September 2014 preview

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Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number


3 Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


Astronomical Highlights in the Rig-Veda

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21 Green Govt Initiative

Krishna Janmashtami

MH 17 & MH 370 Mishaps Predestined

23 Planets & Your Moods


5126th Birth Anniversary of Lord Krishna

The astrological emagazine

29 forPANCHANGA September 2014 September 2014


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

The astrological emagazine

September 2014


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Astronomical Highlights in the

Rig-Veda Prof. R. Krishna Murthy, M.A.


OME people think that the Rig-Veda is a "spiritual, religious, philosophical and lyrical text" and to find astronomy or jyotisha in it is "fanciful exposition". Ancient Rishis have held that jyotisha is one of the six angas of Veda and called it even as the very eye of the Veda. Every Vedic mantra is like a Kohinoor diamond displaying various coloured lights and the particular colour seen by one depends upon his angle of approach. As words have got different meanings so also sentences in the Veda have got different meanings. Hence it is that the same mantra is used in different contexts in ceremonial purposes. Each student must have the right to interpret the Veda according to his angle of vision, provided the language could convey the idea. Veda is as old as Brahma and it may be that some ideas may not receive the same attention at certain times as some other ideas contained in it and as such may be in the background and after some time the same old ideas may be brought out for public notice. Veda could only be interpreted and not translated. A single translation cannot convey the several ideas in a mantra. When I say that several mantras convey astronomical ideas, it is not my intention to say that the Veda contains nothing else but astronomy. Surya Siddhanta, Chapter 1, Verse, 3 reads: "Rahasyam paramam punyam jijnasur jnana muttamami Vedanga magraya makhilam jyotisham gati karanam".

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This means that astronomy is the foremost Anga of Veda which is secret, supreme pure and exalted science. Thus Surya Siddhanta reveals only the secret knowledge contained in the Veda. Gautama Smriti and other Smritis give an injunction that when at the time of rising the Sun or the Moon is eclipsed people must fast during the preceding night or day. The fast could be observed by the ordinary people only when the eclipses are predicted beforehand. To predict eclipses, very advanced knowledge of mathematics is required. Where was this advanced mathematics during 6 September 2014

the time of the Gautama Smriti, thousands of years ago ? The knowledge of mathematics and the required processes are secretly given in our Samhitas, Brahmanas and Aranyakas. Some of our Yagnas and Sastras are only continued astronomical observations. Unless a series of articles are placed before the public, it may be difficult to make people believe that there is astronomy also, in the Vedas. Let us take the Rigvedic mantra "Siksha vibhindo asmai chatvaryayuta dadat: Ashta-parah sahasra" (R.V., 8-2-41).

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Griffith translates it as "Vibhindu, thou hast helped this man, giving him thousands four times ten, and afterwards eight thousand more". This wiil be taken by some as correct Vedic exposition and will not excite them to laugh in their sleeves. But if it is pointed out that this gives a piece of astronomical information corroborated by Itihasas and Puranas, namely, the length of our Kalpa, it may drive some to laugh in their sleeves. This mantra in prose order can be read as "Siksha vibhindo asmai da'dat chatwari ashtaparah ayutah sahasra". Chatwari is four ; ashtaparah is eight times four, i.e., thirty-two ; ayutah is ten-thousand and sahasra is thousand. That is 432x10,000x1,000 or 4,320,000,000 years is the period of the Kalpa. We know thousand chaturyugas constitute a Kalpa from the time of the Bhagavat Gita onwards. This may give a rude shock to those who have been brought up to believe that according to Vedas the length of a Yuga was only five years and the fabulously long periods were introduced in the Indian literature in the time of the Gupta Kings. Atharva-Veda says "Satam te ayutam haya-nan dwe yuge trini chatwari krinmuh". This mantra gives the Puranic idea that the length of the life of Brahma is 100 Brahma-Varsha and that the length of the Chaturyuga is Chatwari, Trini, Dwe, and Avutah, i.e. 432x10,000 or 4,320,000 years. Let us take another popular mantra from the Rig-Veda. "Gouri mimaya salilani takshati ekepati The astrological emagazine

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Determining Progeny with

Santana Thithi* Jayasree Saranathan With a Masters degree in astrology, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched her perception of astrology.

*Remedies for adverse Santana Tithi will be discussed in the November 2014 issue of The AeM The astrological emagazine


antanaTithi is an ancient method to determine the birth of children. It is also useful in finding out the exact remedies to be done for begetting children. Two texts namely Brahma Rishi Samvadam and Prasna Marga* have given methods to calculate Santanatithi and the requisite remedies. Prasna Marga recommends the use of Santana tithi both in horoscopy andhorary astrology while Brahma Rishi Samvadam recommends its use in horoscopy. Writing on Santana tithi explained in the 18th chapter of Prasna Marga, Dr B.V. Raman has commented that he had himself not tested the methods of computation of Santana tithi. However he gives us a hint by quoting Mr K.K. Kurup that the method expressed in verse 122 should be accepted. This verse says (in the translation of Dr B.V. Raman) – According to some Acharyas, five times the Moon’s longitudes and five times the Lagna longitude give the Progeny Moon (Santana Chandra) and Progeny Sun (Santana Sun) respectively. It is logical to accept Santana Moon to be calculated from Moon’s longitude. But the use of lagna as the base for computing Santana Sun looks a bit confusing. Wouldn’t it be right to use Sun’s longitude as the base for calculating Santana Sun? Elsewhere in the same chapter, calculation of Santana Sukra is given which takes the longitude of Venus as the base. At the same time we cannot ignore the rule given for Santana Guru that is calculated on the basis of the sum of longitudes of Yamakantaka and lagna. But Santana Guru is not comparable with other planetary factors of Santana because it is not primarily used in finding out progeny but used only when a person has to go for another marriage for the sake of getting progeny. May be in today’s conditions, Santana Guru may have relevance in artificial methods of progeny like invitro fertilisation and test tube babies. September 2014


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Planets Fertility, Pregnancy and Childbirth Dr. E. S.Neelakantan Dr. Neelakantan is a Chartered Accountant and an Information Systems Auditor. As his interest in Astrology grew by going through the books of Dr. B. V. Raman, he formally learnt the nuances of the subject from Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a well known scholar of Astrology and Ayurveda. With a doctorate awarded by Sri Chandrasekharendra University, Kancheepuram for his thesis on Medical Astrology, he is a regular contributor to The Astrological eMagazine and is proficient in Vedic chants too.


irth of children is an essential part of Vedic life. While other traditions view childbirth merely as an offshoot of marriage, Vedic traditions advocate continuation of lineage as a sacred duty of every human being. During the gestation period of an expectant mother, Sundara Khandam of Ramayana is still recited to produce children who have all the attributes of Lord Hanuman viz., intelligence, strength, fame, courage, absence of fear, health, ability, eloquence, so on and so forth. Offering to manes and performance of obsequies constitute an important duty by which ancestors are propitiated and they in turn bless the living with all riches. Scriptures advocate worship of Devas and Pitris – it is believed that the pre-existing debt of a human being at the time of birth towards Rishis is extinguished only with birth of children . In this article, we will examine how planets influence fertility, pregnancy and childbirth. Generally Sun, Mars and Rahu are indicative of sons while Moon and Venus denote daughters. Fertility can also be reckoned using the Saptamsa or the D-7 chart. Mercury and Saturn are non-masculine, non-feminine planets and are endowed with the capacity to deny progeny. It is also widely believed that curses result in a person becoming bereft of progeny in this birth. When Rahu occupies a house of Jupiter it denotes the curse of the priest, Vedic pundit, astrologer or a person signified by Jupiter. Rahu is a karmic control planet and while forming a malefic yoga in connection to Jupiter becomes a progeny- denying planet, through a curse.Thesattwic planets are Sun, Moon and Jupiter and while in the 8th with malefic contact, deny progeny.

The astrological emagazine

September 2014


Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number

Green Govt Initiative

Dr. J. K. Kishore, with a doctorate from Department of Aerospace, Indian Institute of Science is a Senior scientist at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organsation), Bangalore. He is associated with 100% State funding for Roof-Top Solar Power on Govt Buildings for its satellite programme and has Integrated Energy, Environment and Economy Management tremendous interest in solar power and its policy level issues. Dr. J. Krishna Kishore

(Chief Editor’s Note: Whether it is Astronomy, Astrology or Indian Architecture, of all the planets Sun is the King. The Sun is the center of the solar system. It makes up 99.8% of the solar system. Nasa tells us that the Sun is orbited by 8 planets, at least 5 dwarf planets, tens of thousands of asteroids and hundreds of thousands and trillions of comets an icy bodies. Without Sun’s energy, there will be no life on earth, which is a speck compared to the size of Sun. Varamihira’s Brihat Jataka describes Sun as being one of the Ashtamurthies of Lord Shiva, one who shows the path for Moksha, one who is Atma, one who accepts the results of yajnas, one who creates, protects and destroys the fourteen lokas – Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Mahatala, Talatala, Rasatala, Patala, Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Suvarloka,Mahaloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka , one who is praised by the Vedas – the knowledge books of India and one who is Sahasra Kirana – thousand rayed. Varahamihira invokes the mighty Sun to grant him speech and complete his work without difficulty and breaks. When texts of Vastu highlight the importance of orientation to the East, they merely spoke of the significance of the flooding of the morning Sunrays into the homes and religious places for the health – mental and physical – of the inmates and devotees. Dr. Raman, the Bhisma Pitamaha of Jyotisha, tells us that Sun represents atma, father, personal magnetism, selfreliance, political power, godliness, nobility, positions of authority, temples and places of worship, coronation chambers, courage and dexterity. We are of the firm opinion that our nation under the dynamic leadership of Sri Narendra Modi should make it a statutory obligation for all government buildings and temples across the nation to have solar power generated on their roof tops. The collasal electrical power saved can be used not just for the 24/7 supply to the cities but primarily passed on to the agricultural sector which is the ‘annadata’ of our nation. This way when the power of Sun is ‘properly consecrated’, the nation can perhaps be run (with authority and independence) and the heavy clog (trash) removed – of corruption, crime and disrespect to the women of the nation - that has seeped into our social and political system. We should remember that Ravaneswara could be vanquished only when Sri Rama took the assistance of Sun – he was initiated in Aditya Hrdayam by Sage Agastya. In fact every Government office and every temple across the nation can be opened each morning with the Aditya Hrdayam sloka played in the background.) Background


ndia’s power shortage is serious. More than two-thirds of the power generated in India is through thermal and fossil fuel based power stations. India’s total power generation capacity has reached 225 Gigawatts by 2013 and about 12% of the total installed capacity is from renewable energy. The present power deficit is estimated to be over 30% and will only increase due to the raising demand for power. The critical coal and fossil fuel shortages can affect Energy Security and lead to a loss of industrial productivity with a serious impact on GDP, R & D, Industry and Employment also. According to US 16 September 2014

Green Building Council, buildings use massive amounts of electricity and produce nearly half of all the greenhouse gas emissions in the USA. Hence, an integrated approach to Energy and Environment Management is needed. Govt Institutions and buildings across the nation are major consumers of electric power as illustrated below. • • •

Public Sector Units ( BEL, BHEL, HAL, OIL, ONGC, BEML, ECIL etc., ) R & D Institutions ( ISRO, DRDO, BARC, CSIR, National Labs across the nation etc., ) Academic Institutions ( IISc, IITs, NITs, IIMs, Central Universities, State Universities etc., ) The astrological emagazine

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