Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number
Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi
Astrology & House Building ve
Vastu &
Your Nakshatra Pada
t rS
Which Direction Suits You?
13 Need to Understand
Colour Influences on
Influences of
Rahu & Ketu
Korean Ferry Disaster
An Astrological Analysis
23 Planetary Afflictions
May 2014 for You The astrological emagazine
& Gayatri Mantra May 2014
Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi p続eesefle<e ef速evlee efveefOe Yajnavalkya Vakya and Drig-Ganitha
he other day, a reader-fan of this scribe from Pondicherry, came on the line to ask whether we have to follow the Vakya or Drigganitha Panchanga for our predictive pursuits. According to him some of the astrologers follow only Drigganitha panchanga for their predictions. However, he is bewildered to see that almost all the temples, especially in Tamilnadu follow only the Vakya Panchanga for the celebration of various festivities. The transit date of Saturn from one sign to another is celebrated in the famous Sani temple at Thirunallar only according to Vakya Panchanga. This differs vastly from the date given in the Drigganitha Panchanga. For example the next transit of Saturn from Thula to Vrischika rasi occurs on the 2nd November 2014 according to Drigganitha calculations. The Vakya panchangas show this as occurring on the 16th of December 2014. Likewise the transit of Jupiter at Alangudi temple in Tamilnadu is observed only according to Vakya. According to Drigganitha this ensuing transit of Jupiter is occurring on the 19th June 2014. The Vakya panchangas show this as 13th June 2014. The reader requested this scribe to come up with a small piece of writing detailing the basics of the Vakya and Drigganitha systems of calculations, pointing out the differences between them. Ruminating for a while this scribe could perceive only two options before him for the task. One was to go about elucidating both the systems elaborately with examples. The other one was to give a succinct note to explain only the salient points that could make an easy but interesting reading. For reasons obvious, not to tire our readers with those cumbersome calculations, this scribe has chosen only the second choice. This present effort is therefore to present before our readers only some of the salient points of the differences in the calculations of these two systems. This will facilitate an easy grasp over the non-validity of the vakya system under modern conditions. For many decades in the past this battle to convert the vakya enthusiasts to make way for Drigganitha system has not yielded any results. Some hold that Drigganitha must be The astrological emagazine
followed for the casting of horoscopes and forecasting the events. For religious observations they would prefer only the vakya. It has now been proved beyond any doubt that the vakya calculations do not reflect the correct positions of planets as they can be verified even with any naked eye observation like the udaya or astamana dates of Jupiter and Venus. Any of those events, derived and declared in the Vakya Panchangas, could be definitely be erroneous except for the weekdays. That is to say that Vakya Panchanga gives erroneous information about the exact ending moments of Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana. Drig means sight. Drigganitha is the calculation that agrees with the actual observational positions of planets and the discernible phenomena like eclipses, the rising, and setting of the planets and the like. Undoubtedly the calculation process of planetary positions requires a lot of expertise, industry, and time. In a way, perhaps, to simplify the efforts in the calculations, our ancients who were adepts in complicated calculations, devised a simpler method and that is the Vakya system. In this system the calculations are based on certain prefabricated tables, derived from the other deeper principles of calculations that could be used with tolerable accuracy for a fixed period of time. These tables, given in some terse sentences, went under the nomenclature of vakyas to facilitate easy memorization and applications. What we follow now as Vakya Panchangas are those prepared on the basis of these vakyas formulated some centuries earlier. It will be interesting to note that the expertise of our ancient astronomers, in applied astronomy was so profound and perfect. With the passage of time, they were able to detect even intricate inaccuracies of the earlier texts. They were able even to rectify the thesis of Aryabhatta just within two centuries of its formulation. At a conference of astronomers of Kerala, held at Thirunaavaaya, (a small temple town, situated 8 km from Tirur, in Malappuram District, Kerala) during the Maha-Magha festival around, 683 A.D., they decided on certain reforms to Aryabhateeya. This reformed system is popularly known as the Parahita. Grahacharanibhandhanam is a work of Haridattacharya. May 2014
Astrology & House Building Dr. B. V. Raman
HE instinct to possess a house is to be found not only in man, the acme of creation but throughout the animal Kingdom. The cells of a bee's honey comb are models of economy and mathematical skill while the ant-hills are noted for their strength. Man cannot be an exception to this primary instinct. Unfortunately Man, due to pride and ignorance, fails to give the thought and attention due to factors astrological which are as important as the selection of a site of planning of the building. In Sanskrit, house building goes under the name of Vasthu Sastra and a lot of useful literature composed by great sages is extant on this most important subject. It must be within the experience of a number of persons that inspite of the best engineering skill displayed in the construction of a house, it would sometimes be lacking what is usually termed the 'charm' with the result the builder does not feel really happy at all. In India at least, mere external appearance, however attractive, does not give the owner the mental satisfaction that a man of slender means enjoys when the house is built in conformity with astrological canons. So strong is the sentiment that even the most educated and cultured modern man would not afford to take risks in laying the foundation or fixing the doorway or entering the house without reference to astrological factors. A house may look grand and attractive on the outside, may command and may possess all the appurtenances according to sanitary principles. Here the external factors, which we shall term the morphology of a house are in tact. But what about the internal or psychological factors involved. Every object in nature has the power of radiating cosmic force in some form or other. The materials collected for building a structure and the commencement of the structure itself involve the influx and interaction of a series of such invisible forces that the time selected should be capable of exerting forces harmonious to such * Adapted from B. V. Raman's forth, coming book "Muhurtha or Electional Astrology" scheduled to be published on 13-5-1948. The astrological emagazine
invisible radiations. The ancient Maharishis had realised the importance of the interplay of such forces between objects in nature and man, though in recent times, it has fallen to the lot of a Russian scientist and engineer Georges Lakhovsky to demonstrate its reality. All objects in nature, whether mineral, vegetable or animal are produced and destroyed under the influence of the solar ray and its various modifications. Many of the great buildings, intended for the use of an individual, comÂmunity or a nation, have caused ruin to the parties concerned. It cannot be said that those buildings which have inflicted loss or ruin to the promoters of the schemes had no good engineering skill bestowed on them. When large sums of money are spent on such undertakings, it is natural to suppose that the best intellects in the field of Engineering had been consulted and the greatest care have been taken in collecting proper materials. If the best heads and the best materials are used, it is natural to suppose that the results would also be most satisfactory. On the contrary, we find that some buildings are spared the ruthless hands of time, some others crash very soon; some bring prosperity to the owner while some bring about unhappiness, misery and ultimate destruction. It cannot be an accident that while some buildings are spared the ruthless hands of wild conquerors; others close to them or farming part and parcel of them, get destroyed under excepÂtional circumstances. There must surely be some reason for these variations in the ups and downs of in the life of a building. The causes for these have to be searched far behind the superficial strata or argument and ordinary conception. The explanation is to be found in the great works on astrology composed by the sages. If a construction is begun at a time when the strength of the materials is found in plentyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;-which can be found by the rules of astrology, when the influences which work against the forces of cohesion adhesion and chemical combination etc., are counteracted by zodiacal and stellar influences, when the magnetic currents are favourable to the union and permanency of the materials, it is sure to prosper long. May 2014
Vastu &
Your Nakshatra Pada Which Direction Suits You?
astu Shastra has always been identified with construction based on directions, on orientation and identification of the different rooms in the structure in relation to the Panchabhootas or primary elements – water, fire, space, air and earth. One thing that most of us tend to ignore is the relation Jyotisha Shastra has with Vastu Shastra. Both these subjects owe their origin to the Vedas, the knowledge books of India. When the source is the same, how can one segregate the importance of one subject from the other. Both of these relate to each other. While Jyotisha is said to be a Vedanga – limb of the Vedas, Vastu is said to be a minor Veda – Upaveda. While Jyotisha speaks of 9 (7+2) planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, Vastu speaks of 9 (8+1) directions – Eashanya, Poorva, Agneya, Dakshina, Nairutya, Paschima, Vayuvya, Uttara and Brahma.While Jyotisha cautions you that it is likely to rain, Vastu will give you an umbrella and instills confidence in you. Now knowing that both these sciences work in harmony and not in isolation, let us know the different rasis, nakshatras, the padas and the directions they indicate.
Bangalore Niranjan Babu
The astrological emagazine
1. Your Janma Rasi will have the lordship of a planet and the relevant direction is indicated. 2. Your Janma Nakshatra will have the lordship of a planet and the relevant direction is indicated. 3. Your nakshatra pada will have the lordship of a planet and the direction is indicated. This means for each of you three directions become important and many a time two of the rulerships can be the same which means that relevant direction and the primary element has to be strengthened. 4. We will also give the relevant colors that are compatible to you. The information is given in a table format for your easy reference. Check your Rasi, Nakshatra and Pada and take note of the directions and colors compatible to you. May 2014
Need to Understand
Swami Dayananda Saraswati (Swami Dayananda Saraswati, born in August 1930, is a monk of the Hindu monastic order and a renowned traditional teacher of Advaita Vedanta. He is the founder of the ArshaVidyaGurukulam, Coimbatore*)
he aspiration of those who amended the Constitution to call India a secular nation is a noble one. Secularism, as originally conceived, embodies basic principles that implement and nurture universal values. Thereby, it fosters a state that is harmonious and, in harmony with the Lord. However, one may know or is taught that the Lord and ethical behaviour are inextricable. The essence of such behaviour is captured in a single guideline that is found in all religions—the ethic of reciprocity. Popularly known as the golden rule, it mandates, “Do to others as you would want them to do to you.” This maxim that guided humans throughout history is traceable to ancient religious traditions all over the world. It is so pervasive because it is based on a special human endowment, empathy. Empathy is the capacity to sense the pain of another being and act appropriately. And the extent to which this empathy is honed is a mark of one’s evolution as a human being seeking harmony with the Lord. Acknowledgement: The New Indian Express, April 28, 2014 The astrological emagazine
The principle of reciprocity based on empathy is the key component of a secular state—all citizens are equal, including before the law. Nothing helps to bring about the stability, growth and unity of a nation more than the implementation of this single idea. It instills in each and every individual a basic sense of security and confidence that there is order, justice in this world. You can go ahead; the laws will protect you and guide you. Equality also extends to religion. Each individual in a secular state is granted freedom to practise his or her religion. Though the Constitution now mandates so, it was originally part of the fabric of this country. The proximity of religious structures of different traditions, such as the Ellora caves, the long history of vigorous, public debate of different views, the Ashoka edicts, and the religiously persecuted communities who found refuge in India all testify to this. This two-fold promise of secularism—equal citizenship and religious freedom for all—depends on the fulfillment of a condition that is the most defining feature of secularism. The separation of the sphere of influence and operation of the state and religion, which means there is neither interference of the state in religious matters, nor the May 2014
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