Sri Gurubhyo Namaha It is essential to have faith in the Shastras to progress in spiritual life. Today, many have the habit of questioning what is stated in the scriptures. While questioning and enquiry are recommended, they must be used to arrive logically at the conclusion established in the Shastras. That is why Sri Shankaracharya said - Jeeke̳eeLe&M®e efJe®ee³e&leeb ÞegefleefMej:He#e: meceeÞeer³eleeced ogmlekeÀe&led megefJejc³eleeb ÞegeflecelemlekeÀexçvegmevOeer³eleeced - Enquire into the meaning of the Shastras, hold on to the stand expounded by the Upanishads, refrain from faulty logic. We will do well to remember that questioning of the Shastras should never end up in Nastikyam - complete lack of faith in the Shastras. Such questioning will amount to “dustarka” - faulty logic - and must never be resorted to. There was a once a young lad who began to skip school and remained at home. On being questioned by his father, the boy asked, “What must I do after studying?” The father responded, “You must find a good job and work.” The boy asked “Why must I do that?” “You will get a good pay.” “What after that?” “You must marry, have children, and progress in your career. You will earn good name and fame. Everyone will respect you.” “What after that?”, asked the boy. “You can retire and spend your days happily.”, responded the father. At this, the boy exclaimed, “Am I not doing that even now? Father, why must I exert myself so much when I am already doing what you finally arrived at?” This is an example of “dustarka”, for there is a mountain of difference between being so at such a young age and being so at the twilight of one’s life. So one must understand why Bhagavatpada has said - ogmlekeÀe&led megefJejc³eleeced. It is acceptable to question why the Shastras have come in place and what the purpose of the instructions in the Shastras are. However, if the intent is only to repeatedly question, it becomes “dustarka”. Many people today engage in this and feel happy and even victorious, when the person they question regarding Shastric instructions is unable to answer them. In truth, such repeated questioning and ending up in Nastikya leads to one’s own doom. That is why the Shastras say that we will not falter if we traverse the path taken by our ancestors -
³esveem³e efHelejes ³eelee: ³esve ³eelee: efHeleecene:~ lesve ³ee³eelmeleeb Jelce& lesve ie®ívve og<³eefle ~~ May everyone realize this fact, follow the path of Dharma as enunciated in the Shastras and attain Shreyas.