Nurturing Health nutrition that works
May – June 2020 • Volume 10 Edition 3
Adjusting Your Nutritional Intake For Your Age Our nutrient requirements change as we age. During our college years, eating a package of Oreos would give us a night-long energy boost while studying for mid-terms; however, in our 40s when we eat the same number of cookies while watching TV after dinner, our blood sugar or cholesterol may spike to alarming levels. Our nutritional needs shift with each passing decade, partly because of changing hormone levels and adapting to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Tailoring our food and supplement intakes to match nutritional needs is important to maintain our
brain function, strengthen our immune systems, protect our cells from free radical damage, preserve our vision and prevent the loss of bone, muscle and other vital tissue. The AIM Daily Essentials – greens, essential fatty acids (EFAs), and fibre – provide a strong and wholesome nutritional foundation for all ages. With a solid foundation, you can further support good health by adding one or more AIM supplements as the years pass. We have compiled a guide that will help meet your daily needs for key nutrients throughout the decades.
Goal: Build and reserve essential nutrients
Goal: Keep the body in good shape
Key nutrients you need: • Calcium & Magnesium – maintains daily calcium requirements (min. 1000 mg) to help bones reach their peak strength that may prevent fractures later in life.
Key nutrients you need: • Protein – helps keep you full and helps maintain muscle mass and boosts metabolism to slow down the onset of muscle loss and weight gain due to decline in metabolism
AIM product support: • CalciAIM
AIM product support: • ProPeas
Goal: Anti-aging
50s and beyond Goal: Target nutrition and maintain mental clarity
Key nutrients you need: • Antioxidants – effective antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, grape seed, green tea, zinc, lycopene, alpha-lipoic acids, combat free radical damage, which is linked to contribute to aging and poor health
Key nutrients you need: • Calcium – compensates bone loss • Chromium – boosts metabolism and maintains healthy blood sugar levels • Co-Q10 – an antioxidant that targets cardiovascular health • Ginkgo leaf – improves circulation to the extremities, so more nutrients and oxygen reach the brain
AIM product support: • Proancynol 2000 • Just Carrots
AIM product support: • CalciAIM • GlucoChrom • CellSparc 360 • GinkgoSense
All adults
Goal: Maintain strong nutritional foundation Key nutrients you need: • Greens – contains phytonutrients that provide active enzymes and antioxidants that activate metabolism, strengthen the immune system and promote overall good health • Omega-3 & -6 – EFAs supply key components for hormone production and balance • Fibre – aids digestion and promotes regular bowel movements, essential for a healthy digestive system AIM product support: • BarleyLife, BarleyLife Xtra, LeafGreens or Cocoa LeafGreens • AIMega • Herbal Fiberblend (for additional detoxification benefits), Fit ‘n Fiber
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Eat Your Way to a Stronger The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted lives around the world since the beginning of the year. Public health officials emphasized washing hands, engaging in physical distancing and avoiding social gatherings as effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus. However, they have not given any advice to prevent you from catching it. To date, the Canadian government has not approved any product to prevent or treat the virus. Your immune system is still your reliable, inner armour that fights off invaders. While there is no evidence that a particular supplement can boost your immune response, there are actions that you can take to support and sustain a healthy immune system.
Eat More Green Leafy Vegetables
The rich colour in leafy greens comes from chlorophyll, which is structurally comparable to hemoglobin, making greens a natural blood-building food. And these veggies contain phytonutrients with components that are vital to a fully functioning immune system. Jessica Grayson, M.D., assistant professor, Department of Otolaryngology in the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said certain “foods that contain indole-3-carbinols have been found to reduce the number of viral infections—while this hasn’t been specifically tested in coronavirus, the prevention of any viral illnesses that may weaken your immune system is and will be important.” Grayson added “these foods include leafy greens like kale, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, etc.” Getting fresh produce may be a challenge during the health crisis. Increasing your intake of BarleyLife and LeafGreens provides additional phytonutrients, including enzymes and antioxidants that can help ramp up your immune health.
Take Your Supplements
Natural supplements such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and probiotics play important roles in filling the nutritional gap when there is a shortage of high-quality nutrition. Natural supplements can help to manage weight, stabilize your internal pH, balance hormone levels and strengthen your gut health – all helping to boost your immune system. 2
Immune System
Your best choice for immune support would be: FloraFood (probiotics) and Fit ‘n Fiber (prebiotics) – a balanced gut microbe environment is essential for digestive and immune health Proancynol 2000 (antioxidants) and AIMega (EFAs) – protect your cells from free radical damage and prevent chronic inflammation
Lower Your Alcohol Intake
A new poll has found that Canadians consumed more alcohol since the start of the pandemic outbreak. Spending more time at home, along with the anxious feelings about the health crisis, can lead people to drink more than they normally would. Alcohol interferes with the lining of the gut barrier, which increases the risk of bacteria entering the bloodstream. By lowering your alcohol intake, you give your gut microbes time for stabilizing and interacting with the immune system. Drink water instead of alcoholic beverages. Water can aid the flushing of toxins from the body and the delivery of oxygen to cells, helping them function properly. Mix Peak Endurance with water to make a hypotonic beverage. This tasty drink hydrates your body while providing B vitamins and electrolytes and Peak ATP® for more energy.
Keep Symptoms of Chronic Conditions under Control
Chronic conditions such as high blood glucose can affect the immune system and increase the risk of infection. When a person with type 2 diabetes does not manage his or her blood sugar levels properly, it can create chronic inflammation, which will weaken the immune system. If you manage your chronic conditions better, you will be able to free up more reserves to help your body fight off any infection. Stay on top with a healthy lifestyle and proper supplementation to keep your symptoms at bay; your immune system will thank you. To support healthy blood sugar and cardiovascular health, take GlucoChrom and CellSparc 360. For other targeted nutrition, visit References:
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A Traveller’s Experience Shared by Matt Lau, AIM graphic designer, Vancouver, BC On 26th February, my travel companion and I embarked—with some trepidation—on a holiday to the United Kingdom and Iceland. As the news coverage and seriousness of the coronavirus increased, we had repeatedly considered cancelling the trip; however, at that time, the epidemic seemed to be largely focused in east Asia, and many people advised us that we wouldn’t be at any greater risk travelling in Europe as we would be at staying home in Vancouver. Although this advice may seem risible in hindsight, it made sense to us. Since our airline tickets, train passes and most of our prepaid accommodation for the two weeks were non-refundable, the desire to buy into it was made all the easier. Even so, we were both determined to mitigate any potential risks. As early as January, I had ordered a small package of face masks, antibacterial wipes, and a little container of hand sanitizer as possible precautions, having no idea what a scarce commodity they would soon become and thinking that I could always pick up more if we needed. Little did we know that barely a month later, they would have been stripped off the shop shelves and appearing online at five to ten times their usual prices. As for stocking up sensibly on toilet paper, please don’t ask! I have always been extremely careful to stay fully stocked with my extensive range of AIM essential supplements. Our usual daily regimen of AIM products includes BarleyLife (I can’t imagine starting a day without it!), Proancynol 2000, AIMega, CellSparc 360, GinkgoSense, Frame Essentials, PrepZymes, FloraFood, and GlucoChrom for our immune systems, hearts, eyes, brains, joints, guts and the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Whilst still in Vancouver, I regularly saw people wearing masks and being much more careful of their proximity to other people and of what they were touching. The dual mantra of washing your hands for at least 30 seconds as regularly as possible and don’t touch your face were just starting to take hold. Both of us were familiar with this new term, “social distancing” then. I assumed that we would meet this careful approach throughout these European travels, but to a large extent, this turned out to be not the case. When we boarded the plane, I immediately realised that in the closely packed cabin, we were one of perhaps two or three passengers wearing a mask. The rest seemed completely Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.
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oblivious to the potential risks they were subjecting themselves and others to. Before sitting down, we began the first of an oftrepeated ritual of wiping down every surface we might possibly touch with antibacterial wipes – seats, headrests, table trays, arm rests, touch screens, wall and window areas that we might lean against. Indeed, throughout the trip during which dozens of hours would be spent aboard planes, trains, buses, metro systems, and taxis, we never failed to ensure that our immediate environment was sanitized and kept our distance from other people. Crucially, I always had my trusty supply of AIM products to support our immune systems. Every morning, I added RediBeets to BarleyLife to boost body levels of nitric oxide, providing powerful antioxidants such as betacyanin that can prevent free radical formation. (As well, the two make a delicious combination!) Peak Endurance for that invigorating boost of body energy was another post-breakfast must. In the afternoon and at night, we added servings of Proancynol 2000, AIMega, PrepZymes and FloraFood. Upon returning to Canada, we each self-isolated for fifteen days. Even though we believe that there were several situations where we might have been in close contact with asymptomatic carriers, we did not contract any illness during or after travelling. Neither of us can help feeling that the increased hygienic measures and distancing behaviours, helped both of us to stay well and strong and – up to this moment – completely free of any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19. We were also happy to be taking our AIM products all along the way. Nurturing Health • May - June 2020
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Rebranded Canadian Labels
Did you know?
Higher Sugar Intake Correlates to Lower Vitamin Intake New findings from Lund University in Sweden show that the more sugar we eat, the fewer vitamins and minerals we consume. Researchers examined the relationship between added sugar—sugar added to food and beverages during processing—and micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) intake. They estimated the added sugar intake for each participant by totalling the intake of simple sugars from the whole diet and then subtracting the amount of sugars from fruits and vegetables (the main sources of naturally occurring sugars). Then, they compared the results with the intake of nine micronutrients (calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc). Researchers observed an inverse association between the intake of added sugar and the daily intake of the micronutrients. The more added sugar the participants consumed, the lower the intake of vitamins and minerals. Eating too much sugar can induce deficiencies even when our overall micronutrient intake appears to be adequate. Eat clean, stay away from highly processed foods and take good quality natural health products that help us stay stronger longer. Reference: Study: Higher sugar intake correlates to lower vitamin intake (Feb 14, 2020) retrieved from
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Holiday Closure
AIM Canada Vancouver office and Calgary warehouse will be closed Monday, May 18, 2020 for Victoria Day. 4
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