The Astrological eMagazine August 2019

Page 1

Inside Editor’s Note


A Note on Ashtami


Learning Mundane Astrology


r Cove s Storie

Words of Wisdom

The Glory of India

Feng Shui - Ancient Secret of Architecture Designing



Jaimini Astrology - Determining Spiritual Tendencies

Tatwa in Vedic Astrology

The astrological emagazine




The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for August 2019 This Month (August 2019) for You



The Astrological eMagazine Ephemeris for August 2019

39 August 2019


Editor’s Note

Niranjan Babu & Suprajarama Raman The August issue of our magazine is always in memory of Grandfather, Dr B V Raman. Dr Raman took it as a life mission to uphold and spread the science of Vedic Astrology to the world. Thanks to his efforts and now the efforts of his children and grandchildren, Vedic Astrology has become a household necessity. People from all parts of the world are now resorting to astrology and vastu shastra to carefully plan their life. The results are remarkable. There is progress in almost every walk of life – financial, mental, spiritual, relationships, career etc. In memory of Grandfather, we bring across a very intellectual set of articles this month. The cover article is by our beloved Editor-in-Chief, Niranjan Babu. He writes about the Glory of India. Indian masters of wisdom, when we spoke of Jyotisha, Vastu, Yoga, Vedanta, Ayurveda and other 2

August 2019

disciplines are men of great scientific eminence and not just hair-splitting philosophers. Our editor writes about the great contribution of Indians to various fields including Science, Grammar, Philosophy, Literature, Medicine, Surgery, Mathematics, Astronomy, Astrology and Architecture. Indians have contributed to the world all throughout the known timeline. From Bhaskaracharya to Varahamihira to modern scholars like Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai and others, the contribution of Indians towards the progress of mankind is indespensable. Medical Astrology is gaining popularity largely because of the unethical standards maintained by the modern pharmaceutical industry. Hospitals and doctors have become extremely greedy. Rather than ensuring human health is at its best, there focus has now turned to amassing wealthy by unnecessarily The astrological emagazine

prescribing medical tests, endorsing high margin drugs and advising unnecessary operations. The layman is being taken for a ride. Medical Astrology proves to be a invaluable tool. Dr. T.S. Vasan is a research scholar in Vedic Astrology for several decades and the recipient of the Jyothisha Mahasagara Award from the Raman and Rajeswari Research Foundation, writes about Tatwas and their role in Medical Astrology. He gives simple clues through which certain ailments can be foreseen so that necessary precautionary methods can be undertaken. In Dec 2012, Harold G. Koenig, a psychiatrist and faculty of Duke University Medical Center published a stunning paper titled “Religion, Spirituality, and Health: The Research and Clinical Implications”. He conducted a systematic and quantitative research on the influence of spirituality and its effect on both physical and mental health. He concluded saying that there was a definitive qualitative proof that spirituality is associated with both mental and physical health and positively affects medical outcomes. In Sanathana Dharma, spirituality is an integral part of everyone’s life. However, the degree of spirituality varies from person to person. Here is a remarkable paper by Sri Gary Gomes where he shows how spiritual tendencies of a person can be examined through the principles promoted by Maharishi Jaimini. Grandfather, Dr. B V Raman, was known from his political predictions, which now is more popularly known as Mundane astrology. Mundane astrology helps us prognosticate calamities, plagues, financial instability, military tensions and withering economies. These help the leaders of the country to prevent negative mishaps by taking precautionary measures. This is one of the greatest contributions

The astrological emagazine

of Astrology to mankind. In this article, Sri V R Soundar Rajan introduces to the world of political or mundane astrology and teaches us the roles and relations of various zodiac signs, planets and their impacts on nations. Feng Shui, like its Indian sister, Vastu Shastra is an architectural philosophy which originated in certain parts of ancient China, as early as 4000 BC. This science has an underlying philosophy that architecture should bring together and tighten the bond between humans and universe. Early architects of China observed that the two natural forces influencing a human habitation was water and air. Feng Shui quiet literally translates to Wind (Feng) and Water (Shui). They came up with architectural designs that optimized water and wind energies. Water was never stagnant and was effectively stored for consumption, and harsh winds and chill winds were blocked. As the science advanced, newer elements got added in to the design. Feng Shui is now a very advanced science and covers the entire lifecycle of a building – from choosing a site, building floor plans, and geographical and geological influences. Sri Gerry K J Liao writes in detail about this science, and the underlying philosophy, various methodologies in practice, and how these can be applied to our advantage. We hope you enjoy reading this issue. If you would like to share your views with us, feel free to reach out to me at

Raman Suprajarama Senior Editor, The Astrological eMagazine

August 2019


Learning Mundane Astrology |V. R. Soundar Rajan

Grandfather, Dr. B V Raman, was known from his political predictions, which now is more popularly known as Mundane astrology. Mundane astrology helps us prognosticate calamities, plagues, financial instability, military tensions and withering economies. These help the leaders of the country to prevent negative mishaps by taking precautionary measures. This is one of the greatest contributions of Astrology to mankind. In this article, Sri V R Soundar Rajan introduces to the world of political or mundane astrology and teaches us the roles and relations of various zodiac signs, planets and their impacts on nations.

“Nature does not impose a pattern or a rule from outside; she implies life to grow within and to assert its own law and development modified only by the involvement with its environment� - Sri Aurobindo Mundane Astrology is the understanding of astrology at the collective and cultural level. Mundus in Latin is World. It is the application of the principles of astrology to worldly affairs and events. Mundane Astrology correlates planetary movements with terrestrial happenings - historical and geographical. Mr. V.R.Soundar Rajan, with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, has served Anna University, Chennai for over thirty years. He has been rendering astrological counseling for two and half decades. Mr. Soundar Rajan’s training has been under Pandit Asuri Venkatachary

The Great Conjunctions by Johanes Angelus is an elaborate treatise on Mundane Astrology particularly referring to the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn. We have seen many individual horoscopes having conjunctions or opposition of Saturn and Jupiter. Dr.B. V. Raman chart is an example of oppositional aspects of Jupiter and Saturn, The charts of Indian National Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party have their charts with similar configurations of Jupiter and Saturn (opposition and conjunction respectively)

The astrological emagazine

August 2019


Words of Wisdom by

Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji

There is such great energy in the divine name “Rama” that chanting it once daily is enough. That is why Lord Hanuman gave the “Rama” mantra to this world.Practice chanting the name of Lord Rama with your breath. 8

August 2019

The astrological emagazine

The Glory of India |Niranjan Babu Bangalore Dr. B.V. RAMAN THE VARAHAMIHIRA of Modern Times strode the world of Jyotisha as a colossus for over six decades spreading the great wisdom of not only Jyotisha but also other aspects of our culture across the globe through his writings in the world renowned magazine of ours - The Astrological Magazine, through his global lectures, through his books and through the ICAS which he established all over India. Dr. B. V. Raman had great admiration for the achievements of the ancient Indians and would invariably speak of this at important forums. I dedicate this article to

Ancient masters of wisdom, when they spoke of Jyotisha, Vastu, Yoga, Vedanta, Ayurveda and other disciplines were speaking as men of great scientific eminence and not as hair-splitting philosophers Ancient masters of wisdom, when they spoke of Jyotisha, Vastu, Yoga, Vedanta, Ayurveda and other disciplines were speaking as men of great The astrological emagazine

scientific eminence and not as hair-splitting philosophers. India occupies the foremost place in global history. Murray in his history of India tells us that India occupies one of the most remarkable regions on the surface of the earth. One historian says that Nature in India is multifaceted with glowing and her snow-covered Himalayas vie with the deserts in their beauty and serenity. Our ancients were masters in every activity of human life science, philosophy, medicine, yoga, architecture, astrology, business and politics. The excellence of the ancient civilization of India is even today unmatched being the earliest civilization of the world. It is said that 3000 years BC, the ancients had attained a high degree of astronomical and geometrical learning. It only goes to say that Indian culture dates back many centuries earlier. Count Bjornstjerna says: “No nation on earth can vie with India in respect of antiquity of their civilization”. While the rest of the world was still sleeping India was busy producing great thinkers in every field of science and art, great astronomers and great mathematicians. A dispassionate study of ancient literature bearing on astronomy, architecture and allied subjects

will reveal that the vision of the ancient masters were deeply based correlated to the realities and values of life. The governance of ancient India is said to have been so good that the doors of homes were never shut and India knew of no thieves. Ancient India had people of the highest ethical and spiritual development and was never over-governed by the rulers. In this sense we can say that the best governed people are the least governed people whose foundations are built on moral and ethical values. The ancient Indians had the best social system and classified the people on the principle of Varnashrama that divides people into two kinds 1) the Aryas and 2) the Dasyus civilized and savage. The Aryas were sub divided into four sections who contributed to the society variously. •

The Brahmana who contributed to the society with his learning and wisdom of the liberal arts and sciences.

The Kshatriya who contributed to the society by defending the city, state and nation and was the executive of the Government.

The Vaishya who contributed

August 2019


Feng Shui - Ancient Secret of Architecture Designing |Gerry K.J. Liao

Feng Shui, like its Indian sister, Vastu Shastra is an architectural philosophy which originated in certain parts of ancient China, as early as 4000 BC. This science has an underlying philosophy that architecture should bring together and tighten the bond between humans and universe. Early architects of China observed that the two natural forces influencing a human habitation was water and air. Feng Shui quiet literally translates to Wind (Feng) and Water (Shui). They came up with architectural designs that optimized water and wind energies. Water was never stagnant and was effectively stored for consumption, and harsh winds and chill winds were blocked. As the science advanced, newer elements got added in to the design. Feng Shui is now a very advanced science and covers the entire lifecycle of a building – from choosing a site, building floor plans, and geographical and geological influences. Sri Gerry K J Liao writes in detail about this science, and the underlying philosophy, various methodologies in practice, and how these can be applied to our advantage.

What is Feng Shui?

Gerry K.J. Liao is an experienced practitioner of Feng Shui, E-Ching, Medieval Astrology, Chinese Astrology in Taiwan and he has been learning Vedic Astrology for years. He is renowned particularly in the field of Astrology and Feng Shui. In 2007 he successfully predicted stock bailed-out clash in 2008. He also predicted Maokong Gondola’s failure, floods, diseases, air crashes in Taiwan in 2009. Gerry has been teaching E-Ching Horary, Feng Shui and Astrology in NCCU since 2008 and he also tutors privately.


August 2019

This question may be easy to answer, while difficult to understand, especially for people who don’t quite understand Chinese culture and its philosophy. In a simple interpretation, literally, Feng is wind and Shui is water in Chinese. These two words are derived from ancient master piece Zhan-Shu (Book of Burial), written almost 2000 years ago. One passage in the book notes: “Chi Cheng Feng San, Jieh Shui Zhe Zhi, ” which means “If Wind blows, Chi will not be retained. Chi can be retained when it meets water.” Chi is difficult to define. Our ancestors believed that mountains create

huge power and do good to people. This kind of power is called Chi, which you can not see. Thus our ancestors always take Dragon, an animal of divinity, as a metaphor of mountains, and Chi is Dragon’s breath. Many people thought Chi was Wind, because Chi in Chinese also meant Air. But that is a big mistake. According to ancient texts, Wind will blow only if Chi is non existant. So Wind is bad for Feng Shui, and Water is good because Chi can be held and would not disappear when it meets Water. We may interpret the metaphor like this: When Dragon stops to drink water near rivers or lakes, that place is good Therefore, Feng Shui is a study (metaphysics) which finds The astrological emagazine

Hsien-Tien Ba-Gua and is used to examine if a place is perfect or not. The sum of each balanced side is always 10. And the sum of each balanced line is 15. When practicing Feng Shui, numerology provides accurate and fast measuring and judgment.

Hsien-Tien Shu On the other hand, Ho -Tien Shu is used to calculate the life cycle of a spot. Each number of Ho-Tien Shu represents different phases of life cycle. A whole cycle is 180 years and consists of 8 different phases, 1 , 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Number 5 placed in the middle represents balanced status and it does not carry any phase of the cycle.

For instance the 8th phase of life cycle is the period from 2010 to 2020. During the period of time, we have to rework the chart and reallocate the numbers as illustrated. The process is complex and will be covered in a later article. Number 5 is relocated in Ghen Gua which represents the direction of northeast. Therefore if we identify a place with convergence of water in the northeast while a mountain is in the south-west, that place would be excellent and would be prosperous during 2010 to 2020. If we move in the house during this time, life would be happy and prosperous.

These explanations and illustrations are the fundamental concepts of Feng Shui.

For different phases of life cycle, the numbers are reallocated to find when the place is going to be prosperous In acual cases more profound theories and issues are noticed. In later articles, we will see how we can apply the Feng Shui principles for indoor designing.

Ho-Tien Shu


August 2019

The astrological emagazine

Jaimini Astrology Determining Spiritual Tendencies | Gary Gomes

In December 2012, Harold G. Koenig, a psychiatrist and faculty of Duke University Medical Center published a stunning paper titled “Religion, Spirituality, and Health: The Research and Clinical Implications”. He conducted a systematic and quantitative research on the influence of spirituality and its effect on both physical and mental health. He concluded saying that there was a definitive qualitative proof that spirituality is associated with both mental and physical health and positively affects medical outcomes. In Sanathana Dharma, spirituality is an integral part of everyone’s life. However, the degree of spirituality varies from person to person. Here is a remarkable paper by Sri Gary Gomes where he shows how spiritual tendencies of a person can be examined through the principles promoted by Maharishi Jaimini. This article will illustrate the use of Jaimini astrology for analyzing the spiritual potential of individuals through use of the karakas (indicators) in the chart and through the use of Upagrahas (“little planets”) in the context of principles of Jaimini interpretation. Dr. Gary Gomes, BA, MBA, Ed.D. Dr. Gary Gomes has been a Vedic Astrologer since 1990. He is an ordained Swami of the Temple of Kriya Yoga and served as the Vice President/President of the Council of Vedic Astrology. He has taught at Kepler College and American College of Vedic Astrology (as a Board Member). Many of his articles have been published internationally. Dr. Gomes has appeared on both the radio and TV channels and has been one of the few astrologers who predicted Donald Trump’s victory at the November 2016 US Elections. With many awards and titles, he is respected as one who can convey complicated principles of Jyotisha in an easy and understandable manner.

The astrological emagazine

A Brief Overview Jaimini Astrology is predominantly practiced in Andhra Pradesh, India. Its governing principles are also discussed in detail in the encyclopedic compendium of astrological techniques, Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (BPHS). The BPHS has enough material in it to keep most of

us studying Jyotisha for several life times. The Jaimini factors are not referred to specifically as Jaimini indicators. However, when one reads Prof. P. S. Sastri’s translation of the Jaimini Sutras, or Mr. Rao’s texts on Jaimini Astrology, one realizes that these principles are, in fact Jaimini principles. There are other Jaimini texts which have emerged over the years (including The Jaimini Upadesa Sutras written by Sanjay Rath, and published about two years ago and a recent translation in process by Ernst Wilhelm of the United States). The major differences between Jaimini and “standard” Parasara astrology are:

August 2019


Tatwa in Vedic Astrology | Dr. T. S.Vasan

Medical Astrology is gaining popularity largely because of the unethical standards maintained by the modern pharmaceutical industry. Hospitals and doctors have become extremely greedy. Rather than ensuring human health is at its best, there focus has now turned to amassing wealthy by unnecessarily prescribing medical tests, endorsing high margin drugs and advising unnecessary operations. The layman is being taken for a ride. Medical Astrology proves to be a invaluable tool. Dr. T.S. Vasan is a research scholar in Vedic Astrology for several decades and the recipient of the Jyothisha Mahasagara Award from the Raman and Rajeswari Research Foundation, writes about Tatwas and their role in Medical Astrology. He gives simple clues through which certain ailments can be foreseen so that necessary precautionary methods can be undertaken.

There is so much of literature, worked out hypothesis and research material available in the field of medical astrology. The modern scientific mind cannot and should not undermine and neglect this field as it is built on Rishi wisdom and culture.

Dr. T.S. Vasan is a research scholar in Vedic Astrology for several decades and the recipient of the Jyothisha Mahasagara Award from the Raman and Rajeswari Research Foundation. A highly revered professional, he has authored several books on astrology and palmistry, compiled courses and initiated study circles in these subjects. He is the national Vice President of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) founded by Dr. B. V. Raman and the Director of Studies, ICAS, Bangalore Chapter I. Dr. Vasan holds degrees in Science and Law and diplomas in Yoga, Homeopathy & Comparative Religion. He has a Doctorate from the East-West University, Missouri, USA and is a Fellow of Royal Asiatic Society, London. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards and titles like Professor Emeritus, Jyothir Vidyalankar, and Jyothisha Sarva Bhouma. He has presented papers in various national and international conferences. Dr. Vasan presents some of the valuable contributions and research done by other scholars of this country.


August 2019

My interest is to present a series of articles on fundamental principles (or topics) of medical diagnosis that need further study and research in the field. This article speaks of the tatwa, its cycle and its utility in understanding the human mind, its desires and samskaras.

This birth tatwa is responsible for all human activities and desires in addition to the well being of the body

The astrological emagazine

Edited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram , Bangalore 560003 and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008. Ph: 25556015, 9845944311 Email:


August 2019

The astrological emagazine

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