The Astrological eMagazine September 2017 preview

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Inside Kundalini Power and Vastu



Can your Moon’s Constellation Determine Your Profession?


Plurality of Wives


Solar Eclipse 2017 & India China War



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Moon’s 2 ½ days Transit across the zodiac Words of Wisdom

16 Jupiter Enters Libra How does it Affect different Moon Signs?




Assessing Financial Prosperity Using Jaimini's Indu Lagna Method

This Month for You


Panchanga for September 2017


Sunrise and Sunset Timings





Plurality of Wives | B. Surya Prakash This article (from a book on Seventh House that the author was planning to complete) is a reprint from an earlier issue of The Astrological Magazine. Surya Prakash, the eldest son of Dr. B. V. Raman passed away in September 1963 at the young age of 27 years.


F LORD of 7th or Lagna occupies a depression, inimical or eclipsed Navamsa the native will have another wife.

2. If lord of Lagna occupies 2, the native will be adulterous or will have two wives. 3. The number of marriages the native may have will be so many as there are planets possessed of a strength and posited in 7th and aspected by the lord of that house or in 8th house and aspected by the lord of that house. 4. If 2nd and 7th lords occupy depression houses and benefics are posited in Kendra and Kona houses, the native will marry only once.

Bangalore Surya Prakash, who passed away at a young age of 27, was handsome, a college athlete, a sportsman of great ability and above all a scholar of Jyothisha. Surya Prakash exploded into the astrological world at an early age and was an excellent orator. He was born in Bangalore on February 11th 1935 at 5.20 am. His lagna was Virgo, with lagna lord Mercury in exaltation reflecting his extraordinary debating and speech skills.

5. If Mercury occupies 7th in the Navamsa of Jupiter, the native will have only one marriage. The above and the combinations that are to follow give the conditions for the plurality of wives It should be noted that in modern days, more than one wife is not only considered a great burden, but such practice is forbidden in certain countries when the first wife is living. In spite of these, it is not rare to come across cases where the natives are married more than once. The reasons for such happenings are not far to seek it may be due to death of first wife ; due to legal separation ; due to the native having no children from his first wife and so on. Further, it should be noted that in applying these various combinations great caution and good discrimination should be used with regard to the dispositions of 7th house, 7th lord and Venus. In spite of the above combinations being present in a nativity if 7th house, 7th lord and Venus, are either closely aspected or conjoined by a well- dignified Jupiter, the native will have not only one marriage, but the partner would be virtuous, well-behaved and long-lived. Example 1: Born on 20-4-1889 at 6-30 p.m., L.M.T. (Lat. 48° N., Long. 13° E.) Sun Mars Mer. Venus

Mer. Rahu



Saturn Chart No. 1 RASI



Ketu Moon Jupit.


Lagna Mars Venus Ketu


Balance of VenusDasa at birth: Years 16-4-6. The astrological emagazine



Solar Eclipse 2017 & India China War | Raman Suprajarama A very potent conjunction takes place between four planets in last week of August 2017, to create a war like situation. Does this affect the India China relations? Read on.

In the January issue of The Astrological eMagazine we had mentioned thus - “India will be under the influence of Moon-Rahu-Rahu from January to April 2017. Moon-Rahu-Rahu clearly indicates that there will be military episode near the border of our country, directing the government’s attention from growth related activities to security and protection.” On 10 April 2017, KulbushanJadhav, a former naval officer from India, was sentenced to death by a Field General Court Martial (FGCM) in Pakistan. Following the sentencing, the government of India summoned Pakistani High Commissioner to India, Abdul Basit, and issued a demarche stating that the proceedings that led to Jadhav's sentencing were nonsense and that India would regard Jadhav's execution as murder in the first degree. In May 2017, India approached the International Court of Justice to contest Pakistan's death penalty, and the International Court of Justice stayed the hanging of Jadhav. My family has been consistently analysing the planetary transits and warning governments of negative effects. In March 1914 issue of The Astrological Magazine, my great greatgrandfather Prof B. Suryanarain Rao, stated that there would be sudden outbursts of passion and excitement leading to anarchy and denunciation of old kingly authority two deaths among European royalty and one will be from violence or treachery. Exactly as foreseen by him, the Duke and the Duchess were shot dead in August 1914, and later King Emperor Frances Joseph dies. A war started in August 1914. Fast forward to 1937, my grandfather, Dr. B. V. Raman, predicted that the nativities of Mussolini and Hitler will drift Europe towards a dangerous zone, and the events unfolded accordingly. The great science of astrology serves the important purpose of guiding mankind and nations. Not only does it help one discover one’s true potential, but also serves a more important purpose - like predicting natural calamities, wars and other national/international factors.

When and Why did the India & China Doklam standoff begin? Since mid-June, India and China have been involved in a standoff along the India China border part of their shared border. The quarrel started in June. China crossed into Bhutan’s territory claiming as its own while extending a road in Doklam, a remote plateau or tri-junction between the India, Bhutan and China. On June 18, 2017, the riff intensified as a few Indian troops also entered Doklam as a part of their precautionary measure. Moon Ketu


Chart 1 June 18, 2017


The astrological emagazine

Mars Merc Sun

Rahu Jupt



Jupiter Enters Libra How does it Affect different Moon Signs? | BhamaVeeraraghavan

Jupiter enters Libra on Sep 2017, accelerates to Scorpio, retrogrades to Libra again, and then exists Libra in October 2018. Read how this influences different Moon signs, and what remedies you'll have to undertake.

देवानांचऋषीनांचगुरुंकांचनसन्निभम् I बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशंतंनमामिबृहस्पतिम् II

Mrs. Bhama Veeraraghavan A third generation astrologer, with 25 years of learning & experience in the field of astrology. She holds a post graduate degree in Commerce, and a student of psychology. Her expertise is in fixing the right muhurta for right occasion. She's currently doing research in Vedic astrology with an emphasis on horoscope matching and muhurta.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our zodiac system. By his benevolent nature he is considered to be the most auspicious and the high estnatural benefic planet in Vedic astrology. Jupiter is the natural owner of the ninth house. This house is primarily about luck, fortune. Jupiter, the Jeeva signifies growth, expansion, knowledge, Guru, children, spouse, success, higher education, spirituality, optimism etc. He is the karaka for children (putra), wealth (dhana) and family (kutumba). Jupiter is the natural owner of the ninth house, which is primarily about luck, for tune, higher education & Guru, and the owner of 12th house, which talks about spiritual enhancement and expenses. He is the Guru of Devas. He gazes 5th, 7th and 9th bhavas from wherever he stays. Jupiter’s aspect on the 5th, 7th and 9th are considered to be very auspicious than where he is placed in. Now, Jupiter enters into Libra (Tula) rasi on 4th September 2017. He enters Scorpio in accelerated motion ( Adi saram) on 18th February 2018. There he turns retrograde on 9th March 2018 and re-enters Libra on 28th March. He assumes direct motion on 10th July 2018 and enters Scorpio on 4th October 2018. This time Jupiter is going to be in his star Visakha from December 9th 2017 till the next transit.In general, Jupiter’s transit here teaches us to follow equality and making new and maintaining old relationships. It will be good for you if you believe in equality, have a flexible attitude and of less prone to prejudices. There will be growth in partnership businesses, lest you follow a compromising attitude.If Jupiter is placed well in your birth chart and your running dasa period is also favourable, you can enjoy a better time than what is expected. Let us see how this transit of Jupiter affects you, vis a vis your Janmarasi.

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani, Krittika 1 For Aries people, Jupiter is the lord of 9th house, house of luck, father, guru, charity and 12th house, house of expenses and losses. His transit in 7th house will bless you with good things and experiences in life. You may get rid of past troubles and problems now. You find ways and sources to pay off your debts. Your earning will grow high. Relationships would be The astrological emagazine




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