The aem october 2015 preview

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Mundane Affairs & Jupiter’s transit into Leo

Swami Dayananda Saraswati A Reverential Homage

Prayers to God Many implore God’s intervention to secure a job, to provide an offspring, or even to help in finding a match for their son or daughter. However, one must be wise when praying to God. Sri Adi Shankaracharya pointed out that one must implore God to help remove one’s ego and develop humility. No one can lay a claim to omniscience except God - ve efn meJe&: meJe¥ peeveeefle. God alone is omniscient. Expressing his humility, Bhartruhari said, “I once thought I knew everything. Now as I gain knowledge from elders, I realize that I knew naught back then.” The Shastras urge a rich man to realize that there will be men richer than him and be humble despite his wealth. A poor man must realize that there will be men poorer than himself, and be satisfied with his status. Hence one must never feel that he is superior to everyone else. Despite speaking at length, and listening to such teachings, we do not seem to shed our ego. Hence pray to God for removing your ego. The second prayer is to stop desires from springing up in the mind and be content with what one has. Bhagavan says in the Gita:

³eЮíeueeYemevlegä: ÜvÜeleerlees efJecelmej: ~ mece: efme×eJeefme×ew ®e iegCeeleerle: me G®³eles ~~ Bhagavan uses the term, “³eЮíeueeYemevlegä:” to signify that one must be content with one whatever receives, and not approach others and hanker after everything. A man who lacks contentment will not be happy. The third prayer is to help us cultivate compassion. The fourth prayer is to help one cross the ocean of Samsara: the cycle of births and deaths. Such must be your prayers: to remove ego, desires, to cultivate compassion and to cross the ocean of Samsara. May everyone pray thus and attain Shreyas.

Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Number



Rambles in Astrological Thoughts – 9


Words of Wisdom




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& 15

Effects of Mars-Saturn Conjunction


11 17

Brihat Jataka &

the Veeryothkata Principle

Challenge of Nadi-Literature-III

PANCHANGA for October 2015

This Month for You The astrological emagazine


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Swami Dayananda Saraswati A Reverential Homage

October 2015


Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers.

HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveeref<eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~ Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?


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The Science of Dreams

The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher

Rambles in Astrological Thoughts – 9


Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji


Prabhir Chatterjee Combinations for Astrologers


A Correspondent 9

R. S. Maniam Mundane Affairs & Jupiter’s transit into Leo


P. Damodaran Nair, M.A. Effects of Mars-Saturn Conjunction


Surendran Brihat Jataka & the Veeryothkata Principle


Niranjan Babu Bangalore 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864

Dr. R. Naga Raja Sarma, M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. B. V. Raman Endowment Lecture


Swami Dayananda Saraswati - A Reverential Homage


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for October 2015


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for October 2015


Challenge of Nadi Literature-III


Report by Kalyan


2 October 2015

This Month for You October 2015


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka


The astrological emagazine

Words of Wisdom Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji

6 October 2015

The astrological emagazine

Combinations for

Astrologers Prabhir Chatterjee


RATIONAL AND research-oriented approach to the complicated and much debated issue of combinations for astrologers is made in this article. Diverse opinions on the significator (Karaka) of astrology have rendered the issue far from clear. It would be worthwhile to look up what our ancient classics say in this regard. According to Brihat Parasara Hora (Chap. 9, SI. 91), if Ketu occupies the lagna, the 5th, the 9th or the Karakamsa, the native becomes an expert in mathematics and astrology. Venkata Sharma in his Sarvartha Chintamani (SI. 35) observes as follows: If Mercury and the lord of the 2nd house are strongly placed in a kendra, or if Venus combines with a benefic in the 2nd or the 3rd, or if exalted Venus occupies the 2nd, the native becomes an astrologer.

As regards Karaka among planets, Rahu, being the planet of speculation, plays a major role in the birth-charts of astrologers. The idiosyncracy of an astrologer, is of course, guided by the planet wielding the greatest influence in his nativity. An astrologer, for example, with the Sun predominant, will take to political astrology with a special flair for the horoscopes of the heads of states. One having a powerful Mercury will have a flair for the mathematical side of astrology and skill in snap-shot predictions. As astrologer with Venus as the ruling planet will specialise in female horoscopy with a taste for marital prospects in a nativity. There is no denying the fact that Mercury and the 2nd house should be strongly disposed in the horoscopes of astrologers. Chart 1 is of the late N.C. Lahiri, an astronomer. Moon

In the English translation of Bhavartha Ratnakara by Dr. B. V. Raman, the Chapter on education gives some combinations for astrologers as follows :


If Mercury is in the 4th, the person becomes proficient in astrology — Stanza 1.


If the Sun, Mercury and Rahu be in the 5th, the native becomes learned in astrology — Stanza 2.

Chart 1



Ascdt. Jupiter Rahu Mars Sun Mercury

The person becomes well-versed in astrology if the Sun and Mercury are in the 2nd. He becomes a mathematician if this combination is aspected by Saturn — Stanza 3.

Mercury is very strongly placed in the 4th in his exaltation and Moolatrikona sign, along with the Sun. The 2nd lord, the Moon, is Vargottama and well-placed in the 11th.

The 3rd, the 6th, the 8th and the 12th are called the hidden houses. The 8th and the 12th in particular bear much esoteric significance and deal with extra-sensory perception as well as paranormal capacities which elude and surpass ordinary intelligence. Therefore, it is quite plausible to associate intuitive studies such as astrology, Yoga, Tantra etc., with the 8th and the 12th houses. This has been verified by the study of a number of horoscopes of astrologers and experts following different methods of divination.

The lagna is the pivot of the horoscope and the inclination of the native is indicated by (a) the house occupied by the lagna lord and (b) by the lordship of the planet or planets occupying or aspecting the lagna. Apart from lagna, the 5th (representing mind) and the 10th (representing work) are to be treated as equal in importance for the purpose of determination of occupation. For example, if the lord of the 5th is in the 12th (the 8th from the 5th) or if the lord of the 10th is in the 5th (8th from the 10th) the influence of the 8th house may be said to arise. It should be borne

The astrological emagazine

October 2015






A Correspondent


ODERN Science is yet in an infant stage. It has not probed into the mysteries of life and death. Its discoveries and inventions have been confined to dead matter. The ancient hindus on the other hand, always kept before their minds, the harmony that should exist between the physical on the one side and the mental and the spiritual on the other. What is man ? Man is a product of matter, mind and spirit. To discard all previous knowledge, handed over to us by the ancient Maharshis, is the height of folly. It is a fashion with the modern educated men to banish all former knowledge and brand it as the product of superstitious thinking. Nature which did not yield its vast treasures to the thousands of wise men, who lived in the past times, although they spent then-whole lives in the researches of natural phenomena, would not of course yield her fruits to the spasmodic and ill-directed investigations of a few hundreds. The investigations and conclusions of modern science have always to be taken with due reserve and never as conclusive. Dreams have always been a fascinating subject of study, which as usual, the scientists discarded as of no importance. They said that dreams are nothing but mental hallucinations. We shall show, in the course of this article, what dreams are from a rational point of view and why it is necessary for the psychologist as well as the astrologer, to carry on investigation into this interesting and useful subject. Most of us pass about a third of our lives in the sleeping stage. Every day we sleep for something

The astrological emagazine

like 8 hours. And if we have experienced thoughts or feelings during that dark span, we shall remember those experiences on awaking, as a series of more or less phantasies. Whether it is physiology or psychology it becomes incomplete without an account of sleep. The rise of psychoanalysis has to a certain extent, forced psychologists to turn their attention to dreams. But the pioneers of this modern dream analysis have been medical investigators, such as Freud, Jung and Adler. Sleep and dreams still remain the field of the occultists i.e., those bold spirits who are prepared to see life as a whole and are not afraid to look at things with an unflinching eye. Man is composed of (1) a physical body, (2) a mental body, and (3) a spiritual body. The physical body serves during the day as an apparatus for becoming acquainted with and acting upon, the world of objects. In short, the physical body is one with the physical world. Man's mental body enables him to utilise the impressions of the past. In its passive aspect, it can roam over the vast fields of past experience. In its active state, it can bring about new combinations, which may materialise in the future. Man also possesses feelings such as joy and sorrow and these are experienced by a living unity. This 'astral' body works in conjunction with the physical body, but yet it is distinguishable from the former. All the activities of man are finally controlled by the causal body, the ego of the psychologists. Psychologists are agreed that consciousness is not a separate entity, but a mode or system of relationships between units. October 2015


Mundane Affairs & R. S. Maniam With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficieny in astrology, Mr. Maniam is a Medical Officer by profession. He has been honoured by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba and been the winner of the Nostradamus Award in 2010. He has had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai District, South India, Mr. Maniam, with an experience of over 25 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Raman’s books, later having studied under Mr. Muthuratina Bharathi.


upiter entered the fire sign Leo on 14th July 2015 and will be there till 11th August 2016. He enters his friend Sun’s sign.This can be considered a positive transit of Jupiter. However, the positivity reduces because with the transit, Jupiter will not aspect transit Saturn. Instead, Jupiter will receive the 10th aspect of Saturn Jupiter will only aspect Saturn when Jupiter moves to Cancer again on 19th October 2025. This indicates the world will be under Saturn’s influence for next ten years. Phases of Jupiter transit in Leo The benefic aspect of Jupiter will be reduced to a great extent due to the following reasons:

 Jupiter receives 10th aspect of Saturn from Scorpio.  Jupiter is further afflicted when Rahu moves to Leo on 9th January 2016.  From 9th January 2016 onwards Jupiter’s strength is further weakened since Saturn will aspect not only Jupiter but also Rahu. The exact conjunction of Rahu/Jupiter occurs in the last navamsa of Leo in the constellation of Uttara (1stquarter) in the navamsa of Sagittarius. Thus the conjunction of Jupiter/Rahu is likely to be fiery since in both rasi and navamsa, they will be in a fiery sign. In navamsa the conjunction will be in Sagittarius under Saturn’s affliction. As Jupiter moves forward from Leo, two years – Manmatha and Durmukha pass by. Manmatha is middling while Durmukha is baneful. Brihat Samhita (English translation by Prof. M. Ramakrishna Bhat) tells us that In the Magha year of Jupiter, people would worship the manes (and parents and elders) with greater devotion, and all beings would enjoy happiness and contentment as wellas sound health. There would be good rains and good prices for corn; and people would live with greater amity and cordiality.According to the sage the year of Magha would be notable for treaties among rulers. Jupiter’s transit in Leo will be conducive for good relations among nations. (Jupiter rose in the constellation of Magha after conjunction with Sun on 27th August 2015.) Mundane Significance Leo, ruled by Sun, is a hot and positive sign. It is a fixed sign and indicates rulers, government and the ruling parties. Royalty and monarchy are associated with this sign. In mundane matters, the sign represents a country’s official religion, its ideology and beliefs, administrative bodies, monetary systems and policies, governing laws, diplomatic relations and ambassadors.

The astrological emagazine

October 2015


& Surendran


HE FOLLOWING dictum from Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira is an oft-quoted one:

Hora swamigurujnaveekshithayutha nanyaischa veeryothkata.

Two factors, one positive and the other negative, may be conceived for comprehending, the Veeryothkata principle formulated in the above dictum : (1) The influence of the planet ruling the Ascendant, Jupiter or Mercury on the Ascendant by way of conjunction or aspect. (2) The influence of any other planet on the Ascendant through conjunction or aspect. The former factor, in the absence of the latter one, renders the ascendant Veeryothkata or very strong. In other words, the above factors are Veerya bestowing and Veerya inhibiting factors respectively. The planets also can, accordingly, be classified. While Jupiter, an absolute benefic and Mercury, a conditional benefic are Veerya bestowers, the other absolute benefic and conditional benefics, namely, Venus and the Moon respectively fall in the other group along with the malefics Sun, Mars and Saturn. The virtually synonymous words Veerya and Bala (strength) are used in the present article to denote the strength implied by the Veeryothkata principle and the same quantitatively arrived at by bhava bala computation respectively, so as to distinguish one from the other and to facilitate our discussion. Similarly 'influence' means influence by virtue of occupation or aspect only. Various attempts, by way of commentary, explanation, clarification and cross references, have been made to expand the group of Veerya bestowers by accommodating other benefics and rulers of benefic bhavas or houses in general and Venus in particular, but none to explain the exclusion of Venus from this group by the great Acharya. After attributing the Veerya bestowing potential to the ruler of the ascending sign, Jupiter and Mercury, in the same breath, so to say, he categorically denies the same to all others by the generalised wording nanyaih cha — "and not by others". Hence the induction of Venus in the The astrological emagazine

Veerya bestower group goes against the very spirit of the text. In fact, the problem, if any, is not, as will be seen in due course, with the non-inclusion of Venus in the first group but with the inclusion of both Venus and the Moon in the second group along with the malefics. The following points may be borne in mind while examining the Veeryothkata principle. This principle is not for just assessing the strength of the ascendant but for ascertaining whether the strength is of a superlative order (Veeryothkata) or not. The apparently qualitative Veeryothkata principle has reference to the qualitative evaluation of bhava bala or the strength of the house, the details of which we are not entering into. The lagna bala is determined by the following three factors: (1) Numerical strength of the planet ruling the sign in which the lagna mid-point falls. (2) Some of the inherent characteristics of the above sign. (3) Aspects and conjunctions the above sign is subjected to. The lagna bala is the first factor modified successfully by the second and third factors, whereas lagnaveerya is the effect of the third factor in isolation. The thrust on the third factor with the virtual exclusion of the other two implies that lagnaveerya can take care of the lagna even if the lagna lord is weak and/or the characteristics of lagna rasi or the ascendant sign are disadvantageous. The Veeryothkata principle, though specifically formulated for the ascendant, in practice applied to other bhavas (houses) as well. Planets can be classfied into three groups based on the nature and extent of their impact on bhava bala: (1) Jupiter and Mercury boost the bhava bala greatly. (2) Venus and the Moon have positive but less pronounced effect, the same turning negative in the case of the Moon being malefic in disposition. (3) The negative effect of the Sun, Mars and Saturn drain the bhava of its strength. Planets can, accordingly, be designated as bala boosters, marginals and bala deprivers. October 2015


birth to death. Elaborating some of the essentials, he concluded that “Full many gem of the purest ray serene� lie in the unfathomed depths of the great works of Varahamihira. Dr Vasan, in his presidential address, that was extensive and elaborate, gave a kaleidoscopic narration of the works of Varahamihira. With his vast experience as a teacher, student and researcher, he extolled the scope of the tool of Ashtakavarga. He explained how

only shadvargas can help a practical and purposeful analysis of any horoscope. A good grasp of shadvargas is an imperative for making predictions because these divisions help us to make an assessment of the strength of a given planet. These six-fold divisions of Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa, and Trimsamsa can determine very broadly and in detail the soukyam, seelam, padam, dravyam, varna and buddhi of any person. Taking his own case as an example he detailed how these factors worked. For one to quality in astrology, humility and humbleness are the prerequisites. Apart from knowledge he has to acquire vaksuddi, expertise, spirituality and a host of other virtues. He narrated how wrong data, wrong calculations and wrong interpretations can defeat the efforts of any astrological assessment. Explaining in

24 October 2015

detail the Ayanamsa riddle he cited Raman's efforts and said that a 50’ reduction in Lahari's Ayanamsa value can offer exact results. He gave numerous hints to arrive at correct conclusions, in the examination of horoscopes. He emphasized the need for a on continuous research minded approach to the subject and adding very much to the practical experiences by analyzing and understanding the nuances of cases coming to him for judgment.

The speech was followed by interesting interactions with the members of the audience and both the speaker and the president of the session came out with elaborate and explanatory answers. While proposing the vote of thanks, Mr Niranjan Babu rightfully lamented over the apathy of the astrologers, lovers and students of astrology, in not taking any interest to attend the function, despite the wide publicity given and invitations sent to the numerous Astrological Associations in Bangalore; He said that it was necessary to put an end to this trend and sought massive participation, in future. Both the dignitaries were honoured with awards from the Foundation. The very enjoyable and value based interactive talk event ended with the playing of the National Anthem.

The astrological emagazine

Panchanga for the Month

This Month for You

Yoga Vasishta - 9a


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