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Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?
Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu ceo@astrologicalmagazine.com Senior Editor Raman Suprajarama The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/ material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu 201 D, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864 info@astrologicalmagazine.com www.astrologicalmagazine.com
October 2017
October ISSUE
Contents Dr. Raman’s Talk* The Significance of Vedic Astrology
Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji Words of Wisdom
Bangalore Niranjan Babu Vastu for Business Growth & Success
Lalitha Devi Horoscope of Dr. B. V. Raman, the Modern Rishi
Barry Rosen The Secret to Unlock your Chart's Financial Resources 14 Donatella Riback Secrets of the 5th House of Children and Wealth
Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao Planetary Transits and Nobel Prizes
V.R. Soundar Rajan Maleficence of Jupiter and Mars Together – II*
The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for August 2017
Varahamihira This Month for You - August 2017
Sunrise and Sunset Timings
The astrological emagazine
Dr. Raman’s Talk* The Significance of Vedic Astrology Astrology is the one subject in the world that has tried to tackle the problems of life in its various aspects. The guidance by the astrologer, after the examination of the horoscope, may be either negative or positive
ESTERN or modem scholarship and Its Indian counterpart tend to underestimate the antiquity of Indian culture. It tends to begin its story where it is coming to a close, such as the time of the Buddha. It attributes the achievements of Indian sciences and arts to the Greeks and other non-Indian sources.
Unable to comprehend the vast time scale in which Indian culture crystallised through millennia, it has transferred much of it to pre-history, mythology and superstition. There were, of course, a few exceptions like Colebrooke and Bailey who caught the spirit of Hindu astronomy and mathematics and sought to extricate themselves from the common western or modem prejudice of the early origins for the culture and civilisations of the Hindus.
The Hindus were In the vanguard of civilisation and produced great thinkers In every Held of science and art, great astronomers and great mathematicians when the ancestors of people who now claim to be enlightened were yet in a primitve condition. But the question may also arise: What is the use of astronomy, Astrology and other disciplines as developed by ancient Hindu thinkers in this age of space science and space travel? The answer is: They can, if property understood, combat the overwhelming onslaughts of the materialist view of life and the consequent corruption of spiritual and moral Ideals so characteristic of today. A dispassionate study of ancient literature bearing on astronomy and allied subjects will reveal that the vision of the ancient sages was far more deeply based on, and intimately correlated to, the realities and values of life than dreamt of in modem times. The fantastic suggestion is often made by a section of the Western historians and their Indian counterparts that even the ancestors of the present-day Hindus came from outside India. And to the word “Arya" which means respectful, a racial connotation or twist is given. They say that Arynas were once the inhabitants of Central Asia and that they "invaded" India and drove the original inhabitants, the Dravldians, to the south. What an amount of havoc this mischievous theory has played and is still playing in the political life of our country becomes evident, if we try to understand the secessionist movements resorted to by some political parties. It can be conclusively established that the Hindus were the original inhabitants of India and that all thought and sciences developed in India during the past several thousands of years are purely indigenous. A study of Hindu methodology which Is necessary for a right understanding of Hindu attainments in Jyotisha reveals that the whole movement was genuinely and positively scientific, though arrested' at an important stage due, perhaps, to political convulsions. Perception, observation and experiment were the main criteria of truth. The scientific method proceeded on the basis of observed instances carefully analysed and sifted. The most signal example of this applied logic is the Therapeutics in Charaka, a logic which adipts the general concepts of cause-effect, energy operation etc., •Summary of the Inaugural Address delivered extempore by the Editor at die national seminar on "Veda.and Jyotlsha" organised by the Rashlriya Veda Vidya Prathisthan at New Delhi on 21-12-1990. Mr. Kanganatha Misra, Chief Justice of India . presided. The astrological emagazine
October 2017
Words of Wisdom from
Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sacchidananda Swamiji, Senior Pontiff, Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore
Don't selfishly hoard your resources. Share with others. Krishna' story cures the ills of Kali Yuga. Ears should yearn for stories of God. To cure the ills of Life, sing the glories of God.
OctOber 2017
the astrOlOgical emagazine
Vastu for
Business Growth & Success | Bangalore Niranjan Babu
Whether you are a small time entrepreneur, or the CEO of a large corporation, you cannot escape the daily challenges of business. With the appropriate VASTU strength you will be able to take on new challenges confidently. “You are neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You are right because your data and reasoning are right.” – Warren Quotes Whether you are a small time entrepreneur, or the CEO of a large corporation, you cannot escape the daily challenges of business. Success in business depends on many things – 1. Right business model where the supply meets demand 2. Right Workforce which is self-motivated and clever 3. Right Marketing strategies where the right message is sent at the right time to the right person You may be equipped with adequate resources, but without determination, drive and the support of Vastu strength, you will not be able to take on new challenges. But how to get these right in the first place? Vastu, also known as Sthapatya Veda, has become a household word and a necessity today, be it a single residence, a business complex, a layout, a religious place, an ashram, a community center or whatever that needs to have the three h’s – health, harmony and happiness and the three p’s – peace, prosperity and plenty. India had all cities, villages and habitations – human and divine – planned in accordance with Vastu Sastra, the science of construction (sthapatya), design (mandala) and energies (panchabhoota). Every construction is based on a particular design and takes into importance the five primary elements of nature – water (udaka), fire (agni), space (gagana), air (vayu) and earth (prithivi). In this article, I’ll introduce the readers to certain principles of Vastu that will help you achieve business success and growth.
How to select a Vastu compliant Building or Workplace? 1. The initial survey of the need for a site or building for your business has to be satisfied. Then check if this building is to your north, east or northeast of your existing business. 2. If you are trying to buy the business area for the first time, then let it be to the south, west or southwest of your residential habitation. 3. Identify a building that is oriented to the cardinal directions north, east, south and west and possibly compatible to your Moon sign. 4. Avoid places that have roads jutting into them perpendicularly. Called a veedhishoola, such a road can stress you considerably to the extent of giving up! 5. If you are locating a business space in a business complex that has a central area with water in the form of a pond or a swimming pool, avoid taking one that has the water to the south, southwest and southeast of your business space. Such an improperly selected space can accumulate the energies of aggression, imbalanced thinking and pessimism and put you in a debt trap. 6. Some of the imbalances can be partially offset by having thresholds for your doors. However be wise to check on the door placements for your respective offices and, as a rule avoid narrow passages barging into your office cabin. 7. Give importance to the shape and color too, the materials used for the partition, the passages into to the different cabins, the placement of the various cabins, the conference rooms, the pantry and the water and electric spots within the premises, etc. The astrological emagazine
October 2017