The Astrological eMagazine February 2019

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Inside Editor’s Note


Notable Horoscope: K Chandrasekhar Rao – Chief Minister of Telangana

A Simple Way to Optimize the Vastu Energies of a House


9 r Cove s Storie

Remedies and Navamsa review of your wealth

Determining Divorces by Using Jaimini’s UpaPada Lagna (UL) Vedic Astrology Clues for Abnormal Married Life



Words of Wisdom

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for February 2019

This Month (February 2019) for You The Astrological eMagazine Ephemeris for February 2019 The astrological emagazine


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33 40 February 2019


Editor-in-Chief’s Note Niranjan Babu & Suprajarama Raman It is with deep regret and sorrow that we announce that His Holiness Dr. Sree Sree Sree Sivakumara Swamigalu, a great spiritual leader from Karnataka, left his mortal abode on Jan 21st. He was 111 years, 295 days when he attained Samadhi.

Swamiji’s gurukula houses more than 10,000 children from ages five to sixteen years and is open to children from all religions, castes, and creeds who are provided free food, education, and shelter (Trivida Dasohi).

I had the pleasure of meeting him and personally seeing the great work he had undertaken including education, food and shelter and social injustice, free of cost. His Holiness, popularly known as Nadedaaduva Devaru (walking God), was the head of the Siddaganga Mutt. Born as Shivanna on 1st April 1907, Swamiji was born in Veerapura, a village near Magadi in the erstwhile Kingdom of Mysore (in present-day Ramanagara district of Karnataka state). He was the youngest of thirteen children of Gangamma and Honnegowda.

The Astrological eMagazine pays its reverences to Sri Sivakumara Swamiji with a prayer that His Atma reaches the higher regions and becomes one with Paramatma.

Shivanna, then renamed Shivakumara, entered the Viraktashram (the monks’ order) in March 1930 upon formal initiation, and assumed the pontifical name Shivakumara Swami. Swamiji was proficient in Kannada, Sanskrit and English. He assumed charge of the Mutt in January 1941, following the death of Shivayogi Swami.

The house we live in plays a very important factor in happiness and prosperity of a couples lives. Our ancients, under the subject Vastu Shastra, have written extensively about this and given us various recommendations and guidance on how our place of dwelling can be planned to ensure that good luck always prevails our life. However, in recent times, there has been extensive boom in the construction of housing, industrial, commercial buildings in big cities. Because of the complexity in the architecture and construction methods, there has been lot of confusion about the proper application of Vastu Shastra based building formulae. Certain simple vastu formulas can do the trick. Our beloved Editorin-Chief, and internationally consulted Vastu Scholar pens on various Vastu formulae, how to compute them and how to use them to our advantage.

Swamiji was instrumental in raising 132 educational institutions for education and training, that range from nursery to colleges for engineering, science, arts and management as well as vocational training. that produce 50,000 graduates annually. He established educational institutions which offer courses in traditional learning of Sanskrit as well as modern science and technology. He was widely respected by all communities for his philanthropic work. 2

February 2019

The January issue of The Astrological eMagazine was very well received by the esteemed readers. Thank you for the overwhelming response. In this edition, we bring you a collection of articles that every married coupled should read.

The astrological emagazine

give clues on the stability and sanctity of marriage. Dr. Nemani lists the various astrological combinations that indicate marriage, and illustrates with examples. Divisional charts play an important role in interpretation of the horoscope. The 9th Divisional chart, also called the Navamsa, is often consulted to understand the strengths and weakness of the planets. It also consulted for marriage and post-marriage related events. But there’s more. Navamsa is consulted to also indicate the luck factor or the hand of god, in the words of Pandit Narahari. He explains how the Navamsa chart should be consulted to review the wealth, and also gives step by step indication on how one has to shortlist the remedial measures for negative combinations. Marriages have to be carried with great care and sanctity. Any marriage that takes place shouldn’t be just for a man and woman to come together to enjoy bodily pleasures. It has to take care to push the mankind in many ways. Marriage has to happen for these three reasons - cross pollination so that the off-springs are more evolved as a species, exchange of the best in culture, ritual and tradition from the respective families leading to an upgrade in standard of living, and building stronger bonds and pillars with the respective pillars so that they can celebrate together and support during mourning period. Unfortunately, the western influences are taking over and marriages are happening as a result of infatuation or societal pressure leading to fights, insecurity and disharmony. Divorce rates are increasing at an alarming rate around the world, and more so in countries like USA, UK and India. A review of the horoscopes of the bridge and the groom will

The astrological emagazine

K. Chandrashekhar Rao, in the recent state elections, led his Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) to a resounding victory. Winning 88 of the 119 seats compared to the previous 64, he cemented his leadership and popularity in Telangana. There were many factors that worked favorably for KCR. A staunch believer of Vedic Astrology, he used the movement of the planets and their influences to his advantage to not only lead the state well in the previous tenure but to also help him come back with a even stronger mandate. Sri Ramakrishna illustrates the astrological combinations that led to KCR second victory. Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu!

Bangalore Niranjan Babu

Chief Editor, The Astrological eMagazine

February 2019


cause. Lot of calculations have to be made to find out the time when this will happen. I am not doing that as right now everything is settled and peaceful for KCR, his party TRS and the Telangana people. Why bother when things are peaceful and settled? An astrologer will study transitions of planets carefully to find out when bad things will disappear and not when good things will go away. Astrology is positive and it will be positive in the future also.

I should add a note after this analysis. In the websites, the time of birth of KCR was mentioned as 12 noon exactly. This could be true. But in some cases, when the time of birth is not known and only the date of birth is known, the astrologers assume the mean time of 12 noon as the time of birth and make predictions. This is valid as the predictions are still true to the extent of 80 to 90 per cent accuracy. More is the accuracy in time of birth, more is the accuracy in the forecasts also. Particularly the divisional charts require a relatively accurate time of birth. •

Book Review

“Bliss Lab: How the Ancient Yogis Acquired Supernormal Powers and How You Can Too� by Lalitha Donatella Riback This is a very well written book by one of our authors The author shows us how to uncover our higher potential for happiness, bliss, creativity, prosperity, and freedom while fulfilling our deep spiritual longing too. She aims at bringing us the time-tested tools from the wisdom traditions of India. The reader will find extraordinary stories about supernormal powers attained by the yogis in their meditative states, and the traditional ways to achieve them. The book is an is an overview of how consciousness and the super brain can be explored through a panoramic view of the Vedic cosmos, and the omniscient Rishis or intuitive sages of ancient India. This book aims at giving us a message that everything we long for can be found within, including the reasons for our success and failure. With a step-by-step guide, the book tries to help us to better ourselves and tap into the inborn gifts of intuition and thought manifestation that is within us.

This book inspires the reader to live a dream life that includes material abundance, spiritual fulfilment, meaning and purpose. The book engages the reader through awe and wonders for the magical world of the Self. At its core this spiritual guide carries the ultimate teaching of the yogis: Humanity has Divine Origins. The Italian-born author Lalitha Donatella Riback is a life coach, writer, Vedic astrologer, certified yoga and meditation teacher, and an Ayurveda consultant in New York City. She is also a world traveller with a great passion for India and has been studying Indian spirituality since 1993. You can buy the book on


February 2019

The astrological emagazine

A Simple Way to Optimize the Vastu Energies of a House |Niranjan Babu There has been extensive boom in the construction of housing, industrial, commercial buildings in big cities. Because of the complexity in the architecture and construction methods, there has been lot of confusion about the proper application of Vastu Shastra based building formulae. Appropriate application of various Vastu based formulae is possible when one clearly understands the concepts and significations embedded in the Vastu based formulae.

Ayadi Shadvarga I have indicated in my earlier articles and in books the importance of the building formulae referred to as Ayadi Shadvarga by the ancient masters of wisdom. Ayadi is a group of six formulae - Aya, Vyaya, Yoni, Rksha, Vara and Tithi - that are used to determine the dimensions of a building. The six formulae are divided in to three sets and each set consists of two formulae. A specific set of formulae is used to work out the length, breadth and height of the building or the structure. The length and breadth are the outer measurements of the foundation (bhumilamba) or its base (adhistana). The height of the building is considered to be from the bottom of the foundation or the bottom of the base to the topmost point of the building. The remainder obtained by using these formulae determines the gain or loss accruing, the constellation compatibility and the lunar and solar days that conduce to one's well-being.

Cardinal Directions Vastu Shastra clearly emphasizes the importance of orienting the constructions to the cardinal directional. The astrological emagazine

Therefore, the orientation of the building to be one of the four cardinal directions (north, east, south or west). As far as possible, buildings facing angular directions are to be avoided. But in rare situations, if the site is oriented in the angular directions, the orientation (or Yoni) formulae can be worked out in such a way so that the remainder is 1. The ancient masters were aware of the power of monsoon winds and other energies (physical and metaphysical). These energies were also considered in the orientation and construction of the buildings. The unit of measurement used is generally the Kisku Hasta that equals 24 angulas. The hasta conversion is done diversely in different regions. One school of thought equates a hasta to two feet and nine inches and an angula to 1 3/8th inch. Another school of thought equates a hasta to 72 cm (28.3 inches) and an angula to 3 cm (1.2 inches). Here, the hasta is measured from the shoulder to the tip of the middle finger. A third school of thought, which this writer follows, equates a hasta to 18 inches (and an angula to 0.75 inches) Here, hasta is the length of the arm from the bottom of the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. The Ayadi Shadvarga is calculated by taking any of the standardized hasta measurements or using the actual hasta length of either the master, his/her spouse, eldest son or the architect (or contractor) designing the house. Further research on the definition or usage of the Hasta measurement is needed to specifically determine whether 18 inches, 2.75 feet, 72 cm or the actual arm length from the elbow (or the shoulder) to the tip of the middle finger is appropriate. This scribe February 2019


Remedies and Navamsa Review of your Wealth |Pundit Katti Narahari

This paper was first presented by the scribe during Sri. B Suryaprakash Memorial Endowment Lecture and my profound thanks to Raman and Rajeshwari Research foundation for inviting me. I am thankful to Dr. T. S Vasan who was kind enough to preside over my talk. Thank to the encouragement to Shri Niranjan babu and family for encouraging me to deliver this talk.

Introduction The word Bhagya or fortune encompasses all aspects of our life. In a horoscope, all the 12 bhavas are harbingers of fortune to one and all. Wealth is one factor of Bhagya. This paper focus on the wealth quotient, the potential factors that block the flow of wealth and finally some simple remedies.

Pandit Katti Narahari belongs to a traditional Jyotish family. He is a senior SAP Consultant to SAP worldwide. He has conducted many Jyotish seminars and teaches Jyotish. He is an external Jyotish facuy at AOL Ashram. He lives in Bangalore.

The 9th house is the Bhagya Sthana. We need to understand two main factors. • Resources one has access to – This is seen from the 9th house/lord of the Rasi chart •

The luck factor – This is seen from the 9th house and planets placed in the Navamsa chart.

There is no guarantee that having resources will automatically lead to fortune and wealth. We have seen many people with resources at their disposal having to face loss of wealth and fortune. Hence a closer examination of the Navamsa is paramount. As my guru teaches, this is the luck factor or the invisible hand of god. The Navamsa chart has the carry forward balance sheet of dharma from our past life. This dharma is converted into fortune because of the blessings of our pitris. Hence all that we have as fortune in this life is due to the forefathers connecting back to the Saptarishis.

Navamsa and Ayana Ayana is one life Gati (direction) and in sampradayas it is also called Purusharthas. The Purusharthas are

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• • •

Dharma – Ideology, value system Artha – Material accumulation, wealth Kama - Desires

Moskha – Liberation, Jeevana Mukta.

February 2019


Determining Divorces by Using Jaimini’s UpaPada Lagna (UL) |Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao

Marriages have to be carried with great care and sanctity. Any marriage that takes place shouldn’t be just for a man and woman to come together to enjoy bodily pleasures. It has to take care to push the mankind in many ways. Marriage has to happen for these three reasons - cross pollination so that the off-springs are more evolved as a species, exchange of the best in culture, ritual and tradition from the respective families leading to an upgrade in standard of living, and building stronger bonds and pillars with the respective pillars so that they can celebrate together and support during mourning period. Unfortunately, the western influences are taking over and marriages are happening as a result of infatuation or societal pressure leading to fights, insecurity and disharmony. Divorce rates are increasing at an alarming rates around the world, and more so in countries like USA, UK and India. A review of the horoscopes of the bridge and the groom will give clues on the stability and sanctity of marriage. In this article, the scribe lists the various astrological combinations that indicate marriage, and illustrates with examples. An emotional or physical love, affection and sex are not only the key factors that makes a married couple to have a long-lasting married life. But at the same time, a conflict in married life may be due to various reasons and marital discord stems from the affliction of Grahas, Lagna, 7th House, 7th lord or other astrological reasons suggested by our Rishis’.

Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao is from Parvatipuram (Near Vizag), AP, India, lives in San Francisco, USA. Dr. Raghunatha Rao has been practicing Vedic Astrology since 2002. With a doctorate in Business Management by profession. he considers H. Ramadas Rao, Pt. Sanjay Rath, Pt. Dakshinamoorthy Ramasamy and Swami Omkar as his Jyotish Teachers. Dr. Rao has recently received Jyotish Visharada from Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA), USA.


February 2019

The 2nd house is the 8th from the 7th and any malefic influence on the 2nd house will cause disturbances in the married life of a native. Jaimini Maharishi gave many Upadesa sutras related to UL and marriage and here are two sutras which are relevant for this paper on divorces: 1) Sutra 1.4.2, Ref : Page 108, Book: Jaimini Sutras by of Sri. B. Suryanarian Rao year 1955

2) Sutra 1.4.5, Ref : Page 110, Book: Jaimini Sutras by of Sri. B. Suryanarian Rao year 1955

The astrological emagazine

Vedic Astrology Clues for Abnormal Married Life |Shankar G. Hegde

I always wonder how our ancestors coded many a things in Vedas, Puranas & Mythological stories and in many other forms. This standard observation (Research?) of mine is based on such a mythological story. It is well known to us that Moon or Lord Chandra Kidnapped wife of Jupiter or Lord Guru & Moon gave birth to Mercury or Lord Budha. Few years back I used to see astrology everywhere like a musician trying to find music everywhere or a painter trying to check or imagine color combinations everywhere. Mr. Shankar Hegde is an Internationally renowned astrologer of Bangalore. He started learning astrology at the age of 14 years. He was influenced by books of Dr. B.V.Raman & later by books of Sh. K.N.Rao & other scholars. At the age of 24 he took astrology as his profession & by this time he has predicted on around 50 thousand horoscopes. He visited many a countries to teach advanced level methods of astrology. He is a versatile astrologer. He predicted Gujarat earthquake 3 days in advance in a tv show. He predicted Mr. Manmohan Singh becoming Prime Minister again in a TV show. He Predicted exact date of Mr. Yediyurappa resigning as CM few years back. He predicted international Gold price 6 months in advance, in an article. Once for a person he predicted person’s father’s death by snakebite the very next day & it took place! He is co other of e books Lagna Varahi & Shri. Shiva Gouri Jataka & they have been translated to Russian Language also. He translated “Predicting through Jaimini Charadasha” to Kannada. Now at his 47th year of age he is well experienced & active astrologer who always tries to search many standard methods of predictions.


February 2019

On a fine day a thought came in my mind. If Mercury is son of Moon, Mercury in the 5th from Moon can do what? Then again a thought came in my mind about the sin of Moon related to seventh house. Based on such thoughts I went for searching the combinations & the result was shared with some of my friends but in this way I am presenting it in a systematic manner. What classics say about Moon in the 7th house? Instead of quoting many a classics who almost opine the same with minor differences, I would like to mention the lines of departed soul and who was a living legend of astrology, a great scholar who studied many a classics with open & practical mind & filtered them, Dr. B.V. Raman. In the book “How to Judge A Horoscope” (Volume-2) He mentions thus – “The Moon in the 7th-The native will be passionate and roused to jealousy. Mother may die while the native is young, Wife will be good-looking. But the native will seek other women. Narrow minded but sociable, he will be energetic and successful in life. He hails from the good family if the moon is waxing otherwise strong. He will suffer pain in the groins. He will be stingy .If the Moon is waning, he will always be quarrelling with his enemy.” So conditions for my observations are, Moon should be in the 7th house. Mercury should be connected to 11th house or lord of 11th house in any way. Mercury can be in 11th, Can own the 11th, can aspect the 11th, can be aspected by 11th lord or join the 11th lord. Please use the methods by using common sense & w.r.t. Desha-KaalaNyaya. Once when I was in Germany in 2002, I was revealing combinations for Love marriage to some astrologers of Germany & Obviously I had to face a question “What is Love Marriage?”. The astrological emagazine

Words of Wisdom by Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji

Can Rudraksha māla be worn by females? If they have received Shiva mantra as upadesha from their Guru, only then they can wear. Otherwise they can wear Tulasi beads or sphatika (crystal) chain. Rudrākshi, Bhadrākshi, Chidrākshi are varieties of them. In them are one to nineteen faces. One faced or Ekamukhi Rudrāsha is rarely available. It is available in Nepal, Bhutan and Indonesia. Nepal ones are

The astrological emagazine

the best. They are Shiva himself. Swamiji’s māla has 108 Ekamukhi Rudrākshas. Even wearing different faced Rudrākshas has its own restrictions. Wearing Rudrāksha according to one’s constellation or Zodiac sign is good. For ladies crystal chain is advised because it represents Mother Goddess. It has healing qualities as well.

February 2019


The Astrological eMagazine

Panchanga for February 2019 First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours. Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally spurned for auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346°40’ to 360° and Vyatipata from 213°20’ to 226°40’ of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by the astute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different from the Nityayogas. The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. The Chara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification. We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana, Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga. Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. Chandradarisana is observed on the evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days.

The important dates and festivals for February 2019 are as follows: 02 Saturday Meru Trayodasi (Jain). Ratanti Kalika Pooja. Sani/ Krishnapaksha Pradosa. Masa Shivaratri. 04 Monday Mauni/ Tai/ Soma Vara Amavasya. Mahodaya Yoga after 07h. 58m. Makara Vavu (Kerala). Ardha Kumbha Mela at Allahabad. Vyatipata Sraddha. Sravana Vrata. 05 Tuesday Magha Sukladi. Magha Snana Begins. Shyamala Navaratri Begins. 06 Wednesday Chandra Darisanam. Vishnu Vrata (Four Days). 08 Friday Tila/ Kunda Chaturthi. 09 Saturday Ganesha Pooja. Masa/Magha/Tila/Vara Kunda/ Varada Chaturthi (Bengal). 10 Sunday Sri/Vasantha Panchami. Saraswati Pooja. 11 Monday Sayana Vaidhruthi. Shuklapaksha Shasti Vrata. 12 Tuesday Arogya/ Vidhana Saptami. Ratha Saptami (Purvarunodaya). Visoka Saptami Vrata. Surya Jayanti. 13 Wednesday Bhishmaashtami. Durgashtami. Krittika Vrata. Budhashtami.

14 Thursday Vydhruti Sraddha. Shyamala Navaratri Ends. 16 Saturday Shuklapaksha/ Jaya/ Bhaimi Ekadasi (Bengal). Bhishma Dwadasi. 17 Sunday Desert Festival 3 days (Jaisalmer). Septuagesima Sunday (Christian). Shuklapaksha /Mrityunjaya Pradosa. Bhishma Dwadasi Vrata. 18 Monday Nataraja Abhishekam. 19 Tuesday Guru Ravidas’s Birthday (According to Tithi). Shivaji Jayanti. Pournami Pooja/Maghi Pournima. Maasi Magham. Tripura Sundari Jayanti (Evening). Lalitha Jayanti. 22 Friday Sankatahara Chaturthi. 23 Saturday Sayana Vyatipata 24 Sunday Krishnapaksha Shasti Vrata. 26 Tuesday Janaki Janma. Vaikkatashatami (Kerala). Ashtaka (Sakashtaka). Maheshwara / Kala Ashtami. 27 Wednesday Rama Dasa Navami.

The SUN: Sun in Makara Enters Kumbha On 11:02:2019 22:31, Sun in Sravana Enters Dhanishta On 05:02:2019 08:35,Sun in Dhanishta Enters Satabhisha On 18:02:201912:54, The MOON : Moon in Dhanu Enters Makara On 03:02:2019 03:45, Moon in Makara Enters Kumbha On 05:02:2019 16:40, Moon in Kumbha Enters Mina On 08:02:2019 05:25, Moon in Mina Enters Mesa On 10:02:2019 16:50, Moon in Mesa Enters Vrisabha On 13:02:2019 01:41, Moon in Vrisabha Enters Mithuna On 15:02:2019 07:05, Moon in Mithuna Enters Karkata On 17:02:2019 09:05, Moon in Karkata Enters Simha On 19:02:2019 08:48, Moon in Simha Enters Kanya On 21:02:2019 08:06, Moon in Kanya Enters Tula On 23:02:2019 09:02, Moon in Tula Enters Vrischika On 25:02:2019 13:25, Moon in Vrischika Enters Dhanu On 27:02:2019 21:58 30

February 2019

The astrological emagazine

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