The Astrological eMagazine March 2020 Preview

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Editor’s Note

Niranjan Babu & Suprajarama Raman Dear Readers, Wishing you all a very happy Ugadi! The powerful cosmic alignment on the day of Ugaadi is undoubtedly at its very best providing significant benefits 2

March 2020

for the entire world. During this auspicious time of the year, with everyone planning their most important life events, let us look at what does Ugadi has in store for you this year. In this edition of March 2020, our chief editor Bangalore

Niranjan Babu shares his knowledge on certain astrological combinations that are indicative (or not indicative) of progeny. As Dr. Raman says no hard and fast rules can be laid for giving out predictions. The review of a horoscope should be holistic The astrological emagazine

and remedies are possible. Good power of judgement is necessary to indicate the results. The strength of planets and their aspects are very important. You can see a few combinations that indicate children or no children. Remedial measures considering the favourable Dasas and Bhuktis (major and minor periods) and the planetary transits can assist the wife in conceiving. It’s great news for the world that Saturn, the slowest of the Vedic planets and the great teacher of wisdom and altruism, is moving to Capricorn on January 24, 2020 to remain until January 17, 2023. Saturn is perhaps the most influential planet of all. Hear it from Lalitha Donatella Riback about the characteristics of Saturn and the transforming power of Saturn. The author offers guiding principles for analysing Saturn’s results while analysing horoscope. A thorough analysis of the impact of Saturn on all the Moon signs and the remedies is offered in the article. Divorce rates are increasing alarmingly across the world. While non-marriage remains extremely rare in India, the number of divorcees has doubled over the past two decades, revealed a report from United Nations. There is no single

The astrological emagazine

reason for this trend. It should be in our best interest to protect this wonderful institution of marriage. Interestingly, Tattvas play a significant role in determining the chances of a divorce. Dr. Nemani Venkata Rao provides great insights on how Lagna, Sun, Moon and 7th Lord’s and their placement in Rasi and its associated Tattvas can impact a marriage. An analysis of 7 charts of couples provides an understanding of how the Tattva principles can be applied and benefit in analysing horoscopes for predicting marital discord. The professions and careers we choose has a significant impact in making us who we are and most importantly determines our financial position. It continues to have an impact as we live, by building our personality daily. Therefore, choosing the right and appropriate profession and planning our career path is extremely critical. Astrology can serve as a great tool to help in identifying the right professions based on inherent strengths and weaknesses of individuals. Most importantly, parents have to show keen interest in helping their child in making such critical decision and support them throughout. Sulakshana Kshirsagar shares her knowledge on how one

can understand and realise the different career possibilities based on Zodiac signs. She also provides insights on suitable Gems one can consider wearing for better career progress. We have heard of Rudraksha, a seed used in performing of prayers. Rudraksha is one of Lord Shiva’s vedic names and Akṣa means ‘teardrops’. Thus, the name means “Lord Rudra’s teardrops.” Wearing Rudraksha offers tremendous benefits to humans – most importantly it helps in maintaining mental and physical balance. However, some amount of confusion prevails around which Rusdraksha one should consider wearing. Dr. E S Neelakantan, in his article provides an overview of the various Rusdrakshas based on the number of faces and the Astrological significance and properties of each Rudraksha. Happy reading to you all. Please do share your comments or feedback at info@ We would be happy to hear from you.

Raman Suprajarama Senior Editor, The Astrological eMagazine

March 2020


Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu Senior Editor Raman Suprajarama The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/ material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu 201 D, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bengaluru-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

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Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ? 2020


C o n t e n t s

Pg No.

Editor's Note Niranjan Babu & Suprajarama Raman


Raman Suprajarama Science and Significance of Ugadi 2020


Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji Words of Wisdom


Bangalore Niranjan Babu Planets, Progeny and Parihara


Lalitha Donatella Riback Powerful Saturn in Capricorn for all Signs


Sulakshana Kshirsagar Tread the Right Career Path With the Power of Astrology


Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao The Role of Tattvas in Divorces


Dr. E S Neelakantan Rudraksha - The Eye of Rudra Its Benefits and More


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for March 2020


Varahamihira This Month (March 2020) for You


The Astrological eMagazine Ephemeris for March 2020


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March 2020

The astrological emagazine


Science and Significance of Ugadi 2020 | Raman Suprajarama

Ugadi begins on March 24, 2020 at 2.06 pm, for Ujjain. The festival can be celebrated on March 25. The name of the Samvatsara is Sharvari.

Significance of Ugadi Ugadi is the beginning of the Vedic year. In 2020, Ugadi is celebrated on March 25. Ugadi is a combination of two words “yug” which meaning union and “aadi” meaning foremost, first, beginning etc. It is a supreme union that occurs every year and Chaitra masa begins on this day. The legend goes that on this day of Ugadi, Lord Brahma initiated creation of Earth on this day. The day also marks beginning of spring season, signifying a new beginning for a fresh start. Ugadi has much more significance and benefits for human beings, considering the planetary movements that time.

Powerful planetary alignment on Ugadi The cosmic alignment on the day of Ugadi is extremely powerful. It has a special significance. The astrological emagazine

Three most important changes happen on this day. 1. Earth doesn’t really move in circular motion. It moves in elliptical motion. During the time of Ugadi, the distance between the Sun and Earth is at an average distance, which means it is neither too far nor too close. This also means that the rays of Sun fall uniformly over the surface of the Earth, which has tremendous benefits for humans. 2. Because of this unique placement of Earth and Sun, the day and night are at equal length of time, leading to a harmonious balance of energies – kinetic and potential energies – during the day. 3. The axis on which the Earth revolves around the Sun is actually tilted and not straight. Because of this, the equatorial planes of Earth and Sun are not generally in perfect alignment to each other. On the day of Ugadi, the equatorial planes of both Sun and Earth come in perfect alignment. This is a significant placement that leads to harmony in nature.

Hence the word Ugadi, meaning the Foremost Union. This is the time of the year where a perfect union of day and night, kinetic and potential energies, equatorial planes and distances of the Sun and the Moon, occur.

Impact and benefits of this day Every living being on planet Earth can benefit from this powerful cosmic alignment. We don’t need to actually see muhurtha on this day to perform any celebration. Benefits of this planetary alignment are many. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Spiritual progress Physical progress Mental progress Materialistic progress – good time to plan and achieve material gains

Astrological Significance of Ugadi 2020 In 2020, Ugadi begins at around 2:06 pm on March 24, 2020. Since Ugadi begins in the afternoon, we observe the festival on the next day. March 2020


Words of Wisdom by Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji

A devotee, truly speaking, is an incarnation of devotion. Just as fire cannot be separated from wood, similarly, a true devotee is not separate from the object of his devotion – the Lord. The astrological emagazine

March 2020



March 2020

The astrological emagazine


Planets, Progeny and Parihara |Bangalore Niranjan Babu

As father Dr. B. V. Raman always said, Jyothisha is indicative. It is not fatalistic and deterministic. This article gives certain astrological combinations that are indicative (or not indicative) of progeny. As Dr. Raman says no hard and fast rules can be laid for giving out predictions. The review of a horoscope should be holistic and remedies are possible. Good power of judgement is necessary to indicate the results. The strength of planets and their aspects are very important. Let us now see a few combinations that indicate children or no children. Remedial measures considering the favorable Dasas and Bhuktis (major and minor periods) and the planetary transits can assist the wife in conceiving.

The astrological emagazine

March 2020



Powerful Saturn in Capricorn for all Signs |Lalitha Donatella Riback

It’s great news for the world that Saturn, the slowest of the Vedic planets and the great teacher of wisdom and altruism, is moving to Capricorn on January 24, 2020 to remain until January 17, 2023. Saturn is perhaps the most influential planet of all. The article provides in-depth insight on the characteristics of Saturn and the transforming power of Saturn. The author gives guiding principles for analysing Saturn’s results while analysing horoscope. To learn the thorough analysis of the impact of Saturn on all the Moon signs and the remedies, read through the complete article.

The Return of Saturn in Capricorn

Italian born Lalitha Donatella Riback holds a B.A. in Vedic Art and Science and is a certified Vedic astrologer. She’s the author of a book on Vedic astrology, manifesting and consciousness, “Bliss Lab: How the Ancient Yogis Acquired Supernormal Powers and How You Can Too,” rated on Amazon #1 in Eastern Astrology, and #2 in Astrology categories. Additionally, Lalitha is a certified yoga teacher, Reiki master, Ayurvedic consultant and a licensed life coach in New York, USA. Website: Contact:


March 2020

The return of Saturn to Capricorn indicates both his journey in his own sign, and in the 10th natural house of work duties, royal patronage, paternal happiness, fame and career achievements. Also, Saturn is perhaps the most influential planet of all.

brings some lethargy and fear. But this black celestial being also helps you commit to your dharma, through maturity, dedication and compassion for those who are often the most neglected and unfortunate in our society: the disabled, the poor, and the elderly.

Saturn’s power to transform your life

In fact, he is capable of completely redesigning your life, for good or for worse, and only humility, perseverance and charity will ensure that you’ll be rewarded for your hard work.

Saturn’s power makes even more sense when we think of the “Bhrigu Saral Paddati”, believed to stem from the school of the great Maharishi Bhrigu.

This is due to his deeper qualities, as Saturn is powerful yet tamasic, meaning that he

This text provides additional principles for analyzing Saturn’s results through the birth chart.

The astrological emagazine


Tread the Right Career Path With the Power of Astrology | Sulakshana Kshirsagar

The professions and careers we choose has a significant impact in making us who we are and most importantly determines our financial position. It continues to have an impact as we live, by building our personality daily. Therefore, choosing the right and appropriate profession and planning our career path is extremely critical. Astrology can serve as a great tool to help in identifying the right professions based on inherent strengths and weaknesses of individuals. Most importantly, parents have to show keen interest in helping their child in making such critical decision and support them throughout. Read the complete article to understand the different career possibilities based on Zodiac signs and suitable Gems one can consider wearing for better career progress.

The world we live in

Sulakshana Kshirsagar is a renowned Astrologer, Gemologist and Vastu Consultant based in Pune, India. She is an expert practitioner, celebrated speaker, she has been a guiding light for over individuals and various businesses. She has successfully managed to consult around 15,000 individuals based in India, America, UK, Dubai, Singapore, Canada and Sri Lanka.


March 2020

In the world of digitization and fast pace, coping up with the competition is surely a task. Any field you belong to or any profession you choose to work in, there rest a fear of losing or someone outperforming you or someone even backstabbing you without even knowing. The time has come for one to start taking careers seriously! Television and Digital Content Platforms are influencing children at such a pace, they end up being confused between the reality and the aspirations. They get dogged between the influential/ aspirational career options and the actual/

practical career options which is correct for them looking at their capabilities and aptitude. Majority of people face several issues even after following their desired careers and positions in their favourite stream. There are a few aspects which are surrounding us from the day we exist on the Earth. That unseen energy or powers destines us for being someone and something which we might ignore. The Astrological guidance does help you in choosing what you are meant for, keeping your likes and dislikes intact. How cool will it be if we could predict our future and go with the stream that is meant and right for us? Let’s find out how.

The astrological emagazine


The Role of Tattvas in Divorces | Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao

Divorce rates are increasing alarmingly across the world. While non-marriage remains extremely rare in India, the number of divorcees has doubled over the past two decades, revealed a report from United Nations. There is no single reason for this trend. It should be in our best interest to protect this wonderful institution of marriage. Interestingly, Tattvas play a significant role in determining the chances of a divorce. This article provides great insights on how Lagna, Sun, Moon and 7th Lord’s and their placement in Rasi and its associated Tattvas can impact a marriage. An analysis of 7 charts of couples provides an understanding of how the Tattva principles can be applied and benefit in analysing horoscopes for predicting marital discord.

Tattvas and its relevance

Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao is from Parvatipuram (Near Vizag), India and lives in San Francisco, USA. Dr. Raghunatha Rao has been practicing Vedic Astrology since 2002. With a doctorate in Business Management by profession, he considers H. Ramadas Rao, Pt. Sanjay Rath, Pt. Dakshinamoorthy Ramasamy and Swami Omkar as his Jyotish Teachers. Dr. Rao has recently received Jyotish Visharada from Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA), USA.

A conflict in married life may be due to various reasons and the marital discord stems from the affliction of Grahas, Lagna, 7th House, 7th Lord, Upapada Lagna, Dara Pada or other astrological reasons suggested by our Rishis, which I wrote earlier in great detail. Now, I am going back to the basics taught by Parasara Maharishi. Parasara taught us five Tattvas or basic elements such as 1) The Sky (Akash), 2) Air or wind (Vayu), 3) Fire or Energy (Agni), 4) Water (Jala) and 5) Earth (Prithvi) in increasing order of density or grossness. These

The astrological emagazine

Tattvas- Agni (Fire), Prithvi (Earth), Vayu (Air) and Jala or Aapa (Water) are associated with Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer respectively and then repeat again for the remaining of the Rasis of Kala Purusha Chakra. In this paper, I will take four key pointers from a married couple’s charts, such as: Lagna, Sun, Moon and 7th Lord’s and their placement in Rasi and its associated Tattvas and map them with the following principles to determine what may have caused tensions in married life leading to divorce. I have used the following pointers and illustrated the principles with seven married couple charts to demonstrate its application.

March 2020



Rudraksha - The Eye of Rudra Its Benefits and More | Dr. E S Neelakantan

As we know Rudraksha is a seed used in performing of prayers. Rudraksha is one of Lord Shiva’s vedic names and Akṣa means ‘teardrops’. Thus, the name means “Lord Rudra’s teardrops.” Wearing Rudraksha offers tremendous benefits to humans – most importantly it helps in maintaining mental and physical balance. However, some amount of confusion prevails around which Rusdraksha one should consider wearing. This article provides an overview of the various Rusdrakshas based on the number of faces and the Astrological significance and properties of each Rudraksha.

What is Rudraksha?

Dr. E S Neelakantan was born on 5th August, 1967 in Kannimangalam Village, Palakkad District, Kerala. He graduated in Statistics from Loyola College, Chennai in the year 1987 with distinction. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in the year 1992. Dr E S Neelakantan developed interest in Astrology by reading the works of Dr. B V Raman. He learnt Astrology in a formal way under Prof. K V Seshadrinatha Sastri, and for his thesis on Medical Astrology, he was awarded Ph.D., by Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram, in 2005. He is a recipient of the “Nostradamus Award” instituted by Express Star Teller for his accurate forecasts. He is the author of a textbook on “ Asktakavarga” in which he has lucidly brought out the fundamental principles of the ashtakavarga system of prediction.

The astrological emagazine

The Rudraksha tree grows mainly in the Gangetic Plain of Himalayas and in Nepal. It is also found in South East Asian countries (like Indonesia), Hawaii and in the Australian continent. In India this tree is also found in West Bengal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. In Tamil Nadu one can see this tree in the famous Sim’s Park in Coonoor, a popular holiday resort. Rudraksha means eye of Rudra. Legend says it was born out of a single tear of Lord Rudra. The Rudraksha is also used as a garland – with 108 beads in number usually – for the purpose of repetitive prayer (Japa) as well as meditation. Rudraksha

is believed to have magnetic properties (as it aligns to North – South direction always) and is said to have medicinal value and is believed to control hypertension. Rudraksha tree is generally fast growing, bearing fruit in about four years.

The size of Rudraksha Rudraksha of any size is equally powerful. But according to Jabalopanishad, Rudraksha of the size of Gooseberry (Amla Fruit) is most powerful, size of Ber (or Badariphalam) is moderately powerful and of the size of chickpea (or Chana) is least powerful. This view is endorsed by Shiva Purana which states that the power of Rudraksha varies inversely with its size.

March 2020


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