The Astrological eMagazine March 2016 Preview

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Controlling Mind is Tapas Many people wanting to attain self knowledge feel they can achieve it through tapas (penance) that can elevate them spiritually. So, they want to do tapas and attain that state. However, real tapas is control of the mind. As long as one is unable to control the mind, whatever else one does would be of no use. On the contrary, one who keeps the mind under control attains everything. Therefore, there is no better tapas than restraint of the mind and the ensuing peace. All people seek comfort. But there is no better comfort than contentment. Whoever is happy will feel comfortable. No amount of wealth will make him comfortable as long as he has not found inner happiness and contentment. A man ridden with desires may not have good health, for, desires constitute disease. He can be truly healthy only sans desires. Moreover, a man must be dharmic (righteous). Of all dharmas, daya or compassion is the best. There is nothing to equal it. He who is compassionate will be a dharmishta (follower of Dharma). Let all realize these truths, act accordingly, and attain Shreyas.

Meeefvlelegu³eb leHees veeefmle ve mevlees<eeled Hejb megKeced ~ ve le=<Cee³ee: Hejes J³eeefOe: ve ®e Oeceex o³eemece:~~

Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers.

HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~ Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?




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All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated.

Dr. R. S. L. Srivastava, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.N.A. Sc.,

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Words of Wisdom


Astrological Insights For Second Marriage

Niranjan Babu Bangalore 201 D, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

2 March 2016

Good and Dreadful Karanas to Consider while Calculating Muhurthas


Mark Kincaid The Greatest Astrological Breakthrough in 2,000 Years


Dr. V. Narayanan Bhattathiri M.D., D.M.R.T., Ph.D How Planets Influence Human Growth & Development?

Astrologically, Which Profession Suits You?



Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji 12

Prof. P. S. Sastri, m.a., m. Litt., Ph.D. An Astrological Guide For Early Diagnosis of Cancer Disease


P. S. Iyer 21

Datta VijayanandaTeertha Swamiji Yoga Vashishta – 15


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for March 2016


Varahamihira This Month for You March 2016


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for March 2016


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka


The astrological emagazine

Astrological Wisdom by Yagnavalkya The Essentials of Muhurtha 6 Karanas


he fifth limb is the karana that is technically half of the Tithi. So much so, the lunar month of 30 days will have 60 karanas but only eleven distinct names are used to denote them. They are bava, balava, kaulava, taitila, gara, vanija, vishti, sakuni, chatushpada, naga and kimsatugna. Like the yoga, the karana is also a factor used by astrologers for determining the auspiciousness of the day for a given activity.

They are mainly classified as sthira - fixed or immovable and chara or moveable. The chara karanas are seven in number and the sthira only four. The fixed ones, sakuni, chatushpada, naga and kimsatugna can be easily identified because these four are permanently allotted to the second half of the krishnapaksha chaturdasi, then to the two halves of the New Moon and to the first half of the shuklapaksha prathama, in the same order. The remaining 56 halves of the tithis are shared by the seven movable karanas. They are, in their order, bava, balava, kaulava, taitila, gara, vanija and vishti or bhadra, forming a series. This series, starting with the second half of the shuklapaksha prathama completes eight such cycles to finally end with the first half of the krishnapaksha chaturdasi, allowing then, the four sthira karanas to take over the next four halves of the tithis. The animal origins or yonis of the movable karanas are lion, tiger, boar, donkey, elephant, cow and dog and of the fixed ones are dog, bull, serpent and cock. Bharadwaaja allots Vishnu, Prajapathi, Chandra, Gurus, Vasus, Manibhadra and Yama as the lords of the chara karanas while Varahamihira takes them as Indra, Brahma, Mitra, Aryama, Bhu, Sri and Yama respectively. The lords *continued from the February 2016 issue of The AeM The astrological emagazine

of the four sthira karanas are Kali, Vrasa, Phani and Maruta. Among the movable karanas vishti or bhadra is considered to be of dreadful consequences and the rest are good. Of the four fixed karanas, naga is taken for permanent works, cruel deeds and forcible and hateful activities. The above narration of the five limbs of the Panchanga is only an attempt to give a kaleidoscopic view of the basic components of a Panchanga. They are in no way exhaustive or elaborate. They have been furnished to help the reader to have a better understanding of the combined effects of some of these, which we are going to examine, in some extensive patterns. It could be seen that some of these nakshatras, yogas and karanas have common presiding deities. This would mean the admittance of whatever work is allowed under a particular nakshatra, to the yoga or karana as well, if the presiding deity is the same. For example as Prathama and Rohini have a common deity Brahma, it would mean that the functions selected for performance under Rohini could be admitted on the days of Prathama as well. Therefore, their combinations would also help to select a prototype for select occasions. Let us have a quick look into some of the special and useful constituents that form a part of the Panchanga. Let us consider the limb of karana first and take Vishti. The occurrence of Vishti and its duration can be found out from the Panchanga. As explained earlier Vishti or Bhadra, is a harmful karana capable of spoiling any effort embarked upon, at a time when it rules that part of the day. This is the last and seventh of the moveable karanas. It occurs on the second half of chaturthi and ekadasi, first half of ashtami and pournami in the shuklapaksha and the second halves of triteeya and dasami and first halves of saptami and chaturdasi of krishnapaksha. Thus, it takes its turns eight times in a lunar month and rules for a time March 2016


have been thoroughly summed up in past issues of IJHS (Paramahans, 1991; Abhyankar, 1993) One argument put forth by astrologers to suggest that heavenly bodies do influence human life is the nearly close relation between the human menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle, suggesting that the Moon, an astronomical body does indeed affect the biology of humans. Only animals belonging to the order primates, to which humans belong in the sub-order simians, have a menstrual cycle (in which the uterine endometrium is shed, causing bleeding in some) while the other mammals have an estrous cycle (also known as ‘heat’; where endometrium is resorbed – sucked in). In fact the word menstruation is related to the word Moon, from which ‘month’ is also derived. The counter argument is that since any influence of Moon should be through gravitational effect the relation, if at all there is one, should be with synodic lunar month of 29.5 days where as the average menstrual cycle is only 28 days (Menstruation and the menstrual cycle fact sheet., 2014; Diaz, et al., 2006). Moreover, the orangutan, a nonhuman primate and the elephant shrew, a non-primate mammal, also have menstrual/estrous cycle of same duration. Influence of the moon on menstruation is considered as a myth (Britt, 2009). Obviously, humans are nothing special in this universe, modern science asserts. India has a rich heritage of not only knowledge of astronomy but also of human biology as evidenced by the Atharvaveda, Ayurveda and Garbhopanishad. The concept of kala chakra (time wheel) is applicable to the universe as a whole as well as to all life forms as jivitha chakra(life wheel) or biological cycle. Just as the universe goes through creation and destruction, so also do living beings. The year, month, day, hour, etc., are spokes in the wheel of time; likewise there will be various events which can be considered as spokes in jivitha chakra, with well-defined intervals. Therefore, it is logical to assume that many of our ancients would have been well versed in both, and noticed any and all harmony in the relationship between human biology and astrology, and would have taken these into calculations of time. We attempt to decipher the relation between some aspects of human biology and the movements of astronomical bodies known to the ancients. Since it looks for and identifies links between Jyotisha and biology, with emphasis on Jyotisha, bio-astrology would be an apt name. It may be mentioned here that there already is a discipline called Astrobiology or Bio astronomy which is concerned with the possible existence of extraterrestrial life. We will decipher the relation between some aspects of human biology and the movements of astronomical bodies known to our ancients, thereby establishing bio-astrology as a scientific discipline with its roots firmly founded in India. 8 March 2016

Surya Siddhantha and Time Measurement The Surya Siddhantha is possibly the oldest astronomical treatise, and the oldest of eighteen siddhanthas, written around 400 AD, though it is obvious that the knowledge contained in it can be traced back to before 3000 BC (Sengupta, 1935). The Surya Siddhantha, chapter 1, shlokas 10-11 and chapter XIV, shlokas 1-2 describe nine maanaas (measurements) of time (Pandit Bapudeva Sastri, 1861). Since it states that there are nine maanaas of time, it can be deduced that, for the ancestors, time is an entity which can be measured in different ways. These nine maanaas are: brahma, divya, pitrya, prajapatya, and also that of Jupiter, Sun (solar), earth (terrestrial), Moon (lunar) and nakshatras (stars; sidereal). Of these the brahma, divya, pitrya and prajapatya measurements are not always used. The others are those which can be known, and further divided to murta (apparent, measurable) and amurta (not apparent, not measurable because of smallness or largeness). This makes it clear that the ancestors were fully aware of the regularities in the motion of the various planetary bodies, considered afew as important, and used them for calculation of time. The methods used to calculate these are essentially the same as in modern times. Menstrual Cycle and Lunistellar Cycle Modern science has attempted to correlate menstrual cycle with synodic month lunar cycle, but it remains a fact that other kinds of measurement units can be used . Since Jyotisha is essentially Jyothirvid, i.e., knowledge of the stars, it is reasonable to check how harmonious the menstrual cycle is with reference to both the Moon and the stars. Nakshatrasamaya - sidereal time - takes into consideration the motion of the 27(28) asterisms or lunar mansions. Since the position of the Moon will vary according to the position of the earth in its own orbit, the mansions of the Moon are an effective system for keeping track of the passage of seasons. When the movement of the Moon from one mansion to the other is considered, the lunistellar (sidereal lunar) month is 27.3 days long. The menstrual cycle comes to 28 days on the assumption that the time at which bleeding starts is the same on the first day of every cycle. But, this need not me so. For example, if it starts at, say 7.30pm on day 1 of one cycle, and at 5 am on day 1 of the next cycle, the interval comes to 27.3 days or 10-1 or 1 lunistellar month and it becomes harmonious with lunistellar cycle. No one has researched into such an exact timing of menstrual cycle and, in truth, no woman can know when exactly the uterus starts shedding; she will know only when there is sufficient blood spots on her clothes or external areas which may not be the same in all cycles. In short, human menstrual cycle is in harmony with continued on 17 The astrological emagazine

Astrologically, Dr. R. S. L. Srivastava, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.N.A. Sc.,


HE classics in astrology have given great importance to the 10th house in a natal chart. It is the house of Karma, profession or means of livelihood. It normally falls under the sign in the azimuth at the time and place of one's birth. In Jataka (predictive astrology), special significance is attached to the upachaya houses. The 10th house is one of them; the others are the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th. Planets posited in these houses assume special powers. Since the 10th house, besides being an upachaya, is also a kendra (angle), planets posited in it assume still great importance. While the 3rd house is the significator of courage, younger brothers, neighbours and servants, the 6th house indicates the status in respect of maternal uncle, enemy, litigation and diseases. The 11th house governs elder brother and gains. One who is lucky in respect of these houses gets extra advantage and added strength. Further, if the 10th house is also favourable for him, he is bound to make a mark in life.

Many good articles have appeared in the past on this subject in The Astrological Magazine. This subject is so extensive that it is not possible to do justice to it in a single article. Here we shall attempt to present an environmental approach to the determination of profession from a natal chart in the context of modern times. At this stage it will be worthwhile to remind the readers that our society has been undergoing a continuous change. Therefore, if one applies the rules of the classical texts verbatim without taking into account the social change, he might end up in failure. But The astrological emagazine

that does not mean what is described in those texts is all wrong. The clue to success lies in one's ability to interpret the rules in the context of modern setting. If one correctly understands the environment it should be possible for him to indicate the actual nature and type of the profession as commonly understood today. In the Vedic period the society was divided on

the basis of karma into four classes, viz., the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Vaisyas and the Sudras. The vocation of the Brahmins was to search for the truth and knowledge and pass on the same to the worthy for the benefit of mankind. Since the code of their pursuit required freedom of thought, they were forbidden to be in bondage, or to accept any wages other than what one offered by way of gift or dakshina, out of respect and admiration for the service rendered by them. On the other hand the Sudras were the class of people who were hired for doing the odd jobs, or the ones who engaged themselves in such jobs for a living. The Brahmins could not be hired even by the king. Astrologically, a Brahmin (by profession) therefore must have a strong Jupiterean influence on the 10th house in his horoscope since the environment of Jupiter is associated with all that is virtuous, lofty and ideal. In modern times such an influence of Jupiter on the 10th house would indicate" that the concerned person could be a thinker, a learned scholar, a scientist, a preacher, a preceptor, a judge, a statesman and leader of men. These divisions have finer classifications in terms of various disciplines. March 2016


Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

12 March 2016

The astrological emagazine

An Astrological Guide For

Early Diagnosis of Cancer Disease Prof. P. S. Sastri, m.a., m. Litt., Ph.D.


NE of the deadliest diseases is Cancer. It is a malignant tumour eating a part of the organism and spreading indefinitely. It tends to recur when removed. Its causes are unknown and cure is almost impossible. In its early phase it may be controlled. An astrological analysis of known cases of Cancer can be of help in diagnosing, controlling, and curing of this deadly disease. Wounds and the like come under the 6th house and Virgo. Mars rules over blood and wounds. Bone and joints fall under Capricorn and the 10th house. Kidney refers us to 2° of fixed signs and generally to 10° of Taurus and Scorpio. We can enumerate some other factors as follows: Spine—26th degree of Cancer and Capricorn, 1° of common signs and Saturn; blood—Mars and the Moon; spleen—the Moon and Rahu; Lungs—the 3rd house, Gemini, 4° of Aries and Libra. Cancer proper appears to fall in the opening degrees of Virgo and Pisces. In most cases of Cancer we have to look to Mars, Saturn, the Moon, and the Nodes. Carter, however, states that this disease shows the Sun related to Jupiter and Saturn by sign or aspect; that Neptuhe may take the place of Jupiter and havethe aspect of Mars or Saturn or both; that the Sun is in bad aspect to Mars, Uranus, or Neptune; or that the Moon is afflicted by Venus and Mars in cardinal signs. This is a wide spectrum forcing us not to generalise. Spleen intestines, genitals, lungs, shoulder, throat, uterus, skin, breast, stomach, hip, bone, blood, and tongue are some of the parts invaded by Cancer. Let us study some interesting cases. Chart 1 is that of the late deposed Shah of Iran. Spleen and other parts were affected. The Moon and Rahu conjunct in the 2nd house aspected by Mars, the malefic owner. The Sun is malefically aspected by Saturn conjunct Mars, Jupiter is not involved. Thus Carter's hypothesis falls. Hindu astrology stands vindicated. We do not need the extra-saturnine planets which may have a bearing on other matters. Rahu and the Moon refer to the spleen. The Moon is in the early part of fixed Scorpio aspected by Mars who is conjunct Saturn. The debilitated Sun is The astrological emagazine

afflicted by Saturn. Mark the semi-square between Venus and the Sun and the Sun is in the 12th house as per the equal house system. The sub-period of Saturn in the Moon brought an end to his life. Let us now consider lung Cancer. Lungs come under the 3rd house, Gemini, early degrees of Aries and Libra. Chart 2 is that of a victim of lung Cancer. The lord of the 3rd and the 4th houses is with the Sun aspecting the 6th. The Sun is in the 3rd house. Jupiter is not involved here also. He aspects the 3rd and so does Rahu. Though the 6th house has benefics on eithey side, the 3rd from the Moon has the Sun-Saturn conjunction. Saturn afflicts Lagna also. The disease was diagnosed in Rahu's major period and he died in the Moon's sub-period. Chart 3 is another case. The 3rd house is aspected by Mars who is in the fall of his mulatrikona; and it is also aspected by Saturn who is conjunct Rahu. Here again death came in the Moon's subperiod of Rahu. Carter's observations are again falsified. The Sun, Saturn and Rahu point to the ailment. The Moon and the 3rd house govern the shoulder. Chart 4 is an example of Cancer in the shoulder. The 3rd house is afflicted by Jupiter (lord of the 5th and the 8th), the Moon (lord of the 12th), Rahu, Saturn (lord of the 6th and the 7th) and Mars (lord of. the. 4th and the 9th). Lords of the 3rd and the 12th have exchanged houses, thereby aggravating the results of Saturn's affliction of the Moon. The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury is significant. Here Saturn is also the ruler of the 6th From the Moon we notice Mars in the 6th while the 6th lord is with the Moon aspected by Mars and Rahu. Debilitated Saturn is in the 7th from the Moon. Stomach Cancer comes under the sign owned by the Moon and the 5th house. The Sun and Ketu figure here prominently along with the 6th house. Chart 5th is an example. Here Jupiter and Saturn have exchanged houses. The lord of the 5th is in the 6th aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. The early degree of Pisces is afflicted by Saturn while Jupiter is with Rahu. The Moon as the lord of the 8th is in the 5th with malefics on either side. Chart 6 is March 2016






Sun Moon Mars

Sun Rahu Venus Mars






Mercury Ketu Mercury

Venus Jupiter


Saturn Mandi

Shastras say:

levees ®elegLex efveOeves J³e³es Jee ceoeue³es HeeHe³egle: kegÀpeM®esled~ Devebie ueerueb ÒekeÀjesefle peejw: HeeEle eflejmke=Àl³e efJeueesueves$ee~~ i.e., if Mars accompanied by malefics (here the Sun and the Moon in Amavasya) occupies the Ascendant (or the Chandra Lagna as the case may be), its 4th, 7th or 12th sign, the native develops intimacy with another man discarding her husband. Here Mars is debilitated in the Navamsa and Mars cruelly aspects the 7th house and Saturn, who is the ascendant lord. In Tamil Vemakavi there is an interesting stanza which says that if the 8th house from the weak Moon is occupied by a strong malefic in a female's horoscope, the girl becomes a widow even before attaining puberty. We shquld not interpret this dictum literally these days when marriage is prohibited till a girl is 18 years old. It further states that if Rahu occupies the 8th house from Venus, the girl becomes a widow before the delivery of the child conceived by her (i.e., when she is pregnant). There is a mention in Krishneeyam that if Mandi occcupies the 7th house from Venus, the native becomes a grass-widow. All these combinations are very much present in this unfortunate (?) girl's horoscope. I will close this article after mentioning yet another interesting horoscope. This is the horoscope of the daughter of a millionaire. She has done B.Tech. in Computer Engineering and is said to be good looking and glamourous. Her marriage was arranged by her parents with a boy of equal status, serving abroad. She married him but refused consummation of marriage with him. She neatly and squarely told the boy on the marriage night itself that she has no place for him in her heart and he better leave her and her house and go away before sunrise lest her boy-friend murders him. The boy slipped away quietly out of fear, disillusionment and frustration. The girl, too, eloped with her boy-friend the same night to an unknown destination. Sastras very emphatically say : 24 March 2016

ogäe, HegveYe&t:, megiegCee kegÀuee%ee, K³eelee iegCeewM®eemegj Hetefpele#eesX~ mLeeled keÀeHeìer, keÌueeryemecee meleer ®e yeew Oes iegCee{d³ee- ÒeJekeÀerCe& keÀecee ~~ A girl born in Taurus or Libra ascendant in the Triamsamsa of Mars becomes a rogue and, if such birth were in Saturn Triamsamsa, she discards her husband and elopes with a boy of her own caste. She will be chaste if born in Jupiter Trimsamsa and talented, also if born in Mercury Triamsamsa. Gill born in Venus Triamsamsa of Libra or Taurus ascendant will attain popularity for chastity, character and righteousness. Date of birth: 1 10-1955 at 7-36 hrs. L.M.T. at 80-14 E, 26-27 N. Planetary position: The Sun 164.05°, the Moon 334.56°, Mars 149.0°, Mercury 185.23°, Jupiter 120.06°, Venus 172.02°, Saturn 205.44° and Rahu237.87°, Ascendant 185.93° and Mandi 177.92°. Moon




Sun Saturn




Mars Jupiter Rahu

Mercury Saturn

Sun Venus Mandi




Mandi Ketu

It is seen from the above that debilitated lord of the ascendant and the lord of the 12th house exchange houses. The seventh lord occupies badhakasthana though with Jupiter. Birth was in Saturn Trimsamsa of Venus Rasi. The 12th lord is almost at the cusp of the ascendant. In the Navamsa chart the Sun and Saturn share the 7th Navamsa and Mandi and Ketu indicating her idiosyncracy are in the 11th Navamsa. Astrology is a perfect science. It helps people live a happy life. It is a tool for the achievement of purushartha. Marriage compatibility has immense significance. If the astrologer really applies his mind, while examining horoscopes, he will render a yeomen service to his clients and will help them to lead a happier life. But then the astrologer's responsibilities and duties are immensely great. He cannot afford to fail in the discharge of the duties. It is a profession of responsibility and the good faith placed unto him by his client should not be betrayed. (FOR) The astrological emagazine

Yoga Vashishta - 15*

³eesie Jeeefmeÿ Datta VijayanandaTeertha Swamiji

(Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji, the junior pontiff of Datta Peetham, referred as Bala Swamiji by Datta devotees is born in a traditional Brahmin family on 14th January, 1977 in Mysore. The boy named Harsha Vardhana Sharma had his Vedic education in Sri Ganapathy Sachidananda Veda Patashala. He entered the Mysore Ashram in the year 1985 and studied the Sastras and the Vedas. While serving Guru, he acquired the M.A. degree in Sanskrit. In 1999 he received mantra initiation from His Holiness Sadguru Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji. In 2004 he received the orders to become an ascetic (Sanyasa Deeksha) and was announced as the spiritual successor of Avadoota Datta Peetham on 30th May, 2004. With collosal knowledge of the shastras Sri Swamiji has been interpreting Vedas in simple language to influence many lives. He observes Chaturmasya Deeksha every year. He is also keenly interesed in service to society. In Vijayawada, he has arranged for a shelter for the protection of cows. In Machilipatnam, he has arranged for the free feeding of school children once a month. In Nuzvidu, he has arranged for free food distribution once a week at the Devadeva Datta Kshetra to the children of the orphanage run by Sneha rights. Swamiji has also arranged for these children to be taught bhajans and prayers. In the Chennai Ashram, he has arranged for free food distribution once a week to deaf and mute children. In Eluru, he has arranged for a free meal every week for the elderly who live in Homes for the Aged. In Warangal, he has arranged for free food for youngsters who are HIV positive. At the government school in Gowrishankar Nagar in Mysore, he has arranged for the supply of nutritious food once a week. He has organized for the donation of clothing, school fees, and school supplies for needy children. At the Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashram in Rishikesh, he has arranged for serving free food for 20 ascetics daily. In addition to the above, Sri DattaVijayananda Teertha Swamiji conducts various other social and spiritual activities. In the year 2014 during the sacred period of Chaturmasya Deeksha Sri Bala Swamiji discoursed on the Yoga Vashista. These discourses are brought to you, as a series of articles. Due credit is given to Smt. Hira Duvvuri and Miss Madhu Gopi, both sincere and dedicated devotees of Datta Peetham, for translating and editing the discourses from telugu to english. Yoga Vasishta is one of the greater spiritual texts and is said to be the conversation between Lord Sri Rama and Sage Vasishta. This text goes into much details of the subtle intricacies of the mind and is said to answer all questions that arise in one’s mind.)

Discourse delivered on July 27, 2014 Jaya Guru Datta Sri Ganesaya Namaha, Sri Saraswatyai Namaha/ Sripada Vallabha Narasimha Saraswati, Sri Guru Dattatreyaya Namaha/ Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Sadgurubhyo Namaha// Asato ma Sadgamaya, Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya/ Mrityor ma AmrtamGamaya, Om Santissantissantihi// Yoga Vasishtha Dhyana Slokas Yatassarvāṇi Bhūtāni Pratibhānti Sthitāni Ca Yatraivōpaśamaṁ Yānti Tasmai Satyātmanē     Namaḥ ||

*continued from the February 2016 issue of The AeM The astrological emagazine

Jñātā Jñānaṁ Tathā Jñēyaṁ Draṣṭādarśana Dr̥Śyabhūḥ Kartā Hētuḥ Kriyā Yasmāt Tasmai Jñaptyātmanē     Namaḥ || Sphuranti Sīkarā Yasmāt Ānanandasyāṁbarē Vanau Sarvēṣām Jīvanam Tasmai Brahmānandātmanē     Namaḥ || A couple of days ago (previous issues) we discussed the need for dispassion. We are mistakenly discouraging our children from following the path of knowledge. It is unfortunate that we condone and accept our children staying out late in clubs till past midnight. But we are unwilling to encourage them to follow the path of Dharma and detachment.We are only interested in the children winning the rat race in this world. With Dharma they will certainly succeed in the world. There is no need to worry about it. Yesterday Swamiji told us how important March 2016


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