Preview of English The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga 2015 2016

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The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga

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The Astrological eMagazine

Pan c han gA 2015 - 2016 Manmata Nama Samvatsara (21st March, 2015 to 08th April, 2016) Compiled by Yagnavalkya

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga

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Contents Preface................................................................................... 4 About The Astrological eMagazine Panchang for the Year Manmata (2015-2016)........................................ 6 What The Year Manmata Has To Foretell ........................... 8 The Five Constituents of the Panchanga............................. 13 Useful Hints on Selection of Muhurthas............................... 18 Vastu Shastra – The Science of Habitation.......................... 23 Vaishnava Calendar Manmata Nama Samvatsara 2015 - 2016........................... 25 Manmata Nama Samvatsara Panchanga 2015 - 2016........ 29 March 2015.......................................................................... 30 April 2015............................................................................. 33 May 2015............................................................................. 38 June 2015............................................................................ 43 July 2015.............................................................................. 48 August 2015......................................................................... 53 September 2015.................................................................. 58 October 2015....................................................................... 63 November 2015................................................................... 68 December 2015................................................................... 73 January 2016....................................................................... 78 Febuary 2016....................................................................... 83 March 2016.......................................................................... 88 April 2016............................................................................. 93 Some of the Auspicious Days for the Manmata Year........... 98 Norms to be followed for Specific Muhurthas.................... 100 Eclipses of the Manmata Year........................................... 108 3

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga

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Preface It is with great pleasure and pride that we are bringing out The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga, in English, for the Manmata Nama Samvatasara (2015-2016). The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga now in your hands is a unique and novel effort on our part, to provide to our readers the essential inputs, in a userfriendly mode, with an attractive design and an easy-toglance format. The monthly Panchanga given for each day contains the ending moments of the Nakshatra, Tithi, Nityayoga, Karana and Amritadiyoga for the day. For an easy examination and comprehension, the forbidden Nityayogas, Karanas and Amritadiyogas are provided in red colour. The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga has adopted the hour and minute scheme to denote the ending moments of nakshatras etc., which is accepted and understandable for the modern times than the Ghatis and Vighatis, seldom understood by the new generations. The time adopted is the Indian Standard Time that is applicable for the whole of India. As the ending moments given for the various components of the panchanga are common for the whole world, they can be adopted for any place on the earth by applying the appropriate time and date corrections for the different time zones. As for Rahu and other kalas and the Horas, they are place-centric and will have to be adopted according to the appropriate local sunrise timings for the place selected. The credit for bringing out this vade-mecum of essentials for ready reference and instant day-to-day use for anyone goes mainly to our senior contributor of The Astrological eMagazine, Sri Yajnavalkya, who has been with us since our father’s days. We are indebted to him in a very large extent. To Sri V K Shivkumar, who has put forth immense effort to key-in the details with utmost care and checks and for going through 4

The Astrological eMagazine Manmata Panchanga for 2015-2016

21 March, 2015, Saturday

22 March, 2015, Sunday

Chaitra 1 Panguni 7 Shukla Pradipata 11 32 Uttarabhadrapada 09 02 Sukla 04 51 Brahma 24 54 Kimsatugna 01 18 Bava 11 32 Balava 21 51 Siddhayoga 09 02 Prabalarishtayoga Sunrise:06:43:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:09:45:21 till 11:16:13

Chaitra 2 Panguni 8 Shukla Dwiteeya 08 16 Triteeya 29 26 Revati 06 30 Aswini 28 23 Brahma 00 54 Indra 21 17 Kaulava 08 16 Taitila 18 47 Garaja 29 26 Amritha 06 30 Siddhayoga 28 23 Prabalarishtayoga Sunrise:06:42:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:17:19:36 till 18:50:36

23 March, 2015, Monday

24 March, 2015, Tuesday

Chaitra 3 Panguni 9 Shukla Triteeya 05 26 Chaturthi 27 12 Aswini 04 23 Bharani 26 52 Vaidhruthi 18 06 Garaja 05 26 Vanija 16 15 Vishti 27 12 Siddhayoga 26 52 Maranayoga Sunrise:06:41:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:08:12:43 till 09:43:51

Chaitra 4 Panguni 10

Shukla Chaturthi 03 12 Panchami 25 40 Bharani 02 52 Krittika 26 02 Vishkumbha 15 27 Vishti 03 12 Bava 14 20 Balava 25 40 Siddhayoga 26 02 Amrithayoga Sunrise:06:41:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:15:48:21 till 17:19:28

25 March, 2015, Wednesday

26 March, 2015, Thursday Chaitra 6 Panguni 12 Shukla Shasti 00 53 Saptami 24 55 Rohini 01 57 Mrigasira 26 39 Ayushman 11 58 Taitila 00 53 Garaja 12 48 Vanija 24 55 Maranayoga Sunrise:06:39:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:14:16:28 till 15:47:51

Chaitra 5 Panguni 11

Shukla Panchami 01 40 Shasti 24 53 Krittika 02 02 Rohini 25 57 Preeti 13 23 Balava 01 40 Kaulava 13 10 Taitila 24 53 Siddhayoga Sunrise:06:40:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:12:45:36 till 14:16:51

27 March, 2015, Friday

28 March, 2015, Saturday

Chaitra 7 Panguni 13

Chaitra 8 Panguni 14

Shukla Saptami 00 55 Ashtami 25 42 Mrigasira 02 39 Aridra 28 05 Sowbhaagya 11 09 Vanija 00 55 Vishti 13 13 Bava 25 42 Siddhayoga Sunrise:06:39:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:11:13:43 till 12:45:06

29 March, 2015, Sunday Chaitra 9 Panguni 15 Shukla Navami 03 10 Dasami 29 10 Punarvasu 06 09 Atiganda 11 09 Kaulava 03 10 Taitila 16 06 Garaja 29 10 Siddhayoga Sunrise:06:37:36 Sunset:18:50:36

Rahukalam:17:18:58 till 18:50:36

Shukla Ashtami 01 42 Navami 27 10 Aridra 04 05 Punarvasu FULL Sobhana 10 54 Bava 01 42 Balava 14 21 Kaulava 27 10 Siddhayoga Sunrise:06:38:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:09:41:36 till 11:13:06

30 March, 2015, Monday Chaitra 10 Panguni 16 Shukla Dasami 05 10 Pushya 08 45 Sukarma 11 46 Garaja 05 10 Vanija 18 20 Vishti FULL Siddhayoga Sunrise:06:37:36 Sunset:18:50:36

Rahukalam:08:09:13 till 09:40:51


31 March, 2015, Tuesday Chaitra 11 Panguni 17

Shukla Ekadasi 07 34 Aslesha 11 40 Dhriti 12 39 Vishti 07 34 Bava 20 50 Siddhayoga Sunrise:06:36:36 Sunset:18:50:36 Rahukalam:15:47:06 till 17:18:51

The Astrological eMagazine Manmata Panchanga for 2015-2016

The important dates and festivals for March 2015 are as follows : 21 Saturday - Chaitra Sukladi. (Gudi Padava). Ugadi. Telugu New Year Day. Vernal Equinox.Cheti Chand (Sindhi New Year’s Day). Vasantha Navaratrarambha. Mahavisuva day. Chandradarisana. Siddhi Ganapathi Vrata. Jamshedi Naoroj (Parsi). 22 Sunday - Sowbhaagya Gauri Vrata. Indian New Year Day. Gauri Triteeya (Gangaur).Andolana Triteeya. Sarhul (Bihar). 23 Monday - Masachaturthi. Sakthi Ganapathi Vrata. Vydhrutisraddha. 24 Tuesday - Krittikavrata. Anantaadi Naga Pooja. Haya Vrata. Sri Lakshmi Panchami. 25 Wednesday - Skanda Shasti Vrata. Shastivrata (Shuklapaksha). 26 Thursday - Kamala Saptami Vrata. Santana Saptami. Bhaskara Damana. Vasanti Poojaarambha. 27 Friday - Oli begins (Jain). Annapoorna Pooja. Durga (Asoka) Ashtami. Mela Bahu Fort (Jammu). 28 Saturday - Sri Rama Navami (Punarvasu Nakshatra Ahoratra). 29 Sunday - Palm Sunday (Christian). Dharmaraja Dasami. 30 Monday - Doctor’s Day 31 Tuesday - Kamada Ekadasi (Shuklapaksha).

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