Living Well – December 2020

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What’s Your AIM for the New Year?

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Corporate Message

Members Matter

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d f onl its he As another year comes to an end, we are likely to find ourselves looking back at this unprecedented period in time as both individuals and through our association with The AIM Companies™. In reflecting on 2020, it is impossible to ignore just how difficult life has been for the entire world. We have all been stomped on by this behemoth of a year one way or another, leaving an immeasurable mark on each of us. Through it all, AIM has remained an essential service with a mission to continue improving people’s lives through health and free enterprise. And people have been taking advantage of the health benefits that AIM nutrition can provide as witnessed in new and renewed memberships this year. Members remain the communicating force that steers the future of The AIM Companies™. With voices that matter through good and bad

times, Members stand strong in the competitive field of nutritional supplements, guiding people to choose high-quality, effective AIM products. Providing inestimable support since AIM’s inception, Member commitment has remained steadfast for over 38 years, even as Members witnessed the products they know and love undergo a rebrand that gives AIM a new look for future growth. The rebranding of the entire AIM image in the world marketplace introduced substantial changes that resulted in important feedback from Members. AIM is listening and addressing the input received. For example, issues with the readability of text on product labels will be fixed for future printing of labels. As always, Member input adds clarity to The AIM Companies and will continue to do so in the New Year and beyond.

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11/2/2020 2:31:33 PM

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Product Feature

You say Turmeric, I say Curcumin Many cultures around the world spice up their lives with the underground stems of turmeric, a flowering plant in the ginger family. Native to Southeast Asia, turmeric has been used for centuries to flavor foods, treat health disorders and dye material with its golden-yellow hue. You have to dig a little deeper into turmeric to find the main source of not only its distinctive color but its health benefits: curcumin. As one of the curcu­ minoids found only in turmeric, curcumin is a phytonutrient with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Most research focuses on curcumin because it is turmeric’s most active compound. This is one of many reasons why curcumin extract is an ingredient in the GinkgoSense formulation.

Improving Curcumin Absorption The black pepper extract in GinkgoSense provides a compound called piperine, which makes curcumin 2000 times more bioavailable. Piperine inhibits the breakdown of curcumin by the liver, which increases blood levels of curcumin and prevents this beneficial nutrient from being excreted from the body. Along with being a synergistic match for curcumin, black pepper provides antiinflammatory properties and supports the digestive system.

Effective Curcumin

The high-quality curcumin extract you get with GinkgoSense makes it an effective ingredient in comparison to the inexpensive turmeric powder often used in supplements. With the popularity of curcumin increasing over the years, it is important to know which is most effective in providing health benefits, such as detoxifying the body, reducing joint pain and improving cognitive function and memory.

Contains Curcumin Extract, not just Turmeric Powder References:

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11/2/2020 2:31:37 PM


A Balanced Connection

Wha New

Shared by Jan Baxter, Director, Waterloo, Ontario In mid-June during the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent some time at our cottage. After a day of kayaking and biking, I was reading on the couch when a frightening incident occurred with my vision. Some cloudiness suddenly appeared in the lower part of my left eye, making me very stressed out. Even though my eyesight returned to normal within a few minutes, I went to the local hospital that evening for tests. By mid-August, I had had a total of 15 tests done in various labs and hospitals. No significant problems were found. After consultations with various doctors, it was agreed that my active lifestyle and basically vegetarian diet were good. The only factor was my age. I’m 76 and take no medications. I enjoy staying active and focused on positive interests, such as yoga, photography, painting rocks and researching monarch butterflies, which ties in with Chrysalis Networx. I am most intrigued with the monarch’s

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chrysalis stage, when so much is going on inside, just as it does in all of us as we grow, weathering the storm and keeping calm. I know that worrying about possible health issues is automatic, especially during a pandemic. Staying calm takes practice. I feel that using AIM nutrition daily for the past 23 years has provided a balanced connection between handling stressful situations and being at peace with myself. These days, I continue to take many AIM products and love how I feel, having increased my daily intake of CellSparc 360, GinkgoSense, AIMega and Proancynol 2000. Thank you, AIM, for nutrition that works and keeps on working!

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

Contributors who submit a published testimonial in Living Well magazine receive a nutritional gift valued at $8.00 US. 4 LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 4

11/2/2020 2:31:41 PM

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Business Focus

What’s Your AIM for the New Year? For independent distributors of AIM products and those who enjoy the benefits of this supplemental nutrition, this is as good a time as any to get an early start on New Year’s resolutions. It is true that goals set for 2020 were thwarted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means any resolutions for the coming New Year will likely be made with this in mind, emphasizing the importance of strategies for maintaining good health.

Share Your AIM Resolutions for 2021

Positioning Yourself with AIM

If expanding your AIM business or simply encouraging others to try AIM nutrition is one of your resolutions, you know it can be a challenge to convince people to try something new even though it can change their lives for the better. Many people you connect with may say that they have heard it all before because someone is always trying to “sell” them on something. On the one hand, there’s a chance that what you say may fall on deaf ears. On the other hand, given that the world has been through so much in 2020 and remains in the middle of a health crisis, your words may be taken to heart. At all times, keep in mind the value of your resolution. It’s a goal to help others, not just yourself.


ceive a

We’d like to hear about your AIM goals for the New Year so that they can be shared and inspire others. Email your resolution(s) to with the subject line: My 2021 AIM Resolutions. You may also send your submission by fax to 1-208463-2689 or by mail to The AIM Companies, 3923 E. Flamingo Ave., Nampa, ID 83687-3100. To help you accomplish your AIM resolutions, you will be contacted in the New Year for follow-up.

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The Happy

Patrick and Simone Hubble are the parents of three children: four-year-old Wyatt, seven-year-old Owen and nineyear-old Destiny. The Hubbles lead very active lives in Perth, Australia. In addition to raising a family and having a hectic social life, Simone runs her own online business that supplies sensory tools for autistic children. Being such a busy mom had Simone searching for whole-food products that would enhance her family’s health. In 2020, she was introduced to AIM by Morne Marais, AIM Director, and the Hubbles began fueling their busy lifestyles with nutrition that works. “I encouraged the entire Hubble clan to take Cocoa LeafGreens and BarleyLife Xtra daily,” Simone said. “My children are picky eaters, so these wholefood powders increase their nutritional intake



and boost their stamina throughout the day. For instance, Owen makes his own Cocoa LeafGreens shake before going to school. He enjoys bouncing, climbing trees and riding his scooter, and the shakes are an easy and convenient way to fuel his activities.” FloraFood and Composure are also providing benefits for the busy Hubbles. Simone’s advice is that if you take care of your health, you can do anything. “It all starts within us,” she stated. “By managing stress, sleeping better and staying healthy, we can take any challenge head on.” Simone loves feeling healthy. Presently an AIM Preferred Member, she is constantly telling friends how her family’s health has improved by taking AIM products. Simone explained, “When I’m on to a good thing, I share the success with others.” Her AIM Family wishes Simone continued success when she hosts her upcoming open days and participates in future markets to promote the AIM products.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

Contributors who submit a published testimonial in Living Well magazine receive a nutritional gift valued at $8.00 US. 6 LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 6

11/2/2020 2:32:05 PM

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Product Feature

The Gift of AIM Nutrition

It’s not too late to give the gift of health this Christmas with supplemental nutrition that works for people of all ages. And there’s still time for those who exchange gifts during Hannukah or Kwanzaa. Here are some wishfully helpful suggestions for wrapping up some healthy presents this year.


delivers supplemental calcium and the nutrients that enable its absorption to support strong, healthy bones.

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Herbal Fiberblend

helps enhance the digestive process with a cleansing mix of herbs and fiber.

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For men in their 40s or older,

ReAssure SP

offers natural, nutritional support for prostate health.

Giving children chocolaty CoCoa LeafGreens or naturally sweet BarleyLife Xtra can encourage healthy, lifelong habits.


can help adults improve their memory and vision with a combination of premium botanical ingredients. The Mover and Shaker Pack makes a fine gift for fueling anyone on the go with BarleyLife.

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CranVerry+ • Supports a healthy urinary tract • Helps to maintain a healthy bacterial balance • Provides health benefits for both women and men


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Releasing antioxidant phytonutrients that support good health, each capsule of CranVerry+ contains 500 mg of cranberry extract derived from the whole berry. Provides as many anthocyanins as nearly ten 6.76 oz servings of cranberry juice. In 2015, the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology published a randomized study (160 participants) examining cranberry benefits for women who had surgery. During the postoperative period, those who took two cranberry extract capsules twice daily (equal to two 8-oz servings of cranberry juice) reduced the rate of urinary tract infection (UTI) by 50 percent.

Beta-glucanase breaks down biofilm, a slimy shield that protects microbial communities.

What Puts the Plus in CranVerry+? 25 mg of Resveratrol: a polyphenol compound sourced from knotweed root 100 mg of Mangosteen: a super source of antioxidant-rich xanthones 100 BGU of Beta-Glucanase: a biofilm-destroying enzyme Mangosteen contains beneficial compounds called xanthones, including α-mangostin, which was first discovered in 1855. Found in the purple pericarp that protects the white fruit, α-mangostin delivers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.α-mangostin

8 LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 8

11/2/2020 2:32:32 PM

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Holiday Recipes

Recipes: Festive Favorites Chocolate Cocoa Power Balls

• 1 tsp vanilla • 1 tbsp Cocoa LeafGreens • 1 or 2 tbsp raw cocoa powder • 1 tbsp chia seeds • ⅔ cup unsweetened coconut • 1 heaping scoop of ProPeas flakes (fine) protein powder • 2–3 tbsp coconut oil - melted • 1 cup dry oats • ¼ cup honey • ½ cup crunchy peanut butter or almond butter Directions: In a large bowl, mix together all ingredients. Optional: Add a sprinkle of raw cocoa nibs. Roll into walnut-sized balls. Store sealed in fridge until ready to eat.

Avocado Garlic Spread • 1 avocado • 1 tbsp lime juice • 1 GarlicAIM capsule • Salt and pepper to taste Directions: Place all of the above ingredients in a bowl and blend until creamy and smooth. Enjoy on toast with

Pinky Peak Custard

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Cranberry sauce ingredients • 1 bag (340 g) fresh cranberries • 1 cup water • ½ cup maple syrup • 3 scoops CalciAIM Cook cranberries in water until soft. Pour into a blender, add maple syrup and CalciAIM. Blend until very smooth. Refrigerate. Custard Ingredients • 1 cup millet, uncooked • 1 can coconut milk (400 ml) • ½ cup maple syrup • 3 tbsp coconut oil • 1-2 tsp vanilla, to taste • 3 scoops Peak Endurance


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some arugula and walnuts as a delicious start to the day. To make into a dip, add ½ cup of kefir, sour cream or Greek-style yogurt and serve with some fresh vegetables.

Rinse and drain millet, then with 3½ cups water, cook in a saucepan, partially covered over medium heat for 15-20 minutes or until most water is absorbed. Stir to prevent burning. Turn off heat, cover the pan and leave millet to absorb the rest of the water. Let cool. Blend ingredients in a blender until silky smooth. Best to do it in two batches. Pour into individual glasses, leaving room for cranberry sauce. Let cool in fridge so the custard can set. Then pour cranberry sauce on top. Enjoy!

Barley Chia Seed Pudding • 1 heaping teaspoon BarleyLife • 1 cup almond milk, coconut milk or cream • ¼ cup chia seeds • 2 tbsp raw honey Directions: Mix all together. Chill in fridge for 1 hour and stir occasionally. Add toppings as desired and enjoy. 9 LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 9

11/2/2020 2:32:42 PM


Going the Distance

after a diagn Miraculously, made it go diagnosed wi I went through Even with t of 2019, I have Ironman even

Andre de Beer, AIM Preferred Member Bultfontein, Pretoria, South Africa I grew up in South Africa with an older brother and two younger sisters. Financially, times were tough. The first time in my life that I had three meals a day was when I joined the army. Although we battled, I was very blessed in sport and realized that it would take me places. In 1982, I fell in love with the sport of triathlon—swimming, biking and running. I had swum an Olympic qualifying time in 1976, but isolation kept us out of international competition until 1992, when I was included on the national team. As for education, I completed my law degree, studied human movement science and furthered my studies on performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), which caused the ruin of so many athletes. My main golden rule is to know your own body and be conscious of what you put in it. I had a passion for nutrition, and I started to concentrate on natural products.

Over the years, I have had major health issues. In 1996, foot melanoma required having chemotherapy. Surgery to remove this cancer resulted in an infected wound that almost made me lose my foot. Then in 1999, I went through brutal chemotherapy Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

Contributors who submit a published testimonial in Living Well magazine receive a nutritional gift valued at $8.00 US. 10 LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 10

11/2/2020 2:32:46 PM

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Testimonial / Contest after a diagnosis of testicular cancer. Miraculously, prayers from a teammate made it go away. Last year, I was diagnosed with urethral carcinoma, so I went through additional brutal chemo. Even with these health challenges, as of 2019, I have done over 60 full-distance Ironman events as well as other types. I have traveled the world doing Ironman, inspiring

people and getting inspired by athletes who have been in even worse situations than me. At the beginning of lockdown in 2020, a dear friend introduced me to AIM, starting us off with BarleyLife, FloraFood and a whole range of products. She believed that this was my first step to a change in lifestyle. Within three days of using BarleyLife and Flora-­ Food, my wife noticed a big change in me. For training, I take RediBeets and will soon add Peak Endurance. My recovery is on another level, and I can feel the difference AIM has made in my diet every day. In all my years of research, I never came across a company with as much backup, passion and knowledge as AIM. My aim is to do another Ironman event in the future, and I’m very excited because I believe that anything is possible and all praise to God.

How Are You Going to Spend Your Cash? Members are in the final stretch of the GROW Cash Contest that ends December 31, 2020. After the competition got off to a green start on June 1, AIM began sending out regular updates to keep Members in the loop as to where they stand in the contest. A total of $64,500 USD in cash prizes will be awarded in North America, ranging from $500 to the $5,000 grand prize. Originally, the idea was to present winning Members extra pocket money that could go toward the 2021

Celebration even though this was always optional. However, safety concerns for Members necessitated the canceling of next year’s event. In the meantime, think about what you might do with a cash prize and keep on GROWing through the remainder of the contest. Contest ends December 31, 2020. Prize earners will be announced on January 12, 2021.

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Zandru in the Wind Shared by Janine Durrant, Blue Diamond Director Glenstantia, South Africa Zandru lives on a wildlife farm in South Africa. He loves the outdoors and can run like the wind. As a matter of fact, once he gets running on the open stretches of farm roads, pretty much nothing will stop him, except when he spots an animal. He has a strong immune system and boundless energy. From time to time, he gets a stuffy nose or a cough; however, he bounces back to full throttle quickly. When he was months old, his mom, Bonnie, started rubbing a little BarleyLife powder onto his gums, which soothed him through the teething process. This began his love for the “feel good” green powder. Now that Zandru is old enough to open lids, the Garden Trio has to be kept out of his reach. Otherwise, once the lids are off, the eating begins. Each morning, Zandru asks for his green, orange and red barley. Bonnie lets him spoon his different colored “barleys”

into his bowl, allowing him to play an active role in developing a healthy habit. He loves eating this dry powder mix and, on occasion, uses it as body powder. Just like Bonnie, parents can feel good about giving the Garden Trio to their children. This source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, chlorophyll, enzymes and phytonutrients provides an abundance and diversity of beneficial nutrients for growing bodies. Young Zandru is a testament to this AIM nutrition, and the Garden Trio will continue to help power his runs in the fresh air and sunlight of South Africa.

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.

Contributors who submit a published testimonial in Living Well magazine receive a nutritional gift valued at $8.00 US. 12 LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 12

11/2/2020 2:32:53 PM

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The Garden Trio provides three powerhouses of plant nutrients: barley leaves, carrots and beets in concentrated juice powders of these three whole foods. N


Whole-food Nutrition


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Garden Trio


Juice powders give you convenient access to easily absorbed plantbased nourishment. Easy on the digestive system, the Garden Trio delivers superfood powders for supplemental nutrition. Modern farming practices have lowered nutrient levels in the soil. These days, a harvest of carrots or beets is likely to contain fewer vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, etc. than they did decades ago.1 Just Carrots and RediBeets offer an optimal source of the beneficial nutrients found in carrots and beets that are grown using organic farming practices. 1

Each serving of the Garden Trio provides 3 grams of plant protein. If you tried to eat barley grass, its incredible source of nutrients would be wasted by your lack of an enzyme that breaks down the protective fiber. AIM found a way to turn barley grass into a powder that is bursting with unique green nutrition.

It’s Your Choice!

You can take the Garden Trio in a drink that contains one, two or all three whole-food concentrates. It’s a mix-and-match choice of beverages, according to your taste and mood. 13 LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 13

11/2/2020 2:33:08 PM


Changes to the AIM Member Agreement and Policies & Procedures Here is a summary of important changes effective January 1, 2021. Right of the Company to Terminate. The Company may provide 30 days to cure any act that would otherwise result in termination. Notice shall be deemed effective three days after sending notification to the Member via e-mail or postal mail. AIM is not required to notify the terminated Member’s upline or downline when a termination occurs. Restrictions on Sale. A retail establishment cannot be a mass merchandiser or franchise whereby the principal owner is not a Company Member. The Company strongly encourages Members to sell products at the suggested retail prices to customers. Tax Identification Number. Upon receipt of a missing tax ID number or income tax exemption certificate that previously had not been provided, the Company shall not pay retroactively for any previously unpaid commissions. Membership Fees. Failure to renew within 30 days of the Member’s anniversary (expiration) date will result in the membership being terminated.

Payment of Commissions. New direct deposit accounts and changes must be received on or before the last business day of the current month to be effective for the following commission month’s deposit. Termination of a direct deposit must be completed on or before the last business day of the current month in order to be effective for that commission month’s deposit. Internet and Advertising. The Internet and Advertising Guidelines have been added to the Policies and Procedures. Additionally, the Dos and Don’ts for Disease Claims and Testimonials and Business Claims and Testimonials have been incorporated into this new section. To view the updated AIM Member Agreement and Policies & Procedures, log in to your AIM account online at or request a copy with your next order.

Qualifying Orders & Holidays

Membership Transfers. The potential buyer or transferee must be of equivalent title to the selling Member or have been a qualified AIM Member for at least a oneyear period prior to the sale. The buyer or transferee must terminate his/her qualified membership simultaneously.

For December, the cutoff date for placing month-end commission qualifying orders received via phone, fax or mail is 5:00 p.m. MT on Thursday, December 31. Online orders count until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, December 31.

Ordering and Payment. The Company reserves the right to convert paper checks received for payment into safe, efficient electronic transactions processed through an Automated Clearing House (ACH) network.

AIM USA will be open 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. MT on Thursday, December 24 and closed on Friday, December 25 for Christmas. AIM Canada will be closed Friday, December 25 for Christmas, and Monday, December 28 for Boxing Day.

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2021 Produ

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2021 Product Prices and Shipping Costs AIM is committed to being upfront regarding changes affecting Members. Due to increases in the costs of production and materials, as of January 1, AIM products will increase by 50 cents in the USA and 75 cents in Canada. BVP will remain the same. The AIM Companies remains committed to you, our Members, therefore AIM has decided to keep offering a 50% savings on shipping costs to Members, even with shipping rate increases being passed on to us from all carriers for the upcoming year. AIM would like to remind its loyal Members that we’re all in this together, In Partnership for Life. PUBLISHED BY

Address correspondence to: Editor, Living Well for AIM Members, 3923 E. Flamingo Ave., Nampa, ID 83687-3100 e-mail: • The purpose of AIM Living Well is to communicate vital information to our Members and to build a strong relationship with them through education, motivation and recognition. If you submit your testimony and photo, we deem this your permission to publish or share with others via social media. AIM products cannot be sold and advertised as cures and treatments for any disease. Our products are intended to improve the nutritional profile of the individuals who use them. Federal regulations in many countries prohibit making any claims that products are used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment and prevention of disease. AIM Living Well is written in compliance with U.S. requirements, which may not be suitable for marketing AIM products outside of the United States. We ask that you be aware of and respect the requirements of your country in marketing AIM products. Articles are for information only. Consult a health care practitioner for advice. ©2020 AIM International Inc. AIM Members are hereby granted per­mission to reproduce any article that appears in Living Well, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and the reprint bears the following notice: “Reprinted with permission of AIM International Inc., Nampa, Idaho.” Printed in the USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Online: E-mail: Toll-free (USA & Canada): 1-800-456-2462 Weekday hours: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MT USA TELEPHONE NUMBERS Orders, Applications, Support . . . . . . . . . 1-800-456-2462, Opt. 1 (open weekdays, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time) AIM Information Express™ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-456-2462, Opt. 2 (computerized account access available anytime, 24/7)

AIM USA 3923 E. Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687-3100 Phone 208-463-2142 Toll-Free 800-456-2462 Fax 208-463-2189 AIM Canada Office 390 - 2025 42 Ave W Vancouver, BC V6M 2B5 Phone 604-263-8497 Toll-Free 888-343-9977 Fax 604-263-8455 Distribution Centre 158 - 5255 McCall Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J5 AIM South Africa P.O. Box 1087 Florida 1710 Phone 27-11-675-0477 Fax 27-11-675-0427 AIM United Kingdom Within the UK: Phone (020) 7089 2640 Fax (020) 7089 2641 From outside the UK: Phone +44 20 7089 2640 Fax +44 20 7089 2641 AIM Australia P.O. Box 3081 Nunawading Victoria 3131 Phone 1300-880-908 Fax 1300-880-918 From Outside Australia: Phone 61-3-9874-8311 Fax 61-3-9874-7402 AIM New Zealand Within Auckland: Phone 64-9-537-5809 Fax 64-9-537-5904 From Outside Auckland: Phone 0800-480-333 Fax 0800-480-555 15

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The AIM Companies® 3923 E. Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687-3100

Powered by AIM Nutrition Danae Dolinsky-Songy and Lora Wishart are AIM Members who have what it takes to be featured on the AIM website: Both Danae and Lora sent in their biographical backgrounds that led to testimonials that shine online!

Danae Dolinsky-Songy — Aerial Acrobat

Lora Wishart — Teacher


Do You Have What It Takes? LivingWellMag_DEC_2020.indd 16

11/2/2020 2:33:14 PM

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