The Astrological eMagazine December 2016 Preview

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Advise only Those Inclined to Accept All people in this world do not know all things. Our ancestors have stated this fact thus:

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One may know something, and may not know something else. What we do not know, we must learn from others, and impart to others what we know. But some people are not inclined to learn from others. We must not attempt to advise such persons. Not only will they spurn our good words, but will also insult us. Take the example in Srimad Ramayana. Vibhishana tried to make Ravana follow the right path. But the latter ignored the advice and went on to disgrace Vibhishana. Similarly, in the Mahabharata, many people attempted to teach the righteous path to Duryodhana; but he disregarded all counselling. We must not attempt to educate such people. If you dye a white cloth with color, it will absorb the color. But a colored cloth will not easily accept any other color. Hence, we should advise only those who have the inclination to heed our words. It is better to abstain from advising the rest.

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commencement of the solar year. The count goes by the popular 60 year cycle of Prabhava. Firstly, one must identify the number of the current cycle. These vakya calculations start from Saka 349. So far 26 cycles of 1560 years (60×26) have been completed. The current year is Vikriti; the 24th of the cycle, (23 completed) corresponds to 1932 Saka. By adding 3179 to the Saka year we get the current Kaliyugaadi as 5111. The length of the solar sidereal year is taken as 365 days, 15 ghatikas, 31 Vighatikas, 15 tatparas, as per vakya system. Based on this, the kalidina for the beginning of the year Vikriti can be derived. Likewise there is table for reckoning the past number of days for the beginning of each solar month the aggregate of which will tally with year length mentioned above. Here the average movement of the Sun is taken as one degree per day, which actually is not so. However, some corrections are also prescribed which is called the yogyadisamskaara. The longitude of the Sun is derived thus and hence small discrepancies creep in, as the values taken are only approximate. Similarly the longitude of the Moon is also derived by employing some constants. First the constant of 1811308 is deducted from the kalidina. The reminder, is further divided by another constant 12372; further reminder by 3031 and lastly by 248. The final reminder minus one will determine the value to be taken from the vakya table of daily Moon structured for values from 1 to 248. This value, added to the products of the three quotients derived earlier, with three separate values for each, will bring the true longitude of the Moon that may require a further correction called manyadi samskaara, which is positive. It can be seen that at every stage the calculation proceeds with an assumed value of constants for divisions and then fixed values in degrees, minutes and seconds for deriving the products, whose total will have to be added to the indicated value in the vakya table, denoted by the final reminder, minus one. These values and constants prescribed were valid for the period when they were formulated. As mentioned earlier, had these values been amended (as prescribed) and rectified with the corrections that were necessary from time to time, such discrepancies would not have occurred in the current calculations of the vakya system.

It must be noted that as far as the procedure for the computation of planetary longitudes are concerned the elements of modern astronomy are not in great variance with the Siddhantic values. The difference between the elements of planetary motions of the Siddhantic treatises and of modern astronomy relate to the computation of the mean motions of planets and the Sun and the Moon, their apsides and nodes. For these the Siddhantas rely on a constant motion from the inception. The flaw arises here. These have a slow accelerating or decelerating motion. This can alter the mean motion depending on the epoch changes. Modern astronomy has established this fact after meticulous and long-term observations. The same is the case with the values of the obliquity of the ecliptic, equation of centre and inclination of orbits. Almost all Siddhantas take the value of the obliquity of the ecliptic as 24°. Actually it was 23° 27’8”.3 in 1900 A.D. It is 23° 26’ 19”.52 on the 1st January 2010. Likewise there are differences in the correction values, to be applied to mean longitudes to arrive at the true longitudes. Siddhantic treatises prefer only one equation of centre correction for the Moon. Actually it needs several other major corrections to be applied. In short, Drigganitha helps us to arrive at the correct values for all these whereas in Vakya the results obtained will not be accurate. It is enjoined in scriptures that rituals performed at inappropriate times can not only forfeit the benefits for which they are performed but also shower evil effects. Panchangas have a responsibility to give actual position of planets verifiable by observation. When it comes to the correctness of calculations emotions or orthodox feelings cannot be allowed to overrule the accepted and accurate astronomical calculations. As Jyothisham is a Prakthakhyam Sastram the compilers of panchangas must reconcile and accept only the calculations that tally with actual observation. There cannot be two timings for the same phenomena like tithi, nakshatra and others. Therefore the options before us are either to accept the elements of modern astronomy for compiling the panchangas or suitably amend the elements of Surya Siddhanta by fresh Bija correction and adopt another Karanagrantha. For the panchangas and horoscopes accuracy to the minute of arc is rather sufficient and continued on 39




Angelina Jolie,

Cancer and Remedial Measures | Dr. Sreenath


ngelina Jolie is a popular Hollywood actress. In her four decades of life so far she has made headlines in four different ways - (1) as a famous actor, (2) as having multiple partners of whom she married 3 legally and claiming to have had relationship with a female friend, (3) as being fond of raising children of whom 3 are adopted ones and the other 3 her own kids and (4) having resorted to preventive surgery of her breasts and ovaries to avoid getting afflicted with breast and ovarian cancer. The first three are common in the general population but the 4th one is a new trend in modern science of genetics and medicine that has raised the possibility of getting cured from the dreadful cancer disease even before it gets manifested in one’s body. Breast and ovarian cancer ran in the family of Angelina Jolie. Her mother, grandmother and an aunt had died of breast cancer. As breast cancer is a genetic disease, Jolie wanted to check whether she carried the defective cancer gene. It was affirmatively found that she carried the defective BRCA1 gene that gave her 87% risk of breast cancer and 50% risk of ovarian cancer. Her mother had both these cancers and also carried the same gene. According to the current level of scientific knowledge one can save oneself from breast cancer or ovarian cancer if one does preventive surgery well before the defective gene gets manifest as breast or ovarian cancer. Jolie underwent double mastectomy surgery (removal of breasts) on February 16, 2013 to prevent onset of breast cancer. In March 2015 she was found to have early traces of ovarian cancer due to this defective gene. She immediately had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed so that the defective gene cannot find a location to manifest. Jolie’s is an interesting case study because her horoscope must indicate the genetic defect but a non- manifestation of breast cancer. Though the non-manifestation of cancer was made possible by surgery, it raises a question why and how she was saved in time from the dreaded disease. As astrology is also about remedies to correct the imbalances indicated by the horoscope, a curious question arises what she has done to avoid the occurrence of cancer though she had to undergo the fears of getting cancer and the pains of surgery. These issues are addressed in this article besides giving an outline of the other three issues too.




Sumesh (Name not real)) born on 15 -10 -1983; at 12 – 30 – 47am; 75° E 22'; 11° N51'; GMT + 5-30 hrs Chandra

Budha Rahu

Ketu Sani

Rasi(Inner) Navamsa Chandra (Outer) Ketu Guru




Lagna Sukra

Sukra Rahu Kuja Kuja Budha Surya Surya

Fig 12 Birth chart of the male native. (Sumesh)

In the horoscope of Sumesh the evaluation is accurately done using Bhava chart. This is true looking from Lagna as well as Chandra. The chart is given below. Rahu Lagna Bhava

Chandra Ketu


Sukra Kuja

Surya Sani


Fig 13 Bhava chart (Sumesh) - (Note: Saturn-combust)

RKA passes through 6-12 houses. Saturn’s aspect also falls on 6th house. In the female chart 6th house is very


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much afflicted by the presence of Saturn, Rahu and debilitated Moon. To offset this the male chart does not offer any compromise. The result was an inevitable divorce. Guru in the male chart being flanked by malefics could not avoid a divorce. The young man tried to compromise a number of times but in vain. If we analyze each case in its own merits, we can find a variety of reasons that cause a divorce. As it is beyond the scope of this paper it is not considered here. From the examples given above it is quite clear that chances of divorces can be easily found out from a horoscope. While scrutinizing a horoscope for marriage compatibility if we encounter any of the five conditions jointly or otherwise we should caution them about the possibility and if suitable remedial measures are taken, it is felt that we can avoid the occurrence of such mishaps to a great extent. Remedial measures here do not mean any kind of rituals. But the benefic influence of planets like Jupiter (Guru) should be present in the partner’s horoscope. If this situation is lacking, we can say for sure that it will yield to divorce. My request to my astrologer friends is that while scrutinizing horoscopes for marriage compatibility the above said simple rules may be considered and suitably applied such that the threat of catastrophes like divorce can be kept at arm’s length.

Dr. B. V. Raman

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How to Judge a Horoscope

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Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Endowment Lectures | Report by Nirupama He first Surya Prakash Endowment lecture at the Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore, insituted by Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation was delivered by Dr. T. S. Vasan and Raman Suprajarama, the erstwhile grandson of Dr. B. V. Raman on 9th September 2016 on Demystifying Astrology. The duo kept the audience very much engaged and answered the audience queries with ease to their satisfaction. The second Surya Prakash Endowment lecture at the Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore was delivered by Prof. Gajendra, Secretary, Karnataka Federation of Astrologers and a scholar in Jyotisha, on the fascinating subject of Pancha Pakshi Sastra. Prof. Gajendra who runs the Aditya School of Astrology and trains hundreds of students mentioned that mention of this Sastra is made in the in the Taittiriya Upanishad. He spoke on the much unknown science and kept the packed audience spell bound with his oratory skills and abundant knowledge of the subject.

Music Legend Passes Away Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna, a global icon of carnatic music, with a magnificently rich voice breathed his last 22nd November 2016 in Chennai after prolonged illness. He was 86. The singer, who dedicated his life to to the cause of music and took it to international platform was known for his beautiful compositions. A child prodigy who rose to become a musician of immense versatility in all fields and held sway over rasikas with his mesmerising voice and unique way of rendering compositions, Dr. Mangalamapalli Balamuralikrishna was awarded France government’s Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Order of Arts and Letters). With over 25,000 concerts to his credit, worldwide, the great music collosus was known for his legendary collaborations with other greats like Pandit Bhimsen Joshi and Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia. Being well versed in violin too, Dr. Balamurali Krishna is credited with composing music and acting in several Kannada films too, apart from having left his imprint as a composer, poet, multi instrumentalist and innovator Dr. Balamuralikrishna had very great regard to Dr. B. V. Raman & Smt. Rajeswari Raman, the Chief Editor's parents and visited our home several times. In fact he performed at one of Dr. B. V. Raman's birthday events in Bangalore. The singer-composer Mangalamapalli Balamuralikrishna, caught the nation’s attention in Doordarshan’s iconic music video ‘Mile Sur Mera Tumhara’ in the eighties. With a voice magnificently rich and instantly recognisable, Balamuralikrishna excelled not only as singer but left his imprint as a composer, poet, multiinstrumentalist and innovator of ragas and taalas. The Astrological eMagazine family is deeply saddened at the demise of the musical monarch and offers its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family. 26 DECEMBER 2016


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