Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number
3 Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi
Hindu Astrology, The Eye of Knowledge
7 Remove Destructive Energy from your Home and Office
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Predictive Astrology
23 Chief Editor visits
United States of America
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Astrology & Appendicitis
Navaratri 27 The Planetary Garland &
Planets & Inferiority Complex
for October 2014 The astrological emagazine
29 October 2014
MY TURN Hindu Astrology, The Eye of Knowledge* Dr. B. V. Raman
nderstanding the various branches of ancient wisdom is necessary so that the world may steer clear of the dangers of materialism and spiritual degradation. For over 50 years, I have consistently spoken against the dogmatic scienticism of our age, because of which holistic understanding of the universe was ignored, and the growth of human knowledge was hindered. India's heritage sees religion, philosophy, art and science as harmoniously integrated around human life and emanating from a common fountainhead. Nearly 5.000 years ago, the Hindus had attained proficiency in a variety of branches of knowledge-both secular and spiritual. Astronomers could assess the age and expanse of the universe in figures that remarkably agree with those of today. They were not only savants of laws of movements of celestial bodies, but also could formulate moral and spiritual laws corresponding to these physical laws. Astronomy was seen as but the means to the development of astrology, built upon the concept that human life is inseparably and intimately allied to the multifarious movements of the cosmos. Parasar's Suryasiddhanta, the literary pole star of Hindu astronomy regarded by scholars as at least 5,000 years old. declares jyotisha to be the most important limb of the Veda, constituting the eye of knowledge-divine, pure, supreme, secret and exalted knowledge. The Vedic seers believed that the universe, or brahmanda, is the result of evolution, of the creative power inherent in the primordial Being, and therefore that it is intelligent and non-mechanical in character. The physical aspect of the universe, or macrocosm, has its counterpart in the physical aspect of the individual pindanda. or microcosm. Therefore, change occuring in the universe must have its repercussion on the individual. Astrology and karma are interrelated, and astrology is said to help a man through the various vicissitudes of life. Astrological predictions are tendencies of nature in the way towards fulfillment or manifestation, and we can *Hinduism Today, December 1992 **Hinduism Today, December 1996 The astrological emagazine
either strengthen or weaken their momentum in the de sired direction by recourse to suitable remedial measures prescribed in ancient astrological books. In the ordinary man, freewill is not very strong. His actions in life will, therefore, correspond to a very large extent, to the forecast given by his horoscope. But in those of great spiritual development, there will be some variation, even though the general pattern will remain. Since sages give importance to human volition, and since certain afflictions in the horoscope can be offset by human effort and other palliatives, absolute determinism is ruled out in astrology. There are many points where a psychological or emotional cause can be interrupted before it manifests in material consequences. That is the difference between fatalism and freewill. The sages laid down qualifications for the astrologer which, judged by modern standards, are rigorous. He should have no mean motive, be pure in thought, word and deed, should have proper initiation from a qualified guru, and be actuated by a sense of service. He should possess creative or inferential ability. The real secrets of astrology should be taught only to those few deserving and trusted disciples capable of using the science only for the good of mankind. We Need the Vedas More Than Ever** We have to recognize that all intelligible reality space, time and matter is an aspect of intellig ent consciousness. But in the Western or modern sciences, we specialize and compartmentalize, we grasp aspects of reality in isolation space, time, matter, mind, morality, art, history. In each sphere we find order, but each sphere shows itself to be incomplete and to have "ragged edges" that imply other realities necessary to give meaning to it. The mind begins to look for a total synthesis that can make the universe as a whole meaningful and self-explanatory. As the great Aurobindo says, "The Vedas and Upariishads are not
October 2014
Vastu Tips Remove Destructive Energy from your Home and Office Bangalore Niranjan Babu
astu lays emphasis on the Pancha bhutas (primary elements) water, fire, space, air and earth. Communication is, a very important aspect of every habitation, be it human or divine.
Is there harmony when two people or a group of people are conversing with each other? Do the communicating partners enjoy the conversations between each other? Is there constant argument between them? Where are they and you seated? Communication is a game of words. When the game is smooth communication does make its mark on the other. Business deals snap. Family decisions are harmonious and an energy of comfort remains in the habitation though the words spoken are not seen. Make this harmonious energy gather and work positively in your habitation. Follow these four commandments. 1. Open your windows When ventilation in and out is good, communication becomes worthwhile. Air entering into our business/residence home creates the life energy for things to happen positively. This can help youngsters trying to pursue their education or their jobs abroad. Like the human nostril, windows should bring in good energy and take out bad energy.
Have ventilators on the top of windows to push out not only the warm air but also negative energies. The morning energy coming into the habitations is very special in that it only betters communication but also keeps the health and harmony among the residents good. 2. Keep Your Rooms Clean Dust and litter in rooms create negative energies. Never make them accumulate in the room – corners, against walls, in shelves, on and below tables, computer and televisions screens, on the doors and windows and never on the mirrors. Many a time dust accumulates to such an extent that spiders form webs releasing great negative energy into the rooms. This could result in lethargy, improper thinking and excessive suspicion. The astrological emagazine
October 2014
Santana Tithi Planets, Pregnancy and Remedies* Jayasree Saranathan
With a Masters degree in astrology, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched her perception of astrology.
antana tithi is calculated by deducting 5 times the Sun’s longitude from 5 times the Moon’s longitude. This can be written as follows:
Santana Moon – Santana Sun = Santana tithi. Santana tithi falling in Krishna Paksha, in tithis such as 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th and New-Moon days and in Vishti and fixed karanas namely Shakuni, Chatushpada, Nagava and Kimstugna causes delays or deters the birth of children. When the paksha, tithi and karana are good for both the husband and wife, progeny is assured. A sample case of a couple having strong Santana tithi is given below. They were blessed with three children. Husband Moon: 295.455; Santana Moon: 1477.275; Sun: 145.316; Santana Sun: 726.58; Santana tithi = 30.695 degrees. SuklaPaksha, Tritiya tithi, Garakarana. Wife Moon: 219.416; Santana Moon: 1097.08; Sun: 212.493; Santana Sun: 1062.465; Santana tithi = 34.615 degrees. SuklaPaksha, Tritiya tithi, Garakarana. Both of them have the same Santana tithi features – all positive, though the husband was born on SuklaTrayodasi and the wife on SuklaPratipat. Birth in SuklaPaksha has always favoured Santana tithi except however on certain degrees that haveVishtikarana. Following are the degrees of Vishtikarana which must be noted while checking Santana tithi degree.
*Part I of the article has appeared in the September 2014 issue of The Astrological eMagazin The astrological emagazine
Vishti in SuklaPaksha The 2nd half of the 4th tithi = 42 to 48 degrees. The 1st half of the 8th tithi = 84 to 90 degrees. The 2nd half of the 11th tithi = 126 to 132 degrees. The 1st half of Full Moon = 168 to 174 degrees. Vishti in Krishna Paksha The 2nd half of the 3rd tithi = 210 to 216 degrees. The 1st half of the 7th tithi = 252 to 258 degrees. The 2nd half of the 10th tithi = 294 to 300 degrees. The 1st half of 14th tithi = 336 to 342 degrees. Remedy for Vishti Karana For Vishtikarana, the cause of childlessness is some harm done to serpents. For Santana tithi in SuklaPakshaVishti, the curse of the serpents is recent. For Krishna PakshaVishti, the curse is old. For all the 8 cases of Vishtikarana as mentioned aboveSarpa Bali must be performed. Devotional music concerts must be arranged in temples where Nagas (serpents) are worshiped. The following are recommended for Santana tithi in Vishtikarana:Remedy for all Karanas including Sthira Karanas Recital of PurushaSukta and worship of Lord Krishna Vishti in 4th tithi of Sukla Paksha Worship of Lord Ganesha and Nagaraja. Vishti in 8th tithi of Sukla Paksha Worship of Lord Krishna and japa of Krishna Mula mantra. (Om KleemKrishnayaNamaha) Vishti in 11th tithi of Sukla Paksha Fasting on Ekadashi and worship of Lord Narayana. October 2014
Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji
12 October 2014
The astrological emagazine
The Planetary Garland R. S. Maniam This year Navaratri (9 nights dedicated to Goddess Durga) begins on the 24th September.The Lunar month of Aswayuja commences at Delhi with lagna rising at 18º 24” Scorpio and Sagittarius Navamsa.
Moon Sund
Navamsa Jupiter Venus Ascdt.
Rahu Mercury Mars
This period is considered to be of great spiritual strength, as planets forma garland (grahamaalika)– 8 planets that include Rahu (but exclude Ketu) are placed between Cancer and Scorpio – Jupiter exalted in Cancer, Venus in Leo, Moon, Sun and Rahu in Virgo, exalted Saturn in Libra with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio while Ketu (planet of intuition) is in Pisces. Jupiter is in a movable sign (chararasi) – Cancer and Mars in a fixed sign (sthirarasi) – Scorpio while Ketu is a common sign (ubayarasi) – Pisces. These three planets form a garland of trines. Mars is in 5th from Jupiter, while Ketu is in the 5th from Mars while Jupiter is in the 5th from Ketu. Exalted Jupiter aspects Mars (5th) and Ketu (9th). Mars will be in the constellation of the Mahanakshatra Anuradha while Ketu (moksha planet) will be in the constellation Revati (the star of emancipation). This phase has a great spiritual significance with two planets – Jupiter and Saturn – in exaltation. Such a combination is next possible 617 years later – in 2631. The Navamsa chart also tells us that Sun and Moon occupy the last sign of the zodiac Pisces which is the house of Jupiter and is indicative of benefic Jupiter influence over the zodiac. Readers are advised to make use of this very powerful spiritual period in prayer to Devi. DurgaSaptashati (or parts of it) can be recited daily. If possible, abhisekham (water) to Devi, can also be donesince the planets having trinal aspects – Jupiter, Mars and Ketu – are all placed in jalatatwa rasis - watery signs. The abhisekham water (with the added strength of the chants) can be consumed as theertham and also used for bathing. The nectar of spirituality will flow as the watery signs are fully charged with metaphysical strength. May the Divine Mother’s blessings be always on you!
The astrological emagazine
October 2014
Mr. Niranjan Babu gets the sacred BhugarbhaVinyasa event done for the upcoming Shirdi Sai Temple at Plano, Texas, USA.