The Astrological eMagazine January 2018

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Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?

Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu Senior Editor Raman Suprajarama The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/ material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated.



Contents Andrew Foss and Barry Rosen Hidden Flaws in Rising Sign


Barry Rosen Understanding the 7th house in Indian Astrology


Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji Words of Wisdom


Raman Suprajarama How Can Planets Help You Conquer your Mind?


R. S. Maniam Shashi Kapoor: An Astrological Analysis


Remembering Dr. B.V. Raman 20

The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given.

Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao Identifying Vehicular Accidents using Tithi Pravesha Principles


Gary Gomes The Influence of Sagittarius Sun on Worldly Affairs


Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu 201 D, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

Sam Geppi The Correct Date of Makara Sankranti and its Significance


Kateryna Bilyk An Introduction to Triyoga


Ramanuja Gurukula What's App Group Discussion


Dr. Vinod Shahi Transformative Astrology – 2


Lalitha Devi Sun-Saturn Conjunction in Sagittarius


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for January 2018


The Astrological eMagazine Ephemeris for January 2018


Varahamihira This Month (January 2018) for You





Part 1: Problem Planets by Sign The Achilles Heel for each sign is as follows: Pisces Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Libra Virgo Gemini

The Sun The Moon Jupiter Mercury Mars Saturn Venus

Jupiter Owned Signs Pisces: Consider Pisces rising with an afflicted Jupiter. One may think the person has problems with confidence, restlessness, utopian thinking, poor planning and their ability to put plans into action. Internally this is very connected to their relationship with their fathers as they have problems with authority figures. The Sun is the natural sixth house lord which teaches lessons about staying humble and since Pisces/Jupiter so often gets involved in teaching and counseling; their challenge is to do this with humility. This is particularly a problem if a person has the Sun in the first house of Pisces. Pisces people are wise and one does not expect them to be egotistical but they often admit that this is an issue they struggle with. Sagittarius: If Jupiter is afflicted in their charts, we normally think of the challenges of this rising sign as being connected to being too religious, fanatical, pushy, greedy, having problems taking orders or listening to others’ advice and being too quick tempered. Mercury, the seventh lord, wants to talk and debate. Thus, Mercury becomes the issue for Sagittarius. Mercury is the badhaka for this sign, so allowing others’ opinions can be seen as a threat. Many religious leaders are famously intolerant. By not understanding and being conscious of this flaw, they can be blocked in finding their higher self as well as potentially doing much harm to society. The difficulty is that the badhaka is very difficult to understand.

Saturn Owned Signs Aquarius: If Saturn and/or Rahu are afflicted, we normally think of this rising sign has having self-esteem problems in not recognizing their own talents, being too unconventional and outspoken, having problems with routine, being isolated and depressed, paranoid or 4


hiding their misery behind a fake smile. The Achilles heel for this rising sign is the sixth house Lord the Moon. This sign has major problems around their mother and issues around food, nurturing and the complexities of the mind. Capricorn: If Saturn is afflicted, we normally think of the inherent problems of this rising sign as having problems with being suspicious, selfish, not making friends, having time constraints, being gloomy, being overly concerned with security and not being a good partner in relationship. The Achilles heel for this rising sign is Jupiter which naturally owns the third and twelfth houses for this sign, giving Capricorns problems with Gurus, children and being truthful in business. Bernie Madoff is an excellent example of poor ethics in business with his ponzi scheme, which misused other peoples’ money. He also had major problems with his children. It seems that the nature of Capricorn and business is that it is always a bit on the edge in terms of ethics, particularly if Jupiter is afflicted or poorly placed in a chart. Their lifelong challenge is having good judgment about what is right and ethical in business.

A Venus Owned Sign Libra: If Venus is afflicted, we normally think of the challenges of this rising sign as sneaking away from conflict, being too charming or manipulative and capricious, waiting too long to act or being too much of a yes person and chameleon and not exerting one’s self. Mars is the Achilles heel planet for this sign and if badly afflicted it may create people who need to rule or dominate others and who have major issues with sexual restraint and ambition and overexerting power. A famous example in history is the violent nature of Alfried Krupp of the Third Reich as well as Adolf Hitler himself. They both had Mars in Aries in the 7th. Under Alfried, his companies used slave labor supplied by the Nazi regime and thereby also became involved in the Holocaust, assigning Jewish prisoners from concentration camps to work in many of its factories. Libras seek balance and fairness but if this gets warped, they can be very cruel.

Mercury Owned Signs Virgo: If Mercury is badly afflicted and poorly placed, we normally think of Virgos as having problems with being too emotionally uninvolved, having high THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

How Can Planets Help You

Conquer your Mind? | Raman Suprajrama There are four planets which can also help us conquer our minds, and empower us to do extraordinary things, if we understand how they are aligned in our respective horoscope.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was one of the greatest personalities in recent times, who had conquered his mind. He was aptly called Mahatma, or revered soul, because he envisaged of a free India, planned a route through non-violence, and had the will to implement it till the goal was reached. He not only had conquered his mind, but had also influenced a lot of other minds to unite and fight for freedom. Even today, great leaders like Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and many more are influenced and motivated by by him. There are four planets that play a very important role in Gandhi’s horoscope, and helped him conquer his Mind.

Firstly, the Sun, as the eleventh lord, in the second, free of any aspects, gave him clarity of thought and speech. It helped him imagine the state that India had to be, independent. Secondly, Mercury, as the lord of the ninth and twelfth, is along with Mars and Venus. This THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

empowered him to clearly estimate the strengths and weakness of the British empire, and also the psyche of Indians. It helped him to further identify the approach and tactics that he had to undertake to unite Indians, and empower them to win over the British. JANUARY 2018


Thithi syndrome and Full Moon A Full Moon occured on 16th March 1938, and 2 days later on Krsihna Dwithiya day, Shashi Kappor was born. During his death, a Full Moon occured on 3rd December 2017 and one day later Shashi Kapoor passed away on Krishna Padyami.

Jupiter And Mars Hora Relation When Shashi was born, the ruling hour was Jupiter hora. At the time of his death his ruling number 9 ruled by Mars was the ruling hora. It is interesting to note that Jupiter - birth hora - and Mars – death hora – were together in the sign of Libra.

Venus and Sun Longitude Difference On the day of birth, Sun and Venus were together in the sign of Pisces, Sun at 3d 39m while Venus was 13d 53m, difference being 9d plus. On the death day, Sun was in Scorpio 18d 26m while Venus was 9d 50m, difference being 9d plus. The difference in longitude between Sun and Venus was more or less same. At death Sun was ahead of Venus while at birth Venus was ahead. It is pertinent to note Venus was in the Navamsa of Scorpio when Shashi Kapoor was born while Venus was in exact conjunction with Saturn in the birth chart.

and Ketu which considered as a time capsule. Ketu / Moon distant calculation in birth chart is 139d, while in the death chart the Moon Ketu distance is 128d. Planets Zenith to each other Natal position. Saturn/ Mercury, Jupiter and Moon Based on a careful study of both charts, it has been noted that the planets in transit on the death day was at zenith to each other or dasama kendra . Saturn and Mercury at birth were in Pisces. In transit they have reached 10th from Pisces (to Sagitarius). Similarily Jupiter in Capricorn at birth has reached dasama kendra from Makara to Libra. Also the daily planet Moon, has reached dasama kendra in Gemini from natal position of Kanya.

Arrangment of Planets from The Moon in Transit There is a peculiar planetray arrangement from the Moon sign. In both charts a number of planets have formed 2/12 position from the Moon. Especially 7,8,9 places from Moon. Birth chart Moon in Virgo has planets in Pisces, Aries and Taurus while in the death chart the Moon in Gemini has planets from the 5, 6, 7, 8 from the Moon in Gemini.

Saturn and Mercury Nexus with Moon In both the charts there is a opposition effect between Mercury/Saturn and Moon. In the natal chart, Saturn and Mercury was in the sign of Jupiter in Pisces, they were close conjunction and was aspected by Moon, in Saptama aspect. While in the death chart, Mercury and Saturn was in the house Jupiter Sagitarius and it was saptama to radical Moon. The best part is they were also in close conjunction as in the birth chart.

Rahu / Ketu and Moon Moon Ketu and Rahu is an important point to note in both horoscopes that Moon was in between Rahu and Ketu. The last planets Moon met in the natal chart is Ketu in Taurus, while in the death chart the last planet Moon met in transit is Ketu, which was also in Capricorn. Moon was actually caught in between Rahu 18



Dr. B.V. Raman Never Before Never Again


1912-1998 orn in a village near Bangalore in 1912, Dr. Raman had his early education in the village school and then went on to complete his studies in science at the Central College of Bangalore.

Dr. Raman dedicated his entire life to the study of relationships between cosmic and terrestrial phenomena.

He restarted The Astrological Magazine in 1936 and was its editor for over 62 years, a unique case of one single individual editing a monthly uninterrupted for over six decades, meriting a place in the Guinness Book of World Records. Dr. Raman was able to demonstrate that astrology was a science of cosmic influences affecting human life through his writings and predictions made through The Astrological Magazine, his lectures, research papers and other media. He influenced the well-read public and made them astrology cognizant. His special fields of research were Hindu astronomy, astro psychology, wether and political forecasts, disease diagnosis, natural calamities, management and other areas in relation to celestial phenomena. Through the columns of The Astrological Magazine, he made outstanding forecasts of global events such as Second World War and its course and termination, destiny of Hitler and Mussolini, Hiohito, Indian Independence, assasination of Mahatma Gandhi, China's invasion of India, Pandit Nehru's passing away, Johnson's and Nixon's election, Nixon's fall, Vietnam War, declaration of Emergency in India, assassination of Indira Gandhi, earthquakes, natural disasters and many more amazing predictions. Dr. Raman travelled round the world a number of times representing India at the Astrological Congress held at Cambridge, England and the International Astrology Converence at New York. He delivered lectures in Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Holland, Canada, Japan and the United States of America addressing universities, medical associations and educational and cultural institutions on different aspects of astrology, Hindu astronomy, philosophy and Indian Culture. Dr. Raman was the first to deliver a lecture Relevance of Astrology in Modern Times in 1970 at the United Nations, New Yor,, which evoked much interest in diplomatic circles. Dr. Raman founded an all India body, the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Regd.) With former President of India, Dr. Zail Singh in 1984 to regulate the study and practice of astrology in the country with Chapters in Bangalore, Madras, Delhi, Kanpur, Trivandrum, Patna and other cities. He inspired and motivated the intelligentsia to take up the study of astrology as a serious pursuit. In 1992, Dr. Raman, on a visit to the United States of America to deliver the keynote address of the First International Symposium on Vedic Astrology held at San Rafael, California, mooted the idea of a national and the American Council of Vedic Astrology was founded in 1992 under Dr. Raman's blessings by a group of Americans. Countless people in that country have taken to the study of Vedic astrology. He delivered the keynote address at the First International Symposium on Vedic Astrology in October 1992 at San Rafael, California, U.S.A. when he was honoured with the Life-time Achievement Award for his services to the cause of astrology. In 1993, Dr. Raman founded Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation to promote the cause of Astrology, Yoga, Vastu, Ayurveda, Vedanta, and other aspects of eastern culture. Dr. Raman presided over several important conferences at both national and international levels. The First All India Symposium on Vastu in June 1995 was conducted by Dr. B.V. Raman in Bangalore at the prestigious Banquet Hall of Vidhana Soudha. The Chief Election Comissioner Mr. T.N. Seshan inagurated the symposium while the Chief Minister of Karnataka Mr. H.D. Devegowda (and later Prime Minister of India) presided. Dr. Raman was conferred the Man of the Year 1995 award by the Centenarian Trust, Madras, formed in the memory of the Kanchi Paramacharya, in February 1996. He was the inagural speaker and chief guest at the National Conference on Disaster and Technology held at Manipal on 25-9-1998.

With Sri Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar, Maharaja of Mysore

Dr. Raman received an honorary doctorate from the Pythagorean University in 1947. In the same year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society of London and a member of the Royal Asiatic Society. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Literature by the Akhila Bharateeya Samskrita Sammelana in 1968 and the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters by the Kumaon University of Uttar Pradesh in June 1976. Dr. Raman has a long list of titles such as Abhinava Varahamihira, Jyotisha Bhanu, Jyotisha Vignana Marthanda, Jyotisha Ratna, Abhinava Bhaskara, Jyotisha Bhooshana, etc.

Dr. Raman has authored over 35 books on various facets of Astrology in English many of which have been translated into Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and a few international languages too. He was assisted in his activities by his devoted wife Mrs. Rajeswari Raman who took keen interest in the study of Yoga, especially in its application to women. She visited Europe and America several times and delivered demonstration-talks on Yoga. Dr. Raman's recreations included lawn tennis and gardening. A teetotaller of the strictest order, he was a classic example of the ideal of the Rishi of ancient India in modern world with is exemplary life of simple living and high thinking. It would not be an exaggeration to say of him. 'Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyati' - Never before, never again. There will not be another like him. Niranjan Babu, Dr. Raman's son continuing the great work of his father is publishing The Astrological eMagazine, both as a print and online edition.




Krittika 2, 3, 4 : There can be fear without reason.

You will have to strike a compromise with arguments that may otherwise cause stress and anxiety.

KARKATAKA(Cancer) Punarvasu 4, Pushya & Aslesha

Rohini: A religious bend of mind and seeking solace

Sun till 13th, Mercury from 5th till the 27th and Saturn are favourable.

Mrigasira 1, 2: Despite your continued efforts, you

Though the domestic life can be filled with happiness most of the time, there are possibilities of disputes and quarrels that can sour the relationship. You will have to exercise caution not to offend your parents. It would be wise to keep a check on the company that you keep. You may buy a new vehicle or acquire gadgets of comfort. It would be wise to keep a check on your diet as you will be prone to ailments related to digestion and the like. It is also important to pay attention to ailments related to the eye. Health of your spouse will also require attention. Professional success and progress is indicated however they may not result in profits. There could be a tight situation with respect to your financial position and using a wise judgement on spends would be essential. Employed will have to face delays in their career growth, however they will get the required support and enthusiasm from the seniors. It would be wise to spend more time on enhancing your skills that will help you in your future career prospects. Those wanting to close on real estate deals will have to face new challenges. You may have to travel quite a bit for your professional work. Students have a tough time ahead if you don’t put in your full concentrated efforts shunning distractions of sorts, you may face failure.

from visiting shrines or meditation can help you.

may not see positive results, stay focused and continue your efforts and results will follow.

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra & Punarvasu 1, 2, 3 Mars from 14th, Mercury till 5th and from 27th, Jupiter, Venus from 12th are favourable. Preventive medical care is advised as health will require attention many a times and it would also be wise to exercise caution over your diet. There can be problems of health for your spouse or father. Intellectual pursuits take predominance and you will be able to make substantial progress. Though there will be gain of money, there can be worries on losses and about borrowing or getting financial help. Those in the professional front might face hardships but success is around the corner, your persistent efforts will have to continue. Skill development for professionals happen and you may find yourself embracing new techniques and methods. Official relationships will be cordial. There might be a need to travel quite often and there are possibilities of your travel plans abroad materializing. You will get the help and support from seniors and other professional acquaintances. You will get associations with people of virtues. It is best that in the interest of domestic peace and harmony that you stay away from confrontations and arguments. There can be strained relations with some of the close relatives and friends. Share your problems or worries with trustworthy friends as their advice and solutions can help you. Marriage proposals that are due and waiting can materialize. Students wanting to pursue higher education prospects can do so now.

Mrigasira 3, 4: There can be quarrels with relatives,

mental anguish and troubles of sorts can surface, it is best advised to keep a low profile.

Aridra: You may be able to acquire new belongings to make your life more comfortable.

Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: There will be success in your professional outlook and you can look forward to favour from the authorities. 50


Punarvasu 4: Your mental peace can be disturbed due to altercations, it would be best suited to keep a low profile.

Pushya: There will be all round happiness, however

it would be important to ensure that you keep good company.

Aslesha: It would be important to maintain cordial relationship with your colleagues to avoid disputes and quarrels.

SIMHA (Leo) Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni 1 Sun from the 13th, Mars till 14th, Mercury till 5th and from the 27th, Venus till the 12th and Ketu are favourable. There can be expenses that might be out of your control, it is best to avoid speculation of any kind. The official environment will be stressful with work presTHE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

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