The Astrological eMagazine December 2017 preview

Page 1

Inside Argala and its Importance in Judging Success



Words of Wisdom


to rS



BJP vs Congress Who will the people of Himachal Pradesh choose? Practical Vastu Tips to Counter Negativity and

Bring Prosperity in Homes



Predicting Property through Palmistry

Sixth House or Ripusthana in

Vedic Astrology

18 Vedic Astrology as a Key to

Self Transformation



This Month for You?

December 2017



The Astrological eMagazine 2017 Contents Index



BJP vs Congress Who will the people of Himachal Pradesh choose?


he citizens of Himachal Pradesh cast their crucial vote on Thursday, Nov 9, 2017. This was the assembly elections, where majority of the voting happened between 8 am and 5 pm.

There was record turnout. According the figures released by Election Commission, a record 74.61% polling happened, breaking the previous 74.51% record of 2003. The counting starts on 18th December and will be completed by 20th December. There are a total of 68 constituent assemblies. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Indian National Congress (INC) are the two main contesting parties. In 2013, when the elections took place, INC emerged powerful with 36 seats. BJP had managed to get only 27 seats. It will be interesting to see who the people will elect as their representative his time.

Horoscope of Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh is a sacred place in the Himalayas. It is spiritually rich housing consecrated temples, highly respected rivers, and very rare herbs. It also attracts a lots of tourists for its scenic beauty, serene landscape and adventure sports. Himachal Pradesh as a geographical entity was established as in 1948. Initially established as a province, it became a union territory in 1956. Later, in the early seventies, the Himachal Pradesh Act was passed which converted the union territory into a state effective 12.00 am on January 25, 1971. For all practical purposes, a chart casted for 12:00:01 am on January 25, 1971 at Shimla will give ample insights on what to expect. The first step is to determine the Lagna or the Ascendant. The rising sign is Thula or Libra. Debilitated Saturn aspects this sign. The Sun is in Capricorn and free of any aspect. Naturally, the Lagna or Ascendant will be Capricorn. Vimshottari Mahadasa Periods are as follows: Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury

1964-06-03 - 1971-06-04 1971-06-04 - 1991-06-04 1991-06-04 - 1997-06-03 1997-06-03 - 2007-06-04 2007-06-04 - 2014-06-04 2014-06-04 - 2032-06-03 2032-06-03 - 2048-06-03 2048-06-03 - 2067-06-04 2067-06-04 - 2084-06-04

Rahu Mahadasa started in 2014. The antardasas (sub periods) of Rahu Mahadasa are as follows: Rahu Jupiter Saturn Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars

2014-06-04 2017-02-14 2019-07-12 2022-05-16 2024-12-05 2025-12-23 2028-12-23 2029-11-17 2031-05-16


2017-02-14 2019-07-12 2022-05-16 2024-12-05 2025-12-23 2028-12-23 2029-11-17 2031-05-16 2032-06-03

Jupiter Antardasa has started in Febuary of 2017 and will be there till July 2019. Rahu is the second lord, in the second house, the house of wealth and stability. This mahadasa of Rahu will be very beneficial for Himachal Pradesh with the alignment of growth happening naturally. The second sign is also Aquarius, a watery sign, again indicating finances and natural resources. With the natural alignment of wealth during the said period, the leaders of the Himachal Pradesh should make the best use of this. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE



can be planted at a fair distance from each other — about 4 cubits (6 feet) apart. The distance between the saplings should neither be too close nor too far off. Some of the deep rooted trees (bonsai varieties too) like Ashoka (Saraca Indica), Nimba (lemon), Champaka (Michelia) and of course the Kalpa Vruksha Coconut tree can be planted in the south and west of the garden. Each tree can be protected with low height walls over an 18 inch deep foundation. The boundaries of the garden can be laid in such a way that rock gardening goes into the Southwest sector of the garden. These can slope down towards the North and/or East.

Vastu Healing Herbal plants (Basil —Tulsi and Tumbe — a flower sacred to Lord Siva) can be grown in the entry zones, north, east and northeast of the garden as well as of the site. , Aloe Vera can be planted on the eastern side more to the south or on the south side more to the east. The fragrance and healing energies of the innovatively

planted (or placed) herbal plants can cure or give relief from a a host of ailments like headaches, sore eyes, cough and cold, dysentery, acidity, indigestion, stomach worms, morning sickness of pregnancy, itching, etc. such These plants can also go into areas where the family spends most of their time together like the living rooms, the dining areas, etc. Ancient texts tell us that good and nourished growth of plants (indoor and outdoor) is possible by use of natural manure like cow dung, sesame, honey, milk, green gram, black gram, barley, rice etc. Vastu based gardens with planting done in the constellations of Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapada, Chitta, Anuradha, Mrigasira, Revati, Moola, Visakha, Pushya, Sravana, Aswini and Hasta can delight and contribute health to you and your family. Vastu principles help you to live in good health, better harmony and all round happiness in your sweet home.

 Book Review by Nirupama Predicting Through Nakshatras – Part I [Compiled and edited by Vidhan Pandya (and Nidhi Sharma Raj) for Saptarishis Astrology Facebook Group. Rs. 150.00 (for sale in India); US $ 20 (for sale outside India)]. The first part (of the three part series) which was sent to us by Mr. Sunil John, Editor, Saptarishis Online Journal, is a differently written book that details out 4 or more predictive techniques for each of the first nine nakshatras – Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira, Aridra, Punarvasu, Pushya and Aslesha. For Aswini nakshatra, the authors say that it can indicate travel. As an example, Sun (the significator of father) in Aswini, can suggest that the native’s father has a travelling job. They give several combinations for each technique making the mind of the reader churn well. Multiple charts (contributed by others in India and around the globe) are analyzed in depth and add luster to the book. There are three appendices interestingly titled as 1. Relatives in Astrology - identifying the twelve houses with self, family, younger siblings, mother, children, maternal uncles and aunts (and enemies too), spouse, spouse’s family, father, guru, boss, elder sibling and grandfather 2. Quick Reference (of six pages) of the various techniques discussed for each nakshatra in the book, and 3. Tear & Study that give important brief notes for the nine constellations. This is a well written, compiled and innovatively presented book that can be procured from and the publishers themselves ( 14



instantly and simultaneusly when we focus our mind. 12. Excess of Moon energy brings introversion and excess of Sun energy brings extroversion. This has resulted in East-West divide of our world. But the two, being complementary, cannot be separated completely. Jyothisha gives us a clue to this synthesis by making both Moon and Sun join Saturn to form their respective axis. 13. Sun Energy represents our grasp over reality. But, like mind, reality of the objective world too, is only partially knowable, however far or deep we may go. And it is again Saturn that comes to salvage us. The more humanitarian, just and liberating behaviour patterns alone give us a clue to how much of Sun Energy has been mastered. 14. Thus our behavior or Saturn Energy, through the synthesis of Moon and Sun energy of individual and objective reality, transforms knowledge into wisdom. This process makes Mercury energy of 3rd house to be the Mercury Energy of 6th. Such a


jump makes Jupiter of 9th to be the Jupiter of 12th, the first of which represents knowledge and the second, wisdom. This becomes possible through a multi-dialectical quantum leap in the manner given below : At first Mercury -Jupiter axis of 3rd-9th house combine, rotates to form ‘dialectics one’ by being interrelated to the axis of Moon-Saturn of 4th-10th house combination. ‘Dialectics two’ if formed by the rotation of SunSaturn axis, to be interrelated to Mercury-Jupiter axis of 6th-12th housed combination. Then ‘dialectics one’ rotates to be interrelated to ‘dialectics two’, ‘to form a multi-dialectics’. This ‘multi-dialectics’ makes the knowledge-Jupiter transform to be wisdom-Jupiter. This marks the ultimate transcendence of death and liberation. ________ References Kalapurusha Kundali, Vaidika Jyothisha

Dr. B. V. Raman

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A Manual of


How to Judge a Horoscope

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Predictive Astrology

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