending with Ôm ùántiùùántiùùántiç: “O manifestation of Sacrifice! O Supreme Soul! We pray to you to have us perform such meritorious action which will destroy and prevent all of our ailments. We pray to you to grant us the successful completion, without any hurdles, of all good deeds that we resolve to conduct that are equal to sacrifices. We pray that the chief who has initiated such good deeds be granted the full reward for the noble efforts. May we always receive the grace of the gods! May all our friends and relatives prosper.May everyone be happy, being spared from sorrows and difficulties. May all two legged creatures such as humans and birds be benefited. May all four-legged living beings also live comfortably. Ôm represents the three worlds. A prayer has been offered for the peace of all the three worlds. A prayer has been offered for individual (my) peace during the states of wakefulness, dream, and deep sleep. Let there be no pain from poisonous creatures such as snakes and scorpions. Let there be no physical or mental illnesses! Let there be no calamities due to extremes in nature caused by God’s will.” Everyone in the world prays. Most of them pray selfishly for the benefit of themselves or their near and dear. Väda tells us (through this lesson) that prayer should be offered for world peace. There is no greater entity than the Väda that delivers the message of desiring community well-being. Let us pray for the benefit of society. Let us revere the Väda. Ôm ùántiùùántiùùántiç. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Sanskrit through


Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi is an academic of Indology, deeply interested in philosophy, music, literature and linguistics. He is associated with Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, a great spiritual leader of our times for the past 3 decades. He was awared a doctorate in Sanskrit by the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad for his thesis “Philosophical and Pragmatic Critique on Rituals”

[As this is a Sanskrit Learning series, Devanagari Text is given for reference, apart from the transliteration and meaning along with bilingual questions and answers. – Editor, The AeM.]

Understanding Ramayana helps us learn Samskruta easily. In the previous part, we learnt the meaning of Second Stanza keÀesvJeeqmceved along with the names/ symbols of Syllables (Varnas) and one aspect of Visarga Sandhi. In this part of the series, we examine other Sandhis including Yan Sandhi, followed by meceemee: Samaasa (Combining words to bring out new meaning) and HeoªHe efJeJeskeÀ: Pada Roopa Viveka(Inspection of each word). Jaya Shrirama.

keÀesvJeeqmceved meecÒeleb ueeskesÀ iegCeJeeved keÀM®e Jeer³e&Jeeved ~ Oece&%eM®e ke=Àle%eM®e mel³eJeeke̳ees Ð{Je´le: ~~

Please note that Latter Letter (First letter of the latter Word) is not affected by this Sandhi. This is called Poorva Aadesha. (Only the former gets affected.) Similar to this communion is found in this stanza.

³eCed meefvOe: Yan Sandhi veg, Deeqmceved = vJeeqmceved >>> ³eCed 1 meefvOe: Yan Sandhi

It is common to name a Sandhi, after the Aadesha (Final Replacement). Ya? Stands for 4 Syllables namely .. Ya, Va, Ra, La. These are commonly tagged in one Pratyahaara (Sub Set). Now we dissect the Syllables of the words.

vJeeqmceved .... veg = ved, G + Deeqmceved (n, u + asmin) ved, G >> Jed + Deeqmceved (n, u>> v + asmin)

keÀ:, veg (keÀ: + veg = keÀes veg

ved, Jed


Deeqmceved = vJeeqmceved (nvasmin)

Primary Rule for Yan Sandhi >> (FkedÀ) Ik Varna makes way for Yan (³eCed ), if followed by



mel³eJeeke̳e:, Ð{Je´le: - mel³eJeeke̳ees Ð{Je´le:~

(Similar Sandhi forms of Yan include - Hari + Amsha = Haryamsha, Guru + Anugraha = Gurvanugraha, Pitr + Arpanam = Pitrarpanam)


MAY 2013


GHejmeJeCe&evf Oe: Parasavarna Sandhi meecÒeleb + ueeskesÀ = meebÒeleuueeskesÀ2 (HejmeJeCe&meefvOe: Parasavarna Sandhi)

Even in writing also, we should be clear not to write "Tam Loke", it has to be "Tallôî?kä".

Similary, words such as mebueeHe Samyati, mebueeHe Samlaapa are commonly misspelt and mispronounced. It has to be written and pronounced as meB³³eefle Saîyyati, meBuueeHe Saîllaapa.

le, ced

>> ( ) Anuswaara) >> leBued + ueeskesÀ =


Ya, Va, La >> all these letters have two variants. One with Nasal tone meevegveeefmeKe Saanunaasika, Other without Nasal tone efvejvegveeefmekeÀ Niranunaasika. In this Parasavarna Sandhi, we have to pronounce the ? "La" with nasal intonation, as in meebÒeleuueeskesÀ sampratallom?ke.

Visarga Sandhi - Second Variant

keÀ:, ®e - keÀ½e

HejmeJeCe& meef v Oe

Before we attempt to understand this sequence, we will enlist all the eight forms of Visarga Sandhi.

As shown in the Visarga Sandhi's Sixth variant 'F', Visarga has become 'S' and further gets converted as Ù.

Similarly “Oece&%e:, ®e dharmajña?, ca & ke=Àle%e:, ®e & krtajòaç, ca” also become “Oece&%eM®e, køtajñaùca” by the rules of Visarga Sandhi variant “F”.

Make similar observations in prayers of your daily service.

ke=Àle%eM®e dharmajñaùca,

continued on 24


MAY 2013


Successful Conception &

Healthy Children

With a Masters degree in astrology, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched her perception of astrology.



ETTING HEALTHY and brainy children is wealth. A child born with fine faculties of mind, body and fortunes but without defects is considered a boon. But times now, are such that the increasing level of awareness on birth defects and genetic anomalies is creating anxiety and concern among the general public. In these days of late marriages and planned pregnancies, people are willing to know if there are ways to ensure successful conception of healthy children. A separate steam of astrology is gaining ground in the West for preparing fertility or conception calendars so that successful conception of a healthy baby is ensured. As far as Vedic astrology is concerned, our vedic seers have already thought of all these and have incorporated them in their immortal works. One can find many clues on this issue given by Garga, Parasara and Jaimini and further elucidated by Varahamihira and Bhattotpala. Pumsavanam is perhaps one of the early innovations of sages like Vasishta when he agreed to devise better ways to ensure the birth of a son after the first child of Vaivasvatha Manu happened to possess sex confusion. Pumsavanam along with Vedic rites and administration of some medicines is done in the 3rd month of pregnancy. Interestingly modern science confirms that sex determination takes place only in the 3rd month of pregnancy. Any anomaly happening in the process of sex determination in this month leads to sex THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

confusion or Napumsaka (eunuch) character. The practice of Pumsavanam done in the 3rd month is one of the rarest kinds of knowledge applicable in the conception of a child. There are many other methods useful in the conception of a healthy child of which the salient ones are discussed in this article. Menstrual cycle The foremost issue is that of making sure that successful conception does take place. Not all menstrual cycles are capable of successful fertilisation. The cycle may be normal and ovum also may be healthy. But these do not ensure that the conditions for fertilisation of the ovum would be perfect. Scientifically there are known and unknown causes for fertilisation to happen or fail, but astrology makes specific conditions for fertilisation to be successful. These conditions depend on the time of onset of the menses guided by the planetary positions. Moon and Mars play a crucial role in this issue. Western astrologers think that Moon plays a crucial role in successful conception. The trinal, sextile or conjunction of the progressed Moon with the natal Moon, the 5th house and Venus are considered to be deciding factors in successful conception. According to them the progressed Moon in Aries, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius reduces the chances of conception. In comparison, Vedic astrology takes a detailed and much closer look at the movement of Moon on a day to day basis. MAY 2013


For example the position of Moon is observed at the time of onset of the menstrual cycle of the woman. It must be in a non-upachaya sign (1,2,4,5,7,8,9 and 12th signs from the natal Moon) from the Moon- sign of the woman. There is an additional requisite to make this cycle a fertile one, in the form of Mars. If Mars aspects the transit Moon in the non upachaya sign on the day of onset of menses, then it renders the cycle a fertile one. This could be anything of the 3 aspects of Mars, namely 4th, 7th or 8th. Example:- For Moon-sign in Virgo, Moon in the 2nd house (nonupachaya) receives the 7th aspect of Mars . So it is deemed that this particular cycle would be fertile. Transit Mars

Woman’s Chart

Transit Moon

MAY 2013

Jupiter Transit Moon

Natal Moon

When Moon transits the upachaya sign from his natal moon-sign, it receives the 9th aspect of Jupiter. For the woman (of the previous chart) that time happens to be the middle of the cycle when ovulation normally takes place. That becomes a fruitful time for successful conception. The integrated chart for the man and the woman (of the example charts) is shown below: Transit Mars Transit Moon

The favourable thithis are all except Amavasya, Pournami, Chathurthi (4th lunar phase), Ashtami (8th) Navami (9th) and Chathurdasi (14th) The favorable asterisms are Sravana, Rohini, Anuradha, Swati, Revati, Moola, Uttara, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapada and Satabhisha. Pushya, Dhanishta, Mrigasira, Aswini, Chiitta and Punarvasu are average. If all the other combinations (thithi, day) are present, the days of these stars are good. Rest of the stars are not favoured for conception.

Man’s Chart

Natal Moon

In a month where this kind of combination exists for the woman, the days of conception are chosen on the basis of Moon’s position in the man’s horoscope. Here the power of Jupiter is the prime requisite to make conception a success. The man’s Moon-sign must be noted and the Moon’s transit in upachaya signs (3,6,10 and 11 houses) from this Moon sign must be noted. Such a Moon must receive the aspect of Jupiter. Sexual union on those days results in successful conception of a child. There is another school of thought that man’s transit Moon in upachaya sign must receive the aspect of any friend of Moon (Jupiter, Mars or Sun). 10

Example:- For the above woman’s chart, if the husband of the woman had his natal Moon in Sagittarius, the favourable day for successful conception is given below.

Transit Jupiter

Beyond all these, the time of conception is very important. The time or ascendant of the time of sexual union is considered as the time of conception. It is known as Adhana ascendant. Choice of Adhana (conception) Ascendant The most favourable ascendant is that which is 5th from the natal ascendant of the man. The Adhana ascendant must be chosen carefully by taking into account the following factors:

Integrated Chart

Man’s Natal Moon

Transit Woman’s Natal Moon Moon

Like this the probable periods must be devised for each cycle of the woman to identify the days of conception. The following combinations of days, thithis and stars must also be taken into account to ensure that the child so conceived is healthy. The favourable days are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (The day is counted from one sunrise to the next sunrise).

The 7th and 8th houses from Adhana ascendant play a crucial role in successful conception. While the 8th must be devoid of any aspect, the 7th is supposed to have benefics for successful conception. Benefics in the 7th also ensures that the child would be like a royal personage, according to Jaimini. If Rahu joins Moon in the 7th or the 10th from the Adhana ascendant or in the Karakamsa, then a child with weak constitution is predicted. On the contrary, if Rahu joins the Moon in the Adhana ascendant or the 5th from it, the child would be heroic and strong, so says Maharishi Jaimini. continued on 15 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


The Astrological eMagazine is happy to wish Mahaswamiji of Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham, a very happy birthday We offer our reverential pranams to our Kulaguru


MAY 2013


Inspiring Life Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji, who adorns the spiritual throne of Dakshinamnaya Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham as its 36th pontiff, is not only a saint of the highest paramahamsa order but also an outstanding scholar in Vedanta and Sastras. At the age of 15, after high school studies, he abruptly left his home to seek the blessings and tutelage from the then Sringeri Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji who was observing Chaturmasya Vrata at Ujjain. The Acharya who was returning after bath from the river Sipra was impressed with the pious disposition and the spiritual resolve of the innocent lad and granted him his wish. The teaching started from the next day. Within the next eight years, the diligent boy not only finished the study of Krishna Yajur Veda, Purva and Uttara Mimamsa, Nyaya Sastra and many other treatises and commentaries, but also became a well-‘versed’ Sanskrit poet. The sudden spiritual initiative of the boy could only be attributed to the preordination of Goddess Sri Sharadamba, the presiding deity of Sri Sringeri Math. To a query as to what made him take this sudden spiritual leap, he replied: “Once when His Holiness was in Vijayawada, I had the good fortune of not only having His darshan but also of obtaining a special prize from Him for talking in Sanskrit at the instance of my teacher. His spiritual presence has never left me and I felt Him to be my Guru and my Saviour. Hence I sought constant refuge at His venerable feet and my ardent wish has been fulfilled.” Childhood Days

The Poorvashrama name of Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharathi Tirtha Mahaswamiji was Sitarama Anjaneyulu. He was born on April 11, 1951 into a Smartha family bearing the name “Tangirala”, of Apasthamba sutra, Krishna Yajur sakha, Kutsasa gotra, to the pious couple, Sri Venkateshwara Avadhani and Smt. Ananthalakshmamma. The family was living in Alugumallepadu village in Palnadu area of Guntur, on the banks of river Naguleru. His father had studied the Vedas. He used to wake up at dawn, bathe in the river and worship Lord Bhavani Shankara, the local deity, with Rudrabhishekha. He also used to perform Sri Rama Navaratrotsava. After being blessed with four daughters, they desired very much to have a son. The father wanted his son to be named after Sita and Rama and the mother, after Anjaneya. Hence the infant was named Sitarama Anjaneyulu. Even at the age of three, the child showed signs of devotional instinct deeply embedded in him. The name of Lord Shiva was constantly on his lips and he would forget himself in divine worship. After school hours, he studied Sanskrit. His knowledge of Sanskrit was so deep that he could discern its subtleties. He was praised for his precociousness in the language by many well-known scholars including the Kavi Samrat Sri Viswanatha Satyanarayana. He won a number of prizes and was invited by All India Radio, Vijayawada to participate in Sanskrit programmes. At night, his father taught him the Vedas. He studied Samhita, Brahmana and Aranyaka so well that he took the Guntur District Vedapravardhaka Vidwat Pariksha and passed it with honours. Command over Languages The boy’s inborn love of Sanskrit induced him to study its grammar and enabled him to compose poetry even while


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posing riddles during games. He learnt its quintessence quite early in age and even ordinary things found ennobling expressions in his poetry. After attaining the spiritual throne in 1974, His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharathi Tirtha Mahaswamiji exhibited an astonishing mastery over our other national languages as well. His diction, precise pronunciation and spontaneity as well as the command over the local idiom always evoke a sense of awe among the devotees who are fortunate to be in His presence or hear His benedictory discourses. His Holiness’ mother tongue is Telugu and He electrifies the audience with sublime eloquence every time He speaks in that language. On the day in which he was initiated into Sanyasa, His Holiness spoke in Kannada. The felicitation meeting was well-attended by many prominent persons including High Court Judges, University Professors, Ministers. Their profound admiration for His eloquence in the language was reflected in their faces. Likewise, a few months after Sishya Sweekaram both the Holinesses were on a Vijayayatra to Rameshwaram. Enroute at Gobichettipalayam, the young Acharya delivered a speech in chaste Tamil. The devotees were extremely enchanted with the clear, precise and mellifluous flow of Tamil from Him. While touring North India, His well-stocked knowledge of Hindi language and literature comes to His aid and His impromptu and melodious discourses in Sanskritised Hindi fascinates even Hindi scholars. The common man witnessing His mastery over the languages is apt to feel that such display is not only above his attainment but also above his ambition. Devotion to Guru

The Guru Gita instructs : “The disciple’s mind should ever be orientated towards his Guru and he should exhibit utmost reverence in his attitude towards his Guru at all times.” His Holiness Sri Sri Bharathi Tirtha Mahaswamiji who is reverentially referred as Sri Sannidhanam, has always been an exemplar disciple to His Guru, Sri Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamijil who was reverentially referred as Sri Mahasannidhanam. Those who have had the great fortune of seeing both the Acharyas together were visibly moved by the great reverence with which Sri Sannidhanam conducted himself in the presence of His Guru. Every morning Sri Sannidhanam would commence the day’s religious activities only after offering His prostrations to His beloved Guru. Whenever Sri Mahasannidhanam spoke, Sri Sannidhanam would humbly bend forward to listen. While walking together, Sri Sannidhanam would follow his Guru. While occupying their seats Sri Sannidhanam would wait for Sri Mahasannidhanam to be seated first. Sometimes when Sri Sannidhanam arrived at a function a little later than Sri Mahasannidhanam, He would pay his respects to His Guru first before taking His seat. Sri Sannidhanam would listen to Sri Mahasannidhanam’s discourses intently. While conducting the Vidwat Sadas (an assembly of scholars), Sri Sannidhanam would ensure that all His observations met with Sri Mahasannidhanam’s approval. Stirred by the divine relationship between Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam, Dr. Mandana Mishra, a reputed educationalist and Sanskrit scholar once respectfully submitted to Sri Mahasannidhanam: “We have read of the devotional attitude Sri Adi Shankara’s disciples exhibited towards the Parama Guru. We are most blessed to witness it as a reality here.” Ideal Pontiff For the convenience of the ever increasing number of devotees and pilgrims visiting Sringeri, Sri Mahasannidham decided in mid-1980’s to construct a bridge across the river Tunga to link the Sri Math complex on the northern bank with the Narasimhavanam on the southern bank. The work was entrusted to a reputed concern who undertook the task with dedication. Sri Mahasannidhanam Himself not only explained to them His conception of the bridge, but also visited the construction site regularly and proferred His sagacious counsel. The construction was considerably completed when He attained Maha Samadhi in September, 1989. The noble task was completed by Sri Sannidhanam. It was named as ‘Vidyatirtha Sethu’ and inaugurated by Him on 21st May, 1990.


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As Sri Sannidhanam strongly felt that the residents in and around Sringeri should be given proper healthcare, the Sharada Dhanvanthri Charitable Hospital was started 30 years back. It provides a wide range of services with

special wings for Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatment as well. It is a boon to the common man. This ultra-modern hospital in which a Photo Gama Isotope Scanner was installed in November, 1992, is equipped not only to establish curative facilities but also to promote preventive measures. Vedic education was the life-breath of Sri Mahasannidhanam, who strongly felt that the Vedas can be vibrantly protected only when the Vedic scholars are properly cared for. As per the directions of Sri Sannidhanam whoever follows His Guru’s footsteps in thought, word and deed, a lifetime monthly allowance of Rs.1,000/- is being paid to deserving Vedic pundits. In the Veda Patashalas, learned scholars teach the students. Free food, textbooks and comfortable accommodation are provided. Sri Sannidhanam takes especial care to constantly motivate the teachers to improve their performance. He also teaches senior students. Competent scholars produced by the Veda Patashala serve as Pundits or Purohits in different parts of the country.

As a fitting tribute to Sri Mahasannidhanam, Sri Sannidhanam had a beautiful and majestic granite Adhistanam (Samadhi temple) built at Narasimhavanam for which Kumbabhishekam was performed on the 12th of May 1993. The Sri Math conducts Sata Chandi Homas, Sahasra Chandi Homas, Atirudra Homas and various Yagnas for the welfare of the world, in which it is ensured that scriptural injunctions are followed both in form and spirit by Sri Sannidhanam who is an authority on scriptures. As the throng of pilgrims and devotees visiting Sringeri is increasing phenomenally day by day, Sri Sannidhanam, has had new guest houses built and named them ‘Sri Sharada Krupa’, ‘Yatri Nivas’ and ‘Sri Bharathi Theertha Krupa’. Sri Sannidhanam is accessible to the devotees twice a day, in the morning during the Theertha Prasadam distribution and in the evening. He receives everyone cheerfully, with a smile. He poses tender questions, listens to what they have to say and offers valuable suggestions when sought for. He accepts Bhiksha and witnesses the Pada Puja, which the devotees perform to their Guru’s padukas and to Goddess Sri Sharadambal’s padukas. Even though His daily schedules are very tight, His Holiness attends to all His sacred duties with admirable enthusiasm and sincerity keeping in mind not only the rich traditional values of the Sringeri Guru Parampara but also the great responsibility entrusted to Him by none other than His peerless Preceptor, Sri Mahasannidhanam. Scholar Par Excellence Once, a scholar approached Him seeking clarifications regarding a particular portion in Ghana (a mode of Vedic chanting). He was astonished to hear His Holiness reciting it beautifully without hesitation. On another occasion, a group of Ghanapatis came for the Darshan of Sri Sannidhanam. When His Holiness pleasantly enquired about their studies, the senior-most Ghanapatigal, proudly announced that they had completed the entire study of Ghana and that they could recite any portion without hesitation. Sri Sannidhanam expressed immense happiness at their confidence and asked them to recite a portion of their choice from the Vedas. The scholars however insisted that Sri Sannidhanam choose the portion for their recital. With a bewitching smile, Sri Sannidhanam suggested a particular portion. To their own surprise none of them could recollect that particular portion. Finally, after Sri Sannidhanam reciting the initial lines of that portion with the appropriate intonation, the Ghanapatis who were filled with awe could recollect that portion and recite it. continued on 16


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Successful Conception & Healthy Children (continued from 10)

If Ketu joins the Adhana ascendant or the 5th house from it, there would be premature watery discharge or miscarriage. Ketu’s association to Adhana ascendant is not desirable. If the Sun is in the arudha of the 7th in the Adhana ascendant, conception does not take place. If Saturn is present in the Adhana ascendant and aspected by Mars or weak Moon, fatality to the woman is indicated. If the 4th and 8th houses from the Adhana ascendant have malefics, then also the woman suffers. Mars – Sun opposition on the Adhana Kundali makes the man sick. On the other hand Saturn Moon opposition makes the woman sick. In general, benefics in Adhana lgana or with Moon or in trinal or quadrant positions to them are good. Malefics in 3rd and 11th house are good. Most importantly aspect of Jupiter or Sun to the Adhana ascendant gives rise to healthy conception, happy pregnancy and healthy child.

Importance of Sun Usually we think that Jupiter plays a crucial role in conception, but it must be borne in mind that Sun also plays an important role. Western astrology lays stress on Sun’s position for successful conception. Our ancients also have given due importance to Sun’s position given the fact that they have advised noconception on the days of no Moon, full Moon and eclipses. Here are some rules of Jaimini as a check list for Sun’s position. All of the following are with reference to the Adhana ascendant. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

If the Sun is in the sign of Atma karaka or in the 3rd or 9th from it in the Adhana chart, then there are bright chances of successful conception. But the Sun should not be in trine to the Adhana ascendant. If so, conception does not take place. If the Sun is in the 2nd house from the Adhana ascendant (at the time of sexual union / conception), it results in miscarriage or abortion. If the Sun is present in the navamsa of Mars in the odd sign (Aries), then the there will be successful conception. If the Sun is present in the Trimsamsa of Jupiter, the conception would be successful.

Importance of Moon The aspect or conjunction of Moon in the Adhana ascendant leads to successful conception. If Moon, Mercury and Venus have association with Adhana ascendant or the 5th house from it, it ensures successful conception and delivery. If Saturn joins Moon and aspects the Adhana ascendant or the 5th from it, the conception does take place but the life of the foetus cannot be assured. It may also be a false pregnancy. The Moon in the Adhana chart must not be in papakarthari. If so, there would be difficulty in pregnancy that can be fatal to the woman. Combinations to be Avoided There are 6 combinations of planets identified by the sages as giving rise to sex confusion or Napumsaka character and therefore must be avoided while choosing the Adhana ascendant.




The Sun and the Moon in mutual aspect at the time of conception (Adhana ascendant) must be avoided. This happens on the day of pournami and around that time when the two would be transiting opposite signs. In addition amavasya and eclipse times also must be avoided. Similarly the period when Saturn and Mercury are in mutual opposition must be avoided. Conception must be avoided when Mars is in an odd sign and aspects Sun posited in an even sign. This can happen when Mars is in Aries and Sun transits either the 4th or the 8th sign from it. Mars



Starting from Aries, whenever Mars moves in the odd sign and Sun also happens to be present in 4th and 8th houses from it, this combination occurs. The duration of this combination must be avoided. 4.

Similarly Moon and the Adhana ascendant in odd signs receiving the aspect of Mars from an even sign must be avoided. An example combination is shown below. Mars

Adhana Lagna Moon

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Similarly Moon in even sign and Mercury in odd sign receiving the aspect of Mars from any sign must be avoided. In this and the above cases, the simultaneous aspect by Mars must be there for avoidance.


If Venus, Moon and the ascendant occupy masculine signs, then also conception must be avoided.

Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham (continued from 14)

Sri Sannidhanam’s sublime scriptural knowledge is magnificently evident when he unhesitatingly quotes any scriptural passage during the Vidwat Sadas dedicated to Lord Ganapati, which is conducted every year for 10 days commencing on the fourth day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Bhadrapada. The Sadas is held every evening in the august presence of His Holiness. Learned

scholars and philosophers, invited from all over India and Nepal, assemble in the Sadas. It is customary for each Vidwan to choose some text and analyze it in the mornings with other Vidwans and expound it in detail in the evenings in the esteemed presence of His Holiness. His Holiness encourages creative communication among the pundits, and amiably settles any tedious issues in His characteristic style. For several years, during the Chaturmasya period, His Holiness has been conducting classes in the Brahma Sutras to a select band of sincere devotees. The students happily exclaim that they are most delighted by the lucid interpretation of the Brahma Sutras by His Holiness. Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada in his Mathamnaya Sashana said that any sage occupying the position of the Jagadguru of Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham in the unbroken apostolic succession is an incarnation of Himself. His Holiness Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji is a living example.

2014 – Planning Couples Note! I wish to point out that a rare combination of planets is going to come up in the year 2014. Jupiter would be in Cancer, in its sign of exaltation and Saturn would also be in its sign of exaltation. These two exalted planets that happen to be dharma – karma lords in the natural zodiac are going to be in kendra to each other in these positions. This kendra position in exaltation signs happens between June 20th and November 1st, 2014. Interestingly the gnyanakaraka Ketu also will be in Gnyanasthan, Pisces at that time. The children born in this period with proper position of ascendant and ascendant lord in Kendra to these two planets are going to be wonderful persons with Vrinji yoga. Those born in Vrinji yoga would enjoy all material comforts besides being highly spiritual and are ideal Moksha stuff. Those planning to have their children in 2014 can take note of this period and chart out the Adhana horoscope accordingly, taking cue from the factors discussed above. 16

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Pope Francis An Astrological Introspection R.S.MANIAM With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficieny in astrology, Mr. Maniam is a Medical Officer by profession. He has been honoured by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba and been the winner of the Nostradamus Award in 2010. He has had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai Dt. istrict, South India, Mr. Maniam, with an experience of over 25 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Raman’s books, later having studied under Mr. Muthuratina Bharathi.


HITE SMOKE EMANATING from the Sistine Chapel chimney on 13/3/2013 @ 19;06 marked the selection of the new Pope for the catholic church. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was selected as the 266th Pope. Pope Francis was born in Argentina on 17th November 1936*

Mars Moon (Mercury) Sun Venus



Natal Chart

Rasi Md


Rahu Ascendant (Saturn)

(Saturn) Ascendant


(Mercury) Moon

Venus Rahu Jupiter


Natal Chart

Navamsa D-9 Ketu



Astrological discussion Mundane chart erected for 13th March 2013 at19:06 Vatican City, Italy. March 13, 2013 19:06:30 (1:00 East of GMT) 12 E 27’ 00’’, 41 N 58’00’’ (Vatican City, Italy) Lunar Day : Nandana Phalguna Sukla Dwitiya (4.63% left) Nakshatra : Revati (54.53% left) Wednesday, Brahma Yoga, Kaulava Karana, Sun Hora THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


The most important point to note in the chart is the rising sign Virgo, which depicts the Virgin, often claimed as sign of Christianity - Virgin Mary carrying child Jesus. The rising sign itself proves that it has the blessing of the divine.


Furthermore the ascendant is aspected by Jupiter. The 5th aspect falls on the sign of Virgo

* Astro Data Bank gives the birth data as 17 December 1936 at 21 hours (9 pm) at Buenos Aires, Argentina - Editor MAY 2013



5th house Capricorn is aspected by the 9th house Jupiter. Hence Jupiter aspects the ascendant and the poorvapunya shows the selection has Jupiter strongly backing.


Jupiter is in vargotama - Jupiter transits the constellation of Rohini 2nd pada.


In Navamsa chart Taurus is fortified with Jupiter/ Venus/Rahu occupying the sign.


Aries ascendant rises in Navamsa and with the 9th lord being Jupiter, the sanctity of the New Pope is indicated.


The lord of the ninth house Venus is posited in the 10th from Taurus in association with Mercury and Sun. The 10th place from the 9th house is very well fortified.


9th lord Venus and the 10th lord Mercury in conjunction form dharma karmadipathi yoga.


Ascendant (and 10th) lord Mercury though placed in the 6th, is in association with the Raja Yoga producing planets Venus and Sun..

10. The Sun in the 6th house (12th lord) produces Vipareetha Raja Yoga.


The lunar month nandhana phalguna started March 11, 2013. The constellation and Hora ruling is Jupiter indicating arrival of goodness in Argentina.


The ascendant rising is Gemini which sign is in the 10th in the mundane chart of pope’s lection on 13/3/ 2013 @ 19:06.


5th lord Venus is posited in the 9th house.


Parivarthana between the 9th lord and 5th lord is formed in the chart erected for Buenos Aires. The 5th lord Venus is in the house Saturn and Saturn is in the house of the Venus.


Lords of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and the 5th from ascendant (Gemini) are in conjunction in the 9th house of religion. This association of planets in the house of Dharma is good.


There is also a clue in the Atmakaraka as per Jaimini astrology. In the lunar chart of Argentina, Sun and Moon become the Atmakarkaka having passed the maximum degrees 27:21. Similarly in the election chart on the 13/3/2013 @19:06 hours. The Sun become atmakara.


An interesting point to show is the relationship between the risng ascendant in the lunar chart of Nandana Phalguna and the position of the atmakaraka in the election chart is the position of Sun as atmakaraka posited in Gemini Navamsa.


Why Sun is very important planets for Argentina

11. Saturn, 5th lord (of purva punya) is in exaltation in the constellation of Swati. Saturn is in the house of Jupiter in navamsa.. The new Pope’s birth place is Argentina , a clue is given in the birth of Lunar Nandana Phalguna. The mundane chart reveals some important points in the selection of the pope. Lunar Month March 11, 2013 16:51:38 (3:00 West of GMT) 71 W 14’ 00’’, 42 S 05’00’’ (Buenos Aires Chico, Argentina) Lunar Day : Nandana Phalguna Sukla Pratipat (100.00% left) Nakshatra : Poorvabhadra (44.78% left) Monday, Subha Yoga, Kimstughana Karana, Jupiter Hora

Mars Moon (Mercury) Sun Venus


Gk Jupiter

Lunar Month



Sun posited in the centre of the Argentinean Flag, it is known as Sun of May. The Sun turning atmakara in both Lunar Month Chart and the election chart has a significant esoteric value.

Rahu (Saturn)


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Jorge Mario Bergoglio 1. The exact birth time is not given. The date of birth is 17th November 1936


November 17, 1936 20:00:06 (4:00 West of GMT) 58 W 40’ 00’’, 34 S 35’00’’ (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Lunar Day : Dhaata Karthika Sukla Chaturthi (81.28% left) Nakshatra : Moola (21.89% left) Tuesday, DhritiYoga, Vanija Karana, Mars Hora Lunar Month Lagna Gemini Moon in Election Chart Md (Saturn) Ascendant Gk

Revati, the constellation ruling on 13th March 2013 1.

Revati rules on the day, the new Pope was selected. Moon constellation lord Mercury is the lord of the ascendant and the 10th house.


Revati is the last constellation and it is end of an era and birth of a new era. Revati is Deva Gana indicating high spiritual inclination.


Mercury dasa was running on the day the new Pope was selected. Mercury and 10th lord. The sub period (bhukti) of Moon runs from 22nd July 2012 to 22nd December 2013.


The sub sub period (antara) was of Saturn running from 25th February 2013 to 18th May 2013. It is interesting to note that Saturn is in the 11th transit based on the natal chart of the Pope, whose Vedic Moon is the sign of Sagittarius. The constellation of Revati is ruled by Saturn and is a great blessing to Pope Francis.


Natal Chart

Rasi Jupiter Moon Venus Rahu



Mercury Sun


Election Lagna

Pope Francis has Jupiter/Moon/ Venus/ Rahu in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the natural zodiac. Jupiter the divine planet is in the constellation Moola 2nd pada, the navamsa position is in Taurus, (where currently Jupiter is transiting). From the election chart, his birth planets, Natal Jupiter/Moon/ Rahu/ Venus aspect the 10th house (Gemini). From the election Moon sign these planets are posited in the 10th house. These planets also aspect the lunar month ascendant (Gemini). Ketu, the planetsof spirituality is in the 10th place from the election ascendant.

Saturn in his natal chart is posited at 22:48’ in Aquarius, in the constellation Purvabahdarapada 1st pada. The planets in gochara on 13th March 2013 - Sun, Mercury and Venus are in association in Saturn’s house. It is interesting to note that the transiting Saturn is in the 9th transit from natal Saturn.

Concluding, the former Pope Benedict XVI has Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius, and the new Pope has Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. Both the planets are in the constellation of Jupiter, Purvabhadrapada. It will be a continuity of divine mission.

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MAY 2013


Prof. N.S. Murthy is a consultant in Astrology, Vasthu, Feng Shui, Gemmology, Numerology and Clairvoyance for three decades. With four doctorates in Astrology, Vasthu, Alternative Medicine and Medical Astrology he is the Founder-Chairman of Astro Vasthu Educational and Charitable Trust.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20

Remedial Measures

Maha Ganapathi Homa - Success in all the ventures without any hurdles Navagraha Homa - Doshas of Navagraha Mahasudarshana Homa - Escape or avoid black magic, ghosts and hypnotism Rudra Yaga - Win elections Maha Mruthyunga Homa - Postponement of death Abhayankara Homa - To get rid of diseases – Chronic diseases like leprosy, skin diseases, etc. Aghora Homa - For animals and birds that are prohibited entering into the house Thrayambaka Shanthi - To avoid untimely death Chandi Homa - Parigraha of Land and few things Durga Homa - To gain everything Lakshmi Homa - To gain wealth Swayamvara Parvathi Homa - To avoid delays of marriage SriLakshmi Homa - To recover the debts Santana Gopalakrishna (Purusha Sooktha) Homa Childless parents to have children Aashlesha Bali (Nagaraadhane), Sarpa Samskara and NagaprathishtapaniTo have male child, Bhuparigraha, Sarpadosha, Hurdles for marriage, get relieved from diseases Gomukha Prasava or Gojanana Panchamarishta Shanthi - Dushtagrahas in 5th house in a horoscope Kooshmanda homa - Mahaprayashchittha Kadali VivaahaParihara - for vivaha doshas in males Aarka vivahaParihara - for vivaha doshas in females Krishna Chaturdashi Janana Shanthi21. Kuhoo Shanthi - If one is born on Amaavasya day Kuhoo Shanthi If one is born on Amaavasya day Shashti Poorthi Shanthi - At the age of 60 years Ugraratha ShanthiAt the age of 70 years Bheema Ratha Shanthi - At the age of 75 years Sahasra Moon Darshana Shanthi - At the age of 80 years MAY 2013

in General PROF. N. S. MURTHY

26. Prapouthra Janana Shanthi - Birth of grandson to one’s son 27. Aayushya Charu Shanthi - For longevity of children 28. Saraswathi Homa - For education 29. Vaasthu Homa - For errors in construction of a house 30. Rakshoghna Homa - For errors in construction of a house 31. PanchaGanesha Homa - For marriage, to maintain harmony between husband and wife and to remove hurdles for the marriage 32. Balatripura Sundari Homa - To constellationt with a new work or business like factories, hospitals, etc. 33. Tripuraadala Homa - To make an operation successful 34. Siddalakshmi Homa - To get justice in the court, to gain property 35. Maathangi Homa - For accomplishment of wishes 36. Aruna Homa (Sunnarayana)For Power and health 37. Jayani Homa Victory in all aspects 38. Kaamatala Homa to maintain harmony between husband and wife 39. Tripura Homa to gain respect of the people, to organize a programme, to attract people and before constellationting a big project 40. Saraswathi Parijatheswari Homa to gain knowledge, education, higher studies 41. Amrutha Sanjeevini Homa for manufacturing of medicines, to constellationt a medical stores and for improvement of a nursing home or hospitals 42. Dhanvanthari Homa for Health 43. Gandhakarshini Homa to be happy and peaceful always 44. Subramanya Homa - For Kuja Dosha, successful operation, to avoid accidents and to gain knowledge 45. Garuda Homa - For successful completion of any work 46. Bhuvanananda Homa - To gain land, house, property and become the owner of a land continued on 22 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Sri Rama & Rama Mantra GOVINDAN


E COME ACROSS VARIOUS characters in Ramayana adoring Rama. Sage Narada tells Valmiki:- “Rama is intelligent, sagacious, eloquent, glorious, distinguished with broad shoulders, powerful arms, a broad chest and a mighty bow capable of subduing his foes. He knows the secret of virtue and he is illustrious, full of wisdom, pure in his dealings, a man of self control and a concentrated mind. He is the supporter of creation like Brahma, knows the truth of Vedas and science grammar, master of archery, popular in all worlds, always sought by Gnanis. In firmness, he is compared to Himalayas. He is a replica of Lord Vishnu in prowess with a bewitching face like a full moon. In anger, he resembles the destructive fire at the end of creation and is a counterpart of mother earth in forbearance. He equals Kubera in liberality and is the embodiment of Dharma.” Sage Vishwamitra, when he visits Dasarata to ask for Rama he tells,“O tiger among kings, your eldest and heroic son, Sri Rama possesses true valour, though a boy and by virtue of his own transcendental glory and guarded by me, is equal to the extermination of ogres, who act in a hostile manner.” Surpanaka, sister of Ravana, describes Rama to Khara :“Young and richly endowed with comeliness, tender yet possessed of extraordinary might, having large lotus like eyes and clad in bark of trees and black antelope skin living on fruits and roots, self controlled, practicing austerities and continence. There are two brothers- Rama and Lakshmana, sons of Dasaratha.” One of the ogres Akampana who escaped from Rama, goes to Lanka and tells Ravana - “ Rama is, indeed, possessed of exceptional glory, the foremost of all bowmen and richly endowed with prominence, attendant on skill in the use of celestial weapons and has reached the highest peak of valour in warfare.” He further describes that when engaged the highly illustrious Rama, with his arrows can stem the current of flooded river and pull down even the vault of heaven with its stars, planets and constellations. He says “Rama can even lift up the sinking earth, breaking the limits of the ocean, deluge the worlds


and stem the tide of the ocean or scatter the wind. Also dissolving worlds, by dint of his prowess, is capable of evolving the creation anew. O Ravana, Rama cannot in any case, be conquered in battle by you or even the world of ogres. I have no doubt of his being not slain even by all the gods and demons taken together.” Maricha, one of the demons, describes to Ravana, the power of Rama. “You surely do not know Rama who is par excellent with exceptional valour. Rama is virtue incarnate, pious and of unfailing prowess and the ruler of entire humanity, as Indra is the ruler of Gods. He further describes “Rama is possessed of great intellect and great strength and is the embodiment of righteousness.” In the 26th canto of Sundarakhanda, Sita laments “ I am sure that unable to bear my separation Rama would have departed to the heavenly abode. How fortunate are the Devas, Siddhas, Gandharvas and the great Rishis, who are blessed with the darshan of Rama. Trijata narrates about the dream to other ogresses that she saw valiant “Sri Rama of unfailing prowess, a jewel among men, moving towards northerly direction having ascended the celestial aerial car Pushpaka.” Vibhishana, brother of Ravana, surrenders to Rama and says thus “Sarvaloka Saranyaya Raghavaya Mahatmane” . He tells Sugriva “I have sought Sri Rama as my refuge, who is capable of protecting all worlds, the fact of myself Vibhishana being present'. Sarana, one of the spies of Ravana describes Rama, “A great car warrior among the scions of Ikshvaku, in whom virtue never wavers, never transgresses righteousness, who knows the use of missile presided over by Brahma, as also the Vedas, who knows the foremost of the knowers of Vedas, who can split the vault of heavens with his arrows and even rend the earth, whose wrath is like that of death and whose prowess is similar to that of Indra.” Lamenting on the death of Kumbakarna in the hands of Sri Rama, Ravana utters that, “This calamity, which was adumbrated by that high souled Vibhishana, has fallen upon me, because his wholesome advice was not accepted by MAY 2013


me through ignorance. Since the pious and fortunate Vibhishana was expelled by me, this fruit of action, which is a source of grief, has come to me.” This is an indirect adoration to Sri Rama by Ravana. Hanuman, while he was communicating with Sita says, “I have sought your presence, O god-like lady, as an envoy carrying a message sent by Sri Rama. Sri Rama, O princess of Videha territory, is doing well. He is the celebrated son of Dasaratha, the foremost of the knowers of Vedas, who knows the mystique missile presided over by Brahma as well as the Vedas, O god-like lady, has enquired about your welfare. Hanuman describes him thus: “Sri Rama has eyes resembling a lotus petal. He vies with sun in effulgence, with the earth in forbearance, with sage Brihaspati in intelligence and with Indra in renown. He is the protector of the entire world of living beings as well as his own people. He guards his own character and vindicator of virtue and scourge of enemies. He is the preserver of the four grades of society. He is steadfast in chastity. He is well versed in politics, and worshiper of Brahmins, full of wisdom richly endowed with amiability, subdued in his passions and is the tormentor of his foes. He is well versed in Yajurveda and highly respected by the knowers of Vedas. He is highly proficient in the science of archery as also in the sciences auxiliary to Vedas. “ Sri Rama is the embodiment of truth and righteousness. Many saints like Tyagaraja, Sadasiva Brahmendra, and Bhadrachala Ramadas have sung the glory of Rama by rendering kirtanas, poems and slokas.

Power of Rama Nama When there was a fierce battle with Indrajit, Lakshmana takes out the Indrastra, the foremost of arrows, and draws it at full length with the bowstring and addresses the following prayer “If Sri Rama, son of Dasaratha, has set his mind on virtue (Dharmatma) and is true to his promise (Satya sandhascha) and is unrivalled in prowess, then kill this son of Ravana (Indrajit).” Dharmatma Satya Sandhascha Ramo Dasarathir Yadi / Pourushe Cha Aprathidvandaha Sarayinam Jahi Ravanim // This particular sloka has been adored by great scholars, which reinforces /emphasizes the righteousness of Rama and his truthfulness for which he stood. Purandaradasa in one of his famous Kirtanas says, Neenu Yaako Ninna Hangyaako, Ninna Naama Bala Ondu Iddare Saako // Neither you (Sri Rama) nor your paraphernalia is necessary. The strength of your name (Naama) alone is enough. Sri Bhadrachala Ramadas in one of his Kirtanas sings Sri Rama Nee Namamemi Ruchira, O Rama Nee Namamenta Ruchira // O Rama how sweet your name is! Sri Rama Rama Rameti Rame Raame Mano Rame| Sahasra Nama Tat Tulyam Rama Nama Vara Nane|| Lord Shiva says Rama-Nama when uttered thrice is equal to the thousand names of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu.

Remedial Measures in General (continued from 20)

47. Mahatripura Sundari Homa - For accomplishment of many jobs which seemed to be impossible 48. Lakshmi Ganapathi Homa - For business improvement 49. Kameeshwari Homa - To overcome difficulties from females 50. Bhagamalini Homa - To have happiness in the family 51. Berunda Homa - To overcome a huge hurdle 52. Sarvasaamrajya Lakshmi Homa Problems in jobs, Adikara Sweekara 53. Paranjyothi Homa - For higher studies, greater knowledge and for scientists 54. Twaritha Homa - Bad Air or Infected air or Gali Sonku, bad dreams 55. Adithya Hrudayam - To have mental peace in both domestic and official life. 22

MAY 2013

56. Maha Mrutunjaya Mantra - Who travel frequently in aero plane or scooters and cars or prone to accidents. 57. Gauri Pooja - Recite the sthothram many times as possible before the portrait of Durga devi - For delay of marriage in female 58. Kanaka dhara sthothramfor Mangaly and financial prosperity 59. Mars Chandika sthothram in front of pancha mukhi deepaKuja Dosha 60. Parvathi swayamvara sloka on every Friday evining in front of pancha mukhi deepam - For discarded or ill treated wife to join husband 61. Bala Tripurasundari Homa – for deserting of wife. 62. Mahabaleshwara Homa – for deserting of Husband. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Report by Yajnavalkya

Relevance of Bhagavad Gita to the New Generation


N HIS MOST SCINTILLATING address to the degree students of the MES College on the February 28th evening Mr. Munikrishna IPS, Vigilance Director, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore brought home effortlessly the relevance of Bhagavad Gita for the modern times for the benefit of the students. The lecture was arranged by the MES Degree College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Bangalore (at MES College auditorium) in association with Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation, Regd. Prof. B. R. Seshadri Iyengar, Secretary, Admin. MES Institutions presided while Dr. Srinivasa Murthy, Principal of the College was the Chief Guest. Calling Gita an everlasting guide to humanity at large, the speaker said that it was only a part of the magnum opus, Mahabharata, the immortal epic. The cause of action for Lord Krishna to hand over to this the world famous “Art of Living”, in the battlefield, stemmed out of the state of inaction of the confused Arjuna, who put down his bow

main goals of life, called the ‘Purushaarthas’ While acquiring wealth (Artha) and fulfilling one’s needs and desires (Kama) one’s action must be in keeping with the principles of Dharma. Character is wealth and not money and mansion and Dharma only protects one who practices it. In today’s scenario dharma is more influenced with insatiable craving for Artha or materialistic advancement. The speaker threw a subtle message to the students, who were listening to him with rapt attention, by quoting profusely from great grandees like Bertrand Russell, Emerson, Tilak and many others to emphasize the fact that duty is sacrosanct and cannot be compromised. Citing his own experience from his policing duties, spanning over several decades, he made it clear that there was a man in every criminal and if he is relieved from his criminal tendencies, he can be a perfect human being like anyone

Packed auditorium

Dr. Srinivasa Murthy and Prof. Seshadri Iyengar keenly listen to Mr. D. N. Munikrishna

and arrows and sat down and refused to fight. Taking the thread from there, the speaker clearly made the message clear to the students that the pre-ordained duty for anyone is supreme and cannot be shirked under any pretext of dharma or the like or any other excuse. Without moral purity one cannot enter and progress in the spiritual path, that our great rishis have laid down to attain the four THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

else. Tendency to do wrong things, if curbed can make one perfect. The speaker, called the students to emulate that spirit, to become perfect, as enjoined and vividly explained in Bhagavad Gita. A study of Gita and following its precepts, the Mr. Munikrishna averred, can help them to become perfect, dutiful and determined and more importantly help them succeed in life. The lecture was sweet and short and had a valid impact on the audience that included both the students of the college and their faculty. The lecture was preceded by a perfect and melodious recital of the 15th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita by the girl students of the college. continued on 25 MAY 2013


Sanskrit through Ramayana - 7 (continued from 8)

meceemeeefo Je=lle³e:

Samaasa etc. - Vrutti

Samaasa has four types of communions.

(Combining words to bring out new meaning)


Vrutti is a typical system of Samskruta, where two words are joined to bring out a new meaning. At times, suffixes are added to a word to give a new context.

GoenjCeced - ³eLeeMeeqkeÌle 1) Avyayeebhaava yathasakti (Not exceeding the capacity)


2) Tatpurusha GoenjCeced - ieg©YeeqkeÌle: gurubhaktiç (Devotion to Guru)


GoenjCeced - jece ue#ceCeew 3) Dwandwa ráma lakúmaïau (Rama & Lakshmana)


4) Bahuvreehi GoenjCeced - ®e¬eÀHeeefCe: cakrapáïiç (One who has Chakra in hand)





Krudvrutti, Taddhita Vrutti, Ekasesha Vrutti, Sanaadyanta Dhaatu Vrutti & Samaasa Vrutti are the five systems to combine words.

mecÒeefle Fl³em³e YeeJe: - meecÒele. mecÒeefle (Samprati) Current. meecÒele Currently (leef×leJe=eflle:) (Tad'dhita VøTtiç) iegCe: Dem³e Demleerelf e - iegCeJeeved iegCe: Virtue, iegCeJeeved Virtuous (leef×leJe=eflle:) (leef×leJe=eflle) (Tad'dhita VøTtiç) Jeer³e& Dem³eemleerefle - Jeer³e&Jeeved Jeer³e¥ Valour, Jeer³e&Jeeved Valiant (leef×leJe=eflle:) (Tad'dhita VøTtiç) peeveeleerefle %e:~ (ke=Àled Je=efÊe: kr?t vr?tti?) Oece&m³e %e: - Oece&%e:, Oece& Righteousness, Oece&%e: Mindful of Righteousness (<eÿer lelHeg©<e meceeme:) (úaúûhè Tatpuruúa Samásaç) ke=Àlem³e %e: - ke=Àle%e: ke=Àle Favour, ke=Àle%e: Mindful of favours received ( <eÿer lelHeg © <e meceeme: ) (úaúûhè

In Dwandwa and Bahuvreehi, two are more words enjoin, whereas Tatpurusha (including its variants) and Avyayibhaava, have communion of two words only.

Samaasa Vrutti normally, improvises (qualifies) the meaning of a word, by laying emphasis on the previous word, or latter word or Both.

Tatpurusha Samaasa lays emphasis on the latter.

Avyayeebhaava Samaasa lays emphasis on the former.

Dwandwa Samaasa Tatpurusha Samaasa lays emphasis on all the words.

Bahuvreehi Samaasa is a typical expression peculiar and special to Samskruta. It does not imply any substance indicate in the words of the combined word, but purports a different object altogether.

English language has similar expressions on few occasions. I am hand-tied. Here, "I" is the main word. Words of combined word, "Hand" & "Tied" do not mean "I". But, when combined they are narrating a property/ status of mine.

Tatpuruúa Samásaç) 5.

mel³eb Jeeke̳eb ³em³e me: - mel³eJeeke̳e: mel³eb Truthful Jeeke̳eb Sentence, mel³eJeeke̳e: = One whose Sentences are truthful. yengJe´erefn meceeme: (úaúûhè Tatpuruúa Samásaç) (úaúûhè Tatpuruúa Samásaç)


Ð{b Je´leb ³em³e me: - Ð{Je´le: Ð{b

Firm Je´leb Vows = Ð{Je´le:

One who is firm on his vows. yengJe´erefn meceeme: (úaúûhè Tatpuruúa Samásaç) (úaúûhè Tatpuruúa Samásaç) Vrutti - Samaasa In Vrutti system, meaning of a word is improvised. Samaasa effectively combines two or more words in a meaningful way. Handbook of Vastu Rs. 175.00 US $ 18.00 Forwarding charges extra

We will not delve deep into the subject of Samaasa Vrutti, at this juncture. Now, we proceed to understanding the forms of each Word, which is called HeoªHe efJeJeskeÀ: Pada Roopa Viveka (Inspection of each word).

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MAY 2013


Please Note that Verbs are gender neutral in Samskruta, as in English. Count such as Singular and Plural has another aspect of Dual count called Dwi Vachana. With this explanation of the second stanza, we proceed to the third one ®eeefj$esCe ®e keÀes ³egkeÌle: ? - Subham

Relevance of Bhagavad Gita to the New Generation (continued from 23)

Chairman, Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation proposed the vote of thanks. The competent compeering of the proceedings by Smt Veena Nagaraj added lustre to the pleasant evening function that would remain in the memory of the audience for a long time. Subscribe to

The Astrological eMagazine Another Section of the audience

TODAY! and NOW!!

Prof. Seshadri Iyengar in his concluding presidential speech, commended the exuberance and erudition of the speaker and his ability in bringing home to the students the way to be devoted to their studies. Mr. Niranjan Babu, Chief Editor, T HE A STROLOGICAL E M AGAZINE and


Rs. 450 (US $ 45) for 12 Issues 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003. Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

MAY 2013


Book Review

[Published in April 2012, In Search of Destiny: Biography, History & Culture As Told Through Vedic Astrology (544 pp.) can be purchased in trade paperback at the author's website It is also available in both trade paperback and e-book format at Amazon USA and Amazon Europe (UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy). The e-book version is available through Amazon’s websites in the USA and Europe, also in India, Japan and Brazil (via Kindle Direct Publishing).] Called a “path breaker” among astrology books, with original research and in-depth coverage, the author – Edith Hathaway – effectively combines non-technical and technical material in a compelling narrative. This book contains a riveting choice of biographies and historical, cultural events that illuminate both individual and collective destinies. She has gone deep into the subject of Vedic Astrology and whatever we write about her and the book In Search of Destiny will hardly be able to fathom the rich pearls of astrological wisdom we are able to get when we seriously go through her 'one-in-a-million' book. In Search of Destiny explores our common humanity in a unique way. When Vedic astrology – the astrology of India – is combined with biography, history, politics, the arts, and culture, a key missing component is provided to all of the above, being more attentive to time and cycles. This factor permeates the study of history, making one more conscious about time. But an awareness of history itself “has been progressively squeezed out,” notes the late historian Tony Judt, in a 2008 interview. He attributes some of this unprecedented trend to “the sheer speed of contemporary change” [and to]… a perverse contemporary insistence on not understanding the context of our present dilemmas, at home and abroad… on seeking actively to forget rather than to remember, to deny continuity and to proclaim novelty on every possible occasion.” Without an awareness of history, Judt says, citizens operate without “the dimension of time. … We have lost touch with much of what we need to recall from our own recent past…. We think we know – which makes it much more dangerous, because we invoke it all the time.” 26

MAY 2013

The awareness of time dominates astrology. Because of that, astrology can look at the events of history and biography in a unique way, informed at every turn by planetary patterns and signatures. The study of astrology exists without the context of history and vice versa, but a broader, deeper understanding of people and events is restored when astrology is combined with it. … Prof. Chakrapani Ullal, an eminent scholar in astrology and consultants says the book is a "totally fresh, thoughtful study of Vedic astrology, allowing the uninitiated to enter into what sometimes can appear as an overwhelming body of knowledge; and the more advanced, an opportunity to reflect further on important underlying concepts and new takes on old ideas. … It is engaging and enlightening, and reflects the scholarship involved – which is impressive…. Many of you who know her work will not be surprised at the universal appeal of her material. Her book is … deeply respectful of the knowledge and traditions of Vedic India, but infused with the spirit of thoughtful inquiry. Her observations are original, her approach, inventive, and her research is scrupulously executed.“ Mr. Dennis Flaherty, President of Council of Vedic Astrology, Washington and scholar in astrology tell su that "It is a narrative of individual dharma woven in the context of collective destiny. Above all this is a book that explores and measures time. Edith starts her exploration of time with the classic Hindu concepts of the smallest amount of time, a prana consisting of 4 seconds, to vast Maha Yugas, lasting hundreds of thousands of years. But it is her innovative research of the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn cycles


of time over a 1000-year period that bears rich historical and thematic fruit. In addition to listing a chronology of the twenty year constellation placements of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions Edith brilliantly explores these cycles’ elemental sequencing to reveal larger thematic trends to engage her readers with her current and future predictions. I highly recommend In Search of Destiny for its sweeping landscapes of past and future time travel through the perceptual vehicle of Vedic astrology: the ‘eye of the Veda.’” Vinay Aditya, scholar in astrology and sanskrit in The Mountain Astrologer, April/May 2013 issue writes "This is one of the most outstanding books on Vedic astrology to come out of the West in recent times. Biographies of notable figures are presented in all their historical, political and socio-cultural grandeur – carefully selected and from all walks of life. When seen against a backdrop of the larger collective destiny, each biography has even greater clarity.... There are very few books dealing with biographies astrologically, at least in the realm of Vedic astrology, and this reviewer has not come across any other book written by an Indian or a Westerner that comes anywhere close to this one in its breadth and depth, and sensitive and meticulous research." Vaidya Atreya Smith, Director, European Institute of Vedic Studies, Alès, France says “Never before have I been so enraptured by a book on astrology as with In Search of Destiny. I have found most books I read on this subject to be generally either too technical or too simplistic; in both cases they fail to capture my full interest. To my delight and beyond my expectations, Edith Hathaway has surpassed all traditional astrology books I have read because she has managed to write a volume that intrigues our curiosity and provokes thoughtful reflection by raising a number of alternative views of history, society and its destiny. She has tempered this with years of biographical research on the well-known personalities illustrated in the text. The result is a beautiful blend of history, personal accounts and research into the human soul as seen from one of the most ancient schools of astronomy and astrology in the world – Jyotish. It is with great pleasure that I highly recommend 'In Search of Destiny', the reading of which will help each of us to better understand our own destiny and place in this universe.” Nalinikanta Das, Vedic astrologer, author and owner of the Radha Desh Spiritual Retreat, Florida, USA says: “I’m honored to write something regarding Edith’s new publication, In Search of Destiny. In my 35 years of practice in Vedic astrology, I’ve come to realize the most THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

important factors to be noticed in an astrological chart--and herein we have them all. Edith shows us the heart of devotion to the truths of this real and spiritual science; the experience to assess the essential points of the chart, and then to come to an overview of the practical meanings of the whole matrix; the knowledge of both preliminary and detailed combinations; the understanding of the importance of the Ascendant and its lord’s position; and the ability to research and reference to prove her analyses. She has concern for the welfare of her readers, and in fact of the wider world through the lessons to us all from the many example charts and through her review of 1000 years of history illuminating how our collective destiny impacts our individual destinies. " The Author Edith Hathaway is an international consultant in practice since 1980, author, teacher, and lecturer of Vedic astrology, and among the few contemporary astrologers trained and certified in systems of both East and West. She holds the Level IV certification as Consulting Astrologer from https:/ / National Council of Geocosmic Research (1989), Master Astro*Carto*Grapher certification from Jim Lewis (1988), Jyotish Kovid from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (1996), CVA Jyotish Visharda and CVA Jyotish Kovid from the (American) Council of Vedic Astrology (2010), and Jyotish Brihaspati from the (American) Council of Vedic Astrology (2012). She was a Founding member of the American Council of Vedic Astrology (1993). And since 1992 she has served as a faculty and board member of both the American Council and the American College of Vedic Astrology. Her Audio course on the Vedic Ascendant charts was produced in 2002. Her previous book (Navigating by the Stars, published 1991) was on Western tropical astrology. Visit her website for more information.

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MAY 2013


Lagna Table* for May 2013 Lunar Phalguna / Chaitra COMPILED BY ESSEN Mesha

Vrishabha Mithuna




01 WED






02 THU





03 FRI








15:17:39 17:19:06



15:13:43 17:15:10


15:09:47 17:11:14




21:37:31 23:44:41




21:33:35 23:40:45




21:29:39 23:36:49



04 SAT






15:05:52 17:07:18


21:25:43 23:32:53



05 SUN






15:01:56 17:03:22


21:21:47 23:28:57



06 MON






14:58:00 16:59:27


21:17:52 23:25:01



07 TUE






14:54:04 16:55:31


21:13:56 23:21:05



08 WED






14:50:08 16:51:35


21:10:00 23:17:09



09 THU






14:46:12 16:47:39


21:06:04 23:13:13



10 FRI






14:42:16 16:43:43


21:02:08 23:09:17



11 SAT






14:38:20 16:39:47


20:58:12 23:05:21



12 SUN






14:34:24 16:35:51


20:54:16 23:01:26



13 MON






14:30:28 16:31:55


20:50:20 22:57:30



14 TUE






14:26:33 16:27:59


20:46:24 22:53:34






20:42:28 22:49:38






15 WED

Vrishabha Mithuna




14:22:37 16:24:03








28:04:47+ 16 THU






16:20:08 18:26:43


22:45:42 24:39:09+



17 FRI






16:16:12 18:22:48


22:41:46 24:35:13+



18 SAT






16:12:16 18:18:52


22:37:50 24:31:17+



19 SUN






16:08:20 18:14:56


22:33:54 24:27:21+



20 MON






16:04:24 18:11:00


22:29:58 24:23:25+



21 TUE






16:00:28 18:07:04


22:26:02 24:19:29+



22 WED






15:56:32 18:03:08


22:22:07 24:15:34+



23 THU






15:52:36 17:59:12






24 FRI






15:48:40 17:55:16


22:14:15 24:07:42+



25 SAT






15:44:44 17:51:20


22:10:19 24:03:46+



26 SUN






15:40:49 17:47:24


22:06:23 23:59:50



27 MON






15:36:53 17:43:29


22:02:27 23:55:54



28 TUE






15:32:57 17:39:33


21:58:31 23:51:58



29 WED






15:29:01 17:35:37


21:54:35 23:48:02



30 THU






15:25:05 17:31:41


21:50:39 23:44:06



31 FRI






15:21:09 17:27:45


21:46:43 23:40:10



* For Bangalore

The + sign in the table indicates time after midnight (next day).


MAY 2013


The Astrological eMagazine


May 2013 First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours. Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally spurned for auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346º40’ to 360º and Vyatipata from 213º20’ to 226º40’ of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by the astute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different from the Nityayogas. The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. The Chara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification. We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana, Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga. Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. Chandradarisana is observed on the evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days. The important dates and festivals for May 2013 are as follows: 1. Wed - May Day; 2. Thu - Sayana Vaidhruthi. Sravanavrata. Kalashtami. Nataraja Abhisheka; 3. Fri - Birthday anniversary of Dada Chellaram (Sindhi); 4. Sat - Agni Nakshatra Aarambha; 5. Sun - Varuthini Ekadasi. Papavimochana, Vydhruti Sraddha, Rogation Sunday (Christian), Sri Vallabhacharya Jayanti. 7. Tue - Bhauma / Runavimochana Pradosha; 8 . Wed - Masashivaratri; 9. Thur - Birthday of Rabindranath Tagore, Ascension Day - Holy Thursday (Christian), Solar Eclipse (Annular) Not Visible in India, Amavasya. 10. Fri - Tithi of Deva Damodara (Assam), Krittikavrata; 11. Sat - Chandradarisana. Vaisaka Snana Aarambha; 12. Sun - Parasurama Jayanti. / Balarama Ascension Sunday (Christian); 13. Mon - Akshaya Triteeya, Varsitapa Samapana (Jain), Kedar Badri Yatra; 14. Tue - Sri Ramanujacharya Jayanti, Maasachaturthi; 15. Wed - Sri Sankaraachaarya Jayanti, Feast of Weeks (Shebuoth) (Jewish), Laavanya Gauri Vrata; 16. Thur - Sayana Vyatipata. Sri Ramanujacharya Jayanti, Shastivrata; 17. Fri - Gangotpatti. Ganga /Sarkara Saptami; 18. Sat – Durgashtami; 19. Sun - Sita Navami, Whit Sunday - Pentecost (Christian); 21. Tue - Mohini Ekadasi; 22. Wed - Pradosha. Parasuraama Dwadasi. Vyatipata Sraddha ; 23. Thur - Narasimha Chaturdasi. Narasimha Jayanti – Smartha; 24. Fri - Hazrat Ali’s Birthday (Moslem), Vaisakha Pournima. Ardhanareeswara Vrata, Vaikasi Visakha, Pournami Pooja. Narasimha (Jayanti) Chaturdasi. (Vaishnava); 25. Sat - Chitra/ Vaisakhi / Buddha Pournami. (Buddha Nirvana Era 2557 begins), Zarthost-no-Diso. (Parsi), Kanchan Maha Periyavaal Jayanti; 26. Sun - Trinity Sunday (Christian); 28. Tue - Sayana Vaidhruthi, Sankatahara-AngarakaChaturthi, Agni Nakshatra Ends; 29. Wed - Sravana Deepa; 30. Thur - Corpus Christi (Thursday) –Christian, Sravanavrata, Shastivrata; 31. Fri - Vydhruti Sraddha.

Moon in Dhanus enters: Makara on 1st at 09h.46m; Kumbha on 3rd at 13h.23m; Meena on 5th at 19h.31m; Mesha on 8th at 04h.08m; Vrishabha on 10th at 14h.58m; Mithuna on 13th at 03h.22m; Kataka on 15th at 16h.10m; Simha on 18th at 03h.35m; Kanya on 20th at 11h.54m; Thula on 22nd at 16h.25m; Vrischika on 24th at 17h.46m; Dhanus on 26th at 17h.32m; Makara on 28th at 17h.34m; Kumbha on 30th at 19h.42m;

The Sun in Bharani enters: Krittika on 11th at 11h.30m; and then Rohini on 25th at 07h.44m. The Sun enters Vrishabha Raasi on 14th at 22h.21m. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

MAY 2013


Panchanga for May 2013


MAY 2013


Panchanga for May 2013


MAY 2013


This Month for You

MAY 2013 VARAHAMIHIRA The Sun enters Taurus on May 14th. Mars enters Taurus on 23rd May. Jupiter enters Gemini on 31st May. Venus enters Gemini on 29th May. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu stay respectively in Libra, Libra and Aries.

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1 Mercury, Jupiter and Venus favour you. Others do not. This offers a fairly good picture. Because Jupiter is on his way to Gemini good results will be less pronounced. It is true that you get wealth and your kinsmen and maternal relatives favour you. Your sagacity manifests at times to push you up. In your official career, your elevation is likely, but you may land in trouble partly due to the acrimony of your colleagues who connive against you. For the time being you are safe. You acquire valuable goods either by purchase or as gift. Your investments prove successful. Marriage proposals succeed. Your aspirations for childbirth may be encouraged by favourable symptoms. Yet your children make you dissatisfied by their demeanour. Newlyweds feel happy and enjoy the honeymoon. Travel plans generally succeed. Yet problems relating to visa may cause concern. You are likely to win ultimately, thanks to the good offices of your influential friends. Your health causes some problems. Yet you may recover by proper treatment. Aswini: Some gains are likely from your opponents. You gain from investments. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Bharani: Injuries are likely. Health problems cause concern. Favourable currents cheer you up. Krittika 1: Favour of seniors is likely. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Gains from disputes are likely.


MAY 2013

VRISHABA (Taurus) Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and Mrigasira 1, 2 Venus, Rahu and Saturn help you. Others do not. In fact these offer a discouraging picture. But you find that you do well in profession with help of your assistants. Yet, the recognition you deserve is delayed. The problem is that there are scandal mongers who indulge in your character-assassination. Being prompted by the false allegation made by the antagonists, your close associates keep aloof from you. What they need is careful examination of the false description given about you by the envious people. This may not happen till the commencement of the next month. You find that there is flow of money and you win in some games and competitions in which you are skilled, but the success is not very remarkable. You are content with consolation prize. Marriage proposals are delayed. But some good signs of success cheer you up. Newlyweds feel happy and despite some bad health they have a good honeymoon. Many bitter experiences you had earlier now sink into oblivion and gradually you can prepare for a rosy future. Krittika 2, 3, 4: You gain from investments. Unfavourable currents cause dissatisfaction. Gains from disputes are likely. Rohini: You gain from disputes. Problems of health give concern. Favourable currents cheer you up. Mrigasira 1, 2: Injuries are likely in the first half. The latter half gives some gains. Many hindrances disturb you. You gain from investments.


MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra and Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 The Sun in the first half, Mars, Venus and Ketu favour you. Others do not. This is not an encouraging picture. In general there is a lull and life is dull. Your enthusiasm gets dampened because of the indifferent and at times the antipathy of the concerned persons. The problem is that there has been a case pending for quite some time, but awaiting a final decision. The deliberate delay and the negative response of the higher ups have practically prevented a favourable decision. Now some unexpected yet powerful force helps you and you get your things done suddenly after a period of struggle. This certainly makes you happy. But your target is still a long way. At the same time major setbacks disturb you. Your travel plans get delayed because of the official bottleneck. Your influential friends also are handicapped in some way and despite their sympathy they are helpless.

you feel relaxed. Disputes regarding ancestral properties get settled in your favour. Those aspiring for childbirth find encouraging signs. Marriage proposals are successful. But you may be sidelined on rare occasions. Despite your diplomacy and tact you are provoked and your relations with your friends get embittered. But these things happen with your relatives and not in general. Newlyweds have a disappointing time. The in-laws may create hurdles. Romances do not fetch good returns. Though there is flow of income some investments do not rise up to expectations. Your attempts for fetching loan succeed. Work relating to house construction generally progresses and gets completed. On the whole an enjoyable period, but for some setbacks which pale into insignificance. Punarvasu 4: There will be gain from investments. There may be injuries in the first half. There will be favourable currents. Pushya: There will be the support of seniors. You win in disputes. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Aslesha: Problems of health give concern. Injuries are likely. Favourable currents cheer you up. They lead to your welfare.

Proposals for marriage do not succeed in general. Yet in some cases of romance progress is likely. Newlyweds feel quite happy and enjoy themselves. There is flow of income to the extent needed. Major financial gains may be delayed.

SIMHA (Leo) (Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni 1)

Mrigasira 3, 4: Injuries are likely. Many unfavourable currents disturb you. You gain from investments.

The Sun in the latter half, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu are favourable. Others are not.

Ardra: Problems of health give concern. You gain from disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up.

This is not a very good picture. Yet you get some results and though the major problems remain unsolved, and some of them tremble in the balance the occasional cheer caused by minor successes keep you in a satisfactory position. In official career your aspirations are yet to be fulfilled and you are near the fulfilment and your elevation may be in the offing. You do the spadework required for proper recognition. Though the actual realization of your ambition is yet to take place, the harbinger of the pleasant days ahead gives you immense satisfaction.

Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: You enjoy the favour of seniors and get wealth. Injuries are likely in the beginning. Favourable currents are indicated.

KARKATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu 4, Pushya and Aslesha The Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter grace you. Others do not.

Marriage proposals do not succeed. In some cases you get humiliated. Romance does not succeed. Newlyweds are not quite happy. The problems created by close relatives block their honeymoon programmes.

This offers a bright picture. There will be a comfortable position in life and you succeed in ventures. Your short travels and travels on mission fetch you fame. Academicians win accolades. Students get scholarships and win creditable pass in their examination. On the whole,

There is income and the loan applied for gets sanctioned. Construction of a new house progresses and your sagacity gets recognized at times. Your friends are helpful and despite many reverses. You have a sense of satisfaction.


MAY 2013


Magha: There will be gains from investments. There will be success in disputes. Many hindrances cause dissatisfaction. Purvaphalguni: Problems of health give concern. There may be injuries. Many favourable currents cheer you up. Uttaraphalguni 1: You enjoy the favour of seniors. You gain from disputes. Some unfavourable currents disturb you.

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta and Chitta 1, 2 Jupiter and Venus grace you. Others do not. It is true that you enjoy some routine results which are good. You are successful in the ventures as usual. You may get your projects sanctioned and you go ahead with the task. But the accessories that go with them become inaccessible. The authorities who sanction these things create hurdle, indulge in quibbling with dry-as-dust technicalities and put you to hardship. Still you get success in the end, but without complete happiness. In matters relating to finance, normal conditions prevail, but when you aspire for extraordinary financial help, you find that sources concerned are impervious to your matter. Marriage proposals click and romances succeed. Newlyweds enjoy themselves and undertake travels with pleasure. Problems relating to visa also succeed. Travels on mission also meet with partial success. The fact is that you face stiff competition and the opponents have a clear edge over you because of the connections and influence they enjoy. On the whole, not a bad period though not up to you expectations. Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4: You gain from investments. You vanquish the enemies. Unfavourable currents cause dissatisfaction. Hasta: Problems of health give concern. You succeed in disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up. Chitta 1, 2: There will be the support of seniors. There may be injuries towards the close of the month. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Are you planning a ... Residential Layout? Business School? Hotel Complex? 34

MAY 2013

Vastu shows you the way

TULA (Libra) Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1, 2, 3 Mercury and Venus help you. Others do not. With just two planets that grace you, the period in general offers a bitter taste. But your dark days will soon be over and you will see the changes indicating a bright period. It is true that you do skilful acts and win the admiration of higher ups. In official circles, your help is often sought to solve difficult problems which is certainly a matter of pride. But your health problems create concern and you are put to hardship. Problems connected with indigestion disturb you. Those with problems connected with the liver should be careful. Though marriage proposals may not click, there will be some progress. Romance becomes successful. In some cases despite the odds, you are drawn close to the settlement. Newlyweds are quite happy. They will have an enjoyable honeymoon though problems of health may disturb the otherwise splendid period. Those who are connected with education may have a mixed period. Chitta 3, 4: There will be gains from investments. Injuries are likely towards the close of the period. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Swati: Problems of health give concern. You win in disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up. Visakha 1, 2, 3: There will be support of seniors. There may be injuries in the early half. Favourable currents cheer you up.

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha 4, Anuradha and Jyestha The Sun in the early half, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu help you. Others do not. This offers a fairly good picture. In the early half, you succeed in ventures and in general you are successful. You might have by now finished a travel with success. In other cases also travels are likely. You climb the ladder of official career with ease, much to the envy of your mediocre colleagues. You hard work and sincerity really reward you, though your lethargy at times forces you to spend time in hibernation. You may miss the bus THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

consequently, but your general experience is pleasant and you may ignore those things. Marriage proposals succeed. Those aspiring for childbirth get encouraging results. Newlyweds face the hurdles placed by in-laws. Even with these, they may enjoy themselves to some extent. Some investments disappointment you, though flow of income is good in general. Your attempts to get a new vehicle succeed. You may spend some time with the family and enjoy the holidays. On the whole you find life interesting, but for some untoward happenings which pale into insignificance. Visakha 4: You gain from investments. In the early part, injuries are likely. Favourable currents cheer you up. Anuradha: There will be support of seniors. You win in disputes. Many unfavourable currents disturb you. Jyestha: Problems of health give concern. Injuries are likely. Many favourable currents lead you to success.

DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada and Uttarashada 1 The Sun in the latter half, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu help you. Others do not. This is not a good position of planets in general. The memories of bitter experiences you have suffered still linger in your mind and you are eagerly waiting for good results. It is time that the occasional smears of some pleasant experiences have enlivened your life. But they are just unimportant episodes in your life. Your major problems and isolation you have suffered and the mental agony you underwent needs proper care. Your intellectual pursuit and the technical training you underwent help you. But some woman may stand in the way of your progress. You will be pained to note that it is one who moved with the attachment of an elder sister who has now flouted all rumours and bent upon finding faculty with you. Your general income is good though some investments disappoint you. Marriage proposals meet with little success. Newlyweds find it difficult to spend their honeymoon happening. Many hurdles are created by relatives. Romances also become one-sided and dissatisfy you. Wait for better times. Good days are ahead.


Moola: You gain from investments. There will be success in disputes. Many unfavourable currents disturb you. Poorvashada: Problems of health give concern. Injuries are likely. Many favourable currents lead to your welfare. Uttarashada 1: You enjoy the favour of seniors. Many unfavourable currents disturb you. In the early part you win in disputes.

MAKARA (Capricorn) Uttarashada 2, 3 4, Sravana and Dhanistha 1, 2 Jupiter, Venus and Rahu help you. Others do not. This is a fairly good period. You easily achieve your ends. What is an obstacle race for many is but a cakewalk for you. You acquire costly goods and objects of utilitarian nature. Your ancestral background at times helps you. You may try to renew your friendship with old friends. But you meet with mixed reaction. A dispute connected with your ancestral property may end in your favour but not with complete success. Marriage proposals click. Romances succeed. Newlyweds feel happy and enjoy themselves. Your investments prove successful. In profession you make your mark. You may get elevation out of merit. People in all walks of life become successful. Some health problems may disturb you. But proper medical care gives relief. There will be gains from some unexpected source. Your children make you happy. Senior members in the family offer their help whenever required. On the whole an enjoyable period, but for some short coming. Uttarashada 2, 3, 4: You gain from investments. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Sravana: problems of health give concern. There will be gains from disputes. There will be favourable currents. Dhanistha 1, 2: There will be gains from investments. There may be injuries. There will be impediments blocking your progress

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, and Poorvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3 The Sun in the early half, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Ketu help you. Others do not.

MAY 2013


This offers a fairly good position. It is true that you often become the scapegoat in the matters in which you have embroiled yourself. It is motivated only by some humanitarian consideration. But it is mistaken for selfish attitude and you pay the price for your straightforward approach. With all these you face interesting results. In your official career your achieve your ends and you get the position and would prove despite the machinations of your enemies. Even your relations who have exercised their acrimony now approach you for favour and want to exploit the vantage position you have. You rule the roost in general and favour from the side of your consort makes you happy. Problems of health get solved and the travels on mission prove successful and you are hailed for the skill and sagacity displayed. Your relationship with your brothers and cousins gets strengthened. Newlyweds a r e q u i t e h a p p y. I n v e s t m e n t s f e t c h m o n e y. Marriage proposals though not very successful often lead to pleasing results. Dhanistha 3, 4: There will be gains from investments. Injuries are likely. Unfavourable currents block your progress. Satabhisha: There will be problems of health giving concern. You gain from disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up. Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3: You get the favour of seniors. Injuries are likely. Favourable currents cheer you up.

MEENA (Pisces): Poorvabhadrapada 4, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati The Sun in the latter half and Venus help you. With a meagre supply of good results this offers an uninteresting picture. The fact is that impediments disturb you and you face many odds and the effort you put forth is inadequate. You are often responsible for your own failure and the ambitions you have are reasonable in a normal context but when many forces are against you, you meet only with satisfaction. With all these you have steady flow of income. Investments prove fairly successful. Your antagonists are generally successful and you must act in a realistic way and stop building castles in the air. In the official circles your work is not appreciated and the perks you expect are often denied to you. This makes life colourless. You have good relations with the consort. But children cause concern by their demeanour and methods. It may not be to your taste and though interpreted as an effect of generation gap it needs solution. Newlyweds are quite happy despite the local difficulties. Money due to you gets blocked and the delay causes concern. Poorvabhadra 4: You gain from investments. Injuries are likely. Favourable currents cheer you up. Uttarabhadra: You gain from investments. You gain in disputes. Unfavourable currents disturb you. Revati: Problems of health give concern. Injuries are likely. Many formidable currents make you happy and lead you to success.

Muhurtha (Electional Astrology)

DR. B. V. RAMAN Pages : 181; Price Rs. 65.00 or US $ 6.50 Forwarding Charges Extra

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MAY 2013


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for May 2013 Date





May Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset 2013 local time local time local time local time

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

5:59 5:59 5:58 5:58 5:57 5:57 5:57 5:56 5:56 5:56 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:54 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:52 5:52 5:52

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New Delhi Sunrise


local time

5:40 5:40 5:39 5:38 5:37 5:36 5:36 5:35 5:34 5:34 5:33 5:32 5:32 5:31 5:30 5:30 5:29 5:29 5:28 5:28 5:27 5:27 5:26 5:26 5:26 5:25 5:25 5:25 5:24 5:24 5:24

Thiruvananthapuram Sunrise


local time

18:56 18:57 18:58 18:58 18:59 18:59 19:00 19:01 19:01 19:02 19:02 19:03 19:04 19:04 19:05 19:05 19:06 19:07 19:07 19:08 19:08 19:09 19:10 19:10 19:11 19:11 19:12 19:12 19:13 19:13 19:14

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All times are in local time for the respective cities

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MAY 2013


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night are divided into 8 sections each having duration of 90 minutes or 1½ hours each. The seven Upagrahas kaala, paridhi, dhooma, ardhaprahara, yamakantaka, indrachaapa and Maandi take over by turns their ruler-ship of the seven sections, each day, leaving one to Rahu. The period ruled by Rahu is called Raahukala which is generally considered inauspicious. The timings of the ruler-ship of Raahukala for the seven weekdays are furnished in the table below. The timings given are for days when the sunrise is 06.00 AM and sunset 06.00 PM. For calculating the exact duration of the period of Raahukalam, on any day, the duration of the daytime must be ascertained first and that has to be divided by 8. The result arrived will denote the duration of the


MAY 2013

each of the 8 sections for the day. For example take a Sunday having the sunrise at 06.20 AM and sunset at 05.40 PM. The duration of the daytime will then be only 11h.20m.., or 680minutes. Divided by 8 the sectional value will be only 85 minutes. Raahukala generally for Sunday is from 16.30 to 18 hrs. In this case Raahukala must therefore be only for

85 minutes. It would commence 85 minutes before the actual unset of the day namely, 05.40 AM. Therefore the Raahukala for the day will be from 16h.15m, to 17h.40m. It has to be worked out accordingly for the periods of other Upagrahas also. Gulikakala is considered auspicious. Regarding Yamakantaka, popularly considered inauspicious, opinions however, differ.






16.30 to 18.00

15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30


07.30 to 09.00

13.30 to 15.00

10.30 to 12.00


15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30

09.00 to 10.30


12.00 to 13.30

10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00


13.30 to 15.00

09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30


10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00

15.00 to 16.30


09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30

13.30 to 15.00


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NIRANJAN BABU BANGALORE Handbook of Vastu ................................................................................. 175.00 ............................... 18.00 Vastu Relevance to Modern Times ........................................................ 195.00 ............................... 20.00 Vastu FAQs Answered ........................................................................... 175.00 ............................... 18.00 Vastu Directional Influences on Human Affairs .................................... 195.00 ............................... 20.00

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