The Aem Agust 2017 preview

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Dr. B.V. Raman

Words of Wisdom

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Planetary Afflictions & Remedial Measures

9 Extraordinary Combinations In Roger Federer's Hososcope


Similarities of Vastu Shastra & Roman Architecture

Cover Story

A Detailed Guide On Solar And Lunar Eclipses Analyzing Poverty & Prescribing Remedial Measures


19 Marriage Vivaha Yoga & Horoscope Matching




The Wonders of Nadi Astrology Mata Jayalakshmi The Sage’s Mother

Panchanga for August 2017

29 Yogo Vashishta - 20

This Month for You

The astrological emagazine

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35 august 2017


Dr. B.V. RAMAN | V S KALYANRAMAN Prof V S Kalyanraman writes about his experiences with Dr. B. V. Raman


hen we are celebrat ing the centenary year of Dr Raman, my thoughts go back to the late forties, when I had started reading the worldfamous The Astrological Magazine. I met Dr Raman, for the first time in the fifties when he visited my professor, who was a regular contributor to the magazine. It was through my professor my acquaintance with Dr Raman bloomed and culminated as a lifelong friendship. When once he asked me why I was not seriously getting involved in contributing to the cause of astrology by writing articles, I told him that there were already numerous eminent, erudite and excellent scholars doing that service. He said that no learning must go waste and it is the solemn duty to dispense knowledge, known to one, to the needy. When I tried to justify my stand by saying that learning can shine only with modesty, he retorted with his rare smile, ‘not always’. Imparting an abrupt parting command to me, he departed in a hurry, to his heavenly abode. Prior to and even after his demise, I have been with The Astrological Magazine most often, behind the screen and I continue to be so with Sri Niranjan Babu and his eMagazine. Though professional compulsions distanced me from the South, I have never missed to meet Dr Raman, occasionally or those annual astrological meets organized by him, for which prompt intimation would arrive, wherever I was. Such meets helped to discuss many subjects with friends like Sri P S Iyer, Sri Muthuswamy and others. A piquant feeling remains that such efforts have become more conspicuous by their absence, these days. He was keen to bring out an English edition of Dasaadyaayee for which he took my incomplete notes, when I met him in Kerala. He was planning a work on Medical Astrology also. There must be many such incomplete efforts of his, yet to see the light of the day. Those, on whom the responsibility has fallen now, must not to spare any pains to carry forward his relentless efforts in collecting, collating and publishing his papers, to the benefit of his multifarious admirers. Now that the Raman Jayanti celebrations have now been revived, thanks to the indefatigable efforts of Sri Niranjan Babu, after a hiatus, it gives much solace to the thousands of admires of that “Gentle Colossus”, who dominated the astrological world over seven decades. Though this scribe has numerous off-the-record experiences with Dr. Raman, Some too personal also to reveal, the paucity of space prevents him to air them at this juncture. Dr Raman’s nakshatra Satabhisha denotes a hundred physicians – as a true “Vaidayanatha” Dr B V Raman did heal the wound afflicted on Indian Astrology, by those colonial neo-literates and the so called rationalists through his masterly scientific expositions and predictions. The new breed of Astrological Scientists amongst us that we see now is the fruit of his labour.

The astrological emagazine

august 2017


Planetary Afflictions & Remedial Measures | Dr. B.V. Raman Jyothisha Pithamaha Dr. B.V. Raman tells us how to minimise planetary afflictions by use of certain remedial measures


ccording to tradition there were eighteen sages who propounded the science of astrology. Must outstanding of them and the one who is directly responsible for the methods of Hindu astrology as they are practiced today is Parasara. Two classics – Suryasiddhanta dealing with the astronomical part of astrology and Parasara Hora dealing with astrology proper – stand pre-eminent as the most authoritative treatises. According to these great classics, astrology is the foremost limb of the Vedas and it is a “secret, pure and exalted science”. The Vedas are the works of Rishis or the great seers: “The truths of the Rishis are the products of spiritual intuition. The Rishis were able to discover the eternal truths by raising their life-spirits to the plane of immortality. Their utterances are based not on transitory vision but on a continuous experience of resident-life and power. When the Vedas are regarded as the highest authority, what is meant is that the more exacting of all authorities is the authority of facts.” And astrology has originated from the Vedas. Man’s existence here, says one of the disciples of the great Sage Kapila, the first evolutionist in the world, is a mere repetition and reproduction of his other previous existences. His present existence is but a link in the chain of eternal existences connecting the past with the future. In his each birth, he carries one step forward the inceptive purpose of his creation to its goal and consummation, until he attains the one in which the past, present and future are blended together and Time and Space are annihilated. Astrology and Karma are therefore interrelated. The horoscope reveals the consequences of our actions which we do not remember in this life and are untraceable in this birth. The result of our unknown action is what we call ‘fate’ or “adrishta’. Many people in the west seem to imagine that the theory of Karma is based on fatalism and predestined necessity and that therefore it leaves no room for individual development. This is not a correct idea. According to Hindu texts, when one dies, his soul (life-energy) which is enveloped in a subtle sheath and invested with the sumtotal of good and bad Karma passes after some time into another plane leaving off his gross body as a man casts off his worn-out clothes and puts on new ones. His reincarnation will then take place in a physical body corresponding with the deeds done by him in his previous life. The processes of death and birth go on until Moksha or Nirvana or final liberation. The Karma is the result of our actions and our actions are due to our thoughts and hence it is man who creates his Karma for it is the product of his thought. There are two main categories of Karma. The first is Sanchita or the accumulative or those that are lying latent like seeds stocked up in a granary for fruition in future lives. The second is Prarabdha or operative – those whose machinery has been set in motion towards their fruition in the present life. There is nothing that can stop the machinery that has been set going and therefore it is the effects of the Prarabdha Karma that we are experiencing in our presents lives. In other words, the horoscope indicates the Prarabdha portion of our Karma – being our destiny in this life. Therefore astrological predictions are tendencies of nature in their way towards fulfillment or manifestation and we can either strengthen or weaken their momentum in the desired direction by recourse to suitable remedial measures prescribed in ancient astrological books. 4

august 2017

The astrological emagazine

9 EXTRAORDINARY COMBINATIONS IN ROGER FEDERER'S HOROSCOPE Read about the 9 extraordinary combinations in Wimbledon 2017 champion Roger Federer’s Horoscope Roger Federer – Rog as known by his fans, is a global sports icon. His effortless style has won him 19 grand slams and over a billion fans. Nike, Rolex and many others are benefitting from his iconic status and pocket more that what Federer earns. Federer’s formula is simple – finish the game. I have been a fan myself since my childhood. His front hand strokes, back hand returns or stylish between the leg cross court returns have excited me every time.

Winning the Wimbledon 2017 not only gave him his 19th Grand Slam win, but also silenced the quack astrologers who thought he had predicted his end of career. Here are 9 interesting heavenly combinations that make him what he is – The Roger Federer.

Lagna is Different from the Rising Sign The rising sign is Leo at the time of birth. But does that become Lagna. I’ve always told my students that this is perhaps the single biggest mistake. The Lagna is always the strongest of the rising sign, moon sign or sun sign. In Federer’s horoscope, Cancer is occupied by Sun, Rahu and Mercury making it more powerful that the rising sign Leo or the moon sign Libra. The entire chart will pivot around this sign and hence the Lagna is Cancer and not Leo.

The astrological emagazine

august 2017


Rohini: You must be careful not to antagonize your superiors. Business expansion proposal can lead you to monetary benefits. Mrigasira 1, 2: Lawsuit if any will move in your favour. There is high chance of you going on a pilgrimage with family.

Mithuna (Gemini) Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra & Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 Sun from 15th, Marsfrom 25th, Venus, Saturn and Rahu are in favourable positions. You will have a more positive atmosphere at work. Career advancement in terms of pay and position is expected this month. You will see your responsibilities to increase suddenly and will gain good rewards by assuming them. Your boss will support you well. Both your expenses and income will be high this month. Do not invest money as well do not give loans to others. Ego and self obsession will be high this month and you may put yourself first before others. Try to maintain a balanced outlook towards life at all times. You might have to take up an unexpected travel to a foreign country. Take care of your eyes. You might suffer from headaches often. Your spouse’s career growth will be very good. There might be some difficulty for you in getting mental peace and happiness due to tensions at home. You would spend quality time with friends. Your children will listen to you and will follow your advice. Students will have a favourable time ahead of them. By putting in some extra effortthey can easily fetch good rank. Mrigasira 3, 4: You might get some rare projects.Make sure that you fully utilize these opportunities and step up the ladder. Aridra : If you were planning a job change, this month seems to bring better opportunities through your friends or ex colleagues. Punarvasu 1, 2, 3:You will have good relations with everyone in the home and there will be some auspicious functions like marriage or birth of a child will happen now. 36

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Karkataka(Cancer) Punarvasu 4, Pushya & Aslesha Mercury and Venus are in favourable positions. It is going to be a great month for those who are in business. You can put your efforts with whole heart to give shape to the ideas you were planning all these days. But do not make commitments and deals that you can’t fulfil on time.If you are into partnership, your partner may part ways now. You are likely to be in the good books of your boss. If you are waiting for a senior position, expect it to happen now. Do not make big investment decisions now. Be careful with property dealings. Short travels are on the cards. You may get inclination towards religious matters. Women will gain confidence, command respect and honor in society. Your spouse will be the source of your pride. You both will share a very caring & understanding relationship.. Marriage is on the cards for those who are looking out for a partner.Spend more time with your children. Health of a child may be of concern to you. Students have an average month. Hard work and perseverance can only get them the desired grades. Punarvasu 4: Your long time secret desire will get fulfilled now. Take up the challenge in work, you will come out successfully. Pushya: You will have a pleasant time with family and friends. Your income will increase suddenly. Aslesha:You will become more confident and active. You may meet someone who will guide you spiritually.

Simha (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni 1 Venus &Jupiter are in favourable positions. Passion for earning more money will make you find new income sources.You might be transferred to a new place and this will prove to be challenging. You will overcome all problems through sheer selfdetermination. You might become stubborn and egoistic. Try to maintain good relationship with your seniors and colleagues. Those who are appearing for interview believe in divine power also, for your success. An auspicious ceremony may take place at The astrological emagazine

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