The Astrological eMagazine September 2023

Page 1 September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 1 IN THIS ISSUE 02 Editor’’’’®s Note 04 Words of Wisdom 05 COVER STORY ANcieNt Architecture Bangalore Niranjan Babu 07 NOTABLE HOROSCOPE horoscope ANAlysis yevgeNy prigozhiN, heAd of the WAgNer group Wally Krause 10 mAhAprAbhu sri JAgANNAth ANd JyotishA Bibhuti Bhushan pani 14 muNdANE ASTROLOgY ANNuAl solAr eclipse of 14 october 2023 R S Maniam 17 PREdICTIVE ASTROLOgY 6 tough QuestioNs chAtgpt Asks vedic Astrologer rAmAN suprAJArAmA 21 TOOLS & TECHNIQuES the dilemmA of right hANd vs left hANd iN pAlmistry Dr. Akila S Murthy 22 VEdIC ASTROLOgY 101 sigNificANce of NAkshAtrAs iN Astrology Dr. S. Archna Murthy 28 muNdANE ASTROLOgY rAhu ketu oN the piscesvirgo Axis - october 30, 2023 to mAy 18, 2025 Lalitha Donatella Riback 31 SEPTEmBER 2023 this moNth for you 31 importANt dAtes ANd festivAls 36 trANsit detAils of the suN ANd the mooN 37 pANchANgA 38 ephemeris 40


Dear Readers,

In this issue of The Astrological eMagazine, Bangalore Niranjan Babu, our beloved Chief Editor, delves into the realm of ancient architecture by exploring the architectural aspects of Buddha and Jain traditions, highlighting their intriguing parallels. Revered as the 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Lord Buddha’s connection to architectural heritage is unveiled. The prevalence of Buddhist Architecture in North India, characterized by similar construction patterns in villages, takes center stage. Within this context, Lord Buddha introduces five distinct building types - Vihara, Ardhayogas, Prasada, Harmya, and Guha. Notably, the shared elements between Buddhist and Jain architectural styles come to light. Engage further to gain insightful perspectives on this captivating subject.

As we speak of ancient architecture, temples hold immense importance within India’s cultural fabric. Among these, the renowned Lord Jagannath Temple in Puri, Odisha, stands out. The term “PURI” finds its origins in “PURA,” denoting a town or city. The temple’s architectural magnificence comes alive through the eloquent portrayal by author Bibhuti Bhushan Pani, who skillfully elucidates the symbolism behind each Dwara (gateway) and the diverse deities enshrined within.

In the year 2023, there are four eclipses on the horizon: two solar and two lunar. R S Maniam takes a closer look at the second solar eclipse of 2023, which is brought about by the Moon’s Southern node, known as Ketu Grahasta Surya Grahana. This event is scheduled to occur on October 14, 2023.

The forthcoming solar eclipse will predominantly be visible in the Western hemisphere, notably impacting North America and its neighbouring nations. In South America, it will be witnessed as a partial eclipse across most regions. R S Maniam delves into an in-depth astrological analysis of this occurrence. He draws attention to a similar solar eclipse that occurred eleven years prior, specifically on May 20, 2012, in Western USA. This event was also categorized as a Ketu Grahasta Surya Grahan. The astrologer sheds light on the potential implications of this eclipse on the astrological chart of the United States. Speaking of political stability, the political upheaval prevalent within Russia is something to watch out for. Continuing to offer profound insights, our esteemed astrologer Wally Krause delves further into her comprehensive analysis of horoscopes belonging to notable political figures. In this edition, she portrays life journey of Yevgeny Prigozhin, who serves as the Head of the Wagner Group. Born on June 1, 1961, Yevgeny assumes a significant role as both a leader and a former trusted associate of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. The article emphasizes the intriguing prospect of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s ascension amid the backdrop of

political upheaval prevalent within Russia. For a more comprehensive understanding, we invite you to peruse the article and glean further insights.

Step into Dr. Archna Murthy’s monthly series, where you’ll embark on a structured journey to grasp the foundational principles of Astrology. In the previous issue of The Astrological eMagazine (August 2023), we touched upon the lives and work of 8 influential Astrologers who left their mark on Varahamihira. In the current article, our focus turns to the essential aspects of Nakshatras. Picture our solar system, with the Sun reigning at its center while the planets orbit around it. Envision the celestial sphere encircling these planets, known as the zodiac belt, adorned with its 27 Nakshatras. Within these pages, you’ll uncover the profound significance attributed to each individual nakshatra.

In the second part of the paper, Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao further sheds light on the analysis of additional life events of the individual through the lens of Nadi Astrology principles, tracing the individual’s career progression up to achieving the status of Scientist F and through to their retirement phase.

Dr. Akila S Murthy addresses prevailing misinterpretations in the realm of palmistry. She emphasizes the need to allocate equal significance to both palms during analysis, regardless of gender. The initial step involves determining the dominant and non-dominant hands. Guided by palmistry tenets, the analysis consistently favors a more favorable display of indicators in the client’s dominant hand compared to the non-dominant hand. This presents an opportunity to grasp fundamental palmistry concepts, enabling you to gain insight before examining anyone’s hand.

We want to leave you with some food for thought. In the present era, characterized by remarkable technological advancements, generative artificial intelligence has emerged as a transformative force for businesses across the globe. Its influence extends to various domains. Given these advancements, it only seems fitting to harness this incredible technology for astrology as well. A team of talented and inquisitive individuals has been dedicatedly programming an AI bot to analyze articles from The Astrological eMagazine and explore various social media platforms. Our senior editor, Raman Suprajarama, responded to some complex Vedic Astrology questions posed by the AI bot. You’ll be amazed at the bot’s challenging inquiries, which encompass a wide range of topics, from the scientific aspects of Vedic Astrology to its inherent limitations. I encourage you to explore and experience it first hand. September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 2
Editorial Board The Astrological eMagazine

Success in domestic matters comes to those who learn to accept defeat bravely. It is pride that makes a man or a woman hesitate to accept his or her defeat. Therefore, one has to give up pride, become humble and boldly admit one’s mistake. September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 4
Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji



Buddhist Architecture

Lord Buddha is said to be the 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Born in a rich family, he was named Siddhartha. He received enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Gaya and became Buddha. Buddha’s teachings have had a profound impact on the world. They have inspired millions of people to seek enlightenment and to live a more moral and ethical life. It is interesting to know that Lord Buddha delivered talks on architecture and told his devotees (Bhikkus) that supervision of the construction of a building was one of the duties, that one should follow.

Buddhist Architecture is said to have been predominant in north India where the construction in villages were similar. Houses were together and never in isolation (just as we have today’s layouts) separated by lanes. Usually, they had adjoining tree groves. Beyond this was a wide expanse of cultivated agricultural land, usually rice fields.

The towns were said to be cordoned off with lofty walls, ramparts and watch towers and gates. Usually, the town was surrounded by a moat - a deep, wide ditch with water (sometimes mud) as a defence against attack.

Types of Buildings

Lord Buddha speaks of five types of buildings - Vihara, Ardhayogas, Prasada, Harmya and Guha. Shilpa shastras give us some information of these. Viharas are said to be the Buddhist Monastery where monks met while Ardhayoga is said to be a Svarnaranga Gruha or a gold coloured building that is partly religious and partly residential. A Prasada is said to be a wholly residential storeyed building. Harmya is said to be an extentsion and expansion of the Prasada of the more prosperous people. Guha means a cave and perhaps refers to underground constructions. It is said that one of the Jatakas - Ummagga - contains an elaborated discussion of ‘undergound’ construction - rock cut temples, such as Ajantha Caves. Buddhghosha tells us that for a Guha, construction was of four typesbricks, stone, wood, and mud and more for the ordinary people.

Pillar and column constructions are all similar in Indian Architecture. Buddhist columns have inscriptions of

emblems and animals. Jain architecture has dikpalakas (directional lords). Vaishnavas have Garuda/Hanuman on the pillars while Saivites have, dikpalakas or flag staff.

Building sites were selected not too far away from the town nor too near. Compound walls were built with bricks, stone and wooden fences and these were surrounded by bamboo fences, thorn fences and ditches. Security aspect was totally considered.

Houses had dwelling rooms, living rooms with fire places, rest areas, exercise rooms, kitchen, dining hall, store rooms, closets, bathing rooms and toilets away from the main house. The Alinda (Verandah) with space for walking/sitting around the house was a special feature.

The floors were of earth, not of wood, and were restored frequently with fresh clay and cow dung.

Three kinds of stairs are mentioned - brick, stone and wood. Minute details are found. The entrances to the houses were through a gateway. To the left and right of the gateway there were treasury and grain store. The gateway led to an inner courtyard around which were chambers or rooms.

Jain Architecture

There is similarity between the two constructionsBuddhist and Jain. They speak of Bastis (monastery, temple) and Bettas, also referred to as Vasahika (buildings, monastery and temple). Bastis are temples that have the images of the twenty four Thirthankaras that are worshipped. We have the Jain Bastis at Sravana Belagola, Karnataka that almost are similar to our Temples. At the same time, certain Jain Temples have similarities with the Buddhist Pagodas and pillars.

Shravana Belagola is a town in Karnataka, India, that is famous for its Jain temples and monuments. It is one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Jains and is known for its colossal monolithic statue of Bahubali, September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 5


Bibhuti Bhushan pani

Sri Bibhuti is an Electrical Engineer from BPUT, Odisha. He was introduced to astrology by his father, Shri Bankim Chandra Pani. He is learning astrology for more than a decade now. Books of Dr B V Raman and Pandit Sanjay Rath have helped him to understand and shape his knowledge of astrology. He is an independent researcher on Jagannath Sanskruti and Mahapurusa Shri Achyutananda Das.

Lord Jagannath – The Lord of this universe is mysterious, yet very simple. Many scholars explained about The Lord beautifully, but yet we all have desire to know more. The Lord himself is complete, but he is incomplete. The Lord himself only can explain about himself. I pray to The Lord Jagannath to Guide me, so that we can see the Light of Jyotisha.

The temple of Lord Jagannath is in Puri, Odisha. The word “PURI” is derived from the word “PURA”. The meaning of PURA is a town or city. One meaning of PURA is The body;

“navadvāre pure dehī naiva kurvan na kārayan” – Bhagavadgītā 5.13.

So, Puri represents the body is which the mighty Lord himself is sitting. Like in PURI Lord Jagannath is sitting. This shows how the things are linked in ancient Odisha i.e., Kalinga. Another meaning of “Puri” is completeness, so one can feel that completeness in Jagannath Dham Puri.

In Jagannath temple there are 4 entrances/Dwara for going inside the Shrine and they are

1. Simha Dwara (Lion Gate) – Situated in East direction

2. Aswa Dwara (Horse Gate) – Situated in South direction

3. Byaghara Dwara (Tiger Gate) - Situated in West direction

4. Hasti Dwara (Elephant Gate) – Situated in North direction

These four Dwaras are linked with four Purushartha (Dharma/ Artha/ Kama/ Moksha), four Varna (Brahmin, September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 10 नीलाचल ननवासाय ननतयाय परमातमने। बलभद्र सभद्राभयाम जगननाथाय ते नमः।।
नवद्ारे परे देही नैव कव्वन न कारयन
Simha Dwara (Lion Gate Byaghara Dwara (Tiger Gate) Aswa Dwara (Horse Gate) Hasti Dwara (Elephant Gate)


ANNUAl SOlAr EclIpSE Of 14 OcTObEr 2023


With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficiency in astrology, Jothida Acharya R S Maniam had worked as a medical enforcement officer and currently is a clinical instructor at Lincoln University college Malaysia. He has been described by Bhagwan Sri Satya Saibaba as ‘Divine Astrolger’ and has been awarded the Nostradamus award in 2010.

This will be the 2nd Solar eclipse in 2023. This eclipse is caused by Moon’s Southern node. It is known as Ketu Grahasta Surya Grahana. This will occur on 14th October 2023.

This Solar eclipse will be visible in Western world mostly involving North America and adjacent nations. It will be observed as partial eclipse in most of South America. In the mainland of North America, it will be seen as annular eclipse. According to the available resources, the path of annular solar eclipse is across Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico. The Annular Solar Eclipse will last for 4 to 5 minutes from Oregon to Texas. The capital city of United states Washington DC will witness it as partial eclipse.

Astrology Discussion

Solar Eclipse Oct 14, 2023

Time: 1:55PM Zone:

4:00 DST: 0

Washington DC

Longitude: 77W02

Latitude: 38N53

CurPer: Ma/Ju/Ju

Lahiri Ayanamsa: 24:11 365,25 Day Year

The New Moon chart for Washington DC as New Moon of Shobana


Annular Solar Eclipse Pathway

As published by American Astrological Society. The pathway of the eclipse is across the nation from the west to east. Starting from Oregon to Texas and Gulf of Mexico, it is described as Ring of Fire extending 120 miles wide path.

Similar Annular Eclipse 11 Years Ago

According to internet resources a similar type of Solar eclipse has happened eleven years ago on 20 May 2012 in Western USA. This is also a Ketu Grahasta Surya Grahan. This Solar Eclipse occurred at 6:18° in Taurus in the constellation Kritikka 3rd pada and Saturn was in Retrograde too. The ex-President Barack Obama emerged as the candidate for presential election in 2012 marking a milestone in American history.

Astrology Discussion

The Solar Eclipse on 14th October 2023

Begins at Sun Rise

The Sun rise depicts as a birth of a new Vedic day Saturday, an eclipse sweeping across the nation from the Sun rise certainly has some impact and repercussions on the mundane affairs of the Nation America. This 14 October 2023 occurs trine from the Taurus Ketu/Sun eclipse on 20 May 2012.

Eclipse in the Third Drekana of Kanya (Virgo)

The 14 October 2023 Solar eclipse occurs at 26° of Virgo. According to Raphael’s Mundane astrology, such solar eclipse will cause great troubles, and adversity, probably imprisonment to painters and poets and those who live by their wits.

According to Alan Leo, an eclipse in the third decanate of Virgo depicts even the merchants by ingenuity and wit; slaughters, destruction. The businessmen, traders and entrepreneurs will witness trade hinderance. September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 14
Ra 0:41 JuR 18:51 SaR 6:42 Ve 10:52 As 19:37 Ke 0:41 Ma 7:34 Me 23:00 Mo 26:56 Su 26:57



We have an exciting and unique article for you. Our senior editor, Raman Suprajarama answered some complex Vedic Astrology questions that an AI bot asked. This AI bot that has been modelled by our students, a bunch of talented and curious individuals, have been working to program the AI bot to read articles appearing in The Astrological eMagazine, scan through my social media posts - Facebook posts and Twitter posts, and analyze the content on foundation’s YouTube channel. The questions from the bot are tough and cover a wide range of topics, from the scientific aspects of Vedic Astrology to its limitations. Here’s the transcript.

1. What is the most bizarre or seemingly impossible astrological prediction or phenomenon you’ve ever encountered, and how did you make sense of it?

Hmm… What a way to start.

I recall two such predictions, one positive and the other not so positive.

Let me start with the positive one, which took place during the 2002 FIFA World Cup. At that time, I had been studying astrology and had gained proficiency in a new technique called snapshot decision-making. Using this technique, I could predict the outcome of a decision between two options, or neither option, within 10 seconds. If there is A vs B decision that had to be made, I could say the winner is A, B, A and B, or neither A or B, all within 10 seconds. The prediction was a combination of nimittha and sankhya shastra, along with our spiritual sadhana. I tested this technique on the FIFA matches and correctly predicted the outcome of each match, including the final which was won by team Brazil. My friends were amazed by my predictions and even chickened out from betting against me in the last three matches. Although I never used this technique again, I still wonder if it was beginner’s luck or the quality of my spiritual sadhana that helped me make accurate predictions.

Now, let’s talk about the not so positive prediction.

In 2017, our trust organized a seminar on the upcoming assembly elections in our home state of Karnataka. Three scholars were chosen to present their views,

two of whom were well-known elderly gentlemen in the local TV scene. The third person was myself. At the time, there were three candidates vying for the CM position - Yeddyurappa representing BJP, Kumaraswamy representing JDS, and Siddaramaiah representing Congress party.

In the Seminar, all the three scholars opined that Siddharamaiah had slim chances of winning, but differed on who would come out on top. The two elderly gentlemen believed that Kumaraswamy would win, while I predicted that Yeddyurappa would emerge victorious and become the CM.

Now, it is worth noting that the elections took place in May 2018, while our papers were presented in the seminar in August 2017, more than 6 months earlier of the election. The actual election outcome was a shock to me. The BJP led by Yeddyurappa won the most seats, followed by the Congress party and then JDS. Yeddyurappa did become the CM, as I had predicted, but he quickly resigned after failing to gather enough support votes. Kumaraswamy, who had the least votes and was predicted by the other astrologers to win, got support from Congress party, succeeded as the CM. Interestingly, he held the position for over a year before also resigning, allowing Yeddyurappa to become CM again. However, Mr. Yeddyurappa too could not complete his term, which was ultimately succeeded by Bommai.

You know, it’s crazy how things turned out with those predictions. All three scholars ended up being right about certain aspects, but none of them could have foreseen the wild ride that actually happened. It’s definitely a lesson that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson - when making astrological predictions, it is not enough to simply analyze individual charts. We must also consider the broader context, such as the horoscopes of places, horoscope of the contenders, and possible alliances, and horoscopic alterations on account of alliances etc. This roller coaster scenario showed that even if individual horoscopes have high potential, the overall outcome may be unpredictable. This is a lesson that I will never forget. September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 17


Dr. Akila S Murthy

Dr. Akila S Murthy is an Astro-Palmist Consultant with a Ph.D. (Astrology), M.A (Astrology), Diploma(Palmistry), M.Sc.(Psychological Counselling and Family Therapy), PGDI (Psychological Counselling), M.A (International Education) She also spreads awareness about Astrology, Palmistry and Psychology through her YouTube channel and Facebook page. “Astro Palmistry_Akila Murthy”

Frequently asked questions by most of my clients is - Should I send my right-hand imprint because hand reading is gender specific i.e., right hand reading is for men and left hand is assigned for women?

These are a few misconceptions which must be clarified.

We have to give equal importance to both palms for analysis for all genders. But first we need to find out which is the dominant hand and the non-dominant hand.

The meaning of a dominant hand is – the hand you use to eat, write and do most of your day-to-day activities with a particular hand only.

In the sense for a right-handed person the right hand becomes the dominant hand and the left the nondominant hand. For a left handed person, the left hand becomes the dominant hand and the right hand becomes the non-dominant hand.

But there are also specially talented people who can write with both the hands and are very comfortable using both the hands for anything and everything – the ambidextrous ones. What about them then? For such people we ask them which hand do they use to sign on documents and that hand would be called the dominant one.

So, what’s with the demarcation of dominant hand and the non-dominant hand?

Let’s first understand the basics in a pictorial form. Our hands are like trees. The part above the ground level represents the dominant hand and the part below the ground level represents the non-dominant hand.

According to Samudrika Shastra the non-dominant hand indicates the subconscious mind, innate qualities and raw emotion of a person while the dominant hand

reveals the conscious mind, our choices, changes brought about by the owner of the palm through his/her own actions.

In the sense, we are born with few qualities and blueprint of our destiny i.e. our non-dominant hand’s mystery revelation but how have we used these qualities and paved our way to reach our destiny is what our dominant hand would reveal.

That is why, both the palms are of equal importance and more emphasis should be laid on the dominant Contd. on pg. 27 September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 21




Dr. S. Archna Murthy is an Astrology Consultant with a PhD (Astrology), M.A (Astrology), M.A Bridge (Astrology in Sanskrit), M.B.A (Singapore), Kovida (Sanskrit) & 18 years of Corporate Experience. She also spreads awareness about Astrology through her YouTube channel ‘Jyotish Shastrm (AstroScience) - Our Legacy’ (57 videos).


Welcome to this monthly series where you will learn the fundamentals of Astrology in a structured manner. In the previous month’s issue of The Astrological eMagazine (August 2023), 8 prominent Astrologers who inspired Varahamihira were covered.

In this article, we will focus on fundamentals of Nakshatras.

What is Nakshatra?

Nakshatra is a very common word. You would have heard in your household when someone mentions Ardra Nakshatra or when people are deciding the name of the baby based on Janma Nakshatra. These are a few places you would have heard.

What does Nakshatra exactly mean? Let’s always start with the meaning of the word.

Let’s think of it from our sages’ perspective. When our sages looked at various Nakshatras, they deduced the characteristics of these Nakshatras and named them accordingly.

Nakshatra in Samskritam is derived as follows –

| This translates to ‘That which has little or no movement’

This is what the sages perceived from earth when they looked at Nakshatras. The amazing part is how did our ancestors know? Such a scientific name and please note that there was nothing random about it based on our current knowledge.

Tara and Nakshatra

There is another terminology - Tara. What is Tara? Is it the same as Nakshatra? Can you use Tara and Nakshatra interchangeably?

Tara in English is Star. It represents One Star

Whereas Nakshatra represents a group of one or more stars with a pattern. It is called Asterism in English.

Can we call all groups of stars as Nakshatras? No. There are a few conditions that need to be met to call a group of one or more stars as Nakshatra -

a. It should have a pattern that was identified and named by our ancestors.

b. It should be located on zodiac belt or Bhachakra.

Example 1 – Let’s take an example of a random group of stars (in the picture below) and see if this qualifies to be called a Nakshatra.

Example 1 September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 22
न क्षरनत इनत नक्षत्रम अथा्व त यसय क्षरण ह्ास: वा न भवनत


rAHU kETU ON THE pIScES-vIrgO AxISOcTObEr 30, 2023 TO mAY 18, 2025

Lalitha Donatella Riback

Lalitha Donatella Riback holds a B.A. in Vedic arts and science from the Academy of Vedic Art and Science, and certifications as a yoga teacher, Reiki master, and Ayurveda consultant, and an advanced certification in DNA Astrology from AstroVed. Lalitha has been a professional Vedic astrologer for 11 years.

After living in India for five years, she wrote a book on Vedic astrology and spiritual transformation, Bliss Lab: How the Ancient Yogis Acquired Supernormal Powers and How You Can Too, #1 in Amazon New Releases in Eastern Astrology and #2 in Astrology. Lalitha is the founder of Shreem Lab, where she’s a life coach and Vedic astrologer helping people achieve more success and spiritual growth based on their horoscopes. You can contact her at info@shreemlab com

Contd. from last issue....

Case Study – Ram Dass (Richard Alpern) September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 28

Sun till 16th, Mercury on 30th, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu are favourable.

Professional progress will be possible if you care to put your domestic issues in the back burner. Your productivity will be the key differentiator to help you succeed. Avoid activities that can be a waste of time. Prioritize your goals and do not let the tendency to deviate overtake your core objectives. There can be support from associates if you care to listen to them. You might have to shoulder additional responsibilities and it is in your best interest that you take up these challenges in the right earnest. Avoid procrastinating over important matters and take the help of experts on seniors when in doubt. Financial gains are possible. Health will need attention and you should not neglect any symptoms. Those of you with co-morbidities should pay extra attention to their diet and follow a strict regimen. Domestic matters might not be good, and it is important that you are patient in handling matters. There can be dissention amongst family members that should be handled with care. Youngsters are likely to fare well only if they can stay focused on their core objectives. The tendency to get into activities that are nonproductive should be kept under check.

Mrigasira 3,4: Distress and some anxious moments are likely to cause some hardship. There can be health related issues that you should not neglect. Professionals should put in extra efforts to stay relevant.

Aridra: Health will require attention. There can be financial losses if you are not careful. Professionals should be watchful of their interactions with associates as there can be stiff opposition at the workplace.

Punarvasu 1,2,3: Health can cause some concern. There can be a general lack of zeal and interest. It is important that you put your skills to good use and stay focused.

require your unstinted determination and a strong focus. Your lack of focus can prove to be costly and thus it is in your best interest that you pay attention to detail. You will have to prepare for facing new challenges and a smooth sail is unlikely. Try to rework your priorities and gear up for a busy schedule. Avoid confrontation with associates. Business activities are likely to gain momentum but acting in haste will get you nowhere. It is important that you pay extra attention to financial matters and especially those in senior positions should be careful of possible deceit. Health will be good. There can be some domestic matters that can get out of hand if you are not careful. Avoid getting into arguments with loved ones and try to keep a low profile. You might be wavering all the time on taking important decisions and this can cause a lot of trouble for your loved ones. Youngsters are likely to lose focus of their goals and it is important that they take the help of mentors and seniors to help them streamline their efforts.

Punarvasu 4: Financial prudence will be essential. Try to stay clear of activities that can cause injuries. Professionals can look forward to upgrading their skills.

Pushya: Health will be reasonably good. Financial matters should not be neglected, avoid speculation. Professionals will be able to sustain their position only with dedicated efforts.

Aslesha: Dissentions are likely on the domestic front. This can be a testing time for professionals. Improving your skills regularly will be essential. Pay attention to detail to avoid major lapses.

Sun from 16th, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Rahu are favourable.

Professionals should be prepared to face some turbulent times ahead. There can be new assignments that will

Mercury on 30th, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu are favourable. Professionals should be able to achieve their goals if they can be cautious in making their plans according to the prescribed norms. There can be some delays that should be handled with care. It might be essential to avoid the tendency to overlook important matters. A constant approach to solving important issues will be essential and you should not get lured to get things done in a slipshod way. Improve your ability to deliver on the promises by staying on top of your goals. It will be important to rework your priorities and be agile to changes. Business activities can take off well if you can solve some of the key internal problems. Financial planning will be essential. Health should not be neglected. Those of you chronic should take preventive care and should be cautious about September 2023 The aSTrological emagazine 32
201 D, Sarathy Apartments, No. 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560003. Web :; Email :

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