The Astrological eMagazine September 2018

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Niranjan Babu & Suprajarama Raman


Chart Indicators of Transition to the Next World


Hints on Judging a Horoscope




18 Words of Wisdom

Longevity through Palmistry

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This Month (September 2018) for You

For your Guidance the aStrological emagazine



The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for September 2018



The Astrological eMagazine Ephemeris for September 2018


September 2018


Editor’s Note

Niranjan Babu & Suprajarama Raman Longevity is defined as a person’s lifespan. This is one subject which the modern intellectual capital has not been able to understand. However, our ancient scholars did a deep-dive analysis of this subject and document various combinations and patterns regarding hindu longevity. Take the example of Parashara. In his magnum opus HORA SHASTRA, he humbly begins by saying that even gods cannot predict longevity. He then goes on to give three methods – Pindayu, Nisargayu and Amsayu – of determining the longevity of a person based on the strength of the ascendant, the Moon and the Sun. A reader of the Hora Shastra will be surprised to see the depth of the coverage. Parashara details the seven types of lifespans viz Balarishta, Yogarishta, Aplaayu, Madhyayu, Dheergaayu, Paripoornayu and Amritayu. He then goes on to prescribe remedial measures of births under certain inauspicious combinations. No other science except vedic astrology has done such level of research on Longevity. Since many years now, the September issue of The Astrological eMagazine has been devoted to health and longevity aspects of humans. Why so? That’s because, my uncle Sri Suryaprakash, the bright and illustrious 2

September 2018

The astrological emagazine

son of Dr. B. V. Raman and the older brother of the Editor in Chief, Niranjan Babu passed away at a very young age. In this memory, we regularly carry out research articles in the areas of longevity and health. In the early 1990s, a research was conducted by one Mr. Newrick PG, a professor in Department of Medicine, Bristol Royal Infirmary, and his team. They undertook a manual study of over 100 patients. After the detailed study, the researchers concluded that there was an association between length of lifeline in the plam and age at death as evaluated in 100 consecutive autopsies. However, this was observed and enunciated thousands and thousands of years back, in our Vedic scriptures, as a branch of Vedic Astrology call Palmistry. In our current issue, Tapasya Iyer writes on how certain patterns in the Palm can give clues in to the longevity of a person. Timing death of a native is very difficult. The great sage, Parashara, himself admits that knowing longevity is difficult even for gods. The end of life has been one event that both rationalists and spiritualists agree about – that no one can escape it. However, if these periods are known in advance, the natives can reach out to the grace of God and undertake appropriate remedial measures. Dr Gary Gomes, an eminent astrologer and academic scholar analyzes various charts where human’s end of life has come to due to unnatural scenarios like disease, alcohol abuse, assassination and suicide.

While longevity has been covered extensively by both ancient scholars like Parashara and Varahamihira and modern scholars like B Suryanarain Rao and Dr. Raman, they didn’t stop there. The vedic astrology scholars also went ahead and prescribed remedial measures to alleviate any untimely deaths or birth in inauspicious combinations. Lalitha Donatella Riback has done deep study of the Parashara Hora Shastra and writes about remedial measures extensively. If you are a student of Vedic Astrology, you will surely be introduced to a variety of principles by your teacher – Bhava, Nakshatra, Grahas, Arudhas, Karakas, Marakas etc. Why do we need so many different principles? What is the relation between Karaka and Maraka? In what context do the principles of Astrology work? Sri Nagesh Rao shares his views on these principles, and argues that Maranakarakasthana and Karakatobhavonasya are flawed concepts. He says that there is no evidence in the classics and real life scenarios that can prove these concepts. While we don’t want to agree or disagree with the view, it definitely is a thoughtful article that shouldn’t miss reading. And for the layman, we have carried our usual features – How is September 2018 for you ie Forecasts for the month of September 2018 based on Janma Rasi or Moon sign, Ephemeris for September 2018, Panchanga for September 2018, important vedic dates and so on.

Suprajarama Raman

Senior Editor, The Astrological eMagazine

The astrological emagazine

September 2018


Hints on Judging a Horoscope |B. Surya Prakash In this article, I shall try to show how the analysis of a nativity should be made and how the interpre­tation should be given to a set of planetary combinations forming a good or evil yoga. The following is the nativity of a person born on 5-4-1924 at 12-10 p.m. (1st) at Madras, now in his 17th year. Let us attempt a brief analysis of this nativity particularly with reference to profession, finance and marriage. Sun 13-53 X 23-23

Moon 4-51 Merc 7-57

Venus I 8-41

Lagna 26-11

Ketu 3-39

Jupiter. Venus

Lagna Moon

Mercury Rahu


NAVAMSA Rahu 8-39 i

Mars 27-3

Jupiter 28-35

Saturn 8-46 R

Katu Mars Saturn

Balance of Ketu Dasa at birth : 4 years, 5 months and 14 days. Gemini is rising with Taurus Navamsa. At the very outset, we feel the horoscope to be quite strong on account of the following: Lord of Lagna Mercury is in the 11th in association with the Moon (lord of the 2nd) and the combination is powerfully aspected by exalted Saturn (lord of the 9th). Thus there is a powerful combination of lords of Lagna, the 4th, the 2nd and the 9th houses involving the 5th and the 11th houses. There is a powerful Adhi Yoga both from Lagna and Chandra Lagna on account of the dispositions of Jupi­ter in the 6th and the 8th from Lagna and Chandra Lagna respectively. From the Moon Saturn is exalted in a kendra forming a Sasa Yoga. Lord of the 12th is in the 12th itself giving rise to Vimala Yoga. Lords of the 5th, the 7th and the 10th are in mutual aspect. The meridian is occupied by the Sun (exactly on M.C.) and is powerfully aspected by Jupiter (lord of the 7th and the 10th) and Mars (lord of the 6th and the 11th). The houses of wealth, the 2nd and the 11th, are well fortified by the aspect of Dhanakaraka Jupiter on the 2nd and the presence of lords of Lagna and the 2nd in the 11th with powerful aspect from the exalted The astrological emagazine

September 2018


DEMYSTIFYING Vedic Astrology – Part 2* |Nagesh Rao

Students of Vedic Astrology are introduced to a variety of principles – Bhava, Nakshatra, Grahas, Arudhas, Karakas, Marakas etc. Why do we need so many different principles? What is the relation between Karaka and Maraka? In what context do the principles of Astrology work? Sri Nagesh Rao shares his views.

In the previous part, I introduced you to the concepts of Maya, Karyas, Marakas and Ashtama. I then expanded this in to the concept of Maranakarakasthana. I analyzed in detail the effects of the various planets in their respective karakasthana and argued how Maranakarakasthana (मरणकरकस्थान) is a flawed terminology and is very erroneous. Let me share my views on KarakathoBhavanashaya.

Karakatho Bhavanashaya Let us now explore the myth of KarakthoBhavanashaya (Sanskrit: Adhyaya II Sloka 75 –


In JatakaParijatha

कामवनीनन्दनराशियाता: सितेन्द्रुपत्ु रामरवन्धमाना:। अरिष्टदास्तेऽखिलजातके षसु दाश्ष्टमस्थ: शनिरिष्टिद: स्यात।् । Venus, Mercury and Jupiter when they occupy 7, 4 and 5th houses respectively are indeed harmful in all horoscopes. Saturn in 8th from lagna will give invariably what is desirable. Mantreshwara in Phaladeepika says -

धर्मेसरू ्य: शीतगरु ्बन्धुभावेशौर्येभौम: पञ्चमेदवे मन्त्रि। कामेशुर्क ष्चाष्टमेभानपु ुत्र: कुर्यातस्यक्लेशमित्याहुरन्ये।। The term karakatobhavonasyageneralises the Maya and Ashtama phenomenon afflicting all planets particularly Jupiter and Venus

Sun in 9th, Mercury in fourth, Mars in 3rd, Jupiter in 5th. Venus in 7th and Saturn in 8th will all produce pain and distress to the bhava due to fire in the stomach of the bhava and various other similar ways. I 12

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there will be birth of a son. This is according to the method described in Deva Keralam. In fact exactly when Jupiter was in such a position in Ve-Ra yogini dasa, on 13th July 1958, a son was born.

CONCLUSION Maranakarakasthana and Karakatobhavonasya are flawed concepts. There is no evidence in the classics and no evidence in real life that these exist. What emerges from an investigation of the classics is a multimodal effect through four methods. Same method emerges as cause of destruction of bhavas when looked at from the Arudas. Maya is a very powerful force and nothing in this creation

can escape it, including our planets. We may have designed a bhava chart with an ascendant and various bhavas, but the planets behave as if they are in the original zodiac. And when they see themselves in a bhava, they assume it is the Rasi with the corresponding number. This maya induced behavior of planets afflicts even the modern astrologer and we therefore see people discussing effects of planets in certain bhavas. There are branches of vedic astrology, such as Brigu-Nandi nadi, where ascendants are not taken into consideration and yet predictions made are very accurate. Jaimini astrological technique of Arudas, mounts the truth about bhava and graha onto rasis, and is invaluable in seeing the truth behind a situation. Example given above illustrates.

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The astrological emagazine

September 2018


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