Vastu for Fitness Centers
& Fitness Centers Weight Loss, Body Sculpting and Health
he importance of the science of Vastu has grown over a number of years. The 32 mandalas or the plans that the texts of Vastu have spoken about can be applied to every aspect of human life beginning from single square mandala of the simple mat that the common man sits on and the elders use for their prayers (sakala) and the fire altar (agni kund) to the four (2 x 2) squares mandala ofgarbha gudi of the lord (pechaka) to the nine (3 x 3) squares mandala of identifying the bhootas (primary elements) and the cardinal directions (peeta) to the 64 (8 x 8) and 100 (10 x 10) squares mandala used for temples (manduka and asana) to the 81 (9 x 9) squares mandala used for human habitations - independent homes, flats, row houses, villas, business places (paramasayika). 144 (12 x 12)squares mandala (Desiya) to 361 (19 x 19)squares mandala (Ganitha) are used for temple complexes and villages while 400 (20x20) squares mandala (Surya Visalakha) to 1024 (32 x 32) square mandala (Indrakanta) are used for towns and cities. The Desiya to Indrakanta mandalas can be used for today’s urban layouts. It is to be noted that the odd number modules have a central module – the nabhi – around which is he brahma (creative) space.
Bangalore Niranjan Babu
The astrological emagazine
This article primarily concentrates on the Vastu needs of the modern fitness centers. The earlier generations used to go for walking, climbed the stairs, sat on the floors and got up and down many times during the day. The women of the home spent much time in the kitchen and the home doing all the household chores including taking care of the baby/ies. They used the grinding stone (pounding stone, mortar and pestle) with their hands to prepare various mixes including the kitchen masalas. They would be constantly working their hands and legs doing the various chores and generally be healthy. All that was needed for these people was a single family doctor who would administer a minimum dosage for any ill health. Most of the time these folk remained healthy. July 2014
Today’s generation – men and women –on the other hand earn enough to enjoy the luxuries of life. They spend most of their free time watching television or fiddling the kindle, ipad or their smart phones. Most schools, let alone colleges, do not have compulsory physical training classes. The IT youngsters spend almost half of their day on their computers and laptops in air conditioned comfort sitting in the same posture for hours together, constantly exposed to the glare of their PCs. They eat fast food (junk food?) and hardly have time to spend at home with their family members. Such fast living has begun to affect the health of today’s generation, alarmingly. Stress factors have risen to levels high. Diabetes and heart related ailments have begun to hit these youngsters. Extreme stress has acted on the mental strengths of many who are not able to control themselves leading them to a wide range of physical and mental health problems. It is heartening to note that fitness centers have begun to come up and more and more people are getting aware of the need to keep their bodies (and mind) fit. What is a fitness center? Is it a Gym? Is it do with wellness? Is it to do with Physiotherapy? Is it to do with nutrition care? Is it do with Yoga and pranayama? Is it do with aerobics? Is it do with meditation? What is it? What is a Fitness Center? A true fitness center is to do with all these and much more. It cares for the younger generation and the older generation too. It can have a swimming pool for the kids and at the same time it can have physiotherapy in form of water (hydro) therapy that replicates the weights in a gym with activities in the water. It can have yoga, aerobics and provision for other group classes to. It can have geriatric care classes for the elders who suffer from a multitude of health problems apart from giving nutrition plans that aid one’s fitness plans to give one better health and strength. These nutritional plans normally tackle ailments such as obesity, loss and gain of weight, diabetes, blood pressure, etc. This scribe takes a morning walk every day and later attends a very well maintained and aesthetically designed fitness center near his home and has seen men and women of different ages attending the center for various requirements of fitness. Every day of our attendance at the center brought to our notice various activities done on several floors of the building. The liberal use of mirrors primarily on the floors of strengthening and cardio exercises also activated our thinking process. We felt that we should write an article on making the fitness (and health) centers more Vastu appropriate so that the benefit 10 July 2014
not only goes to the owners of the centers but also to those coming there for the various needs of health necessities. Nuances of a Fitness Center We approached Karthik who heads the fitness center to make us understand its nuances. He very kindly took us all over the center and patiently made us aware of the various health related activities going on. We also observed the various strengthening and cardiac gadgets and their placement and the orientation of the people using them. The main fitness area had different kinds of exercise machines for the different parts of the body apart from the standard dumbbells and barbells. The cardio area including equipment like rowing machines, stationery exercise bikes, elliptical trainers and the typical treadmills. We also saw group exercises (and yoga) being conducted by trained instructors. There was a swimming pool on the top floor where we saw people swimming under the watchful eye of competent coaches. We found out that aqua aerobics was also one of the activities of the center. As earlier indicated, our primary observation was the placement of long mirrors in particular directions. We were impressed at the very cordial ambience prevailing in the center which is the first step for Vastu appropriateness. Of course, the music being played in the strength and cardio areas needed to be more pleasant to the ears of this scribe. Over a survey of more fitness centers around the world, we noticed that the eco-friendly aspect also has received much recognition incorporating ‘green’ featues of landscaping. We also found that the fitness centers include restaurants, snack counters, child care facilities, cafes, wellness areas. steam (moist heat) and Sauna bath (dry heat) units are also included (in these other centers that we surveyed) to give relief from joint and body pains. Vastu Design The first step of designing a Fitness Center should be need based and from the convenience point of view. Let us identify a structure that has four floors (including the ground) and a basement for car parking. Site Selection, Bhugarbha Vinyasa and Muhurtha If one plans to buy a site and construct on it, any cardinal direction is fine. However since a fitness center primarily speaks of health, an east facing site can be selected. Once done, the site has to be tilled, wastes such as bones, hair, dirt, etc have to be removed and then the sacred Bhugarbha Vinyasa has to be done to induce fertility into the soil. This is the creation of a metaphysical foundation for the structure. The date has to be carefully selected such that it happens to be one of the following thithis (lunar day) - Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami and Dasami as a primary The astrological emagazine
selection and Dwitiya, Shasti, Ekadasi and Trayodasi as a second option. If possible, let the lunar day vibe with the week days Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Avoid Rahukala and select a muhurtha that has one of the benefics (Jupiter or Venus) in the Ascendant. Selecting the Water source Water is an important element in respect of Vastu. Basically our earth (another element) is covered by over 70% of water. Identify a water source (a bore well) in the site with the help of a water diviner. Select a proper Muhurtha to ensure good supply of underground water from the bore. Let the rising sign (ascendant) be a watery sign - Pisces, Cancer or Capricorn – in that order. Watery planets Moon or Venus in a Kendra (quadrant – 1, 4, 7 and 10) is generally indicative of abundant water supply.As much as possible identify the water source in the north of northeast of the site. However don’t bother if the diviner identifies the source of water in the south or west regions. You just need to create an underground water sump in the Uttara eashanya (north of northeast) such that the tank does not touch the diagonal running from southwest of the site Length (l)
to the northeast of the site. Once the overhead tank comes into existence, the bore water can fall into the underground tank and from there be pumped up to the overhead tank. Construction Based on the requirement of the local building authorities, enough setbacks have to be allowed. From the Vastu point of view, one eleventh module (sthaniya mandala) all around has to be kept free. Also find out from the development authorities, based on the floor area ration (FAR) how many floors you can go up. Our discussion will be based on a construction that can go up to four floors (apart from the basement). Ayadi Shadvarga Based on the space available for construction, the length, breadth and height of the building can be worked out using the six formulae of Ayadi – Aya, Vyaya, Rksa, Yoni, Vara and Thithi. The measurements are worked out on the basis of Hasta. The length of the hand from the bottom of the elbow to the top tip of the middle thumb is the Hasta. However, a standard hasta can be taken as 18 inches for conversion.
Height (h)
Remainder of
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As a general work out the yoni remainder to 1 which means Dhwajaya. A proper yoni ensures the qualitative life of the structure and its inmates. The Ayadi Shadvarga, properly calculated, are said to ensure health, harmony, peace and prosperity to the owners and the inmates of the structure. Basement The basement can be for parking of two wheelers and cars. The lift and staircase begin in this area and power generators and the server room are also in the basement. Toilets for sub staff can also be in the basement. Divide the total basement into nine modules (Peeta Mandala). The central module relating to the brahmasthana or the place of awareness (harmony) can be kept free of vehicles. The southeast can be identified for staircase, elevator, generators and the server room and part of that and east for two wheelers. Part of the southwest can have the first part The astrological emagazine
of the module as a store. Rest of the southwest, the south and the west modules can have car parking. Part of the northwest (relating to vayu – movement) on the west side can be for tabels for men and women. Part of the north module can also have vehicles parked. As indicated earlier the central area and northeast module can be kept free.
Basement July 2014
The third part of the east module can have the driveway to the basement. The floor level of the basement can be uniform except where the vehicles enter down into the east module. Ground Floor This floor can be reserved for the strength machines and the front office. The restrooms, staircase and lift will be a continuation of the basement. Let the back two thirds be for the fitness center and the front part for the reception and lounge. The exercise machines can be in southwest, southeast, south, west and east modules facing north or east. The north module can have lighter machines. Mirrors should never be on the south and west walls. They should, as a rule, be on the north and east walls. The users can face the mirrors when exercising. The southwest module can also have the dumbells and barbells section. The northeast sector can be for the trainers to sit and relax Southeast corner can have a pantry. First Floor This floor will be for cardio training. The mirrors will be only on the north and east walls. This floor can also have a pantry area like the ground floor and other floors. Tread mills can go on the southern side (facing north) while other cardio machines can go in the west (facing east). Part of these can go also go in the east side with the users facing north. Lighter machines and mat exercises can be done in the north facing east. The trainers here too will be in the northeast module. In the north module as indicated in the drawing, a water fountain can be active during the working hours. The eastern module can be a lounge. Second Floor This floor can for other activities like yoga, aerobics and letting out space for others to do workshops/seminars 12 July 2014
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
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Vastu & Fitness Centers (continued from 12)
apart from a few guest rooms. Guest rooms can be in the southwest and west for people who need to stay for a duration of time. The central area can be for workshops and seminars while the north and northeast modules can be for yoga and aerobic exercises. Here too, let the mirrors be only on the north and east walls. The northwest of every floor will continue to have restrooms (toilets) for men and women segregated by a moving space. Third Floor This floor can have the boss’ chamber in the southwest with the boss sitting in the west facing east, if a female or sitting in the south facing north if a male. The nasal passage to the room (door) will be on its eastern side (not to the corner). This floor will also have a room for VIP clients in the south with a restroom to its southeast and a room attached to its north which will be the VIP lounge. The north and northeast of the floor will be for admin and accounts. Fourth Floor The left of the staircase will have the men’s changing room while the children’s and women’s changing room will be a larger space on the west of the floor. The west of the men’s room can have the shoe rack where the participants of the swimming pool will be leaving their footwear. Care has to be taken that no footwear is near the swimming pool. The swimming pool covers north and northeast of the floor. If different levels of water for the needs of adults and children are required, the gradient downwards should be from west to east (northwest to northeast). In this floor too the boss can have a chamber in the southwest (to the left of the children’s and women’s changing room). The astrological emagazine
Third Floor
Fourth Floor
Sound of Music It is relevant that music is not harsh and of extreme volume. This scribe personally would vouch for playing Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra and Vishnu Sahasranama alternately at minimal volume. You can also play soft healing music. Concluding Vastu Shastra dating back to the Vedas – a Upaveda – is a way of life where great importance is given to both structure and the inhabitants with relation to nature – five primary elements or panchabhoota. When this science is carefully adapted to the different activities of modern life, better health, greater harmony and much happiness are bound to be the outcome. Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu! July 2014