Use Human Birth to Attain Mukti Birth as a human being is not easy to attain. It is the fruit of enormous merits. A person who uses it for attaining liberation is alone wise. One does not know what one will be in the next birth. Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished in any other birth except as a human being. Whatever is to be gained has to be done in this birth only. Hence, not a moment should be wasted. Thinking about God, keeping company of noble persons and observance of one's dharma are the essential steps to attain Mukti (liberation). Indulgence in any pursuit other than these will be a waste of time, resulting in no worthwhile benefit.
cenlee HegC³eHeC³esve ef¬eÀles³eb keÀe³eveewmlJe³ee ~ Heejb og:KeesoOesie&vlegb lej ³eeJeVe efYeÐeles ~~ This human birth, which is the boat obtained as a result of great merits to cross the dukha sagara (ocean of suffering), should be properly used before it gets ridden with holes (diseases and old age). Everybody must realize this truth, act accordingly and attain Shreyas (grace).
HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~
Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?
Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu Senior Editor Raman Suprajarama The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/ material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu 201 D, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswar , Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864
October ISSUE
Contents Yagnavalkya Demystifying Vedic Knowledge – 6*
Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji
Prof. R. S. Maniam Double Eclipse in September 2016 and the Fate of Africa life
Brent Becvar, M.S. Purusharthas: A template for Living an Exceptional Life and Lifestyle
Dr. Sreenath Donald Trump: Will he be the next President of USA?
Bangalore Niranjan Babu Will Donald Trump be the Next US President ? Vastu cum Vedic Astrology Analysis
A Correspondent The Age of Varahamihira
R. Subramanian Palmistry: Techniques and Predictions
The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for Ocotber 2016
Varah ihira This Month for You October 2016
Sunrise and Sunset Timings for October 2016 37 Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka
2 October 2016
The astrological emagazine
Double Eclipse in September 2016 and the
Fate of Africa life
The ecliptic pathway of solar eclipse involves mostly south African countries and that of the lunar eclipses involves parts of Europe, Asia, Australia, and eastern Africa. The author writes about its effect on these countries.
| Prof. R. S. Maniam
[This article was received in the last week of June 2016 for inclusion in the September 2016 issue. Inadvertently, it did not find a place in the issue. We are therefore publishing in this issue since review is very relevant for analyzing the effects of future eclipses. Our apologies to the readers (and the author) for not being able to include in the earlier issue]
T With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficieny in astrology, Mr. Maniam is a Medical Officer by profession. He has been honoured by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba and been the winner of the Nostrad us Award in 2010. He has had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai District, South India, Mr. Maniam, with an experience of over 25 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Ramanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s books, later having studied under Mr. Muthuratina Bharathi.
he Solar eclipse which falls on 1st September 2016, the ecliptic pathway involves mostly South African nations. It covers across central Africa southwards to Madagascar and into the Indian Ocean. Both west and east Africa will be involved. It starts in Gabon, Congo, Tanzania, and Moz bique. It commences in the Atlantic Ocean and ends up in the Indian Ocean.
(Source: The Solar Eclipse Pathway Courtesy: Fred Espenak, Wikipedia
The astrological emagazine
October 2016
Purusharthas: A template for
Living an Exceptional Life and Lifestyle The author shows us how to examine horoscopes for the four dimensions of our lives – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. He further writes about how these insights help us understand our place and purpose in the world, help us acquire the means to easily support our lives and purpose and much more. | Brent Becvar, M.S.
f we didn’t have desire, we wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning! If we sincerely inquire into why we get out of bed each morning,we will uncover aspecific underlying desire. In fact, in any moment of our lives there will be an underlying desire which motivates us. Becoming more mindful of and inquiring into these underlying desires can reveal more about our own deeper nature. “You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your destiny.”
Vedic Counseling Program Director, Brent Becvar, M.S. has practiced astrology and counseling for the past 30 years, and has studied with respected teachers in USA and in India. Brent Becvar, with a Masters degree in Education and Psychology has worked directly with Dr. Deepak Chopra and the Chopra Center for Well Being as an administrator, teacher and therapist for over 20 years. Brent is trained as a psychotherapist, certified yoga/ meditation instructor, Ayurvedic educator and is a longstanding member of the American Council of Vedic Astrologers.
The astrological emagazine
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5 According to the Vedic Tradition, all our desires fall into 4 general categories: 1. The desire to find our place and purpose in the world and how we may best contribute to the whole. 2. The desire to live, survive, be healthy and acquire the means to support our lives and purpose. 3. The desire to connect in meaningful ways with others for the enjoyment and sha ring of pleasure. 4. The desire for freedom - of the body, the emotions and from the limitations of our minds. These desires are inherent aspects of our soul. The Vedic tradition, which is the oldest coherent system of knowledge we have as human beings, provides a template which may serveto guide us in inquiring into these deeper desires. This template which is referenced in the earliest books of the Vedas, specifically the Rig Veda and in Upansishad epics of the Ramayana, Mahabarata and the Bhagavad Gita, is called the Purushartas - The Four Aims of Life. October 2016
Donald Trump: Will he be the next President of USA? While Trump’s horoscope fulfils this Raja yoga combination with Jupiter running its Mahadasa now, one can find a rare combination occurring in relation to his natal positionsatthe time of election (8th November 2016). The author use this to forecast trump win or loss.
| Dr. Sreenath
s the US Presidential election is hotting up, all eyes are on Donald Trump, the Republican candidate. For someone who seems to be in the thick of controversies all the time thanks to his bad mouthing or loud mouthing or call whatever you want, the kind of steady increase in popularity ratings that he is gaining so suddenly and recently, puts him in a unique category of notable personalities which any researcher in astrology would wish to check through his horoscope. A brief history of his life is needed to be known before proceeding to analyse his horoscope.
Background Born in a rich family engaged in real estate business, Trump entered business at a young age of 25. His involvement in that business started even earlier than that – during his student years -andit looks that his background and his own interests are tailor- made for business, particularly those related to martian significance. Only the sky, or rather the skyscraper is the limit for Trump as he expanded his construction and real estate business across four continents. Success in his ventures made him one among the world’s Billionaires in the Forbes list. After having The astrological emagazine
tasted success in business, he ventured into arts and films from his 58th year onwards, where also he made a name for himself. True to human nature, his next venture followed a course that can best be understood by Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Having fulfilled his needs at professional life by heading business empires, Trump is left with another need, rather a desire to rule a real empire/country. From his 42nd year onwards, (Moon dasa-Ketu bhukti), he has been trying to garner support to run for President-ship of the USA and/or Governor-ship of New York, but without success. Only from his 66th year onwards, he was able to get attention of others from his own party. At that time he was running his Rahu Dasa. But only after his Jupiter Maha dasa started this October 2016
Will Donald Trump be the Next US President ?
Vastu cum Vedic Astrology Analysis | Bangalore Niranjan Babu
onald John Trump the Republican US Presidential candidate for 2016 elections. He is a businessman, television personality, author and politician He is the chairman of The Trump Organization, which is the principal holding company for his real estate ventures and other business interests. With a bachelor's degree in economics from the famous Wharton School of Pennsylvania Univerisity, Trump worked in his father's real estate and construction company. Trump is credited with building skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, golf courses and more across USA, South America, Europe and Asia. He is listed as the world's wealthiest 500 billionaires by Forbes. His presidential campaign has received extensive media coverage and international attention.
In the absence of Hillary Clinton's accurate birth details, we will analyze Donald Trumpâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s horoscope from a simple Vastu related analysis and see if he can ascend the US Presidential Chair. Donald Trump was born on 14th June 1946 at 10.54 am at Jamaica, New York. His lagna (ascendant) is The astrological emagazine
Simha (Leo) with the lagnadipathi (ascendant lord) Sun in the 10th house in Taurus with Rahu. His Janma Rasi (Moon sign) is Vrschika (Scorpio). This means Moon is in debilitation while the nodes Rahu and Ketu are in exaltation. His 5th lord Jupiter is placed in the 2nd with retrograde strength. Looking at the gochara (transits), Rahu is in the 10th from his Scorpio Moon while Jupiter is in the 11th. Jupiter's transit is favorable and receives strength as the 5th lord from lagna. Janma Rasi Scorpio relates to the directions North and East - Intelligence (wealth) and Royalty. The togetherness of these two directions is Northeast ruled by Jupiter. His lagna is Simha and relates to North October 2016
Jayanti Issue