Year-End Windups, New-Year Beginnings
Once the calendar year reaches its final month, it is often a time of winding down on many levels as the year comes to an end. Reflection on the past and what the future will bring often settles in during the final days of December. Expectations for the New Year culminate in worldwide cel ebrations as the movement of time heralds in the first of yet another 365 days.
Looking back at 2022 from an AIM perspective, the month of April marked roughly 14,600 days of existence as a network marketing company, driven by 40 years of Member effort to promote nutrition that works. In the scheme of things that do not last, this is a considerable amount of time that continues to advance into a future filled with potential.
Whether you are a Customer who uses AIM products to improve and maintain your health or a Member who also promotes them, you are part of the AIM Family that celebrated 40 years of healthy existence in 2022.
As this year comes to an end, 2023 offers another 365 days of new beginnings. This notion may sound whimsical, but you only have to consider the many testimonials that include a life-altering day that awareness of AIM nutrition changed someone’s life for the better. One day can make an incomparable difference to all remaining days.
Health and wealth improvements have been the AIM tradition for over four decades. Moving into a fifth decade means that the AIM Family is heading in the direction of a half a century of doing good for those who integrate the AIM products into their lifestyles. Among the multitude of choices available during a lifetime, it is reassuring to know that AIM can contribute to new beginnings and a healthy future.
Psyllium: The Wonder Fiber
Herbal Fiberblend and Fit ’n Fiber are AIM dietary supplements that include psyllium (Plantago ovata) as an ingredient. Psyllium is one of the finest sources of supplemental fiber for alleviating constipation and restoring regular bowel movements.
Native to the Mediterranean region and West Asia, psyllium is a low-growing, herbaceous plant with a white flower spike. As many as 15,000 seeds with mucilaginous properties can be produced by each psyllium plant.
It is the seeds that give psyllium its name, which originated from the Greek word for flea, comparable to the size, shape and whitish color of the seeds. The outer coating of psyllium seeds (husks) that is used as an AIM ingredient provides roughly 70 percent soluble fiber and 30 percent insoluble fiber.1
Psyllium’s insoluble fiber absorbs water without dissolving and bulks up stools for easier elimination. On the other hand,
psyllium’s predominantly soluble fiber begins to dissolve after contact with fluids in the body, forming a gel-like substance that passes intact and unfermented throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This water-retaining gel is at the heart of psyllium’s other health benefits.
The presence of psyllium husk as an ingredient in Herbal Fiberblend for digestive health and Fit ’n Fiber for weight management reflects the versatility of this supplemental fiber. Both dietary supplements increase fiber intake and provide all of psyllium’s benefits for maintaining good health.
Our Gift of Health
Of all the possessions in the world, having good health is possibly the most valuable. It’s a gift, but it can easily be taken away with the onset of a debilitating health issue. As a result, regaining wellness may become the single-most important thing in our lives.
It’s easy to get distracted by the massive selection of ultra-processed foods that are marketed as nutrition. Most of it is tastetested to tempt our appetites without concern for what it does to our bodies. Such poor nutrition increases our intake of sugar, salt, additives, unhealthy fats, etc. while depriving us of the nutrients and phytonutrients that are known to maintain our health. In the long run, it’s a lifestyle choice that is one of the worst things we can do to our bodies.¹ A dietary intake that includes ultra-processed foods contributes to the likelihood of losing the gift of health.
The age-old saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has remained true ever since it was first penned by Benjamin Franklin nearly 300 years ago. It’s a key step that all of us should keep in mind for maintaining the gift of health.
Making lifestyle choices that reduce the risk of illness is at the core of prevention. Although the basics remain wholesome food, regular exercise and adequate sleep, it isn’t always simple for us to keep everything in balance during the course of day-to-day living.
Recognize that there will always be days when even the healthiest of routines is thrown off the rails by something that is out of our control. These occurrences are inevitable, so expect them to happen as unavoidable setbacks. The trick is to do whatever possible to make them short-term so that we get back on track for maintaining our gift of health.
Striving to maintain a wholesome dietary intake is simply our best bet for health maintenance. A daily intake of whole, plantbased foods from the marvelous selection that the Earth offers is a healthy gift for our bodies.
Supplementing this nutritional foundation with added nutrients and phytonutrients provided by AIM products such as BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets is like giving our bodies a bonus gift for maintaining good health.
Even though a primarily plant-based diet is best for our bodies, behaving like a rooted plant and not moving daily in any form of exercise is also one of the detrimental lifestyle choices we can make. Lack of physical activity equates to a lack of prevention against physical ailments.²
Integrating a balance of moderate or intensive exercise into our daily routines has been shown to lower the risk of dying from a number of chronic diseases. Focusing on what physical activity does just for our hearts, we can easily imagine how the benefits circulate to the rest of our bodies.
Supporting physical activity with the nutritional ingredients unique to the AIM Sports Pack delivers assistance before, during and after exercise in the forms of RediBeets, Peak Endurance and ProPeas, all of which help maintain our gift of health.
Some people think that we human beings waste so much time by sleeping, but nothing could be further from the healthy truth. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that “insufficient sleep has been linked to the development and management of a number of chronic diseases and conditions, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression.” ³
Managing our stress levels and being able to relax following the cares of the day are vital for getting a good night’s sleep. Wholesome nutrition and exercise contribute to quality rest. And a helping hand can be had from AIM products such as GinkgoSense, Composure and Mag-nificence CWR, which help reduce stress and promote sleep with all of its healing effects on our health.
BioVivify Results Keep Coming In!
The launch of a new product is always a thrilling time at AIM. Equally exciting is product-use feedback when it begins to arrive. BioVivify was introduced this year and as 2022 draws to a close, Customers and Members have had time to witness results from taking this dietary supplement that works from the inside out to improve the appearance of hair, nails and skin. The following testimonials were shared by Members of AIM Canada.
Ever since BioVivify was launched in Canada, I have been using it and have almost finished the first bottle. My nails are hard, shiny and smooth, all with white tips. It looks as though I have just had a French manicure. Wow! I am so impressed!
June Poswiata, Royal Emerald Director Bracebridge, Ontario
Impressive Hair and Skin Improvements
I recently started on my second bottle of BioVivify. As per a testimonial in Living Well magazine, I began to notice improvements in my hair although I was still losing quite a bit on my brush. However, I am beginning to see even more positive changes in my hair from continued use. Even more stunning, a huge callus that had formed to protect the bunion on my foot began to be clearly defined. After two weeks of using BioVivify, I was able to clip away a thick layer of the callus. This happened three weeks in a row. How sweet it is to have it now looking like almost totally normal skin. Not only that, but it’s confirmation that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and our bodies have their priorities even when we don’t recognize them.
Irene Herbert, Group Builder London, OntarioAstaReal® astaxanthin was awarded the ingredient of the year for cognitive function at the 2022 NutraIngredients-Asia Awards in acknowledgment of one of its many health benefits. This powerful antioxidant is BioVivify’s primary ingredient.
Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.
Snapshot: The BarleyLife Family
As 2022 draws to a close on a year that celebrated a four-decade anniversary of The AIM Companies™, it’s a fine time to focus on what started and led to this milestone: making available for human consumption the phenomenal nutrition that can only be found in barley grass. Creating an edible juice powder from young blades of barley grass was an idea way ahead of its time back in 1982.
Convincing people that drinking grass was one of the healthiest things they could do for themselves was the challenge. AIM Members met that challenge as independent distributors who promoted and shared the benefits of the juice powder of young barley grass.
Member word of mouth is a powerful tool. In 1987, the AIM Canada office was officially opened, followed by other international locations, including Australia in 1994, South Africa in 1996 and the United Kingdom in 2005. None of this expansion would have happened without the whole-food powder known as BarleyLife that continues to improve and maintain people’s health.
Barley leaf juice powder increases overall energy helps alkalize the body naturally delivers daily nutrition that maintains a foundation for good health
Knowing that everyone can benefit from the unique nutrition in BarleyLife while recognizing that some people do not appreciate its natural taste, over the years AIM created the BarleyLife family of products. Here’s a look at the variations and a tropical, limited extra.
The methodology to make barley grass edible is not the same as it was over 40 years ago. That is because AIM does not rest on its laurels, continuing to hone its techniques in growing, harvesting and cold-processing barley grass to create BarleyLife.
BarleyLife Capsules
Taking capsules of barley leaf juice powder is a convenient way to get the exceptional green nutrition in BarleyLife. Those who simply cannot stomach the taste of grass can still get the benefits by taking the encapsulated powder. Take 7 capsules for one serving of BarleyLife powder.
BarleyLife Xtra Apple-Cherry (2005)
The combination of BarleyLife with an additional 18 fruit and vegetable powders turns the original idea of consuming barley grass into a sweeter taste sensation without any added sugar. It’s a popular choice for all age groups. Take one rounded teaspoon (4.5 grams) for one serving of BarleyLife powder.
BarleyLife Xtra Pineapple (2022)
Pineapple-flavored BarleyLife Xtra was launched in the North American summer of 2022, when a tropical taste sensation was a seasonal fit. It will remain available for as long as inventory lasts. This means it can tropically find its way into festive beverages this December (see Festive Recipes on page 7 ).
It is fitting to come full circle and end this family snapshot where it all began: barley leaf juice powder. Members who have been with AIM from the early days were there through the changes and innovations of BarleyLife. Over 40 years later, it remains the flagship of AIM nutrition and the head of the BarleyLife family.
fresh focus
Digestive Health Support
The nine cultured enzymes, papaya fruit and garlic leaf powder in PrepZymes target the break down of protein, carbohydrates, fats, etc. for thorough digestion and nutrient assimilation.
2123E, $26.50 M, $28.00 C (CAN 2171E, $27.25 M, $29.00 C)
Roughly 70 million Americans and 20 million Canadians are affected by digestive disorders on an annual basis.
PrepZymes’ Cultured Enzymes
The word “cultured” is not always defined as having good taste, manners, upbringing or an education. The cultured enzymes in PrepZymes means that they have been cultivated, strained off and purified to remove any remaining bacteria, fungi or yeasts. It also means PrepZymes’ enzymes are active in both acidic and alkaline environments, so they remain digestively effective.
Foods that are not being properly digested indicate that their sources of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are not fully utilized and literally going to waste. With its unique formulation, PrepZymes boosts the presence of enzymes to support food digestion.
Gas, bloating and abdominal pain may be symptoms of a digestive enzyme deficiency.
Growing food crops in depleted soil and irradiating foods reduces enzyme levels that would otherwise be normally present. Naturally occurring enzymes in food can also be degraded during preparation, cooking and processing. PrepZymes is a dietary supplement that can help correct enzyme imbalances in all forms of food.
All of the festive feasts enjoyed during this holiday season can use the extra support of PrepZymes: digestive help at any meal . . . any time of the year.
All Is Calm?
Things are not always calm during the holiday season, making it difficult to sleep in heavenly peace. In spite of what is assumed to be a time of joy to the world, it can be a stressful period simply if you’re not feeling as happy and upbeat as expected.
There’s also a lot of disturbing stuff going on as 2022 reaches the final calendar days of December. On top of the present state of the world, the demands of this celebratory month can increase frustration and stress as a consequence of decorating, shopping for gifts, traveling, meal preparation, gatherings with friends and family, etc. It all depends on your level of involvement in celebrated holidays.
AIM can help you alleviate stress and its effect on sleep with two products named with the letter “C” . . . so bring on Composure and CWR.
Let’s face it, life can necessitate the need for C and C breaks, holiday pressures or not. Stress intensifies tension throughout your body. CWR’s magnesium and Composure’s herbs help you to loosen up tense muscles and an overburdened brain.
Slip into a state of all is calm by immersing yourself in bathwater enriched with muscle-relaxing magnesium from Magnificence CWR. Find a sense of tranquillity day or night by taking capsules of the soothing herbs in Composure. Both natural health products are aimed at making you feel better and calmer, easing your mind and body into a relaxed state primed for restful sleep. Take advantage of C and C breaks for calmer days this holiday season and throughout the New Year days to come.
Not everyone who takes AIM nutrition is interested in being an independent distributor of the products. That’s okay. Having a business doesn’t appeal to everyone. Furthermore, the business model afforded by network marketing gets some pretty bad press as a result of the horror stories of those involved with companies that force-feed products on their associates, creating debt, unsold inventory and a high percentage of business failure. None of that has anything to do with AIM.
First and foremost, you choose to start an AIM business because it is the right company for you. For over 40 years, AIM’s natural health products have been changing people’s lives for the better.
Be Aware, Ethical and Honest in Your Approach
When you follow the lead of Members who have built successful AIM businesses, you get it right from the start. They’ve been there and done that, so tap into their extensive experience.
To grow your business successfully, you need a passion for helping people improve and maintain their health. Your passion extends to the products, so become totally familiar with AIM
nutrition and use testimonials to speak for its benefits. Take advantage of the training and tools available from AIM to build foundational knowledge.
Hard work and patience is essential for business growth. Be ethical in your contact with potential new Members and Customers. Don’t make exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims about either the AIM products or business opportunity.
Recognize that there will be people who feel they have no need for AIM products, so discuss their interests instead. If you annoy or hound them, you’ll lose them as friendly contacts who may know people that will be interested in hearing about AIM.
As you continue to make progress, recognize and celebrate your role as a leader and trainer who assists your new Members in growing their AIM businesses. This action is fundamental in network marketing. It builds on your own foundation in a way that is comparable to a retail operation that expands by opening more branches in new locations. With AIM’s global reach and the demand for natural health support, there’s so much potential for expansion as you AIM your way.
A fun puzzle for you to complete using the articles in this month's Living Well Magazine.
2. Looking back at 2022 from an AIM perspective, the month of ______ marked roughly 14,600 days of existence as a network marketing company.
5. This yummy Green ______ recipe contains BarleyLife Xtra pineapple and CalciAIM.
7 AstaReal® astaxanthin found in BioVivify, was awarded the ______ of the year for cognitive function.
8. If you aren’t interested in being an AIM independent distributor, you can still purchase AIM products as a ______ .
9. Striving to maintain a wholesome ______ intake is simply our best bet for health maintenance.
1. Herbal Fiberblend and Fit ’n Fiber are AIM dietary supplements that include ______ as an ingredient.
Down (continued)
4. The ______ to make barley grass edible is not the same as it was over 40 years ago. Happy Holidays & New Year from AIM
With all that is happening in the world today, it is important to alleviate ______ , and AIM products can help.
Please note the following change to the AIM Member Agreement and Policies & Procedures, effective January 1, 2023:
Status As A Member – 5. Bonus Buying and BVP Placement Prohibited: A Member may not purchase or assign BVP of AIM products, either directly or indirectly by placing orders or purchasing product from another AIM Member or AIM Customer (regardless of who ends up with the product), in an attempt to qualify themselves or another Member for title promotions, contest incentives, rewards or recognition. However, a Member may pay the membership, renewal or reinstatement fee for another Member.
Product Pricing Adjustments for 2023
AIM is committed to being upfront regarding changes affecting Members. As we all are aware, inflation has driven up the prices of goods and services throughout the world, and AIM is no exception. The cost AIM pays for ingredients, materials and production, and the cost to ship them from our suppliers and deliver them to our Members and Customers has increased substantially in the past 12 months.
To maintain our commitment to bringing to you the very best in nutritional products with tested ingredients that meet our high standards, on January 1, the majority of AIM products will increase by 50 cents per container in the USA and Canada. Two new products, BioVivify and BarleyLife Xtra Pineapple, will not increase in price. Finally, two products which have experienced significantly higher ingredient costs, RediBeets and Just Carrots, will increase by $1 per container.
Although substantial shipping rate increases are being passed on to the company from all carriers, AIM remains committed to reducing shipping charges for our loyal AIM Members and AIM Customers. In the U.S. and Canada, Members will continue to receive a 50% savings on the standard shipping method, and Customers will continue to receive free standard shipping on orders of $50 or more.
Remember to Place Your Commission Qualifying Orders
For December, the cutoff date for placing month-end commission qualifying orders received via phone, fax or mail is 4:00 p.m. MT (Mountain Time) on Friday, December 30.
Online orders count until 11:59 p.m. MT on Saturday, December 31.
Holiday Closures
AIM USA will be closed Monday, December 26 to observe Christmas, and on Monday, January 2 to observe New Year’s Day.
AIM Canada will be closed Monday and Tuesday, December 26 and 27 to observe Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and Monday, January 2 to observe New Year’s Day.
Address correspondence to: Editor, Living Well for AIM Members, 3923 E. Flamingo Ave., Nampa, ID 83687-3100 e-mail: •
The purpose of AIM Living Well is to communicate vital information to our Members and to build a strong relationship with them through education, motivation and recognition. If you submit your testimony and photo, we deem this your permission to publish or share with others via social media and print.
AIM products cannot be sold and advertised as cures and treatments for any disease. Our products are intended to improve the nutritional profile of the individuals who use them. Federal regulations in many countries prohibit making any claims that products are used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment and prevention of disease.
AIM Living Well is written in compliance with U.S. requirements, which may not be suitable for marketing AIM products outside of the United States. We ask that you be aware of and respect the requirements of your country in marketing AIM products.
Articles are for information only. Consult a health care practitioner for advice.
©2022 AIM International Inc. Printed in the USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
AIM Members are hereby granted permission to reproduce any article that appears in Living Well, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and the reprint bears the following notice: “Reprinted with permission of AIM International Inc., Nampa, Idaho.”
Online: E-mail: Toll-free (USA & Canada): 1-800-456-2462 Weekday hours: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MT
Orders, Applications, Support .......... 1-800-456-2462, Opt. 1 (open weekdays, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time)
AIM Information Express™ ............. 1-800-456-2462, Opt. 2 (automated account access, prerecorded product information and more – available anytime) Information Express™ Dial Direct ............ 1-866-548-3246 Servicios en Español (Spanish) 1-800-926-2464 Services en Français (French CAN) 1-800-933-4246 (Chinese) ............................. 1-800-955-4246 International Support ............................208-463-2142 Administrative Offices ........................... 208-465-5116
Orders and Applications (Fax) ................. 1-800-766-5133 Servicios en Español (Fax) 1-800-766-5133 Services en Français (Fax) 1-866-263-1360 (Fax) 1-800-766-5133 International Support (Fax) ..................... 208-463-2689
AIM USA 3923 E. Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687-3100 Phone 208-463-2142 Toll-Free 800-456-2462 Fax 208-463-2189
AIM Canada Office
390 - 2025 42 Ave W Vancouver, BC V6M 2B5 Phone 604-263-8497 Toll-Free 888-343-9977 Fax 604-263-8455
Distribution Centre
158 - 5255 McCall Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J5
AIM South Africa
P.O. Box 1087 Florida 1710 Phone 27-11-675-0477 Fax 27-11-675-0427
AIM United Kingdom
Within the UK: Phone (020) 7089 2640 Fax (020) 7089 2641 From outside the UK: Phone +44 20 7089 2640 Fax +44 20 7089 2641
AIM Australia
P.O. Box 3081 Nunawading Victoria 3131 Phone 1300-880-908 Fax 1300-880-918
From Outside Australia: Phone 61-3-9874-8311 Fax 61-3-9874-7402
AIM New Zealand
Within Auckland: Phone 64-9-537-5809 Fax 64-9-537-5904 From Outside Auckland: Phone 0800-480-333 Fax 0800-480-555